Register: STASH codes



Storage handling & diagnostic system (STASH) records, as used in STASHmaster

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changed on 10 Jul 2019 14:36:30.765
submitted bymarqh (admin)

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description Storage handling & diagnostic system (STASH) records, as used in STASHmaster
label STASH codes
modified 6 Sep 2019 13:05:36.115
note Storage handling & diagnostic system (STASH) records, as used in STASHmaster
pref label STASH codes
type Container | Collection | Register
version info 7001
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Name Notation Description Types Status
PSTAR AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i001 Stash , Concept stable
U COMPNT OF WIND AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i002 Concept , Stash stable
V COMPNT OF WIND AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i003 Concept , Stash stable
THETA AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i004 Concept , Stash stable
OROGRAPHIC GRADIENT X COMPONENT m01s00i005 Stash , Concept stable
OROGRAPHIC GRADIENT Y COMPONENT m01s00i006 Stash , Concept stable
UNFILTERED OROGRAPHY m01s00i007 Concept , Stash stable
SOIL BULK DENSITY KG/M3 (retd) m01s00i008 Concept , Stash stable
SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT IN A LAYER m01s00i009 Concept , Stash stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i010 Concept , Stash stable
QT IN THE EXTERNAL DUMP m01s00i011 Stash , Concept stable
QCF AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i012 Concept , Stash stable
CONV CLOUD AMOUNT AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i013 Concept , Stash stable
CONV CLOUD BASE LEVEL NO. AFTER TS m01s00i014 Stash , Concept stable
CONV CLOUD TOP LEVEL NO. AFTER TS m01s00i015 Stash , Concept stable
CONV CLOUD LIQUID WATER PATH m01s00i016 Concept , Stash stable
SILHOUETTE OROGRAPHIC ROUGHNESS m01s00i017 Concept , Stash stable
HALF OF (PEAK TO TROUGH HT OF OROG) m01s00i018 Concept , Stash stable
DEEP SOIL TEMP AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i020 Concept , Stash stable
CCRad : Lowest conv. cld base layer m01s00i021 Concept , Stash stable
CANOPY WATER AFTER TIMESTEP KG/M2 m01s00i022 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW AMOUNT OVER LAND AFT TSTP KG/M2 m01s00i023 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE TEMPERATURE AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i024 Stash , Concept stable
BOUNDARY LAYER DEPTH AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i025 Concept , Stash stable
ROUGHNESS LENGTH AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i026 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW EDGE AFTER TIMESTEP (retf) m01s00i027 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE ZONAL CURRENT AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i028 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE MERID CURRENT AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i029 Stash , Concept stable
LAND MASK (No halo) (LAND=TRUE) m01s00i030 Stash , Concept stable
FRAC OF SEA ICE IN SEA AFTER TSTEP m01s00i031 Concept , Stash stable
SEA ICE DEPTH (MEAN OVER ICE) M m01s00i032 Stash , Concept stable
OROGRAPHY (/STRAT LOWER BC) m01s00i033 Concept , Stash stable
STANDARD DEVIATION OF OROGRAPHY m01s00i034 Concept , Stash stable
OROGRAPHIC GRADIENT XX COMPONENT m01s00i035 Concept , Stash stable
OROGRAPHIC GRADIENT XY COMPONENT m01s00i036 Stash , Concept stable
OROGRAPHIC GRADIENT YY COMPONENT m01s00i037 Stash , Concept stable
ICE EDGE IN THE ANCILLARY FILE ONLY m01s00i038 Stash , Concept stable
SST ANOMALY m01s00i039 Stash , Concept stable
VOL SMC AT WILTING AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i040 Stash , Concept stable
VOL SMC AT CRIT PT AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i041 Concept , Stash stable
VOL SMC AT FIELD CAP AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i042 Stash , Concept stable
VOL SMC AT SATURATION AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i043 Stash , Concept stable
SAT SOIL CONDUCTIVITY AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i044 Stash , Concept stable
EAGLESONS EXPONENT AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i045 Stash , Concept stable
THERMAL CAPACITY AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i046 Stash , Concept stable
THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i047 Stash , Concept stable
SATURATED SOIL WATER SUCTION m01s00i048 Stash , Concept stable
SEA-ICE TEMPERATURE AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i049 Stash , Concept stable
VEGETATION FRACTION AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i050 Stash , Concept stable
ROOT DEPTH AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i051 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW-FREE SURFACE ALBEDO AFTER TS m01s00i052 Stash , Concept stable
DEEP SNOW SURFACE ALBEDO AFTER TS m01s00i053 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE RESISTANCE TO EVAP AFTER TS m01s00i054 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE CAPACITY AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i055 Stash , Concept stable
INFILTRATION FACTOR AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i056 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL AEROSOL EMISSIONS (FOR VIS) m01s00i057 Stash , Concept stable
SULPHUR DIOXIDE EMISSIONS m01s00i058 Concept , Stash stable
DIMETHYL SULPHIDE EMISSIONS (ANCIL) m01s00i059 Stash , Concept stable
OZONE ** m01s00i060 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 1 (CONVEN O3 )AFTER TS m01s00i061 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 2 (CONVEN H2O )AFTER TS m01s00i062 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 3 (CONVEN CO )AFTER TS m01s00i063 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 4 (CONVEN CH4 )AFTER TS m01s00i064 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 5 (CONVEN N2O )AFTER TS m01s00i065 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 6 (CONVEN NO )AFTER TS m01s00i066 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 7 (CONVEN NO2 )AFTER TS m01s00i067 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 8 (CONVEN HNO3 )AFTER TS m01s00i068 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 9 (CONVEN N2O5 )AFTER TS m01s00i069 Concept , Stash stable
TURBULENT KINETIC ENERGY m01s00i070 Stash , Concept stable
SELF COVARIANCE OF THETAL m01s00i071 Stash , Concept stable
SELF COVARIANCE OF QW m01s00i072 Stash , Concept stable
CORRELATION OF THETAL AND QW m01s00i073 Concept , Stash stable
HEIGHT OF MIXED LAYER FOR SHCU BUOY m01s00i074 Stash , Concept stable
CLOUD NUMBER AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i075 Stash , Concept stable
RAIN NUMBER AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i076 Concept , Stash stable
RAIN THIRD MOMENT AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i077 Stash , Concept stable
ICE NUMBER AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i078 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW NUMBER AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i079 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW THIRD MOMENT AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i080 Stash , Concept stable
GRAUPEL NUMBER AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i081 Stash , Concept stable
GRAUPEL THIRD MOMENT AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i082 Concept , Stash stable
ACTSOLLIQ AEROSOL AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i083 Stash , Concept stable
ACTSOLRAIN AEROSOL AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i084 Stash , Concept stable
ACTINSOLICE AEROSOL AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i085 Stash , Concept stable
ACTSOLICE AEROSOL AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i086 Stash , Concept stable
ACTINSOLLIQUID AERO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i087 Stash , Concept stable
ACTSOLNUMBER AERO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i088 Stash , Concept stable
ACTINSOLNUMBER AER0 AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i089 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL AEROSOL (FOR VISIBILITY) m01s00i090 Concept , Stash stable
LIGHTNING POTENTIAL m01s00i091 Stash , Concept stable
RUNOFF COASTAL OUTFLOW POINT m01s00i093 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW AMOUNT OVR SEAICE AFT TS KG/M2 m01s00i095 Stash , Concept stable
OCEAN NR. SURFACE CHLOROPHYLL(KGM-3) m01s00i096 Concept , Stash stable
BARE SOIL MOMENTUM ROUGHNESS LENGTH m01s00i097 Concept , Stash stable
LOWER BOUNDARY TEND (retd) m01s00i098 Stash , Concept stable
BDY LYR W-VARIANCE FOR MIXED PHASE m01s00i099 Concept , Stash stable
O3 MEAN MASS MIXING RATIO (STOCHEM) m01s00i100 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s00i101 Concept , Stash stable
DIMETHYL SULPHIDE MIX RAT AFTER TS m01s00i102 Concept , Stash stable
SO4 AITKEN MODE AEROSOL AFTER TSTEP m01s00i103 Concept , Stash stable
SO4 ACCUM. MODE AEROSOL AFTER TSTEP m01s00i104 Concept , Stash stable
SO4 DISSOLVED AEROSOL AFTER TSTEP m01s00i105 Stash , Concept stable
H2O2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s00i106 Stash , Concept stable
NH3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s00i107 Stash , Concept stable
FRESH SOOT MASS MIX RAT AFTER TSTEP m01s00i108 Concept , Stash stable
AGED SOOT MASS MIX RAT AFTER TSTEP m01s00i109 Stash , Concept stable
CLOUD SOOT MASS MIX RAT AFTER TSTEP m01s00i110 Concept , Stash stable
FRESH BIOMASS SMOKE AFTER TSTEP m01s00i111 Concept , Stash stable
AGED BIOMASS SMOKE AFTER TSTEP m01s00i112 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD BIOMASS SMOKE AFTER TSTEP m01s00i113 Stash , Concept stable
FRESH OCFF MASS MIX RAT AFTER TSTEP m01s00i114 Concept , Stash stable
AGED OCFF MASS MIX RAT AFTER TSTEP m01s00i115 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD OCFF MASS MIX RAT AFTER TSTEP m01s00i116 Stash , Concept stable
ACC NITR MASS MIX RAT AFTER TSTEP m01s00i117 Stash , Concept stable
DISS NITR MASS MIX RAT AFTER TSTEP m01s00i118 Concept , Stash stable
3D NATURAL SO2 EMISSIONS KG/M2/S m01s00i121 Concept , Stash stable
3D OH CONCENTRATIONS IN MCULES/CC m01s00i122 Concept , Stash stable
3D HO2 CONCENTRATIONS IN MCULES/CC m01s00i123 Concept , Stash stable
3D H2O2 MIX RATIO LIMIT FIELD m01s00i124 Concept , Stash stable
3D OZONE MIX RAT FOR SULPHUR CYCLE m01s00i125 Concept , Stash stable
HIGH LEVEL SO2 EMISSIONS KG/M2/S m01s00i126 Concept , Stash stable
AMMONIA GAS EMISSIONS KG/M2/S m01s00i127 Concept , Stash stable
FRESH SOOT SURF EMISS KG/M2/S m01s00i128 Concept , Stash stable
FRESH SOOT HI LEV EMISS KG/M2/S m01s00i129 Concept , Stash stable
FRESH BIOMASS SURF EMISS KG/M2/S m01s00i130 Stash , Concept stable
FRESH BIOMASS HI LEV EMISS KG/M2/S m01s00i131 Stash , Concept stable
DMS CONCENTRATION IN SEAWATER m01s00i132 Stash , Concept stable
DMS OCEAN FLUX KG[S]/M**2/S m01s00i133 Concept , Stash stable
FRESH OCFF SURF EMISS KG/M2/S m01s00i134 Concept , Stash stable
FRESH OCFF HI LEV EMISS KG/M2/S m01s00i135 Concept , Stash stable
W COMPNT OF WIND AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i150 Concept , Stash stable
RIVER SEQUENCE m01s00i151 Stash , Concept stable
RIVER DIRECTION m01s00i152 Stash , Concept stable
RIVER WATER STORAGE M2 m01s00i153 Stash , Concept stable
RIVER OUTFLOW INDEX m01s00i154 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUMULATED SURFACE RUNOFF KG/M2 m01s00i155 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUMULATED SUB-SURFACE RUNOFF KG/M2 m01s00i156 Concept , Stash stable
GRIDBOX AREAS M2 m01s00i157 Concept , Stash stable
AREA DRAINING (INTEGER) PIXELS m01s00i160 Stash , Concept stable
SLOPE % m01s00i161 Stash , Concept stable
INITIAL FLOW VALUES M3/S m01s00i162 Stash , Concept stable
X-COORDINATE OF OUTFLOW PIXEL m01s00i163 Concept , Stash stable
Y-COORDINATE OF OUTFLOW PIXEL m01s00i164 Stash , Concept stable
LAND-TYPE (RIVER/LAND/SEA) m01s00i165 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE STORAGE MM m01s00i166 Stash , Concept stable
SUB-SURFACE STORAGE MM m01s00i167 Concept , Stash stable
ACC. SURFACE INFLOW TO A PIXEL MM m01s00i168 Concept , Stash stable
ACC. SUB-SURFACE INFLOW TO PIXEL MM m01s00i169 Concept , Stash stable
NET DN SW RAD FLUX:OPEN SEA: CPL m01s00i171 Concept , Stash stable
NET DWN SFC SW FLUX BLW 690NM: CPL m01s00i172 Concept , Stash stable
NET DOWN SURFACE LW RAD FLUX: CPL m01s00i173 Concept , Stash stable
NET DN LW RAD FLUX:OPEN SEA: CPL m01s00i174 Concept , Stash stable
X-COMP SURF & BL WIND STR: CPL N/M2 m01s00i176 Stash , Concept stable
Y-COMP SURF & BL WIND STRL CPL N/M2 m01s00i177 Stash , Concept stable
WIND MIX ENGY FL TO SEA: CPL W/M2 m01s00i178 Concept , Stash stable
SFC SH FLX FROM OPEN SEA: CPL W/M2 m01s00i179 Concept , Stash stable
SUBLIM. SURFACE (GBM): CPL KG/M2/S m01s00i180 Concept , Stash stable
EVAP FROM OPEN SEA: CPL KG/M2/S m01s00i181 Concept , Stash stable
Heat flx through sea ice (W/m2): CPL m01s00i184 Concept , Stash stable
Heat flx in sea ice surface mlt: CPL m01s00i185 Concept , Stash stable
LARGE SCALE RAIN RATE: CPL KG/M2/S m01s00i186 Concept , Stash stable
LARGE SCALE SNOW RATE: CPL KG/M2/S m01s00i187 Concept , Stash stable
CONVECTIVE RAIN RATE: CPL KG/M2/S m01s00i188 Stash , Concept stable
CONVECTIVE SNOW RATE: CPL KG/M2/S m01s00i189 Concept , Stash stable
ICEBERG CALVING FIELD: CPL KG/M2/S m01s00i190 Concept , Stash stable
10 METRE WIND SPEED ON C GRID: CPL m01s00i191 Concept , Stash stable
River Runoff: CPL m01s00i192 Concept , Stash stable
PSTAR PERTURBATION- DUMMY (retd) m01s00i201 Concept , Stash stable
U COMPNT PERTURBATION- DUMMY (ret) m01s00i202 Concept , Stash stable
V COMPNT PERTURBATION- DUMMY (ret) m01s00i203 Stash , Concept stable
THETA PERTURBATION- DUMMY (ret) m01s00i204 Stash , Concept stable
FRACTIONAL LAND COVER (retd) m01s00i205 Stash , Concept stable
VAN GENUCHTEN "B" PARAMETER m01s00i206 Stash , Concept stable
CLAPP-HORNBERGER "B" COEFFICIENT m01s00i207 Concept , Stash stable
LEAF AREA INDEX OF VEG FRACTION m01s00i208 Stash , Concept stable
CANOPY HEIGHT OF VEGETATED FRACTION m01s00i209 Stash , Concept stable
CCA WITH ANVIL AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i211 Stash , Concept stable
CCRad : CCW passed to radiation m01s00i212 Concept , Stash stable
CANOPY CONDUCTANCE AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i213 Concept , Stash stable
UNFROZEN SOIL MOISTURE FRAC AFTER TS m01s00i214 Stash , Concept stable
FROZEN SOIL MOISTURE FRAC AFTER TS m01s00i215 Concept , Stash stable
FRACTIONS OF SURFACE TYPES m01s00i216 Concept , Stash stable
LEAF AREA INDEX OF PLANT FUNC TYPES m01s00i217 Concept , Stash stable
CANOPY HEIGHT OF PLANT FUNC TYPES M m01s00i218 Concept , Stash stable
DISTURBED FRACTION OF VEGETATION m01s00i219 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW-FREE ALBEDO OF SOIL m01s00i220 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW SOOT CONTENT m01s00i221 Stash , Concept stable
NET ENERGY CHANGE THIS PERIOD J/M**2 m01s00i222 Stash , Concept stable
SOIL CARBON CONTENT KG C / M2 m01s00i223 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUMULATED NPP ON PFTS m01s00i224 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUMULATED LEAF TURNOVER RATE PFTS m01s00i225 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUMULATED PHENOL LEAF TRNVR PFTS m01s00i226 Concept , Stash stable
ACCUMULATED WOOD RESPIRATION PFTS m01s00i227 Concept , Stash stable
ACCUMULATED SOIL RESPIRATION m01s00i228 Concept , Stash stable
CANOPY WATER ON TILES KG/M2 m01s00i229 Concept , Stash stable
CANOPY CAPACITY ON TILES KG/M2 m01s00i230 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW GRAIN SIZE ON TILES MICRONS m01s00i231 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW TEMPERATURE K m01s00i232 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE TEMPERATURE ON TILES K m01s00i233 Stash , Concept stable
ROUGHNESS LENGTH ON TILES M m01s00i234 Stash , Concept stable
NET MOISTURE FLUX IN PERIOD KG/M**2 m01s00i235 Stash , Concept stable
TILE MODIFIED INFILTRATION RATE m01s00i236 Stash , Concept stable
DOWNWARD SW RADIATION ON TILES W/M2 m01s00i237 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE DOWNWARD LW RADIATION W/M2 m01s00i238 Concept , Stash stable
TOA - SURF UPWARD LW RADIATION W/M2 m01s00i239 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW AMOUNT ON TILES KG/M2 m01s00i240 Stash , Concept stable
CANOPY SNOW CAPACITY KG/M2 m01s00i241 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW BENEATH CANOPY KG/M2 m01s00i242 Stash , Concept stable
OBS/CLIM SNOW-FREE SURF SW ALBEDO m01s00i243 Stash , Concept stable
OBS/CLIM SNOW-FREE SURF VIS ALBEDO m01s00i244 Stash , Concept stable
OBS/CLIM SNOW-FREE SURF NIR ALBEDO m01s00i245 Stash , Concept stable
THERMAL ROUGHNESS LENGTH ON TILES M m01s00i246 Stash , Concept stable
CO2 OCEAN FLUX KG/M**2/S m01s00i250 Concept , Stash stable
CO2 SURFACE EMISSIONS KG/M**2/S m01s00i251 Stash , Concept stable
CO2 3D TRACER MASS MIXING RATIO m01s00i252 Stash , Concept stable
DENSITY*R*R AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i253 Stash , Concept stable
QCL AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i254 Stash , Concept stable
EXNER PRESSURE (RHO) AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i255 Stash , Concept stable
ADVECTED U CMPT OF WIND AFTER TS m01s00i256 Stash , Concept stable
ADVECTED V CMPT OF WIND AFTER TS m01s00i257 Stash , Concept stable
ADVECTED W CMPT OF WIND AFTER TS m01s00i258 Stash , Concept stable
NUMBER OF TURBULENT MIXING LEVELS m01s00i259 Concept , Stash stable
LEVEL OF BASE OF DEEP STRATOCUMULUS m01s00i260 Stash , Concept stable
LEVEL OF TOP OF DEEP STRATOCUMULUS m01s00i261 Stash , Concept stable
BOUNDARY LAYER CONVECTION FLAG m01s00i262 Stash , Concept stable
SD TURBULENT FLUC LAYER1 TEMP m01s00i263 Concept , Stash stable
SD TURBULENT FLUC LAYER1 HUMIDITY m01s00i264 Concept , Stash stable
AREA CLOUD FRACTION IN EACH LAYER m01s00i265 Concept , Stash stable
BULK CLOUD FRACTION IN EACH LAYER m01s00i266 Stash , Concept stable
LIQUID CLOUD FRACTION IN EACH LAYER m01s00i267 Concept , Stash stable
FROZEN CLOUD FRACTION IN EACH LAYER m01s00i268 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE ZONAL CURRENT AFTER TS PGRID m01s00i269 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE MERID CURRENT AFTER TS PGRID m01s00i270 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD ICE (CRYSTALS) AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i271 Stash , Concept stable
RAIN AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i272 Stash , Concept stable
GRAUPEL AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i273 Concept , Stash stable
MEAN TOPOGRAPHIC INDEX m01s00i274 Stash , Concept stable
STANDARD DEVN IN TOPOGRAPHIC INDEX m01s00i275 Concept , Stash stable
EXP DECAY IN SOIL SAT HYD CONDUCTY m01s00i276 Stash , Concept stable
INTEGRATED GAMMA DISTRIBUTION m01s00i277 Concept , Stash stable
MEAN WATER TABLE DEPTH M m01s00i278 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE SATURATION FRACTION m01s00i279 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE WETLAND FRACTION m01s00i280 Concept , Stash stable
SATURATION FRAC IN DEEP LAYER m01s00i281 Stash , Concept stable
A_FSAT HYDROLOGY FITTING PARAMETER m01s00i282 Stash , Concept stable
C_FSAT HYDROLOGY FITTING PARAMETER m01s00i283 Stash , Concept stable
A_FWET HYDROLOGY FITTING PARAMETER m01s00i284 Stash , Concept stable
C_FWET HYDROLOGY FITTING PARAMETER m01s00i285 Stash , Concept stable
PREVIOUS DIST FRAC OF VEGETATION m01s00i286 Stash , Concept stable
FAST TURNOVER WOOD PRODUCT KGC/M2 m01s00i287 Concept , Stash stable
MEDIUM TURNOVER WOOD PRODUCT KGC/M2 m01s00i288 Stash , Concept stable
SLOW TURNOVER WOOD PRODUCT KGC/M2 m01s00i289 Stash , Concept stable
DAILY ACCUMULATED LAKE FLUX KG/M2 m01s00i290 Concept , Stash stable
LAKE DEPTH (M) m01s00i291 Stash , Concept stable
LAKE FETCH (M) m01s00i292 Concept , Stash stable
LAKE MEAN TEMPERATURE (K) m01s00i293 Stash , Concept stable
LAKE MIXED-LAYER TEMPERATURE (K) m01s00i294 Concept , Stash stable
LAKE ICE SURFACE TEMPERATURE (K) m01s00i295 Concept , Stash stable
LAKE MIXED-LAYER DEPTH (M) m01s00i296 Stash , Concept stable
LAKE ICE THICKNESS (M) m01s00i297 Concept , Stash stable
LAKE T PROFILE SHAPE FACTOR m01s00i298 Stash , Concept stable
LAKE GRD HT FLX / DTEMP (W m-2 K-1) m01s00i299 Concept , Stash stable
NOx surf emissions m01s00i301 Concept , Stash stable
CH4 surf emissions m01s00i302 Concept , Stash stable
CO surf emissions m01s00i303 Stash , Concept stable
HCHO surf emissions m01s00i304 Stash , Concept stable
C2H6 surf emissions m01s00i305 Stash , Concept stable
C3H8 surf emissions m01s00i306 Stash , Concept stable
ME2CO surf emissions m01s00i307 Stash , Concept stable
MECHO surf emissions m01s00i308 Stash , Concept stable
Climatological biogenic aerosol mmr m01s00i321 Stash , Concept stable
NOX AIRCRAFT EMS IN KG/S/GRIDCELL m01s00i340 Stash , Concept stable
TROPOPAUSE-BASED OZONE m01s00i341 Stash , Concept stable
DEEP CONVECTIVE FLAG m01s00i342 Stash , Concept stable
PAST CONVECTIVE PRECIP KG/M2/S m01s00i343 Concept , Stash stable
PAST CONVECTIVE DEPTH M m01s00i344 Concept , Stash stable
CCA FROM DEEP CONVECTION m01s00i345 Stash , Concept stable
CCA FROM MID-LEVEL CONVECTION m01s00i346 Concept , Stash stable
CCA FROM SHALLOW CONVECTION m01s00i347 Stash , Concept stable
CLIM BIOGENIC AEROSOL MMR m01s00i351 Stash , Concept stable
CLIM BIOMASS-BURNING (FRESH) MMR m01s00i352 Concept , Stash stable
CLIM BIOMASS-BURNING (AGED) MMR m01s00i353 Concept , Stash stable
CLIM BIOMASS-BURNING (IN-CLOUD) MMR m01s00i354 Concept , Stash stable
CLIM BLACK CARBON (FRESH) MMR m01s00i355 Stash , Concept stable
CLIM BLACK CARBON (AGED) MMR m01s00i356 Concept , Stash stable
CLIM SEA SALT (FILM MODE) NPM3 m01s00i357 Concept , Stash stable
CLIM SEA SALT (JET MODE) NPM3 m01s00i358 Stash , Concept stable
CLIM SULPHATE (ACCUMULATION MODE)MMR m01s00i359 Stash , Concept stable
CLIM SULPHATE (AITKEN MODE) MMR m01s00i360 Stash , Concept stable
CLIM SULPHATE (DISSOLVED) MMR m01s00i361 Concept , Stash stable
CLIM DUST SIZE DIVISION 1 MMR m01s00i362 Concept , Stash stable
CLIM DUST SIZE DIVISION 2 MMR m01s00i363 Concept , Stash stable
CLIM DUST SIZE DIVISION 3 MMR m01s00i364 Concept , Stash stable
CLIM DUST SIZE DIVISION 4 MMR m01s00i365 Stash , Concept stable
CLIM DUST SIZE DIVISION 5 MMR m01s00i366 Concept , Stash stable
CLIM DUST SIZE DIVISION 6 MMR m01s00i367 Concept , Stash stable
CLIM ORG C FOSSIL FUEL (FRESH) MMR m01s00i368 Concept , Stash stable
CLIM ORG C FOSSIL FUEL (AGED) MMR m01s00i369 Concept , Stash stable
CLIM ORG C FOSSIL FUEL (IN-CLOUD)MMR m01s00i370 Stash , Concept stable
CLIM DELTA AEROSOL MMR m01s00i371 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW DEPTH ON GROUND ON TILES (M) m01s00i376 Concept , Stash stable
SNOWPACK BULK DENSITY (KG M-3) m01s00i377 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW ON THE CANOPY (KG M-2) (ret) m01s00i378 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE HEAT FLUX UNDER SNOW (ret) m01s00i379 Stash , Concept stable
NUMBER OF SNOW LAYERS ON TILES m01s00i380 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW LAYER THICKNESSES ON TILES (M) m01s00i381 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW LYR ICE MASS ON TILES(KG M-2) m01s00i382 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW LYR LIQUD MASS ON TILES(KG M-2) m01s00i383 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW LAYER TEMPERATURE ON TILES (K) m01s00i384 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW LAYER DENSITY ON TILES (KG M-3) m01s00i385 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW LYR GRAIN SIZE ON TILES(MICRON) m01s00i386 Concept , Stash stable
ETADOT AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i387 Stash , Concept stable
THETAVD AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i388 Stash , Concept stable
DRY RHO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i389 Stash , Concept stable
PSIW SURFACE AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i390 Stash , Concept stable
VAPOUR MIXING RATIO (mv) AFTER TS m01s00i391 Concept , Stash stable
CLD LIQ MIXING RATIO (mcl) AFTER TS m01s00i392 Concept , Stash stable
CLD ICE MIXING RATIO (mcf) AFTER TS m01s00i393 Stash , Concept stable
RAIN MIXING RATIO (mr) AFTER TS m01s00i394 Concept , Stash stable
GRAUPEL MIXING RATIO (mg) AFTER TS m01s00i395 Concept , Stash stable
ICE CRY MIXING RAT. (mcf2) AFTER TS m01s00i396 Concept , Stash stable
PSIW LID AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i397 Concept , Stash stable
EXNER SURF AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i398 Concept , Stash stable
P_EXNER IN D1 FOR ADDRESSING ONLY m01s00i401 Concept , Stash stable
QCL IN D1 FOR ADDRESSING ONLY m01s00i402 Concept , Stash stable
QCF IN D1 FOR ADDRESSING ONLY m01s00i403 Concept , Stash stable
RHCRIT IN D1 FOR ADDRESSING ONLY m01s00i404 Concept , Stash stable
SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT IN D1 FOR ADD m01s00i405 Stash , Concept stable
EXNER PRESSURE AT THETA LEVELS m01s00i406 Concept , Stash stable
PRESSURE AT RHO LEVELS AFTER TS m01s00i407 Concept , Stash stable
PRESSURE AT THETA LEVELS AFTER TS m01s00i408 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE PRESSURE AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i409 Stash , Concept stable
SW RADIATION INCREMENTS AFTER TS m01s00i410 Stash , Concept stable
LW RADIATION INCREMENTS AFTER TS m01s00i411 Concept , Stash stable
FRACTION OF SURFACE TYPE AFTER TS m01s00i412 Stash , Concept stable
Sea ice concentration by categories m01s00i413 Concept , Stash stable
Sea ice thickness GBM by categories m01s00i414 Concept , Stash stable
Sea ice top layer T by categories(K) m01s00i415 Stash , Concept stable
Sea ice snow depth by categories m01s00i416 Concept , Stash stable
Dust parent soil clay fraction (anc) m01s00i418 Concept , Stash stable
Dust parent soil silt fraction (anc) m01s00i419 Stash , Concept stable
Dust parent soil sand fraction (anc) m01s00i420 Stash , Concept stable
Dust soil mass fraction div 1 (anc) m01s00i421 Stash , Concept stable
Dust soil mass fraction div 2 (anc) m01s00i422 Stash , Concept stable
Dust soil mass fraction div 3 (anc) m01s00i423 Stash , Concept stable
Dust soil mass fraction div 4 (anc) m01s00i424 Concept , Stash stable
Dust soil mass fraction div 5 (anc) m01s00i425 Concept , Stash stable
Dust soil mass fraction div 6 (anc) m01s00i426 Concept , Stash stable
Dust division 1 mass mixing ratio m01s00i431 Concept , Stash stable
Dust division 2 mass mixing ratio m01s00i432 Stash , Concept stable
Dust division 3 mass mixing ratio m01s00i433 Stash , Concept stable
Dust division 4 mass mixing ratio m01s00i434 Concept , Stash stable
Dust division 5 mass mixing ratio m01s00i435 Concept , Stash stable
Dust division 6 mass mixing ratio m01s00i436 Concept , Stash stable
PAR increments after timestep m01s00i460 Stash , Concept stable
DPM SOIL CARBON POOL KG C / M2 m01s00i466 Stash , Concept stable
RPM SOIL CARBON POOL KG C / M2 m01s00i467 Concept , Stash stable
BIO SOIL CARBON POOL KG C / M2 m01s00i468 Concept , Stash stable
HUM SOIL CARBON POOL KG C / M2 m01s00i469 Concept , Stash stable
ACCUMULATED DPM SOIL RESP m01s00i470 Concept , Stash stable
ACCUMULATED RPM SOIL RESP m01s00i471 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUMULATED BIO SOIL RESP m01s00i472 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUMULATED HUM SOIL RESP m01s00i473 Stash , Concept stable
PROGNOSTIC OZONE TRACER m01s00i480 Stash , Concept stable
CARIOLLE PROD-LOSS (P-L) m01s00i481 Concept , Stash stable
CARIOLLE O3 P-L WRT O3 MIX RATIO m01s00i482 Stash , Concept stable
CARIOLLE O3 VOL MIXING RATIO m01s00i483 Stash , Concept stable
CARIOLLE O3 P-L WRT TEMP m01s00i484 Stash , Concept stable
CARIOLLE O3 CLIM TEMP m01s00i485 Stash , Concept stable
CARIOLLE O3 P-L WRT O3 ABOVE PL m01s00i486 Stash , Concept stable
CARIOLLE O3 COLUMN ABOVE PL m01s00i487 Stash , Concept stable
DECOUPLED SCREEN TEMP ON TILES K m01s00i490 Concept , Stash stable
DECOUPLED SCREEN TEMP ON SEA/ICE K m01s00i491 Concept , Stash stable
TIME SINCE TRANSITION S m01s00i492 Concept , Stash stable
CONVECTIVE DOWNDRAUGHT AT CLD BASE m01s00i493 Stash , Concept stable
URBAN BUILDING HEIGHT m01s00i494 Stash , Concept stable
URBAN HEIGHT TO WIDTH RATIO m01s00i495 Stash , Concept stable
URBAN WIDTH RATIO m01s00i496 Stash , Concept stable
URBAN DISPLACEMENT HEIGHT m01s00i497 Stash , Concept stable
URBAN ZTM m01s00i498 Stash , Concept stable
URBAN WALL ALBEDO m01s00i499 Stash , Concept stable
URBAN ROAD ALBEDO m01s00i500 Concept , Stash stable
URBAN WALL EMISSIVITY m01s00i501 Stash , Concept stable
URBAN ROAD EMISSIVITY m01s00i502 Stash , Concept stable
Land fraction in grid box m01s00i505 Stash , Concept stable
LAND SURFACE TEMP AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i506 Stash , Concept stable
OPEN SEA SURFACE TEMP AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i507 Stash , Concept stable
SEA-ICE SURFACE TEMP AFTER TIMESTEP m01s00i508 Concept , Stash stable
SEA ICE ALBEDO AFTER TS m01s00i509 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN LAND ALBEDO AFTER TS m01s00i510 Concept , Stash stable
INLANDBASINFLOW ATM GRID KG/M2/S m01s00i511 Concept , Stash stable
TEMPERATURE AFTER SW RAD INCREMENTS m01s01i004 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZON ANGLE 1 (N) m01s01i101 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZON ANGLE 2 (NE) m01s01i102 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZON ANGLE 3 (E) m01s01i103 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZON ANGLE 4 (SE) m01s01i104 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZON ANGLE 5 (S) m01s01i105 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZON ANGLE 6 (SW) m01s01i106 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZON ANGLE 7 (W) m01s01i107 Stash , Concept stable
HORIZON ANGLE 8 (NW) m01s01i108 Stash , Concept stable
HORIZON ANGLE 9 (NNE) m01s01i109 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZON ANGLE 10 (ENE) m01s01i110 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZON ANGLE 11 (ESE) m01s01i111 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZON ANGLE 12 (SSE) m01s01i112 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZON ANGLE 13 (SSW) m01s01i113 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZON ANGLE 14 (WSW) m01s01i114 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZON ANGLE 15 (WNW) m01s01i115 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZON ANGLE 16 (NNW) m01s01i116 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE INCR: swrad MINUS LH PC2 m01s01i161 Concept , Stash stable
TEMPERATURE INCR: swrad scheme m01s01i181 Stash , Concept stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY INCR: swrad scheme m01s01i182 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: swrad scheme m01s01i183 Concept , Stash stable
BULK CLOUD VOL INCR: swrad scheme m01s01i192 Concept , Stash stable
LIQUID CLOUD VOL INCR: swrad scheme m01s01i193 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: swrad positive m01s01i194 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: swrad negative m01s01i195 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: swrad positive m01s01i198 Stash , Concept stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: swrad negative m01s01i199 Concept , Stash stable
NET DOWN SURFACE SW FLUX: SW TS ONLY m01s01i201 Stash , Concept stable
NET DOWN SURFACE SW FLUX : CORRECTED m01s01i202 Stash , Concept stable
NET DN SW RAD FLUX:OPEN SEA:SEA MEAN m01s01i203 Concept , Stash stable
NET DOWN SURFACE SW FLUX BELOW 690NM m01s01i204 Concept , Stash stable
OUTGOING SW RAD FLUX (TOA):CORRECTED m01s01i205 Concept , Stash stable
DEEP SNOW SURFACE ALBEDO (ANCILLARY) m01s01i206 Concept , Stash stable
INCOMING SW RAD FLUX (TOA): ALL TSS m01s01i207 Stash , Concept stable
OUTGOING SW RAD FLUX (TOA) m01s01i208 Concept , Stash stable
CLEAR-SKY (II) UPWARD SW FLUX (TOA) m01s01i209 Concept , Stash stable
CLEAR-SKY (II) DOWN SURFACE SW FLUX m01s01i210 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY (II) UP SURFACE SW FLUX m01s01i211 Concept , Stash stable
DIRECT UV FLUX ON LEVELS m01s01i212 Stash , Concept stable
UPWARDS UV FLUX ON LEVELS m01s01i213 Concept , Stash stable
DOWNWARDS UV FLUX ON LEVELS m01s01i214 Concept , Stash stable
DIRECT SURFACE SW FLUX : CORRECTED m01s01i215 Stash , Concept stable
DIFFUSE SURFACE SW FLUX : CORRECTED m01s01i216 Concept , Stash stable
UPWARD SW FLUX ON LEVELS m01s01i217 Stash , Concept stable
DOWNWARD SW FLUX ON LEVELS m01s01i218 Concept , Stash stable
CLEAR-SKY UPWARD SW FLUX ON LEVELS m01s01i219 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY DOWNWARD SW FLUX ON LEVELS m01s01i220 Stash , Concept stable
LAYER CLD LIQ RE * LAYER CLD WEIGHT m01s01i221 Concept , Stash stable
CONV CLD AMT IN SWRAD (MICROPHYSICS) m01s01i222 Concept , Stash stable
LAYER CLOUD WEIGHT FOR MICROPHYSICS m01s01i223 Stash , Concept stable
LAYER CLD LIQUID WATER PATH * WEIGHT m01s01i224 Stash , Concept stable
CONV CLOUD LIQ RE * CONV CLD WEIGHT m01s01i225 Stash , Concept stable
CONV CLOUD WEIGHT FOR MICROPHYSICS m01s01i226 Concept , Stash stable
DIRECT SW FLUX ON LEVELS m01s01i230 Stash , Concept stable
DIFFUSE SW FLUX ON LEVELS m01s01i231 Stash , Concept stable
SW HEATING RATES: ALL TIMESTEPS m01s01i232 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY SW HEATING RATES m01s01i233 Stash , Concept stable
HADCM2 SULPHATE LOADING (KG/M2) m01s01i234 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL DOWNWARD SURFACE SW FLUX m01s01i235 Stash , Concept stable
HADCM2 SULPHATE FORCING (W/M2) m01s01i236 Concept , Stash stable
NET DOWNWARD SW FLUX AT THE TROP. m01s01i237 Concept , Stash stable
UPWARD SW FLUX AT THE TROPOPAUSE m01s01i238 Stash , Concept stable
DROPLET NUMBER CONC * LYR CLOUD WGT m01s01i241 Stash , Concept stable
LAYER CLOUD LWC * LAYER CLOUD WEIGHT m01s01i242 Concept , Stash stable
SO4 CCN KG/M3 * COND SAMPLING WEIGHT m01s01i243 Stash , Concept stable
CONDITIONAL SAMPLING WEIGHT m01s01i244 Stash , Concept stable
2-D RE DISTRIBUTION * 2-D RE WEIGHT m01s01i245 Stash , Concept stable
WEIGHT FOR 2-D RE DISTRIBUTION m01s01i246 Stash , Concept stable
FILM-MODE SEA-SALT AEROSOL NUMBER m01s01i247 Concept , Stash stable
JET-MODE SEA-SALT AEROSOL NUMBER m01s01i248 Concept , Stash stable
2-D RE * WEIGHT - WARM CLOUDS ONLY m01s01i254 Stash , Concept stable
WEIGHT FOR WARM CLOUD 2-D RE m01s01i255 Stash , Concept stable
NET DOWN SW FLUX: LAND m01s01i257 Stash , Concept stable
NET DN SW FLX:SEAICE:SEA MEAN m01s01i258 Concept , Stash stable
NET DN SW SOLID SFC FLUX BELOW 690NM m01s01i259 Concept , Stash stable
NET DN SW O SEA FLX BLW 690NM:SEA MN m01s01i260 Concept , Stash stable
WEIGHTED SW CLOUD EXTINCTION m01s01i262 Stash , Concept stable
WEIGHTS FOR CLOUD SW EXTINCTION m01s01i263 Stash , Concept stable
WEIGHTED SW LAYER CLOUD EXTINCTION m01s01i264 Stash , Concept stable
WEIGHTS FOR LAYER CLD SW EXTINCTION m01s01i265 Stash , Concept stable
WEIGHTED SW CONV. CLOUD EXTINCTION m01s01i266 Stash , Concept stable
WEIGHTS FOR CONV.CLD SW EXTINCTION m01s01i267 Stash , Concept stable
DIRECT SURFACE ALBEDO ON SW BANDS m01s01i268 Stash , Concept stable
DIFFUSE SURFACE ALBEDO ON SW BANDS m01s01i269 Concept , Stash stable
VIS ALBEDO SCALING TO OBS ON TILES m01s01i270 Concept , Stash stable
NIR ALBEDO SCALING TO OBS ON TILES m01s01i271 Stash , Concept stable
COLUMN-INTEGRATED Nd * SAMP. WEIGHT m01s01i280 Concept , Stash stable
SAMP. WEIGHT FOR COL. INT. Nd m01s01i281 Concept , Stash stable
DOWNWARD SURFACE UV FLUX m01s01i288 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY DOWNWARD SURFACE UV FLUX m01s01i289 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL DOWNWARD PAR FLUX AT SURFACE m01s01i290 Concept , Stash stable
DIRECT COMPONENT OF SURF PAR FLUX m01s01i291 Concept , Stash stable
MEAN SOLAR BEARING OVER RAD TS m01s01i292 Concept , Stash stable
SLOPE ASPECT m01s01i293 Concept , Stash stable
SLOPE ANGLE m01s01i294 Stash , Concept stable
OROG CORR FACTOR TO DIRECT SURF SW m01s01i295 Stash , Concept stable
EXTRA SW SURF FLUX AFTER OROG CORR m01s01i296 Stash , Concept stable
OUTGOING SW RAD FORC(TOA) (retd) m01s01i408 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY (II) UPWARD SW FORC.(ret) m01s01i409 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY(II)DOWN SURF SW FORC (ret) m01s01i410 Concept , Stash stable
CLEAR-SKY (II) UP SURF SW FORC (ret) m01s01i411 Concept , Stash stable
UPWARD SW FLUX ON LEVELS W/ FORCING m01s01i417 Stash , Concept stable
DOWNWARD SW FLUX ON LEVELS W/ FORC m01s01i418 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY UP SW ON LEVELS W/ FORCING m01s01i419 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY DOWN SW ON LEVELS W/ FORC m01s01i420 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY SW HEATING RATES W/ FORC m01s01i433 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL DOWNWARD SURF SW FORCING (ret) m01s01i435 Concept , Stash stable
NET DOWNWARD SW AT TROP. W/ FORCING m01s01i437 Stash , Concept stable
UPWARD SW AT TROPOPAUSE W/ FORCING m01s01i438 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE AFTER LW RAD INCREMENTS m01s02i004 Stash , Concept stable
SKYVIEW FACTOR m01s02i101 Concept , Stash stable
TEMPERATURE INCR: lwrad MINUS LH PC2 m01s02i161 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE INCR: lwrad scheme m01s02i181 Stash , Concept stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY INCR: lwrad scheme m01s02i182 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: lwrad scheme m01s02i183 Stash , Concept stable
BULK CLOUD VOL INCR: lwrad scheme m01s02i192 Stash , Concept stable
LIQUID CLOUD VOL INCR: lwrad scheme m01s02i193 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: lwrad positive m01s02i194 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: lwrad negative m01s02i195 Stash , Concept stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: lwrad positive m01s02i198 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: lwrad negative m01s02i199 Stash , Concept stable
NET DOWN SURFACE LW RAD FLUX m01s02i201 Stash , Concept stable
NET DOWN LW RAD FLUX: SOLID SURFACE m01s02i202 Stash , Concept stable
NET DN LW RAD FLUX:OPEN SEA:SEA MEAN m01s02i203 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL CLOUD AMOUNT IN LW RADIATION m01s02i204 Concept , Stash stable
OUTGOING LW RAD FLUX (TOA) m01s02i205 Concept , Stash stable
CLEAR-SKY (II) UPWARD LW FLUX (TOA) m01s02i206 Stash , Concept stable
DOWNWARD LW RAD FLUX: SURFACE m01s02i207 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY (II) DOWN SURFACE LW FLUX m01s02i208 Stash , Concept stable
UPWARD LW FLUX ON LEVELS m01s02i217 Stash , Concept stable
DOWNWARD LW FLUX ON LEVELS m01s02i218 Concept , Stash stable
CLEAR-SKY UPWARD LW FLUX ON LEVELS m01s02i219 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY DOWNWARD LW FLUX ON LEVELS m01s02i220 Stash , Concept stable
LW HEATING RATES m01s02i232 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY LW HEATING RATES m01s02i233 Concept , Stash stable
NET DOWNWARD LW FLUX AT THE TROP. m01s02i237 Stash , Concept stable
DOWNWARD LW FLUX AT THE TROPOPAUSE m01s02i238 Concept , Stash stable
AITKEN MODE (SOLUBLE) STRATO AOD m01s02i251 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUM MODE (SOLUBLE) STRATO AOD m01s02i252 Concept , Stash stable
COARSE MODE (SOLUBLE) STRATO AOD m01s02i253 Stash , Concept stable
AITKEN MODE (INSOL) STRATO AOD m01s02i254 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUM MODE (INSOL) STRATO AOD m01s02i255 Stash , Concept stable
COARSE MODE (INSOL) STRATO AOD m01s02i256 Concept , Stash stable
OZONE MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER LW m01s02i260 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL CLOUD AMOUNT ON LEVELS m01s02i261 Concept , Stash stable
WEIGHTED CLOUD ABSORPTIVITY m01s02i262 Concept , Stash stable
WEIGHTS FOR CLOUD ABSORPTIVITY m01s02i263 Stash , Concept stable
WEIGHTED LAYER CLOUD ABSORPTIVITY m01s02i264 Stash , Concept stable
WEIGHTS FOR LAYER CLD ABSORPTIVITY m01s02i265 Concept , Stash stable
WEIGHTED CONV.CLOUD ABSORPTIVITY m01s02i266 Stash , Concept stable
WEIGHTS FOR CONV.CLOUD ABSORPTIVITY m01s02i267 Stash , Concept stable
ISCCP CLOUD WEIGHTS (retd) m01s02i269 Stash , Concept stable
ISCCP CLOUD 0.3 <= tau (retd) m01s02i270 Concept , Stash stable
ISCCP CLOUD tau < 0.3 (retd) m01s02i271 Concept , Stash stable
ISCCP CLOUD 0.3<=tau<1.3 (retd) m01s02i272 Concept , Stash stable
ISCCP CLOUD 1.3<=tau<3.6 (retd) m01s02i273 Concept , Stash stable
ISCCP CLOUD 3.6<=tau<9.4 (retd) m01s02i274 Concept , Stash stable
ISCCP CLOUD 9.4<=tau<23.0 (retd) m01s02i275 Stash , Concept stable
ISCCP CLOUD 23.0<=tau<60.0 (retd) m01s02i276 Stash , Concept stable
ISCCP CLOUD 60.0 <= tau (retd) m01s02i277 Stash , Concept stable
Ozone Tropopause Index m01s02i280 Concept , Stash stable
Ozone Tropopause Height m01s02i281 Concept , Stash stable
Thermal Tropopause Index m01s02i282 Stash , Concept stable
Thermal Tropopause Height m01s02i283 Concept , Stash stable
SULPHATE OPTICAL DEPTH IN RADIATION m01s02i284 Concept , Stash stable
MINERAL DUST OPTICAL DEPTH IN RADN. m01s02i285 Concept , Stash stable
SEA SALT OPTICAL DEPTH IN RADIATION m01s02i286 Stash , Concept stable
SOOT OPTICAL DEPTH IN RADIATION m01s02i287 Stash , Concept stable
BIOMASS OPTICAL DEPTH IN RADIATION m01s02i288 Stash , Concept stable
BIOGENIC OPTICAL DEPTH IN RADIATION m01s02i289 Concept , Stash stable
WEIGHTED ISCCP CLOUD ALBEDO (ret) m01s02i290 Concept , Stash stable
WEIGHTED ISCCP CLOUD OPT DEPTH (ret) m01s02i291 Stash , Concept stable
WEIGHTED ISCCP CLOUD TOP PRESS (ret) m01s02i292 Concept , Stash stable
WEIGHTED ISCCP TOTAL CLD AREA (ret) m01s02i293 Concept , Stash stable
FOSSIL FUEL ORG C OPTIC DEPTH IN RAD m01s02i295 Concept , Stash stable
DELTA AEROSOL OPTICAL DEPTH IN RADN. m01s02i296 Concept , Stash stable
AMMONIUM NITRATE OPTICAL DEPTH RADN. m01s02i297 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL OPTICAL DEPTH IN RADIATION m01s02i298 Concept , Stash stable
ANGSTROM FROM TOTAL AOD IN RADIATION m01s02i299 Stash , Concept stable
AITKEN MODE (SOLUBLE) OPTICAL DEPTH m01s02i300 Concept , Stash stable
ACCUM MODE (SOLUBLE) OPTICAL DEPTH m01s02i301 Concept , Stash stable
COARSE MODE (SOLUBLE) OPTICAL DEPTH m01s02i302 Concept , Stash stable
AITKEN MODE (INSOL) OPTICAL DEPTH m01s02i303 Concept , Stash stable
ACCUM MODE (INSOL) OPTICAL DEPTH m01s02i304 Concept , Stash stable
COARSE MODE (INSOL) OPTICAL DEPTH m01s02i305 Concept , Stash stable
GRIDBOX LSC Qcl IN RADIATION KG/KG m01s02i308 Concept , Stash stable
GRIDBOX LSC Qcf IN RADIATION KG/KG m01s02i309 Concept , Stash stable
GRIDBOX CNV Qcl IN RADIATION KG/KG m01s02i310 Concept , Stash stable
GRIDBOX CNV Qcf IN RADIATION KG/KG m01s02i311 Stash , Concept stable
GRIDBOX LIQ LSC CF IN RADIATION m01s02i312 Concept , Stash stable
GRIDBOX ICE LSC CF IN RADIATION m01s02i313 Concept , Stash stable
GRIDBOX LIQ CCA IN RADIATION m01s02i314 Concept , Stash stable
GRIDBOX ICE CCA IN RADIATION m01s02i315 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: MASK FOR CALIPSO CF ON LVLS m01s02i320 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: MASK FOR CALIPSO LOW-LEVEL CF m01s02i321 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: MASK FOR CALIPSO MID-LEVEL CF m01s02i322 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: MASK FOR CALIPSO HIGH-LEVEL CF m01s02i323 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: MASK FOR CALIPSO TOTAL CF m01s02i324 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: MASK FOR CALIPSO CF ON 40 LVLS m01s02i325 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: ISCCP/MISR/MODIS CLOUD WEIGHTS m01s02i330 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: ISCCP WEIGHTED CLOUD ALBEDO m01s02i331 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: ISCCP WEIGHTED CLOUD TAU m01s02i332 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: ISCCP WEIGHTED CLOUD TOP PRES. m01s02i333 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: ISCCP TOTAL CLOUD AREA m01s02i334 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: ISCCP ALL-SKY 10.5 MICRON Tb m01s02i335 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: ISCCP CLEAR-SKY 10.5 MICRON Tb m01s02i336 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: ISCCP CTP-TAU HISTOGRAM m01s02i337 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: CALIPSO MOLECULAR BACKSCATTER m01s02i340 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: CALIPSO TOTAL BACKSCATTER m01s02i341 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: CALIPSO CFAD SCATTERING RATIO m01s02i342 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: CALIPSO CLOUD AREA ON LEVELS m01s02i343 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: CALIPSO LOW-LEVEL CLOUD m01s02i344 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: CALIPSO MID-LEVEL CLOUD m01s02i345 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: CALIPSO HIGH-LEVEL CLOUD m01s02i346 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: CALIPSO TOTAL CLOUD FRACTION m01s02i347 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: PARASOL TOA REFLECTANCE m01s02i348 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: CALIPSO-ONLY 3D CLOUD AREA m01s02i349 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: CLOUDSAT CFAD REFLECTIVITY m01s02i350 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: CLOUDSAT REFLECTIVITY m01s02i351 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: SUBCOLUMN CLOUD ARRAY m01s02i352 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: GBX-MEAN CSAT Ze MDL LEVELS m01s02i353 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: GBX-MEAN CSAT Ze 40 LEVELS m01s02i354 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: GBX-MEAN CALIPSO ATB MDL LVLS m01s02i355 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: GBX-MEAN CALIPSO ATB 40 LVLS m01s02i356 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: MISR CTH-TAU HISTOGRAM m01s02i360 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: CALIPSO CFAD SR 40 CSAT LEVELS m01s02i370 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: CALIPSO CLOUD AREA 40 CSAT LVS m01s02i371 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: CLOUDSAT CFAD Ze 40 CSAT LVLS m01s02i372 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: HYDROMETEOR EFFECTIVE RADIUS m01s02i373 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: CALIPSO-ONLY 3D CLOUD 40 LVLS m01s02i374 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: LARGE-SCALE CLOUD OPT. DEPTH m01s02i375 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: LARGE-SCALE CLOUD EMISSIVITY m01s02i376 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: CONVECTIVE CLOUD OPT. DEPTH m01s02i377 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: CONVECTIVE CLOUD EMISSIVITY m01s02i378 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: Reff L-S CLOUD LIQUID WATER m01s02i380 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: Reff L-S CLOUD ICE m01s02i381 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: Reff L-S CLOUD RAINFALL m01s02i382 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: Reff L-S CLOUD SNOWFALL m01s02i383 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: Reff CONV CLOUD LIQUID WATER m01s02i384 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: Reff CONV CLOUD ICE m01s02i385 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: Reff CONV CLOUD RAINFALL m01s02i386 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: Reff CONV CLOUD SNOWFALL m01s02i387 Concept , Stash stable
COSP: Reff L-S CLOUD GRAUPEL m01s02i388 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: 3D CONVECTIVE RAINFALL RATE m01s02i389 Stash , Concept stable
COSP: 3D CONVECTIVE SNOWFALL RATE m01s02i390 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY (II) UPWARD LW FORC (ret) m01s02i406 Stash , Concept stable
DOWNWARD LW RAD FORCING: SURF (ret) m01s02i407 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY (II) DWN SURF LW FOR (ret) m01s02i408 Concept , Stash stable
UPWARD LW FLUX ON LEVELS W/ FORCING m01s02i417 Stash , Concept stable
DOWNWARD LW FLUX ON LEVELS W/ FORC m01s02i418 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY UP LW ON LEVELS W/ FORCING m01s02i419 Concept , Stash stable
CLEAR-SKY DOWN LW ON LEVELS W/ FORC m01s02i420 Stash , Concept stable
SULPHATE OPTICAL DEPTH FROM PROGN. m01s02i421 Concept , Stash stable
DUST OPTICAL DEPTH FROM PROGNOSTIC m01s02i422 Concept , Stash stable
SEA SALT OPTICAL DEPTH, DIAGNOSED m01s02i423 Stash , Concept stable
SOOT OPTICAL DEPTH FROM PROGNOSTIC m01s02i424 Stash , Concept stable
BIOMASS OPTICAL DEPTH FROM PROGN. m01s02i425 Stash , Concept stable
OCFF OPTICAL DEPTH FROM PROGNOSTIC m01s02i426 Concept , Stash stable
AMM. NITRATE OPT. DEPTH FROM PROGN. m01s02i427 Stash , Concept stable
CLEAR-SKY LW HEATING RATES W/ FORC m01s02i433 Concept , Stash stable
NET DOWNWARD LW AT TROP W/ FORCING m01s02i437 Concept , Stash stable
DOWNWARD LW AT TROPOPAUSE W/ FORCING m01s02i438 Stash , Concept stable
U COMPNT OF WIND AFTER B.LAYER(retd) m01s03i002 Stash , Concept stable
V COMPNT OF WIND AFTER B.LYR (retd) m01s03i003 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE AFTER B.LAYER (retd) m01s03i004 Stash , Concept stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AFTER B.LYR(retd) m01s03i010 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE TEMPERATURE AFTER B.LAYER m01s03i024 Stash , Concept stable
BOUNDARY LAYER DEPTH AFTER B.LAYER m01s03i025 Stash , Concept stable
ROUGHNESS LEN. AFTER B.L. (SEE DOC) m01s03i026 Concept , Stash stable
EFFECTIVE ROUGHNESS LEN FOR SCALARS m01s03i027 Concept , Stash stable
ROUGH LEN FOR MOMENTUM WITHOUT OROG m01s03i028 Concept , Stash stable
SEA-ICE TEMPERATURE AFTER B. LAYER m01s03i049 Stash , Concept stable
MOISTURE EXCHANGE COEFFS m01s03i050 Concept , Stash stable
COMBINED RESIST. TO EVAP ON TILES m01s03i051 Concept , Stash stable
COEFFS RATIO FOR 1.5M T ON TILES m01s03i052 Concept , Stash stable
QSAT GRAD W.R. T SURF L1 ON TILES m01s03i053 Stash , Concept stable
AERODYNAMIC RESISTANCE (S/M) m01s03i054 Stash , Concept stable
CUMULATIVE FRACTION TRANSPIRATION m01s03i055 Stash , Concept stable
LAND MEAN COMBINED RESIST. TO EVAP m01s03i056 Concept , Stash stable
LAND MEAN COEFFS RATIO FOR 1.5M T m01s03i057 Stash , Concept stable
LAND MEAN QSAT GRAD W.R. T SURF L1 m01s03i058 Stash , Concept stable
RHOKH_MIX m01s03i060 Concept , Stash stable
RHO_ARESIST (RHOSTAR*CD_STD*VSHR) m01s03i061 Concept , Stash stable
ARESIST [ 1/(CD_STD*VSHR) ] m01s03i062 Concept , Stash stable
RESIST_B (1/CH-1/CD_STD)/VSHR m01s03i063 Concept , Stash stable
DTRDZ_CHARNEY_GRID m01s03i064 Stash , Concept stable
GRID-LEVEL OF SML INVERSION (kent) m01s03i065 Stash , Concept stable
Rho * entrainment rate (we_lim) m01s03i066 Stash , Concept stable
Fraction of the timestep (t_frac) m01s03i067 Stash , Concept stable
zrzi m01s03i068 Stash , Concept stable
GRID-LEVEL OF DSC INVERSION (kent) m01s03i069 Concept , Stash stable
Rho * entrainment rate dsc m01s03i070 Concept , Stash stable
Fraction of the timestep dsc m01s03i071 Stash , Concept stable
zrzi dsc m01s03i072 Concept , Stash stable
ZHSC Top of decoupled layer m01s03i073 Concept , Stash stable
Dust div1 surf. layer resist (s/m) m01s03i074 Concept , Stash stable
Dust div2 surf. layer resist (s/m) m01s03i075 Concept , Stash stable
Dust div3 surf. layer resist (s/m) m01s03i076 Stash , Concept stable
Dust div4 surf. layer resist (s/m) m01s03i077 Stash , Concept stable
Dust div5 surf. layer resist (s/m) m01s03i078 Stash , Concept stable
Dust div6 surf. layer resist (s/m) m01s03i079 Stash , Concept stable
FLUX OF TRACER 1 IN BL m01s03i100 Stash , Concept stable
FLUX OF TRACER 2 IN BL m01s03i101 Stash , Concept stable
FLUX OF TRACER 3 IN BL m01s03i102 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 4 IN BL m01s03i103 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 5 IN BL m01s03i104 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 6 IN BL m01s03i105 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 7 IN BL m01s03i106 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 8 IN BL m01s03i107 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 9 IN BL m01s03i108 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 10 IN BL m01s03i109 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 11 IN BL m01s03i110 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 12 IN BL m01s03i111 Stash , Concept stable
FLUX OF TRACER 13 IN BL m01s03i112 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 14 IN BL m01s03i113 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 15 IN BL m01s03i114 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 16 IN BL m01s03i115 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 17 IN BL m01s03i116 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 18 IN BL m01s03i117 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 19 IN BL m01s03i118 Stash , Concept stable
FLUX OF TRACER 20 IN BL m01s03i119 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 21 IN BL m01s03i120 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 22 IN BL m01s03i121 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 23 IN BL m01s03i122 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 24 IN BL m01s03i123 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 25 IN BL m01s03i124 Stash , Concept stable
FLUX OF TRACER 26 IN BL m01s03i125 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 27 IN BL m01s03i126 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 28 IN BL m01s03i127 Concept , Stash stable
FLUX OF TRACER 29 IN BL m01s03i128 Stash , Concept stable
FLUX OF TOTAL AEROSOL IN BL m01s03i129 Concept , Stash stable
COUNTER GRADIENT TERM OF TAUX m01s03i130 Concept , Stash stable
COUNTER GRADIENT TERM OF TAUY m01s03i131 Concept , Stash stable
COUNTER GRADIENT TERM OF FTL m01s03i132 Concept , Stash stable
COUNTER GRADIENT TERM OF FQW m01s03i133 Stash , Concept stable
MIXING LENGTH m01s03i134 Concept , Stash stable
PRODUCTION RATE OF TKE BY SHEAR m01s03i135 Concept , Stash stable
PRODUCTION RATE OF TKE BY BUOYANCY m01s03i136 Concept , Stash stable
DISSIPATION RATE OF TKE m01s03i137 Concept , Stash stable
NON-DIM DIFFUSION COEFS FOR UV (SM) m01s03i138 Concept , Stash stable
NON-DIM DIFFUSION COEFS FOR TQ (SH) m01s03i139 Concept , Stash stable
NON-GRADIENT BUOYANCY FLUX m01s03i140 Stash , Concept stable
CLOUD FRACTION IN THE TKE SCHEMES m01s03i141 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSED WATER IN THE TKE SCHEMES m01s03i142 Stash , Concept stable
STD. DEV. OF GAUSSIAN m01s03i143 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: bdy layer positive m01s03i170 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: bdy layer negative m01s03i171 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: bdy layer positive m01s03i172 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: bdy layer negative m01s03i173 Stash , Concept stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: bdy layer positi m01s03i176 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: bdy layer negati m01s03i177 Stash , Concept stable
ICE CLOUD VOL INCR: bdy layer positi m01s03i178 Concept , Stash stable
ICE CLOUD VOL INCR: bdy layer negati m01s03i179 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE INCR: bdy layer m01s03i181 Stash , Concept stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY INCR: bdy layer m01s03i182 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: bdy layer m01s03i183 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: bdy layer m01s03i184 Stash , Concept stable
U WIND INCR: bdy layer m01s03i185 Concept , Stash stable
V WIND INCR: bdy layer m01s03i186 Concept , Stash stable
LIQUID WATER TEMP INCR: FRIC DISSIP m01s03i188 Concept , Stash stable
LIQUID WATER TEMP INCR: bdy layer m01s03i189 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL (LIQ) WATER INCR: bdy layer m01s03i190 Stash , Concept stable
BULK CLOUD VOL INCR: bdy layer m01s03i192 Stash , Concept stable
LIQUID CLOUD VOL INCR: bdy layer m01s03i193 Concept , Stash stable
FROZEN CLOUD VOL INCR: bdy layer m01s03i194 Stash , Concept stable
HT FLUX THROUGH SEAICE:SEA MEAN W/M2 m01s03i201 Concept , Stash stable
HT FLUX FROM SURF TO DEEP SOIL LEV 1 m01s03i202 Stash , Concept stable
CD m01s03i203 Stash , Concept stable
CH m01s03i204 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE LAYER WIND SHEAR m01s03i205 Stash , Concept stable
RHOSTAR * CD * SURF_LAYER_WIND_SHEAR m01s03i206 Stash , Concept stable
RHOSTAR * CH * SURF_LAYER_WIND_SHEAR m01s03i207 Stash , Concept stable
LOWEST LAYER BULK RICHARDSON NO. RIB m01s03i208 Stash , Concept stable
10 METRE WIND U-COMP m01s03i209 Stash , Concept stable
10 METRE WIND V-COMP m01s03i210 Concept , Stash stable
BOUNDARY LAYER HEAT FLUXES W/M2 m01s03i216 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX W/M2 m01s03i217 Stash , Concept stable
X-COMP OF SURF & BL WIND STRESS N/M2 m01s03i219 Concept , Stash stable
Y-COMP OF SURF & BL WIND STRESS N/M2 m01s03i220 Concept , Stash stable
MAG OF SURF & BL WIND STRESS B GRID m01s03i221 Concept , Stash stable
B.LAYER TOTAL MOISTURE FLUXS KG/M2/S m01s03i222 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE TOTAL MOISTURE FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i223 Stash , Concept stable
WIND MIX ENGY FL TO SEA:SEA MN W/M2 m01s03i224 Concept , Stash stable
10 METRE WIND U-COMP B GRID m01s03i225 Concept , Stash stable
10 METRE WIND V-COMP B GRID m01s03i226 Stash , Concept stable
10 METRE WIND SPEED ON B GRID m01s03i227 Stash , Concept stable
SFC SH FLX FROM OPEN SEA:SEA MN W/M2 m01s03i228 Concept , Stash stable
EVAP FROM SOIL SURF -AMOUNT KG/M2/TS m01s03i229 Stash , Concept stable
10 METRE WIND SPEED ON C GRID m01s03i230 Stash , Concept stable
SUBLIM. FROM SURFACE (GBM) KG/M2/TS m01s03i231 Concept , Stash stable
EVAP FROM OPEN SEA: SEA MEAN KG/M2/S m01s03i232 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE LATENT HEAT FLUX W/M2 m01s03i234 Stash , Concept stable
SEAICE TOP MELT LH FLX:SEA MEAN W/M2 m01s03i235 Concept , Stash stable
TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M m01s03i236 Stash , Concept stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT 1.5M m01s03i237 Stash , Concept stable
DEEP SOIL TEMPERATURE AFTER B.LAYER m01s03i238 Stash , Concept stable
CLD LIQUID WATER AFTER BL (retd) m01s03i239 Stash , Concept stable
CLD ICE CONTENT AFTER BL (retd) m01s03i240 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL SURF MOIST FLUX PER TIMESTEP m01s03i241 Stash , Concept stable
CLOUD FRACTION AT 1.5M m01s03i242 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD LIQUID WATER AT 1.5M m01s03i243 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD ICE CONTENT AT 1.5M m01s03i244 Stash , Concept stable
RELATIVE HUMIDITY AT 1.5M m01s03i245 Stash , Concept stable
VISIBILITY AT 1.5M M m01s03i247 Stash , Concept stable
FOG FRACTION AT 1.5 M m01s03i248 Stash , Concept stable
10 METRE WIND SPEED M/S m01s03i249 Stash , Concept stable
DEWPOINT AT 1.5M (K) m01s03i250 Concept , Stash stable
SILHOUETTE OROGRAPHIC ROUGHNESS m01s03i251 Stash , Concept stable
HALF OF (PEAK TO TROUGH HT OF OROG) m01s03i252 Stash , Concept stable
PROBABILITY OF VIS LESS THAN 5 KM m01s03i253 Stash , Concept stable
TL AT 1.5M m01s03i254 Stash , Concept stable
QT AT 1.5M m01s03i255 Concept , Stash stable
Heat flux through sea ice (W/m2) m01s03i256 Stash , Concept stable
Heat flux in sea ice surface melt m01s03i257 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE SNOWMELT HEAT FLUX W/M2 m01s03i258 Stash , Concept stable
CANOPY CONDUCTANCE M/S m01s03i259 Concept , Stash stable
TRANSPIRATION KG/M2/TS m01s03i260 Stash , Concept stable
GROSS PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY KG C/M2/S m01s03i261 Stash , Concept stable
NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY (retd) m01s03i262 Stash , Concept stable
PLANT RESPIRATION KG/M2/S (retd) m01s03i263 Stash , Concept stable
LEAF AREA INDEX OF VEG FRACTION m01s03i264 Stash , Concept stable
CANOPY HEIGHT OF VEGETATED FRACTION m01s03i265 Stash , Concept stable
SO2 SURFACE DRY DEP FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i270 Stash , Concept stable
SO4 AIT SURF DRY DEP FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i271 Stash , Concept stable
SO4 ACC SURF DRY DEP FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i272 Stash , Concept stable
SO4 DIS SURF DRY DEP FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i273 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUM NITRATE DRY DEP FLX KG[N]/M2/S m01s03i274 Stash , Concept stable
DISS NITRATE DRY DEP FLUX KG[N]/M2/S m01s03i275 Stash , Concept stable
RESIST B FOR SO4 ACC AFTER TS S/M m01s03i276 Stash , Concept stable
RESIST B FOR SO4 DIS AFTER TS S/M m01s03i277 Stash , Concept stable
RESIST S FOR SO2 AFTER TS S/M m01s03i278 Stash , Concept stable
RESIST S FOR SO4 AIT AFTER TS S/M m01s03i279 Stash , Concept stable
RESIST S FOR SO4 ACC AFTER TS S/M m01s03i280 Stash , Concept stable
VIS AT 1.5M (incl precip) M m01s03i281 Concept , Stash stable
PROB OF VIS < 1 KM (incl precip) m01s03i282 Stash , Concept stable
PROB OF VIS < 5 KM (incl precip) m01s03i283 Stash , Concept stable
VISIBILITY AT 1.5M IN LS PPTN M m01s03i284 Stash , Concept stable
VISIBILITY AT 1.5M IN CONV PPTN M m01s03i285 Stash , Concept stable
AERODYNAMIC RESISTANCE AFTER TS m01s03i286 Stash , Concept stable
CANOPY EVAPORATION ON TILES m01s03i287 Stash , Concept stable
TRANSPIRATION+SOIL EVP ON TILES m01s03i288 Stash , Concept stable
GROSS PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY ON PFTS m01s03i289 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX ON TILES m01s03i290 Stash , Concept stable
NET PRIMARY PRODUC PFTS (retd) m01s03i291 Concept , Stash stable
PLANT RESPIRATION ON PFTS (retd) m01s03i292 Concept , Stash stable
SOIL RESPIRATION KG C/M2/S m01s03i293 Stash , Concept stable
BULK RICHARDSON NUMBER ON TILES m01s03i294 Stash , Concept stable
FRACTIONAL SNOW COVER m01s03i295 Stash , Concept stable
EVAP FROM SOIL SURF : RATE KG/M2/S m01s03i296 Stash , Concept stable
EVAP FROM CANOPY : RATE KG/M2/S m01s03i297 Stash , Concept stable
SUBLIM. SURFACE (GBM) : RATE KG/M2/S m01s03i298 Stash , Concept stable
TRANSPIRATION RATE KG/M2/S m01s03i299 Stash , Concept stable
NH3 SURFACE DRY DEP FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i300 Concept , Stash stable
FRESH SOOT DRY DEPN FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i301 Concept , Stash stable
AGED SOOT DRY DEPN FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i302 Concept , Stash stable
SOOT IN CLOUD DEPN FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i303 Concept , Stash stable
TURBULENT MIXING HT AFTER B.LAYER m m01s03i304 Concept , Stash stable
STABLE BL INDICATOR m01s03i305 Concept , Stash stable
STRATOCUM. OVER STABLE BL INDICATOR m01s03i306 Concept , Stash stable
WELL_MIXED BL INDICATOR m01s03i307 Concept , Stash stable
DECOUPLED SC. NOT OVER CU. INDICATOR m01s03i308 Concept , Stash stable
DECOUPLED SC. OVER CU. INDICATOR m01s03i309 Stash , Concept stable
CUMULUS-CAPPED BL INDICATOR m01s03i310 Stash , Concept stable
POTENTIAL EVAPORATION AMNT KG/M2/TS m01s03i311 Concept , Stash stable
POTENTIAL EVAPORATION RATE KG/M2/S m01s03i312 Stash , Concept stable
SOIL MOIS AVAIL FACTOR ON PFTS m01s03i313 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE NET RADIATION ON TILES m01s03i314 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW-ADJUSTED TILE FRACTIONS m01s03i315 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE TEMP ON TILES K m01s03i316 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE TILE FRACTIONS m01s03i317 Concept , Stash stable
LEAF AREA INDICES ON PFTS m01s03i318 Stash , Concept stable
CANOPY HEIGHT ON PFTS m01s03i319 Stash , Concept stable
SOIL CARBON CONTENT (B.LAYER) KGC/M2 m01s03i320 Stash , Concept stable
CANOPY WATER ON TILES KG/M2 m01s03i321 Concept , Stash stable
CANOPY CAPACITY ON TILES KG/M2 m01s03i322 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW TEMPERATURE K m01s03i323 Stash , Concept stable
ROUGHNESS LENGTH ON TILES M m01s03i324 Stash , Concept stable
LEAF TURNOVER RATE ON PFTS m01s03i325 Stash , Concept stable
CO2 LAND SURFACE FLUX KG/M**2/S m01s03i326 Stash , Concept stable
CO2 TOTAL FLUX TO ATMOS KG/M**2/S m01s03i327 Stash , Concept stable
1.5M TEMPERATURE OVER TILES m01s03i328 Stash , Concept stable
1.5M SPECIFIC HUMIDITY OVER TILES m01s03i329 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE LATENT HEAT FLUX ON TILES m01s03i330 Stash , Concept stable
SUBLIMATION MOISTURE FLUX ON TILES m01s03i331 Concept , Stash stable
TOA OUTGOING LW RAD AFTER B.LAYER m01s03i332 Stash , Concept stable
GRID-BOX AVERAGE SURF NET RAD (RETD) m01s03i333 Stash , Concept stable
LAND MEAN POTENTIAL EVAPORATION m01s03i334 Concept , Stash stable
POTENTIAL EVAPORATION ON TILES m01s03i335 Stash , Concept stable
LAND HT FLUX FROM SURF TO DEEP LEV 1 m01s03i337 Stash , Concept stable
NET SURF SEA-ICE HT FLUX (SEA MEAN) m01s03i338 Concept , Stash stable
LOWEST LAYER BULK RIB: SEA MEAN m01s03i339 Stash , Concept stable
SHEAR-DRIVEN B.LAYER INDICATOR m01s03i340 Stash , Concept stable
LAND MEAN TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M m01s03i341 Stash , Concept stable
LAND MEAN SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT 1.5M m01s03i342 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN SEA SFC SH FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i343 Stash , Concept stable
MOISTURE FLUX FROM MEAN SEA KG/M2/S m01s03i347 Stash , Concept stable
SUBLIM. SEAICE:SEA MEAN RATE KG/M2/S m01s03i353 Concept , Stash stable
BL THERMAL SPEED (M/S) m01s03i355 Concept , Stash stable
HEIGHT OF SURFACE MIXED LAYR TOP (M) m01s03i356 Concept , Stash stable
HEIGHT OF DEC STRATOCU LAYER TOP (M) m01s03i357 Stash , Concept stable
BL DEPTH DIAGNOSED FROM RICRIT (M) m01s03i358 Concept , Stash stable
HEIGHT OF DIAGNOSTIC PARCEL TOP (M) m01s03i359 Stash , Concept stable
HEIGHT OF DECOUPLED LAYER BASE m01s03i360 Concept , Stash stable
HEIGHT OF STRATOCUMULUS CLOUD BASE m01s03i361 Concept , Stash stable
ENTRAINMENT RATE FOR SURFACE ML m01s03i362 Concept , Stash stable
ENTRAINMENT RATE FOR BOUNDARY LAYER m01s03i363 Concept , Stash stable
INVERSION THICKNESS (M) m01s03i364 Concept , Stash stable
SFC NET RADN. OVER SEA-ICE:SEA MEAN m01s03i381 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE LAYER WIND SHEAR OVER LAND m01s03i389 Concept , Stash stable
MEAN SEA SURFACE LAYER WIND SHEAR m01s03i390 Concept , Stash stable
X-COMP OF LAND SURF WIND STRESS N/M2 m01s03i391 Concept , Stash stable
X-COMP OF MEAN SEA SURF STRESS N/M2 m01s03i392 Stash , Concept stable
Y-COMP OF LAND SURF WIND STRESS N/M2 m01s03i393 Concept , Stash stable
Y-COMP OF MEAN SEA SURF STRESS N/M2 m01s03i394 Stash , Concept stable
FRACTION OF LAND m01s03i395 Concept , Stash stable
FRESH BIOMASS DRY DEPN FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i396 Stash , Concept stable
AGED BIOMASS DRY DEPN FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i397 Concept , Stash stable
BIOMASS IN CLOUD DEPN FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i398 Concept , Stash stable
Tile area frac. for dust emissions m01s03i400 Concept , Stash stable
Dust emissions div 1 (kg/m2/s) m01s03i401 Concept , Stash stable
Dust emissions div 2 (kg/m2/s) m01s03i402 Concept , Stash stable
Dust emissions div 3 (kg/m2/s) m01s03i403 Concept , Stash stable
Dust emissions div 4 (kg/m2/s) m01s03i404 Concept , Stash stable
Dust emissions div 5 (kg/m2/s) m01s03i405 Concept , Stash stable
Dust emissions div 6 (kg/m2/s) m01s03i406 Concept , Stash stable
FRESH OCFF DRY DEPN FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i407 Stash , Concept stable
AGED OCFF DRY DEPN FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i408 Stash , Concept stable
OCFF IN CLOUD DEPN FLUX KG/M2/S m01s03i409 Stash , Concept stable
Dust threshold U* on tiles div 1 m01s03i411 Concept , Stash stable
Dust threshold U* on tiles div 2 m01s03i412 Concept , Stash stable
Dust threshold U* on tiles div 3 m01s03i413 Concept , Stash stable
Dust threshold U* on tiles div 4 m01s03i414 Concept , Stash stable
Dust threshold U* on tiles div 5 m01s03i415 Concept , Stash stable
Dust threshold U* on tiles div 6 m01s03i416 Stash , Concept stable
Dust threshold U* on tiles div 7 m01s03i417 Concept , Stash stable
Dust threshold U* on tiles div 8 m01s03i418 Stash , Concept stable
Dust threshold U* on tiles div 9 m01s03i419 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry threshold U* on tiles div 1 m01s03i421 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry threshold U* on tiles div 2 m01s03i422 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry threshold U* on tiles div 3 m01s03i423 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry threshold U* on tiles div 4 m01s03i424 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry threshold U* on tiles div 5 m01s03i425 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry threshold U* on tiles div 6 m01s03i426 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry threshold U* on tiles div 7 m01s03i427 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry threshold U* on tiles div 8 m01s03i428 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry threshold U* on tiles div 9 m01s03i429 Concept , Stash stable
Dust Friction velocity (U*) on tiles m01s03i430 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry dep flux from lev 1 div 1 m01s03i441 Stash , Concept stable
Dust dry dep flux from lev 1 div 2 m01s03i442 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry dep flux from lev 1 div 3 m01s03i443 Stash , Concept stable
Dust dry dep flux from lev 1 div 4 m01s03i444 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry dep flux from lev 1 div 5 m01s03i445 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry dep flux from lev 1 div 6 m01s03i446 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry dep flux from lev 2 div 1 m01s03i451 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry dep flux from lev 2 div 2 m01s03i452 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry dep flux from lev 2 div 3 m01s03i453 Concept , Stash stable
Dust dry dep flux from lev 2 div 4 m01s03i454 Stash , Concept stable
Dust dry dep flux from lev 2 div 5 m01s03i455 Stash , Concept stable
Dust dry dep flux from lev 2 div 6 m01s03i456 Concept , Stash stable
X-COMP SURFACE BL STRESS m01s03i460 Concept , Stash stable
Y-COMP SURFACE BL STRESS m01s03i461 Concept , Stash stable
STOMATAL CONDUCTANCE ON PFTS (M/S) m01s03i462 Concept , Stash stable
WIND GUST m01s03i463 Concept , Stash stable
OBUKHOV LENGTH m01s03i464 Concept , Stash stable
EXPLICIT FRICTION VELOCITY m01s03i465 Stash , Concept stable
CONVECTIVE BL VELOCITY SCALE m01s03i466 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE BUOYANCY FLUX m01s03i467 Stash , Concept stable
GRADIENT RICHARDSON NUMBER m01s03i468 Concept , Stash stable
VERTICAL BUOYANCY GRADIENT m01s03i469 Concept , Stash stable
MODULUS OF WIND SHEAR m01s03i470 Concept , Stash stable
BL MOMENTUM DIFFUSION m01s03i471 Concept , Stash stable
BL HEAT DIFFUSION m01s03i472 Concept , Stash stable
TURBULENT KINETIC ENERGY m01s03i473 Stash , Concept stable
X-COMP OF DIST OROG STRESS ON P GRID m01s03i474 Concept , Stash stable
Y-COMP OF DIST OROG STRESS ON P GRID m01s03i475 Concept , Stash stable
COMBINED BOUNDARY LAYER TYPE m01s03i476 Stash , Concept stable
DPM SOIL CARBON POOL(B.LAYER) KGC/M2 m01s03i477 Stash , Concept stable
RPM SOIL CARBON POOL(B.LAYER) KGC/M2 m01s03i478 Stash , Concept stable
BIO SOIL CARBON POOL(B.LAYER) KGC/M2 m01s03i479 Stash , Concept stable
HUM SOIL CARBON POOL(B.LAYER) KGC/M2 m01s03i480 Concept , Stash stable
DPM SOIL RESPIRATION KG C/M2/S m01s03i481 Concept , Stash stable
RPM SOIL RESPIRATION KG C/M2/S m01s03i482 Concept , Stash stable
BIO SOIL RESPIRATION KG C/M2/S m01s03i483 Concept , Stash stable
HUM SOIL RESPIRATION KG C/M2/S m01s03i484 Concept , Stash stable
SOIL RESP TEMPERATURE RATE MODIFIER m01s03i485 Concept , Stash stable
SOIL RESP MOISTURE RATE MODIFIER m01s03i486 Concept , Stash stable
ISOPRENE SURF EMIS PER PFTS m01s03i490 Stash , Concept stable
TERPENE SURF EMIS PER PFTS m01s03i491 Stash , Concept stable
METHANOL SURF EMIS PER PFTS m01s03i492 Stash , Concept stable
ACETONE SURF EMIS PER PFTS m01s03i493 Stash , Concept stable
tot bvoc sfc ems per spc m01s03i494 Stash , Concept stable
MIXING LENGTH FOR MOMENTUM (M) m01s03i501 Stash , Concept stable
MIXING LENGTH FOR SCALARS (M) m01s03i502 Stash , Concept stable
RHOKM DIFF COEFF - LOCAL SCHEME m01s03i503 Stash , Concept stable
RHOKH DIFF COEFF - LOCAL SCHEME m01s03i504 Stash , Concept stable
RHOKM DIFF COEFF - SURF-DRIVEN TURB m01s03i505 Stash , Concept stable
RHOKH DIFF COEFF - SURF-DRIVEN TURB m01s03i506 Concept , Stash stable
RHOKM DIFF COEFF - CLD-TOP-DRIVEN m01s03i507 Concept , Stash stable
RHOKH DIFF COEFF - CLD-TOP-DRIVEN m01s03i508 Concept , Stash stable
Seaice sublimation (cats) (kg/m2/s) m01s03i509 Concept , Stash stable
Net surf seaice ht flux (cats)(W/m2) m01s03i510 Concept , Stash stable
STABILITY FUNCTION FOR SCALARS m01s03i511 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE AFTER LARGE SCALE PRECIP m01s04i004 Concept , Stash stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AFTER LS PRECIP m01s04i010 Concept , Stash stable
ICE AGGREGATE FRACTION m01s04i100 Stash , Concept stable
MICROPHYSICS GRID BOX FLAG m01s04i101 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN FALLSPEED CRYSTALS m01s04i102 Concept , Stash stable
MEAN FALLSPEED AGGREGATES m01s04i103 Concept , Stash stable
FALLSPEED BRANCH FLAG m01s04i104 Concept , Stash stable
FALLSPEED USED m01s04i105 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE RADAR REFLECTIVITY (dBZ) m01s04i110 Stash , Concept stable
MAX REFLECTIVITY IN COLUMN (dBZ) m01s04i111 Concept , Stash stable
RADAR REFLECTIVITY AT 1KM AGL (dBZ) m01s04i112 Concept , Stash stable
GRAUPEL RADAR REFLECTIVITY (dBZ) m01s04i113 Stash , Concept stable
ICE AGG RADAR REFLECTIVITY (dBZ) m01s04i114 Concept , Stash stable
ICE CRY RADAR REFLECTIVITY (dBZ) m01s04i115 Stash , Concept stable
RAIN RADAR REFLECTIVITY (dBZ) m01s04i116 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ. CLOUD RADAR REFLECTIVITY (dBZ) m01s04i117 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL RADAR REFLECTIVITY 3D (dBZ) m01s04i118 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: pc2 checks positive m01s04i130 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: pc2 checks negative m01s04i131 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: pc2 checks positive m01s04i132 Concept , Stash stable
QCF INCR: pc2 checks negative m01s04i133 Stash , Concept stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 checks posit m01s04i136 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 checks negat m01s04i137 Concept , Stash stable
ICE CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 checks posit m01s04i138 Concept , Stash stable
ICE CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 checks negat m01s04i139 Concept , Stash stable
TEMPERATURE INCR: pc2 checks m01s04i141 Stash , Concept stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY INCR: pc2 checks m01s04i142 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: pc2 checks m01s04i143 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: pc2 checks m01s04i144 Stash , Concept stable
BULK CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 checks m01s04i152 Stash , Concept stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 checks m01s04i153 Concept , Stash stable
ICE CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 checks m01s04i154 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: ls rain positive m01s04i170 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: ls rain negative m01s04i171 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: ls rain positive m01s04i172 Concept , Stash stable
QCF INCR: ls rain negative m01s04i173 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: ls rain positive m01s04i176 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: ls rain negative m01s04i177 Concept , Stash stable
ICE CLOUD VOL INCR: ls rain positive m01s04i178 Stash , Concept stable
ICE CLOUD VOL INCR: ls rain negative m01s04i179 Concept , Stash stable
TEMPERATURE INCR: ls rain m01s04i181 Stash , Concept stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY INCR: ls rain m01s04i182 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: ls rain m01s04i183 Concept , Stash stable
QCF INCR: ls rain m01s04i184 Concept , Stash stable
RAIN INCR: ls rain kg/kg/timestep m01s04i189 Concept , Stash stable
GRAUPEL INCR: ls rain kg/kg/timestep m01s04i190 Stash , Concept stable
QCF2 INCR: ls rain kg/kg/timestep m01s04i191 Stash , Concept stable
BULK CLOUD VOL INCR: ls rain m01s04i192 Concept , Stash stable
LIQUID CLOUD VOL INCR: ls rain m01s04i193 Stash , Concept stable
FROZEN CLOUD VOL INCR: ls rain m01s04i194 Concept , Stash stable
LARGE SCALE RAIN AMOUNT KG/M2/TS m01s04i201 Concept , Stash stable
LARGE SCALE SNOW AMOUNT KG/M2/TS m01s04i202 Concept , Stash stable
LARGE SCALE RAINFALL RATE KG/M2/S m01s04i203 Stash , Concept stable
LARGE SCALE SNOWFALL RATE KG/M2/S m01s04i204 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD LIQUID WATER AFTER LS PRECIP m01s04i205 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD ICE CONTENT AFTER LS PRECIP m01s04i206 Concept , Stash stable
RELATIVE HUMIDITY AFTER LS PRECIP m01s04i207 Stash , Concept stable
R. HUMIDITY WRT WATER AFTER PRECIP m01s04i208 Stash , Concept stable
CLOUD DROP NUMBER CONC. /m3 m01s04i210 Concept , Stash stable
POT. CLOUD DROP NUMBER CONC. /m3 m01s04i211 Stash , Concept stable
LARGE SCALE GRAUPEL RATE KG/M2/S m01s04i212 Stash , Concept stable
DISS NITR RNOUT BY LS PPN KG[N]/M2/S m01s04i213 Stash , Concept stable
ACC NITR WSHOUT BY LS PPN KG[N]/M2/S m01s04i214 Stash , Concept stable
NH3 SCAVENGED BY LS PPN KG/M2/S m01s04i215 Stash , Concept stable
SO2 SCAVENGED BY LS PPN KG/M2/S m01s04i216 Stash , Concept stable
SO4 AIT SCAVNGD BY LS PPN KG/M2/S m01s04i217 Stash , Concept stable
SO4 ACC SCAVNGD BY LS PPN KG/M2/S m01s04i218 Stash , Concept stable
SO4 DIS SCAVNGD BY LS PPN KG/M2/S m01s04i219 Concept , Stash stable
SOOT RAINOUT BY LS PPN KG/M2/S m01s04i220 Stash , Concept stable
SOOT WASHOUT BY LS PPN KG/M2/S m01s04i221 Concept , Stash stable
RAINFALL RATE OUT OF MODEL LEVELS m01s04i222 Stash , Concept stable
SNOWFALL RATE OUT OF MODEL LEVELS m01s04i223 Stash , Concept stable
SUPERCOOLED LIQUID WATER CONTENT m01s04i224 Stash , Concept stable
SUPERCOOLED RAIN OUT OF MODEL LEVELS m01s04i225 Stash , Concept stable
RAIN FRACTION OUT OF MODEL LEVELS m01s04i227 Stash , Concept stable
OCFF RAINOUT BY LS PPN KG/M2/S m01s04i228 Stash , Concept stable
OCFF WASHOUT BY LS PPN KG/M2/S m01s04i229 Stash , Concept stable
Dust wet dep flux ls precip div 1 m01s04i231 Stash , Concept stable
Dust wet dep flux ls precip div 2 m01s04i232 Stash , Concept stable
Dust wet dep flux ls precip div 3 m01s04i233 Stash , Concept stable
Dust wet dep flux ls precip div 4 m01s04i234 Concept , Stash stable
Dust wet dep flux ls precip div 5 m01s04i235 Stash , Concept stable
Dust wet dep flux ls precip div 6 m01s04i236 Stash , Concept stable
BIOMASS RAINOUT BY LS PPN KG/M2/S m01s04i237 Stash , Concept stable
BIOMASS WASHOUT BY LS PPN KG/M2/S m01s04i238 Concept , Stash stable
HOMOGENEOUS NUCLEATION RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i240 Stash , Concept stable
HETEROGENOUS NUCLEATION RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i241 Stash , Concept stable
HET NUCL RATE (QCL->QCF) kg/kg/s m01s04i242 Stash , Concept stable
DEPOSITION RATE CRY kg/kg/s m01s04i243 Stash , Concept stable
DEP. RATE CRY (QCL->QCF) kg/kg/s m01s04i244 Concept , Stash stable
DEPOSITION RATE AGG kg/kg/s m01s04i245 Stash , Concept stable
DEP. RATE AGG (QCL->QCF) kg/kg/s m01s04i246 Stash , Concept stable
RIMING RATE CRY kg/kg/s m01s04i247 Stash , Concept stable
RIMING RATE AGG kg/kg/s m01s04i248 Stash , Concept stable
CRY RAIN-CAPTURE RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i249 Stash , Concept stable
AGG RAIN-CAPTURE RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i250 Stash , Concept stable
EVAP OF MELTING CRY kg/kg/s m01s04i251 Stash , Concept stable
EVAP OF MELTING SNOW AGG kg/kg/s m01s04i252 Stash , Concept stable
MELTING RATE CRY kg/kg/s m01s04i253 Stash , Concept stable
MELTING RATE AGG kg/kg/s m01s04i254 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW AUTOCONV RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i255 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW CAPTURE OF CRYSTALS kg/kg/s m01s04i256 Stash , Concept stable
RAIN AUTOCONV RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i257 Concept , Stash stable
RAIN ACCRETION RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i258 Stash , Concept stable
EVAPORATION OF RAIN RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i259 Concept , Stash stable
GRAUPEL AUTOCONV RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i260 Stash , Concept stable
GRAUPEL ACCRETION RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i261 Stash , Concept stable
GRAUPEL SNOW-CAPTURE RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i262 Stash , Concept stable
GRAUPEL MELTING RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i263 Stash , Concept stable
GRAUPEL EVAPORATION RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i264 Stash , Concept stable
ICE CRYSTAL SEDIMENT RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i265 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW AGG. SEDIMENT RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i266 Stash , Concept stable
RAIN SEDIMENT RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i267 Stash , Concept stable
GRAUPEL SEDIMENT RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i268 Stash , Concept stable
DROPLET SETTLE RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i269 Stash , Concept stable
DROPLET SETTLE EVAP RATE kg/kg/s m01s04i270 Stash , Concept stable
HOMOG FREEZING NUC RAIN. kg/ks/s m01s04i271 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE INCR: pc2 erosion m01s04i281 Concept , Stash stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY INCR: pc2 erosion m01s04i282 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: pc2 erosion m01s04i283 Stash , Concept stable
BULK CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 erosion m01s04i292 Stash , Concept stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 erosion m01s04i293 Stash , Concept stable
THETA AFTER CONVECTION INCREMENT m01s05i004 Stash , Concept stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AFTER CONVECTION m01s05i010 Stash , Concept stable
CONV CLOUD AMOUNT AFTER CONVECTION m01s05i013 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: conv inhom positive m01s05i140 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: conv inhom negative m01s05i141 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: conv inhom positive m01s05i142 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: conv inhom negative m01s05i143 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: conv inhom posit m01s05i146 Stash , Concept stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: conv inhom negat m01s05i147 Stash , Concept stable
ICE CLOUD VOL INCR: conv inhom posit m01s05i148 Concept , Stash stable
ICE CLOUD VOL INCR: conv inhom negat m01s05i149 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: pc2 turbulence m01s05i150 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: pc2 turbulence positive m01s05i151 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: pc2 turbulence negative m01s05i152 Stash , Concept stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 turbulence m01s05i156 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 turb positiv m01s05i157 Stash , Concept stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 turb negativ m01s05i158 Concept , Stash stable
TEMPERATURE INCR: convection m01s05i161 Stash , Concept stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY INCR: convection m01s05i162 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: conv inhom m01s05i163 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: conv inhom m01s05i164 Stash , Concept stable
BULK CLOUD VOL INCR: conv inhom m01s05i172 Stash , Concept stable
LIQUID CLOUD VOL INCR: conv inhom m01s05i173 Stash , Concept stable
FROZEN CLOUD VOL INCR: conv inhom m01s05i174 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE INC:convect +(PC2 inhom) m01s05i181 Concept , Stash stable
Q INCR: convection +(PC2 inhom) m01s05i182 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: convection +(PC2 inhom) m01s05i183 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: convection +(PC2 inhom) m01s05i184 Concept , Stash stable
U WIND INCR: convection m01s05i185 Concept , Stash stable
V WIND INCR: convection m01s05i186 Stash , Concept stable
TEMP INCR: convection (no shallowc) m01s05i187 Stash , Concept stable
SPEC HUM INCR:convect. (no shallowc) m01s05i188 Stash , Concept stable
BULK CLOUD VOL INCR: convection m01s05i192 Stash , Concept stable
LIQUID CLOUD VOL INCR: convection m01s05i193 Stash , Concept stable
FROZEN CLOUD VOL INCR: convection m01s05i194 Concept , Stash stable
(Convective vert. vel.)^2 [(m/s)^2] m01s05i196 Stash , Concept stable
Convective vertical velocity [m/s] m01s05i197 Stash , Concept stable
d(Temp)/dt from downdraughts K/s m01s05i198 Concept , Stash stable
d(q)/dt from downdraughts kg/kg/s m01s05i199 Stash , Concept stable
CONVECTIVE RAIN AMOUNT KG/M2/TS m01s05i201 Concept , Stash stable
CONVECTIVE SNOW AMOUNT KG/M2/TS m01s05i202 Concept , Stash stable
THETA INCREMENT FROM CONVECTION m01s05i203 Concept , Stash stable
SPECIFIC HUMID INCRMNT FROM CONVECTN m01s05i204 Concept , Stash stable
CONVECTIVE RAINFALL RATE KG/M2/S m01s05i205 Concept , Stash stable
CONVECTIVE SNOWFALL RATE KG/M2/S m01s05i206 Concept , Stash stable
PRESSURE AT CONVECTIVE CLOUD BASE m01s05i207 Concept , Stash stable
PRESSURE AT CONVECTIVE CLOUD TOP m01s05i208 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE AFTER CONVECTION m01s05i209 Stash , Concept stable
ICAO HT OF CONVECTIVE CLOUD BASE m01s05i210 Concept , Stash stable
ICAO HT OF CONVECTIVE CLOUD TOP m01s05i211 Stash , Concept stable
CONV. CLOUD AMOUNT ON EACH MODEL LEV m01s05i212 Concept , Stash stable
CONV CLOUD CONDENSED WATER KG/KG m01s05i213 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL RAINFALL RATE: LS+CONV KG/M2/S m01s05i214 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL SNOWFALL RATE: LS+CONV KG/M2/S m01s05i215 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL PRECIPITATION RATE KG/M2/S m01s05i216 Concept , Stash stable
DILUTE CONVECTIVELY AVAIL POT E J/KG m01s05i217 Concept , Stash stable
LOWEST CONV CLOUD BASE LEVEL NO. m01s05i218 Concept , Stash stable
LOWEST CONV CLOUD TOP LEVEL NO. m01s05i219 Concept , Stash stable
LOWEST CONV CLOUD AMOUNT AFTER CONV m01s05i220 Stash , Concept stable
LOWEST CONV CLOUD LIQUID WATER PATH m01s05i221 Concept , Stash stable
PRESSURE AT LOWEST CONV CLOUD BASE m01s05i222 Concept , Stash stable
PRESSURE AT LOWEST CONV CLOUD TOP m01s05i223 Concept , Stash stable
ICAO HT OF LOWEST CONV CLOUD BASE m01s05i224 Concept , Stash stable
ICAO HT OF LOWEST CONV CLOUD TOP m01s05i225 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL PRECIPITATION AMOUNT KG/M2/TS m01s05i226 Concept , Stash stable
NOMINAL 3D CONVECTIVE RAINFALL RATE m01s05i227 Concept , Stash stable
NOMINAL 3D CONVECTIVE SNOWFALL RATE m01s05i228 Concept , Stash stable
Fractional updraught area m01s05i229 Concept , Stash stable
Fractional downdraught area m01s05i230 Concept , Stash stable
CAPE TIMESCALE (DEEP) S m01s05i231 Stash , Concept stable
INDICATOR REDUCED CAPE TIMESCALE m01s05i232 Stash , Concept stable
UNDILUTE CAPE J/KG m01s05i233 Concept , Stash stable
UNDILUTE PARCEL CIN J/KG m01s05i234 Stash , Concept stable
U compnt of wind after convection m01s05i235 Concept , Stash stable
V compnt of wind after convection m01s05i236 Stash , Concept stable
NH3 SCAVENGED BY CONV PPN KG/M2/SEC m01s05i237 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 SCAVENGED BY CONV PPN KG/M2/SEC m01s05i238 Stash , Concept stable
SO4 AIT SCAVNGD BY CONV PPN KG/M2/S m01s05i239 Concept , Stash stable
SO4 ACC SCAVNGD BY CONV PPN KG/M2/S m01s05i240 Stash , Concept stable
SO4 DIS SCAVNGD BY CONV PPN KG/M2/S m01s05i241 Stash , Concept stable
SOOT SCAVNGD BY CONV PPN KG/M2/S m01s05i242 Concept , Stash stable
BIOMASS SCAVNGD BY CONV PPN KG/M2/S m01s05i243 Concept , Stash stable
OCFF SCAVNGD BY CONV PPN KG/M2/S m01s05i244 Concept , Stash stable
UD MFLUX(rho lev) Component A (Pa/s) m01s05i246 Concept , Stash stable
ACC NIT SCVGD BY CONV PPN KG/M2/S m01s05i247 Concept , Stash stable
DISS NIT SCVGD BY CONV PPN KG/M2/S m01s05i248 Concept , Stash stable
UD MASS FLUX rho levels (Pa/s) m01s05i249 Concept , Stash stable
UPDRAUGHT MASS FLUX (Pa/s) m01s05i250 Concept , Stash stable
DOWNDRAUGHT MASS FLUX (PA/S) m01s05i251 Stash , Concept stable
UPDRAUGHT ENTRAINMENT RATE (S-1) m01s05i252 Concept , Stash stable
UPDRAUGHT DETRAINMENT RATE (S-1) m01s05i253 Stash , Concept stable
DOWNDRAUGHT ENTRAINMENT RATE (S-1) m01s05i254 Concept , Stash stable
DOWNDRAUGHT DETRAINMENT RATE (S-1) m01s05i255 Concept , Stash stable
U INCREMENT MS-2 ( P GRID) m01s05i256 Stash , Concept stable
V INCREMENT MS-2 ( P GRID) m01s05i257 Concept , Stash stable
DEEP UW STRESS KG M-1 S-2 P GRID m01s05i258 Concept , Stash stable
DEEP VW STRESS KG M-1 S-2 P GRID m01s05i259 Concept , Stash stable
SHALL UW STRESS KG M-1 S-2 P GRID m01s05i260 Stash , Concept stable
SHALL VW STRESS KG M-1 S-2 P GRID m01s05i261 Stash , Concept stable
2D CONVECTIVE CLOUD AMOUNT m01s05i262 Stash , Concept stable
MID UW STRESS KG M-1 S-2 P GRID m01s05i263 Stash , Concept stable
MID VW STRESS KG M-1 S-2 P GRID m01s05i264 Stash , Concept stable
DEEP CONVECTION CFL LIMITED m01s05i267 Concept , Stash stable
MID-LEVEL CONVECTION CFL LIMITED m01s05i268 Concept , Stash stable
DEEP CONVECTION INDICATOR m01s05i269 Concept , Stash stable
SHALLOW CONVECTION INDICATOR m01s05i270 Concept , Stash stable
CUMULUS OVER OROGRAPHY INDICATOR m01s05i271 Concept , Stash stable
MID LEVEL CONVECTION INDICATOR m01s05i272 Concept , Stash stable
TOP LEVEL SURFACE MIXING LAYER m01s05i273 Concept , Stash stable
TOP LEVEL INITIAL PARCEL ASCENT m01s05i274 Concept , Stash stable
MODEL FREEZING LEVEL m01s05i275 Concept , Stash stable
TERMINATION LEVEL for DEEP CONVECT m01s05i276 Concept , Stash stable
DEEP CONV PRECIP RATE KG/M2/S m01s05i277 Concept , Stash stable
SHALLOW CONV PRECIP RATE KG/M2/S m01s05i278 Concept , Stash stable
MID LEVEL CONV PRECIP RATE KG/M2/S m01s05i279 Concept , Stash stable
CONGESTUS CONV PRECIP RATE KG/M2/S m01s05i280 Concept , Stash stable
Dust wet dep flux conv precip div 1 m01s05i281 Concept , Stash stable
Dust wet dep flux conv precip div 2 m01s05i282 Concept , Stash stable
Dust wet dep flux conv precip div 3 m01s05i283 Concept , Stash stable
Dust wet dep flux conv precip div 4 m01s05i284 Concept , Stash stable
Dust wet dep flux conv precip div 5 m01s05i285 Concept , Stash stable
Dust wet dep flux conv precip div 6 m01s05i286 Concept , Stash stable
WQT FLUX KG/KG M/S UV LEVEL P GRID m01s05i290 Concept , Stash stable
WQL FLUX KG/KG M/S UV LEVEL P GRID m01s05i291 Stash , Concept stable
WTHETAL FLUX K M/S UV LEV P GRID m01s05i292 Concept , Stash stable
WTHETAV FLUX K M/S UV LEV P GRID m01s05i293 Concept , Stash stable
SUBCLOUD LAYER CONV VEL SCALE M/S m01s05i300 Stash , Concept stable
CUMULUS LAYER CONV VEL SCALE M/S m01s05i301 Stash , Concept stable
CLOUD BASE MASS FLUX 1 M/S m01s05i302 Stash , Concept stable
CLOUD BASE MASS FLUX 2 M/S m01s05i303 Stash , Concept stable
WQT FLUX AT CLOUD BASE KG/KG M/S m01s05i304 Stash , Concept stable
WTHETAL FLUX AT CLOUD BASE KG/KGM/S m01s05i305 Concept , Stash stable
WQT FLUX AT INVERSION KG/KG M/S m01s05i306 Stash , Concept stable
WTHETAL FLUX AT INVERSION KG/KG M/S m01s05i307 Stash , Concept stable
HEIGHT OF TOP OF SHALLOW CONV M m01s05i308 Stash , Concept stable
HEIGHT OF BASE OF SHALLOW CONV M m01s05i309 Concept , Stash stable
CONGESTUS CONVECTION INDICATOR m01s05i310 Stash , Concept stable
CONGESTUS CONVECTION INDICATOR 2 m01s05i311 Stash , Concept stable
TERMINATION LEVEL FOR CONGESTUS m01s05i312 Stash , Concept stable
HEIGHT OF TOP OF CONGESTUS M m01s05i313 Stash , Concept stable
HEIGHT OF BASE OF CONGESTUS M m01s05i314 Stash , Concept stable
FREQ DEEP CONVECTION TERM HERE m01s05i319 Concept , Stash stable
MASS FLUX DEEP CONVECTION m01s05i320 Stash , Concept stable
MASS FLUX CONGESTUS CONVECTION m01s05i321 Stash , Concept stable
MASS FLUX SHALLOW CONVECTION m01s05i322 Stash , Concept stable
MASS FLUX MID-LEVEL CONVECTION m01s05i323 Stash , Concept stable
DT FROM DEEP CONVECTION K/S m01s05i324 Stash , Concept stable
DT FROM CONGESTUS CONVECTION K/S m01s05i325 Stash , Concept stable
DT FROM SHALLOW CONVECTION K/S m01s05i326 Stash , Concept stable
DT FROM MID-LEVEL CONVECTION K/S m01s05i327 Stash , Concept stable
DQ FROM DEEP CONVECTION KG/KG/S m01s05i328 Concept , Stash stable
DQ FROM CONGESTUS CONVECTION KG/KG/S m01s05i329 Concept , Stash stable
DQ FROM SHALLOW CONVECTION KG/KG/S m01s05i330 Stash , Concept stable
DQ FROM MID-LEVEL CONVECTION KG/KG/S m01s05i331 Stash , Concept stable
DU FROM DEEP CONV M/S2 ( P GRID) m01s05i332 Stash , Concept stable
DU FROM CONGESTUS CONV M/S2 (P GRID) m01s05i333 Stash , Concept stable
DU FROM SHALLOW CONV M/S2 ( P GRID) m01s05i334 Stash , Concept stable
DU FROM MID-LEVEL CONV M/S2 (P GRID) m01s05i335 Stash , Concept stable
DV FROM DEEP CONV M/S2 ( P GRID) m01s05i336 Stash , Concept stable
DV FROM CONGESTUS CONV MS-2 (P GRID) m01s05i337 Stash , Concept stable
DV FROM SHALLOW CONV MS-2 (P GRID) m01s05i338 Stash , Concept stable
DV FROM MID-LEVEL CONV MS-2 (P GRID) m01s05i339 Concept , Stash stable
CONV_TYPE INDICATOR m01s05i400 Concept , Stash stable
CONV_TYPE INDICATOR 1 m01s05i401 Concept , Stash stable
CONV_TYPE INDICATOR 2 m01s05i402 Concept , Stash stable
CONV_TYPE INDICATOR 3 m01s05i403 Concept , Stash stable
CONV_TYPE INDICATOR 4 m01s05i404 Stash , Concept stable
CONV_TYPE 1 PRECIP RATE KG/M2/S m01s05i405 Stash , Concept stable
CONV_TYPE 2 PRECIP RATE KG/M2/S m01s05i406 Stash , Concept stable
CONV_TYPE 3 PRECIP RATE KG/M2/S m01s05i407 Stash , Concept stable
CONV_TYPE 4 PRECIP RATE KG/M2/S m01s05i408 Stash , Concept stable
DT FROM CONV_TYPE 1 K/S m01s05i409 Concept , Stash stable
DT FROM CONV_TYPE 2 K/S m01s05i410 Concept , Stash stable
DT FROM CONV_TYPE 3 K/S m01s05i411 Stash , Concept stable
DT FROM CONV_TYPE 4 K/S m01s05i412 Stash , Concept stable
DQ FROM CONV_TYPE 1 KG/KG/S m01s05i413 Concept , Stash stable
DQ FROM CONV_TYPE 2 KG/KG/S m01s05i414 Stash , Concept stable
DQ FROM CONV_TYPE 3 KG/KG/S m01s05i415 Concept , Stash stable
DQ FROM CONV_TYPE 4 KG/KG/S m01s05i416 Stash , Concept stable
MASS FLUX CONV_TYPE 1 m01s05i417 Concept , Stash stable
MASS FLUX CONV_TYPE 2 m01s05i418 Stash , Concept stable
MASS FLUX CONV_TYPE 3 m01s05i419 Stash , Concept stable
HIGHEST LEVEL OF CONV_TYPE 1 m01s05i421 Stash , Concept stable
HIGHEST LEVEL OF CONV_TYPE 2 m01s05i422 Stash , Concept stable
HIGHEST LEVEL OF CONV_TYPE 3 m01s05i423 Concept , Stash stable
HIGHEST LEVEL OF CONV_TYPE 4 m01s05i424 Stash , Concept stable
WTHETA_L CONV_TYPE 1 m01s05i425 Stash , Concept stable
WTHETA_L CONV_TYPE 2 m01s05i426 Concept , Stash stable
WTHETA_L CONV_TYPE 3 m01s05i427 Concept , Stash stable
WTHETA_L CONV_TYPE 4 m01s05i428 Stash , Concept stable
WQT CONV_TYPE 1 m01s05i429 Stash , Concept stable
WQT CONV_TYPE 2 m01s05i430 Stash , Concept stable
WQT CONV_TYPE 3 m01s05i431 Concept , Stash stable
WQT CONV_TYPE 4 m01s05i432 Stash , Concept stable
U COMPNT OF WIND AFTER G.WAVE DRAG m01s06i002 Concept , Stash stable
V COMPNT OF WIND AFTER G.WAVE DRAG m01s06i003 Concept , Stash stable
EASTWARD FLUX - SPECTRAL PSEUDOMOM. m01s06i101 Stash , Concept stable
SOUTHWARD FLUX - SPECTRAL PSEUDOMOM. m01s06i102 Stash , Concept stable
WESTWARD FLUX - SPECTRAL PSEUDOMOM. m01s06i103 Stash , Concept stable
NORTHWARD FLUX - SPECTRAL PSEUDOMOM. m01s06i104 Stash , Concept stable
EASTWARD FORCE FROM SPECTRAL GW m01s06i105 Stash , Concept stable
NORTHWARD FORCE FROM SPECTRAL GW m01s06i106 Stash , Concept stable
E. FLUX SPECTRAL PSEUDOMOM. P LEVS m01s06i111 Concept , Stash stable
W. FLUX SPECTRAL PSEUDOMOM. P LEVS m01s06i113 Stash , Concept stable
EAST. FORCE FROM SPECTRAL GW P LEVS m01s06i115 Concept , Stash stable
GW HEATING TEMPERATURE INC m01s06i181 Stash , Concept stable
U WIND INCR: gwd scheme m01s06i185 Stash , Concept stable
V WIND INCR: gwd scheme m01s06i186 Stash , Concept stable
X COMPONENT OF GRAVITY WAVE STRESS m01s06i201 Stash , Concept stable
Y COMPONENT OF GRAVITY WAVE STRESS m01s06i202 Concept , Stash stable
STANDARD DEVIATION OF OROGRAPHY m01s06i203 Stash , Concept stable
OROGRAPHIC GRADIENT XX COMPONENT m01s06i204 Stash , Concept stable
OROGRAPHIC GRADIENT XY COMPONENT m01s06i205 Stash , Concept stable
OROGRAPHIC GRADIENT YY COMPONENT m01s06i206 Stash , Concept stable
U-ACCEL FROM SATURATED STRESS m01s06i207 Stash , Concept stable
V-ACCEL FROM SATURATED STRESS m01s06i208 Stash , Concept stable
U-ACCEL FROM HYDRAULIC JUMP m01s06i209 Concept , Stash stable
V-ACCEL FROM HYDRAULIC JUMP m01s06i210 Stash , Concept stable
U-ACCEL FROM TRAPPED LEE WAVES m01s06i211 Concept , Stash stable
V-ACCEL FROM TRAPPED LEE WAVES m01s06i212 Concept , Stash stable
VERTICAL TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT m01s06i213 Concept , Stash stable
U in the GWD surface layer m01s06i214 Stash , Concept stable
V in the GWD surface layer m01s06i215 Stash , Concept stable
N in the GWD surface layer m01s06i216 Concept , Stash stable
GWD Froude number m01s06i217 Stash , Concept stable
GWD Blocked Layer Depth m01s06i218 Stash , Concept stable
Percent of hydro GWD that is linear m01s06i219 Concept , Stash stable
Percent of time with Hydr. Jumps m01s06i220 Stash , Concept stable
Percent of time with Lee Waves m01s06i221 Concept , Stash stable
Percent of time with blocked flow m01s06i222 Concept , Stash stable
X COMPONENT OF GW SATURATION STRESS m01s06i223 Concept , Stash stable
Y COMPONENT OF GW SATURATION STRESS m01s06i224 Stash , Concept stable
X COMPONENT OF GW JUMP STRESS m01s06i225 Concept , Stash stable
Y COMPONENT OF GW JUMP STRESS m01s06i226 Concept , Stash stable
X COMPONENT OF BLOCKED FLOW STRESS m01s06i227 Stash , Concept stable
Y COMPONENT OF BLOCKED FLOW STRESS m01s06i228 Stash , Concept stable
X COMPONENT OF GW LEE STRESS m01s06i229 Stash , Concept stable
Y COMPONENT OF GW LEE STRESS m01s06i230 Concept , Stash stable
U-ACCEL FROM BLOCKED FLOW m01s06i231 Concept , Stash stable
V-ACCEL FROM BLOCKED FLOW m01s06i232 Concept , Stash stable
% of time num limiter invoked m01s06i233 Concept , Stash stable
% redn. of block stress by limiter m01s06i234 Stash , Concept stable
X-COMPONENT OF SURFACE SSO STRESS m01s06i235 Concept , Stash stable
Y-COMPONENT OF SURFACE SSO STRESS m01s06i236 Concept , Stash stable
Froude No. scaling of surface stress m01s06i237 Concept , Stash stable
X COMPT OF GRAV. WAVE STRESS P LEVS m01s06i241 Concept , Stash stable
U-ACCEL FROM SATURATED STRESS P LEVS m01s06i247 Stash , Concept stable
OROGRAPHIC SUB-GRID SLOPE m01s06i248 Concept , Stash stable
OROGRAPHIC SUB-GRID ANISOTROPY m01s06i249 Concept , Stash stable
OROGRAPHIC SUB-GRID ORIENTATION m01s06i250 Concept , Stash stable
U COMPNT OF WIND AFTER VERT DIFSION m01s07i002 Stash , Concept stable
V COMPNT OF WIND AFTER VERT DIFSION m01s07i003 Stash , Concept stable
VERT FLUX OF U MOMENTUM FROM V.DIFFN m01s07i201 Stash , Concept stable
VERT FLUX OF V MOMENTUM FROM V.DIFFN m01s07i202 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW MASS AFTER HYDROLOGY KG/M2 m01s08i023 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE TEMPERATURE,AFTER HYDROLOGY m01s08i024 Stash , Concept stable
LAND SNOW MELT AMOUNT KG/M2/TS m01s08i201 Stash , Concept stable
LAND SNOW MELT HEAT FLUX W/M2 m01s08i202 Stash , Concept stable
CANOPY THROUGHFALL AMOUNT KG/M2/TS m01s08i203 Stash , Concept stable
SFC RUNOFF AMOUNT:LAND MEAN KG/M2/TS m01s08i204 Concept , Stash stable
SUB-SFC RUNOFF AMT:LAND MN KG/M2/TS m01s08i205 Concept , Stash stable
SOIL HYDROLOGY PARAMETER "BS" m01s08i206 Concept , Stash stable
VEG MODIFIED INFILTRATION RATE m01s08i207 Concept , Stash stable
SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT m01s08i208 Stash , Concept stable
CANOPY WATER CONTENT m01s08i209 Concept , Stash stable
VOL SMC AT WILTING m01s08i210 Concept , Stash stable
VOL SMC AT CRIT PT m01s08i211 Stash , Concept stable
VOL SMC AT FLD CAP m01s08i212 Concept , Stash stable
VOL SMC AT SATURATION m01s08i213 Stash , Concept stable
SATURATED SOIL CONDUCTIVITY m01s08i214 Stash , Concept stable
EAGLESONS EXPONENT m01s08i215 Concept , Stash stable
THERMAL CAPACITY m01s08i216 Stash , Concept stable
THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY m01s08i217 Concept , Stash stable
VEGETATION FRACTION m01s08i218 Concept , Stash stable
ROOT DEPTH m01s08i219 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE RESISTANCE TO EVAPORATION m01s08i220 Stash , Concept stable
VOLUMETRIC SOIL MOISTURE m01s08i221 Stash , Concept stable
SOIL WETNESS INDEX m01s08i222 Concept , Stash stable
SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT IN A LAYER m01s08i223 Concept , Stash stable
SATURATED SOIL WATER SUCTION m01s08i224 Concept , Stash stable
DEEP SOIL TEMP. AFTER HYDROLOGY DEGK m01s08i225 Stash , Concept stable
DEEP SNOWMELT HEAT FLUX W/M2 m01s08i226 Stash , Concept stable
VAN GENUCHTEN "B" PARAMETER m01s08i227 Concept , Stash stable
CLAPP-HORNBERGER "B" COEFFICIENT m01s08i228 Concept , Stash stable
UNFROZEN SOIL MOISTURE FRACTION m01s08i229 Concept , Stash stable
FROZEN SOIL MOISTURE FRACTION m01s08i230 Concept , Stash stable
LAND SNOW MELT RATE KG/M2/S m01s08i231 Stash , Concept stable
CANOPY THROUGHFALL RATE KG/M2/S m01s08i233 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE RUNOFF RATE KG/M2/S m01s08i234 Concept , Stash stable
SUB-SURFACE RUNOFF RATE KG/M2/S m01s08i235 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW AMOUNT ON TILES KG/M2 m01s08i236 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW MELT RATE ON TILES KG/M2/S m01s08i237 Concept , Stash stable
SNOW GRAIN SIZE ON TILES MICRONS m01s08i238 Stash , Concept stable
BASE FLOW AMOUNT KG/M2/S m01s08i239 Concept , Stash stable
DUNNE RUNOFF KG/M2/S m01s08i240 Stash , Concept stable
BASE FLOW FROM ZW LAYER KG/M2/S m01s08i241 Stash , Concept stable
CH4 WETLAND FLUX(FOR UKCA) UG C/M2/S m01s08i242 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN TOPOGRAPHIC INDEX m01s08i243 Concept , Stash stable
STANDARD DEVN IN TOPOGRAPHIC INDEX m01s08i244 Stash , Concept stable
INLANDBASINFLOW ATM GRID KG/M2/S m01s08i245 Stash , Concept stable
INTEGRATED GAMMA DISTRIBUTION m01s08i246 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE SATURATION FRACTION m01s08i247 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE WETLAND FRACTION m01s08i248 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN WATER TABLE DEPTH M m01s08i249 Concept , Stash stable
SATURATION FRAC IN DEEP LAYER m01s08i250 Concept , Stash stable
EXP DECAY IN SOIL SAT HYD CONDUCTY m01s08i251 Stash , Concept stable
DRAINAGE OUT OF SOIL MODEL KG/M2/S m01s08i252 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUM SURFACE RUNOFF RATE KG/M2/S m01s08i254 Concept , Stash stable
ACCUM SUB-SURFACE RUNOFF RATEKG/M2/S m01s08i255 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUM SURFACE RUNOFF RATE KG/M2/S m01s08i258 Concept , Stash stable
ACCUM SUB-SURFACE RUNOFF RATEKG/M2/S m01s08i259 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE AFTER MAIN DYN CLOUD m01s09i004 Concept , Stash stable
SPEC HUMID AFTER MAIN DYN CLD (ret) m01s09i010 Concept , Stash stable
TEMPERATURE INC: bdy layer + ls cld m01s09i181 Concept , Stash stable
SPEC HUMIDITY INC: bdy layr + ls cld m01s09i182 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INC: bdy layer + ls cld m01s09i183 Concept , Stash stable
BULK CLOUD AMOUNT AFTER MAIN CLOUD m01s09i201 Concept , Stash stable
VERY LOW CLOUD AMOUNT m01s09i202 Concept , Stash stable
LOW CLOUD AMOUNT m01s09i203 Stash , Concept stable
MEDIUM CLOUD AMOUNT m01s09i204 Concept , Stash stable
HIGH CLOUD AMOUNT m01s09i205 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD LIQUID WATER AFTER MAIN CLOUD m01s09i206 Concept , Stash stable
CLD ICE CONTENT AFTER DYN CLD (ret) m01s09i207 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD BASE ASL COVER.GT.0.1 OCTA KFT m01s09i208 Stash , Concept stable
CLOUD BASE ASL COVER.GT.1.5 OCTA KFT m01s09i209 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD BASE ASL COVER.GT.2.5 OCTA KFT m01s09i210 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD BASE ASL COVER.GT.3.5 OCTA KFT m01s09i211 Stash , Concept stable
CLOUD BASE ASL COVER.GT.4.5 OCTA KFT m01s09i212 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD BASE ASL COVER.GT.5.5 OCTA KFT m01s09i213 Stash , Concept stable
CLOUD BASE ASL COVER.GT.6.5 OCTA KFT m01s09i214 Stash , Concept stable
CLOUD BASE ASL COVER.GT.7.9 OCTA KFT m01s09i215 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL CLOUD AMOUNT - RANDOM OVERLAP m01s09i216 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL CLOUD AMOUNT MAX/RANDOM OVERLP m01s09i217 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD FRACTION BELOW 1000 FT ASL m01s09i218 Stash , Concept stable
LOW CLOUD BASE (FT ASL) m01s09i219 Concept , Stash stable
LOW CLOUD TOP (FT ASL) m01s09i220 Concept , Stash stable
WET BULB FREEZING LEV HEIGHT (M) m01s09i221 Concept , Stash stable
WET BULB TEMPERATURE (K) m01s09i222 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL CLOUD TOP HEIGHT (KFT) m01s09i223 Concept , Stash stable
LAYER LIQUID CLOUD AMOUNT IN LAYERS m01s09i224 Concept , Stash stable
LAYER FROZEN CLOUD AMOUNT IN LAYERS m01s09i225 Concept , Stash stable
LAYER CLOUD FREQUENCY IN EACH LAYER m01s09i226 Stash , Concept stable
LAYER CLOUD AREA IN LAYER m01s09i227 Stash , Concept stable
CRITICAL RELATIVE HUMIDITY IN LAYERS m01s09i228 Concept , Stash stable
RELATIVE HUMIDITY AFTER MAIN CLOUD m01s09i229 Stash , Concept stable
VISIBILITY ON MODEL LEVELS M m01s09i230 Concept , Stash stable
COMBINED CLOUD AMOUNT IN EACH LAYER m01s09i231 Concept , Stash stable
CEILOMETER CLD AMT - RANDOM OVERLAP m01s09i232 Concept , Stash stable
CEILOMETER CLD AMT MAX/RANDOM OVERLP m01s09i233 Concept , Stash stable
CEILOMETER CLOUD AMT IN EACH LAYER m01s09i234 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index II(RH) m01s09i310 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(RH)>0.1 m01s09i311 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(RH)>0.2 m01s09i312 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(RH)>0.3 m01s09i313 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(RH)>0.4 m01s09i314 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(RH)>0.5 m01s09i315 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(RH)>0.6 m01s09i316 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(RH)>0.7 m01s09i317 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(RH)>0.8 m01s09i318 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(RH)>0.9 m01s09i319 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index II(RHCldPres) m01s09i320 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(RHCldPres)>0.1 m01s09i321 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(RHCldPres)>0.2 m01s09i322 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(RHCldPres)>0.3 m01s09i323 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(RHCldPres)>0.4 m01s09i324 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(RHCldPres)>0.5 m01s09i325 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(RHCldPres)>0.6 m01s09i326 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(RHCldPres)>0.7 m01s09i327 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(RHCldPres)>0.8 m01s09i328 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(RHCldPres)>0.9 m01s09i329 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index II(CF) m01s09i330 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(CF)>0.1 m01s09i331 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index II(CF)>0.2 m01s09i332 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(CF)>0.3 m01s09i333 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(CF)>0.4 m01s09i334 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(CF)>0.5 m01s09i335 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(CF)>0.6 m01s09i336 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(CF)>0.7 m01s09i337 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(CF)>0.8 m01s09i338 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(CF)>0.9 m01s09i339 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index II(LCF) m01s09i340 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(LCF)>0.1 m01s09i341 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(LCF)>0.2 m01s09i342 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(LCF)>0.3 m01s09i343 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(LCF)>0.4 m01s09i344 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(LCF)>0.5 m01s09i345 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(LCF)>0.6 m01s09i346 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(LCF)>0.7 m01s09i347 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(LCF)>0.8 m01s09i348 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(LCF)>0.9 m01s09i349 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index II(LWC) m01s09i350 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(LWC)>0.1 m01s09i351 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(LWC)>0.2 m01s09i352 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(LWC)>0.3 m01s09i353 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(LWC)>0.4 m01s09i354 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(LWC)>0.5 m01s09i355 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(LWC)>0.6 m01s09i356 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(LWC)>0.7 m01s09i357 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(LWC)>0.8 m01s09i358 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(LWC)>0.9 m01s09i359 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index II(icLWC) m01s09i360 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(icLWC)>0.1 m01s09i361 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(icLWC)>0.2 m01s09i362 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(icLWC)>0.3 m01s09i363 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(icLWC)>0.4 m01s09i364 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(icLWC)>0.5 m01s09i365 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(icLWC)>0.6 m01s09i366 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(icLWC)>0.7 m01s09i367 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(icLWC)>0.8 m01s09i368 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(icLWC)>0.9 m01s09i369 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index II(FROST-LN) m01s09i370 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROST-LN)>0.1 m01s09i371 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROST-LN)>0.2 m01s09i372 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROST-LN)>0.3 m01s09i373 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROST-LN)>0.4 m01s09i374 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROST-LN)>0.5 m01s09i375 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROST-LN)>0.6 m01s09i376 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROST-LN)>0.7 m01s09i377 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROST-LN)>0.8 m01s09i378 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROST-LN)>0.9 m01s09i379 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index II(FROST-Gamma) m01s09i380 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROSTGamma)>0.1 m01s09i381 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROSTGamma)>0.2 m01s09i382 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROSTGamma)>0.3 m01s09i383 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROSTGamma)>0.4 m01s09i384 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROSTGamma)>0.5 m01s09i385 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROSTGamma)>0.6 m01s09i386 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROSTGamma)>0.7 m01s09i387 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROSTGamma)>0.8 m01s09i388 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index Flag II(FROSTGamma)>0.9 m01s09i389 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index 2d MaxRan II(RH) m01s09i391 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index 2d MaxRan II(RHCldPres) m01s09i392 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index 2d MaxRan II(CF) m01s09i393 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index 2d MaxRan II(LCF) m01s09i394 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index 2d MaxRan II(LWC) m01s09i395 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index 2d MaxRan II(icLWC) m01s09i396 Concept , Stash stable
Icing Index 2d MaxRan II(FROST-LN) m01s09i397 Stash , Concept stable
Icing Index 2d MaxRan II(FROST-Gamma m01s09i398 Stash , Concept stable
PSTAR AFTER ADJUSTMENT m01s10i001 Concept , Stash stable
U COMPNT OF WIND AFTER ADJUSTMENT m01s10i002 Stash , Concept stable
V COMPNT OF WIND AFTER ADJUSTMENT m01s10i003 Stash , Concept stable
THETA AFTER ADJUSTMENT m01s10i004 Stash , Concept stable
SPEC HUMID TOT WATER CONTENT:ADJUST m01s10i010 Concept , Stash stable
dU SOLVER INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s10i185 Concept , Stash stable
dV SOLVER INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s10i186 Concept , Stash stable
dW SOLVER INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s10i187 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN U OVER ADJ*LAYER THICK=MASS FLX m01s10i201 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN V OVER ADJ*LAYER THICK=MASS FLX m01s10i202 Concept , Stash stable
PSEUDO-RADIUS AT MODEL LEVELS m01s10i203 Stash , Concept stable
ETADOT FROM THE ADJUSTMENT STEP m01s10i204 Concept , Stash stable
RATE OF CHANGE OF PSTAR m01s10i205 Concept , Stash stable
GEOPOTENTIAL m01s10i206 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN U OVER ADJ * LAYER THICK * TEMP m01s10i207 Concept , Stash stable
MEAN V OVER ADJ * LAYER THICK * TEMP m01s10i208 Concept , Stash stable
MEAN U OVER ADJ * LAYER THICK *HUMID m01s10i209 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN V OVER ADJ * LAYER THICK *HUMID m01s10i210 Concept , Stash stable
MEAN U ADJ *LAYER THICK* LIQ WATER T m01s10i211 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN V ADJ *LAYER THICK* LIQ WATER T m01s10i212 Concept , Stash stable
MEAN U ADJ *LAYER THICK* TOTAL WATER m01s10i213 Concept , Stash stable
MEAN V ADJ *LAYER THICK* TOTAL WATER m01s10i214 Concept , Stash stable
MEAN U ADJ * LAYER THICK * U m01s10i215 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN V ADJ * LAYER THICK * U m01s10i216 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN U ADJ * LAYER THICK * V m01s10i217 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN V ADJ * LAYER THICK * V m01s10i218 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN U * LAYER THICK * GEOPOTENTIAL m01s10i219 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN V * LAYER THICK * GEOPOTENTIAL m01s10i220 Stash , Concept stable
MN U *LYR THICK* MOIST STATIC ENERGY m01s10i221 Stash , Concept stable
MN V *LYR THICK* MOIST STATIC ENERGY m01s10i222 Concept , Stash stable
ANGULAR MOMENTUM M1 KG M2/S X10-24 m01s10i223 Concept , Stash stable
ANGULAR MOMENTUM M2 KG M2/S X10-24 m01s10i224 Stash , Concept stable
ANGULAR MOMENTUM M3 KG M2/S X10-24 m01s10i225 Stash , Concept stable
ANGULAR MOMENTUM W1 KG M2/S X10-24 m01s10i226 Concept , Stash stable
ANGULAR MOMENTUM W2 KG M2/S X10-24 m01s10i227 Stash , Concept stable
ANGULAR MOMENTUM W3 KG M2/S X10-24 m01s10i228 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD LIQUID WATER BEFORE DYNAMICS m01s10i229 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD ICE CONTENT BEFORE DYNAMICS m01s10i230 Stash , Concept stable
U (MODEL LEVELS) AFTER ADVECTION m01s12i002 Concept , Stash stable
V (MODEL LEVELS) AFTER ADVECTION m01s12i003 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE AFTER ADVECTION m01s12i004 Stash , Concept stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AFTER ADVECTION m01s12i010 Concept , Stash stable
QCF AFTER ADVECTION m01s12i012 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: advect positive m01s12i170 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: advect negative m01s12i171 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: advect positive m01s12i172 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: advect negative m01s12i173 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: advect positive m01s12i176 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: advect negative m01s12i177 Stash , Concept stable
FROZEN CLOUD VOL INCR:advect positiv m01s12i178 Concept , Stash stable
FROZEN CLOUD VOL INCR:advect negativ m01s12i179 Concept , Stash stable
TEMPERATURE INCR: advect K/Timestep m01s12i181 Stash , Concept stable
Q INCR: advect kg/kg/timestep m01s12i182 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: advect kg/kg/timestep m01s12i183 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: advect kg/kg/timestep m01s12i184 Concept , Stash stable
U WIND INCR: advection m01s12i185 Concept , Stash stable
V WIND INCR: advection m01s12i186 Stash , Concept stable
W INCR: advect m/s/timestep m01s12i187 Concept , Stash stable
RAIN INCR: advect kg/kg/timestep m01s12i189 Concept , Stash stable
GRAUPEL INCR: advect kg/kg/timestep m01s12i190 Concept , Stash stable
QCF2 INCR: advect kg/kg/timestep m01s12i191 Stash , Concept stable
BULK CLOUD VOL INCR: advect m01s12i192 Stash , Concept stable
LIQUID CLOUD VOL INCR: advect m01s12i193 Stash , Concept stable
FROZEN CLOUD VOL INCR: advect m01s12i194 Concept , Stash stable
OMEGA ON MODEL LEVELS m01s12i201 Stash , Concept stable
OMEGA ON PRESSURE LEVELS m01s12i202 Stash , Concept stable
dz to w departure point m m01s12i203 Stash , Concept stable
lambda w departure point radians m01s12i204 Concept , Stash stable
phi w departure point radians m01s12i205 Stash , Concept stable
QCL AFTER ADVECTION m01s12i254 Concept , Stash stable
U AFTER FILTERING AND DIFFUSION m01s13i002 Stash , Concept stable
V AFTER FILTERING AND DIFFUSION m01s13i003 Concept , Stash stable
THETAL AFTER FILTERING AND DIFFUSION m01s13i004 Concept , Stash stable
QT AFTER FILTERING AND DIFFUSION m01s13i010 Stash , Concept stable
dT DIFFUSION INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s13i181 Stash , Concept stable
dQ DIFFUSION INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s13i182 Concept , Stash stable
dU DIFFUSION INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s13i185 Concept , Stash stable
dV DIFFUSION INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s13i186 Concept , Stash stable
SMAG: VISC_M m01s13i190 Concept , Stash stable
SMAG: VISC_H m01s13i191 Concept , Stash stable
SMAG: S (SHEAR TERM) m01s13i192 Concept , Stash stable
MIXING LENGTH RNEUTML m01s13i193 Stash , Concept stable
RI DEPENDENT FN (FM_3D) m01s13i194 Concept , Stash stable
RI DEPENDENT FN (FH_3D) m01s13i195 Concept , Stash stable
DIFF COEFF FROM BL SCHEME (RHO_KM) m01s13i196 Concept , Stash stable
DIFF COEFF FROM BL SCHEME (RHO_KH) m01s13i197 Concept , Stash stable
Indicator of local q diffusion m01s13i201 Stash , Concept stable
dT FILTER INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s13i381 Stash , Concept stable
dU FILTER INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s13i385 Stash , Concept stable
dV FILTER INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s13i386 Stash , Concept stable
dW FILTER INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s13i387 Concept , Stash stable
dEXNER FILTER INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s13i388 Stash , Concept stable
dT FILTER INC INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s13i481 Stash , Concept stable
dU FILTER INC INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s13i485 Stash , Concept stable
dV FILTER INC INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s13i486 Concept , Stash stable
dW FILTER INC INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s13i487 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE INCR: En cor K/Timestep m01s14i181 Stash , Concept stable
ATMOS ENERGY CORRN IN COLUMN (ret) m01s14i201 Stash , Concept stable
U WIND ON MODEL LEVELS B GRID m01s15i002 Concept , Stash stable
V WIND ON MODEL LEVELS B GRID m01s15i003 Concept , Stash stable
H OF THETA MODEL LEVS FROM SEA LEVEL m01s15i101 Stash , Concept stable
H OF RHO MODEL LEVS FROM SEA LEVEL m01s15i102 Concept , Stash stable
PRESSURE ON GEOMETRIC HEIGHT LEVELS m01s15i108 Stash , Concept stable
THETA ON GEOMETRIC HEIGHT LEVELS m01s15i119 Concept , Stash stable
RHO ON GEOMETRIC HEIGHT LEVELS m01s15i127 Concept , Stash stable
W ON GEOMETRIC HEIGHT LEVELS m01s15i142 Stash , Concept stable
U ON GEOMETRIC HEIGHT LEVELS m01s15i143 Stash , Concept stable
V ON GEOMETRIC HEIGHT LEVELS m01s15i144 Stash , Concept stable
dT INC FROM QT_BAL_CLD m01s15i181 Stash , Concept stable
DQ INC FROM QT_BAL_CLD m01s15i182 Concept , Stash stable
DQCL INC FROM QT_BAL_CLD m01s15i183 Stash , Concept stable
U WIND ON PRESSURE LEVELS B GRID m01s15i201 Stash , Concept stable
V WIND ON PRESSURE LEVELS B GRID m01s15i202 Concept , Stash stable
MAX CAT PROBABILITY. NEED MAX WIND m01s15i203 Concept , Stash stable
MAX CAT PROB LEVEL. NEED MAX WIND m01s15i204 Concept , Stash stable
CAT PROB @ P LEVELS. NEED MAX WIND m01s15i205 Stash , Concept stable
HEIGHT OF MAX WIND LEVEL- NOT AVALBL m01s15i206 Concept , Stash stable
ICAO HT OF MAX WIND LEV-NEED MAX UV& m01s15i207 Stash , Concept stable
PRESSURE OF MAX WIND LEV-NEED MAX U, m01s15i208 Stash , Concept stable
U COMPONENT OF MAX WIND-NEED MAX V&P m01s15i209 Stash , Concept stable
V COMPONENT OF MAX WIND-NEED MAX U&P m01s15i210 Stash , Concept stable
CAT PROB AVE 300 250 200MB NEED MAX m01s15i211 Stash , Concept stable
50 METRE WIND U-COMPONENT B GRID m01s15i212 Concept , Stash stable
50 METRE WIND V-COMPONENT B GRID m01s15i213 Concept , Stash stable
ERTEL POTENTIAL VORTICITY THETA SURF m01s15i214 Concept , Stash stable
THETA ON PV=+/-2 SURFACE m01s15i215 Stash , Concept stable
THETA AT PV POINTS m01s15i216 Concept , Stash stable
PV ON MODEL LEVELS(CALC PV) m01s15i217 Concept , Stash stable
PV on model theta levels m01s15i218 Concept , Stash stable
T**2 ON PRESS LEVS U GRID. USE MACRO m01s15i219 Stash , Concept stable
U**2 ON PRESS LEVS U GRID. USE MACRO m01s15i220 Stash , Concept stable
V**2 ON PRESS LEVS U GRID. USE MACRO m01s15i221 Concept , Stash stable
OMEGA ON PRESS LEVS U GRID.USE MACRO m01s15i222 Concept , Stash stable
OMEGA*T ON P LEVS U GRID. USE MACRO m01s15i223 Concept , Stash stable
OMEGA*U ON P LEVS U GRID. USE MACRO m01s15i224 Concept , Stash stable
OMEGA*V ON P LEVS U GRID. USE MACRO m01s15i225 Stash , Concept stable
SPECIF HUM;P LEVS;U GRID. USE MACRO m01s15i226 Concept , Stash stable
Q*U ON PRESS LEVS U GRID. USE MACRO m01s15i227 Concept , Stash stable
Q*V ON PRESS LEVS U GRID. USE MACRO m01s15i228 Concept , Stash stable
POTENTIAL VORTICITY ON PRESSURE LEVS m01s15i229 Stash , Concept stable
THETA ON POT VORT LEVS-SEE CON.B.5.F m01s15i230 Concept , Stash stable
TEST FIELD ON V-GRID-SINGLE LEVEL m01s15i231 Concept , Stash stable
TEST FIELD ON P GRID-SINGLE LEVEL m01s15i232 Concept , Stash stable
TEST FIELD ON P GRID-PRESS LEVELS m01s15i233 Concept , Stash stable
TEST FIELD ON P GRID-MODEL LEVELS m01s15i234 Stash , Concept stable
q*w on press levs, u grid m01s15i235 Stash , Concept stable
Fract of time pres lev above surface m01s15i236 Concept , Stash stable
Total KE per unit area x10e-6 J/m2 m01s15i237 Concept , Stash stable
Geopotential height, u grid m01s15i238 Stash , Concept stable
U*Geopotential height, u grid x1.e6 m01s15i239 Stash , Concept stable
v*Geopotential height, u grid x1.e6 m01s15i240 Stash , Concept stable
mountain torque per unit area N/m m01s15i241 Concept , Stash stable
W COMPNT (OF WIND) ON PRESSURE LEVS m01s15i242 Concept , Stash stable
U WIND ON PRESSURE LEVELS m01s15i243 Stash , Concept stable
V WIND ON PRESSURE LEVELS m01s15i244 Concept , Stash stable
50 METRE WIND U-COMPONENT m01s15i245 Concept , Stash stable
50 METRE WIND V-COMPONENT m01s15i246 Concept , Stash stable
Rho*w on rho levels m01s15i260 Concept , Stash stable
Rho*u*w on rho levels m01s15i261 Concept , Stash stable
Rho*v*w on rho levels m01s15i262 Stash , Concept stable
Rho*w with w > 0m/s on rho levels m01s15i263 Concept , Stash stable
Rho*w with w < 0m/s on rho levels m01s15i264 Stash , Concept stable
Rho*w with w > 1m/s on rho levels m01s15i265 Concept , Stash stable
Rho*w with w < -1m/s on rho levels m01s15i266 Concept , Stash stable
SQU OF NORM OF FOURIER TRANS OF W m01s15i270 Concept , Stash stable
True unscaled density m01s15i271 Concept , Stash stable
TEMPERATURE ON THETA LEVELS m01s16i004 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: pc2 init positive m01s16i140 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: pc2 init negative m01s16i141 Concept , Stash stable
QCF INCR: pc2 init positive m01s16i142 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: pc2 init negative m01s16i143 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 init positiv m01s16i146 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 init negativ m01s16i147 Stash , Concept stable
ICE CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 init positiv m01s16i148 Concept , Stash stable
ICE CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 init negativ m01s16i149 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: pc2 pressure change positi m01s16i150 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: pc2 pressure change negati m01s16i151 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 press positi m01s16i156 Stash , Concept stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 press negati m01s16i157 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE INCR: pc2 initialisation m01s16i161 Concept , Stash stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY INCR: pc2 initiali m01s16i162 Concept , Stash stable
QCL INCR: pc2 initialisation m01s16i163 Stash , Concept stable
QCF INCR: pc2 initialisation m01s16i164 Concept , Stash stable
BULK CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 initialisat m01s16i172 Stash , Concept stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 init m01s16i173 Stash , Concept stable
ICE CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 initialise m01s16i174 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE INCR: pc2 pres change m01s16i181 Concept , Stash stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY INCR: pc2 pressure m01s16i182 Stash , Concept stable
QCL INCR: pc2 pressure change m01s16i183 Concept , Stash stable
QCF INCR: from pc2 pressure change m01s16i184 Stash , Concept stable
BULK CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 pres change m01s16i192 Concept , Stash stable
LIQ CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 pressure cha m01s16i193 Stash , Concept stable
FROZEN CLOUD VOL INCR: pc2 pressure m01s16i194 Stash , Concept stable
GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT ON THETA LEVELS m01s16i201 Stash , Concept stable
GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT ON P LEV/P GRID m01s16i202 Concept , Stash stable
TEMPERATURE ON P LEV/P GRID m01s16i203 Concept , Stash stable
RH WRT ICE ON P LEV/P GRID m01s16i204 Concept , Stash stable
WET BULB POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE K m01s16i205 Stash , Concept stable
CLOUD WATER CONTENT (qc) m01s16i206 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL SPECIFIC HUMIDITY (qT) m01s16i207 Stash , Concept stable
PRESSURE OF -20 DEG ISO- NEED HT m01s16i208 Concept , Stash stable
ICAO HT OF FREEZING LEV- NEED P,HT m01s16i209 Stash , Concept stable
HEIGHT OF FREEZING LEV- NEED PRESS m01s16i210 Concept , Stash stable
PRESSURE OF FREEZING LEV- NEED HT m01s16i211 Concept , Stash stable
HT OF CONTRAIL LOWER LIM- NEED UPPER m01s16i212 Concept , Stash stable
HT OF CONTRAIL UPPER LIM- NEED LOWER m01s16i213 Concept , Stash stable
PRESSURE AT TROP LEV- NEED HT,TEMP m01s16i214 Concept , Stash stable
TEMP AT TROP LEVEL- NEED HT,PRESS m01s16i215 Concept , Stash stable
HEIGHT OF TROP- NEED TEMP, PRESS m01s16i216 Concept , Stash stable
ICAO HT OF TROP- NEED HT,TEMP,PRESS m01s16i217 Concept , Stash stable
HEIGHT OF -20 DEG ISO- NEED PRESSURE m01s16i218 Concept , Stash stable
THERMAL ADVECTION ON PRESSURE LEVELS m01s16i219 Stash , Concept stable
RADIO DUCT HEIGHT- NEED INTENSITY m01s16i220 Concept , Stash stable
RADIO DUCT INTENSITY- NEED HEIGHT m01s16i221 Concept , Stash stable
PRESSURE AT MEAN SEA LEVEL m01s16i222 Stash , Concept stable
THERMAL ADVECT AVE OVER 850 700 500 m01s16i223 Stash , Concept stable
HEIGHT**2 ON PRESS LEVS. USE MACRO m01s16i224 Concept , Stash stable
GEOPOTENTIAL HT OF MODEL LEVEL M m01s16i225 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 1 (O3 ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i226 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 2 (H2O ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i227 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 3 (CO ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i228 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 4 (CH4 ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i229 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 5 (N2O ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i230 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 6 (NO ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i231 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 7 (NO2 ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i232 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 8 (HNO3 ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i233 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 9 (N2O5 ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i234 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 10 (CLONO2) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i235 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 11 (CLO ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i236 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 12 (HCL ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i237 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 13 (CF2CL2) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i238 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 14 (CFCL3 ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i239 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 15 (HF ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i240 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 16 (------) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i241 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 17 (------) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i242 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 18 (------) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i243 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 19 (------) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i244 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 20 (------) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i245 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 21 (H2S ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i246 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 22 (WATER-SOL) PRESS LEVS m01s16i247 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 23 ("DUST") ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i248 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 24 (OCEANIC)ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i249 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 25 (SOOT ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i250 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 26 (VOLC ASH) PRESS LEVS m01s16i251 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 27 (H2SO4 ) ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i252 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 28 ((NH4)2SO4) PRESS LEVS m01s16i253 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 29 (MINERAL)ON PRESS LEVS m01s16i254 Stash , Concept stable
GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT ON RHO LEVELS m01s16i255 Stash , Concept stable
RH WRT WATER ON P LEV/P GRID m01s16i256 Stash , Concept stable
SO4 AIT SURF SETTLEMENT FLUX KG/M2/S m01s17i201 Stash , Concept stable
SO4 ACC SURF SETTLEMENT FLUX KG/M2/S m01s17i202 Stash , Concept stable
MSA MASS MIXING RATIO FLUX KG/KG/S m01s17i203 Stash , Concept stable
NH3 DEPLETION KG/KG AFTER TSTEP m01s17i204 Stash , Concept stable
DIMETHYL SULPHIDE EMISSIONS m01s17i205 Concept , Stash stable
DMS DRY OXIDATION MMR FLUX KG/KG/S m01s17i206 Concept , Stash stable
DMS DRY OXIDATION TO SO2 KG/KG/S m01s17i207 Concept , Stash stable
DMS DRY OXIDATION TO SO4 ACC KG/KG/S m01s17i208 Concept , Stash stable
DMS DRY OXIDATION TO SO4 AIT KG/KG/S m01s17i209 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 DRY OXID BY OH MMR FLX KG/KG/S m01s17i210 Stash , Concept stable
SO2 WET OXID BY H2O2 FLX KG/KG/S m01s17i211 Stash , Concept stable
SO2 WET OXID BY O3 FLX KG/KG/S m01s17i212 Stash , Concept stable
SO4 DIS TO ACC BY EVAP FLX KG/KG/S m01s17i213 Stash , Concept stable
SO4 ACC TO DIS BY NUCL FLX KG/KG/S m01s17i214 Stash , Concept stable
SO4 AIT TO DIS BY DIFF FLX KG/KG/S m01s17i215 Stash , Concept stable
SO4 AIT TO ACC BY COAG FLX KG/KG/S m01s17i216 Stash , Concept stable
SO2 DRY OXID TO SO4 ACC FLX KG/KG/S m01s17i217 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 DRY OXID TO SO4 AIT FLX KG/KG/S m01s17i218 Concept , Stash stable
SO4 AIT-ACC BY MODE MERGING kg/kg/s m01s17i219 Concept , Stash stable
PM10 CONCENTRATION m01s17i220 Stash , Concept stable
PM2.5 CONCENTRATION m01s17i221 Concept , Stash stable
SULPHATE CONTRIB TO PM10 CONC m01s17i222 Stash , Concept stable
SULPHATE CONTRIB TO PM2.5 CONC m01s17i223 Stash , Concept stable
BLACK CARBON CONTRIB TO PM10 CONC m01s17i224 Stash , Concept stable
BLACK CARBON CONTRIB TO PM2.5 CONC m01s17i225 Concept , Stash stable
BIOM BURNING CONTRIB TO PM10 CONC m01s17i226 Stash , Concept stable
BIOM BURNING CONTRIB TO PM2.5 CONC m01s17i227 Stash , Concept stable
OCFF CONTRIB TO PM10 CONC m01s17i228 Concept , Stash stable
OCFF CONTRIB TO PM2.5 CONC m01s17i229 Concept , Stash stable
SOA CONTRIB TO PM10 CONC m01s17i230 Concept , Stash stable
SOA CONTRIB TO PM2.5 CONC m01s17i231 Concept , Stash stable
SEA SALT CONTRIB TO PM10 CONC m01s17i232 Stash , Concept stable
SEA SALT CONTRIB TO PM2.5 CONC m01s17i233 Stash , Concept stable
DUST CONTRIB TO PM10 CONC m01s17i234 Stash , Concept stable
DUST CONTRIB TO PM2.5 CONC m01s17i235 Stash , Concept stable
NITRATE CONTRIB TO PM10 CONC m01s17i236 Stash , Concept stable
NITRATE CONTRIB TO PM2.5 CONC m01s17i237 Stash , Concept stable
NH3 OXID BY HNO3 MMR FLX KG[N]/KG/S m01s17i240 Stash , Concept stable
NIT ACC TO DIS BY NUC FLX KG[N]/KG/S m01s17i241 Stash , Concept stable
NIT DIS-ACC BY EVAP FLX KG[N]/KG/S m01s17i242 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL DUST CONC (microg/m3) m01s17i257 Stash , Concept stable
ASSIMILATION INCREM. TO TOTAL WATER m01s18i001 Stash , Concept stable
U AFTER ASSIMILATION INCREMENTS m01s18i002 Concept , Stash stable
V AFTER ASSIMILATION INCREMENTS m01s18i003 Concept , Stash stable
THETA AFTER ASSIMILATION INCREMENTS m01s18i004 Concept , Stash stable
Q AFTER ASSIMILATION INCREMENTS m01s18i010 Concept , Stash stable
P* ASSIMILATION WEIGHTS m01s18i201 Concept , Stash stable
THETA ASSIMILATION WEIGHTS m01s18i202 Concept , Stash stable
WIND ASSIMILATION WEIGHTS m01s18i203 Stash , Concept stable
RH ASSIMILATION WEIGHTS m01s18i204 Concept , Stash stable
PRECIPITATION RATE ASSIM WEIGHTS m01s18i205 Concept , Stash stable
VISIBILITY ASSIMILATION WEIGHTS m01s18i209 Concept , Stash stable
P* ASSIMILATION INCREMENT m01s18i211 Concept , Stash stable
THETA ASSIMILATION INCREMENT m01s18i212 Stash , Concept stable
U ASSIMILATION INCREMENT m01s18i213 Stash , Concept stable
RH ASSIMILATION INCREMENT m01s18i214 Stash , Concept stable
PRECIPITATION RATE ASSIM INCREMENTS m01s18i215 Concept , Stash stable
VISIBILITY ASSIMILATION INCREMENTS m01s18i219 Concept , Stash stable
V ASSIMILATION INCREMENT m01s18i223 Stash , Concept stable
HYDROSTATIC THETA ASSM INCR(FROM P*) m01s18i231 Stash , Concept stable
GEOSTROPHIC U ASSM INCR (FROM P*) m01s18i241 Stash , Concept stable
GEOSTROPHIC U ASSM INCR (FROM THETA) m01s18i242 Stash , Concept stable
GEOSTROPHIC V ASSM INCR (FROM P*) m01s18i251 Concept , Stash stable
GEOSTROPHIC V ASSM INCR (FROM THETA) m01s18i252 Stash , Concept stable
P* INCREMENTS FROM WIND BALANCE m01s18i261 Stash , Concept stable
THETA INCREMENTS FROM WIND BALANCE m01s18i262 Stash , Concept stable
THETA INCR FROM LS LATENT HEATING m01s18i271 Stash , Concept stable
THETA INCR FROM PRECIP DATA (LHN) m01s18i272 Stash , Concept stable
VEGETATION CARBON ON PFTS KG C/M2 m01s19i001 Concept , Stash stable
GRIDBOX MEAN VEG CARBON KG C/M2 m01s19i002 Concept , Stash stable
PHENOLOGICAL LEAF TURNOVER RATE PFTS m01s19i003 Concept , Stash stable
LITTER CARBON ON PFTS KG C/M2/YEAR m01s19i004 Concept , Stash stable
GRIDBOX MEAN LITTER CARBN KGC/M2/YR m01s19i005 Concept , Stash stable
MEAN LEAF TRNVR RATE PFTS FOR PHENOL m01s19i006 Concept , Stash stable
LEAF AREA INDEX PFTS AFTER PHENOLOGY m01s19i007 Stash , Concept stable
MN LEAF TRNVR RATE PFTS FOR TRIFFID m01s19i008 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN NPP ON PFTS FOR TRIFFID m01s19i009 Stash , Concept stable
MEAN WOOD RESP ON PFTS FOR TRIFFID m01s19i010 Concept , Stash stable
MEAN SOIL RESPIRATION FOR TRIFFID m01s19i011 Concept , Stash stable
DISTURBED FRACTION OF VEGETATION m01s19i012 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE TYPE FRACTIONS AFTER TRIFFID m01s19i013 Concept , Stash stable
LEAF AREA INDEX PFTS AFTER TRIFFID m01s19i014 Concept , Stash stable
CANOPY HEIGHT ON PFTS AFTER TRIFFID m01s19i015 Concept , Stash stable
SOIL CARBON CONTENT AFTER TRIFFID m01s19i016 Stash , Concept stable
DPM SOIL RESP FOR TRIFFID KG C/M2/S m01s19i017 Stash , Concept stable
RPM SOIL RESP FOR TRIFFID KG C/M2/S m01s19i018 Stash , Concept stable
BIO SOIL RESP FOR TRIFFID KG C/M2/S m01s19i019 Stash , Concept stable
HUM SOIL RESP FOR TRIFFID KG C/M2/S m01s19i020 Stash , Concept stable
DPM SOIL-C AFTER TRIFFID KGC/M2 m01s19i021 Concept , Stash stable
RPM SOIL-C AFTER TRIFFID KGC/M2 m01s19i022 Concept , Stash stable
BIO SOIL-C AFTER TRIFFID KGC/M2 m01s19i023 Stash , Concept stable
HUM SOIL-C AFTER TRIFFID KGC/M2 m01s19i024 Concept , Stash stable
LEAF CARBON ON PFTS KGC/M2 m01s19i025 Concept , Stash stable
GRIDBOX MEAN LEAF CARBON KGC/M2 m01s19i026 Concept , Stash stable
WOOD CARBON ON PFTS KGC/M2 m01s19i027 Concept , Stash stable
GRIDBOX MEAN WOOD CARBON KGC/M2 m01s19i028 Stash , Concept stable
ROOT CARBON ON PFTS KGC/M2 m01s19i029 Concept , Stash stable
GRIDBOX MEAN ROOT CARBON KGC/M2 m01s19i030 Concept , Stash stable
PREVIOUS DIST FRAC OF VEGETATION m01s19i031 Concept , Stash stable
FAST TURNOVER WOOD PRODUCT KGC/M2 m01s19i032 Stash , Concept stable
MEDIUM TURNOVER WOOD PRODUCT KGC/M2 m01s19i033 Stash , Concept stable
SLOW TURNOVER WOOD PRODUCT KGC/M2 m01s19i034 Stash , Concept stable
LIT C FROM LU CHANGE (PFT) KGC/M2/YR m01s19i035 Concept , Stash stable
LU C FLUX TO FAST POOL KGC/M2/YR m01s19i036 Concept , Stash stable
LU C FLUX TO MEDIUM POOL KGC/M2/YR m01s19i037 Concept , Stash stable
LU C FLUX TO SLOW POOL KGC/M2/YR m01s19i038 Concept , Stash stable
FAST POOL DECOMP C FLUX KGC/M2/YR m01s19i039 Concept , Stash stable
MEDIUM POOL DECOMP C FLUX KGC/M2/YR m01s19i040 Concept , Stash stable
SLOW POOL DECOMP C FLUX KGC/M2/YR m01s19i041 Stash , Concept stable
LANDUSE CO2 FLUX TO ATM KGC/M2/YR m01s19i042 Stash , Concept stable
THICKNESS : 1000-500 MB m01s20i001 Concept , Stash stable
THICKNESS : 1000-850 MB m01s20i002 Concept , Stash stable
WIND SPEEDS : 10 METRES B GRID m01s20i003 Stash , Concept stable
WIND SPEEDS : PRESSURE LEVEL m01s20i004 Concept , Stash stable
DIVERGENCE m01s20i005 Concept , Stash stable
RELATIVE VORTICITY m01s20i006 Concept , Stash stable
MOUNTAIN WAVE TURBULENCE PREDICTOR m01s20i007 Stash , Concept stable
CONVECTIVE CLOUD DEPTHS (kft) m01s20i012 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL PRECIP ACCUMULATION : 6 HOURS m01s20i013 Stash , Concept stable
PRECIPITATION SYMBOL m01s20i014 Concept , Stash stable
PRESENT WEATHER CODE m01s20i015 Concept , Stash stable
CAT PREDICTOR m01s20i016 Concept , Stash stable
MAX CAT m01s20i017 Stash , Concept stable
MAX CAT PRESSURE m01s20i018 Concept , Stash stable
MAX WIND U-COMPONENT m01s20i020 Concept , Stash stable
MAX WIND V-COMPONENT m01s20i021 Concept , Stash stable
MAX WIND PRESSURE m01s20i022 Concept , Stash stable
MAX WIND ICAO HEIGHT m01s20i023 Stash , Concept stable
TROPOPAUSE PRESSURE (retd) m01s20i024 Stash , Concept stable
TROPOPAUSE TEMPERATURE (retd) m01s20i025 Stash , Concept stable
TROPOPAUSE HEIGHT (retd) m01s20i026 Concept , Stash stable
TROPOPAUSE ICAO HEIGHT (retd) m01s20i027 Stash , Concept stable
SNOW PROBABILITY m01s20i028 Stash , Concept stable
CONTRAIL - LOWER LIMIT m01s20i029 Concept , Stash stable
CONTRAIL - UPPER LIMIT m01s20i030 Concept , Stash stable
THERMAL ADVECTION m01s20i031 Concept , Stash stable
MEAN THERMAL ADVECTION m01s20i032 Concept , Stash stable
FREEZING LEVEL GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT m01s20i033 Concept , Stash stable
FREEZING LEVEL PRESSURE m01s20i034 Concept , Stash stable
FREEZING LEVEL ICAO HEIGHT m01s20i035 Stash , Concept stable
-20C ISOTHERM GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT m01s20i036 Stash , Concept stable
-20C ISOTHERM PRESSURE m01s20i037 Concept , Stash stable
-20C ISOTHERM ICAO HEIGHT m01s20i038 Concept , Stash stable
CONV CLOUD BASE ICAO HEIGHT m01s20i039 Concept , Stash stable
CONV CLOUD TOP ICAO HEIGHT m01s20i040 Concept , Stash stable
MAXIMUM WIND BASE - ICAO HEIGHT m01s20i041 Concept , Stash stable
MAXIMUM WIND TOP - ICAO HEIGHT m01s20i042 Concept , Stash stable
WAFC ICING POTENTIAL m01s20i043 Concept , Stash stable
WAFC ICING POTENTIAL (retd) m01s20i044 Concept , Stash stable
WAFC IN-CLOUD TURB POTENTIAL m01s20i045 Concept , Stash stable
WAFC IN-CLOUD TURB POTENTIAL (ret) m01s20i046 Concept , Stash stable
WAFC CAT POTENTIAL m01s20i047 Concept , Stash stable
WAFC CAT POTENTIAL (retd) m01s20i048 Concept , Stash stable
WAFC CB HORIZONTAL EXTENT m01s20i049 Concept , Stash stable
WAFC PRESSURE AT CB BASE m01s20i050 Concept , Stash stable
WAFC PRESSURE AT CB TOP m01s20i051 Concept , Stash stable
WAFC PRESSURE AT EMBD CB BASE m01s20i052 Stash , Concept stable
WAFC PRESSURE AT EMBD CB TOP m01s20i053 Concept , Stash stable
WAFC ICAO HEIGHT AT CB BASE m01s20i054 Concept , Stash stable
WAFC ICAO HEIGHT AT CB TOP m01s20i055 Concept , Stash stable
WAFC ICAO HGHT EMBD CB BASE m01s20i056 Concept , Stash stable
WAFC ICAO HGHT EMBD CB TOP m01s20i057 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE DUST CONCENTRATION (g/m3) m01s20i058 Concept , Stash stable
2000-5000FT DUST CONCENTRATION(g/m3) m01s20i059 Concept , Stash stable
ZENITH TOTAL DELAY m01s20i060 Concept , Stash stable
-70C ISOTHERM GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT m01s20i061 Stash , Concept stable
-70C ISOTHERM PRESSURE m01s20i062 Concept , Stash stable
-70C ISOTHERM ICAO HEIGHT m01s20i063 Concept , Stash stable
TROPOPAUSE PRESSURE (retd) m01s20i064 Concept , Stash stable
TROPOPAUSE TEMPERATURE (retd) m01s20i065 Stash , Concept stable
TROPOPAUSE HEIGHT (retd) m01s20i066 Stash , Concept stable
TROPOPAUSE ICAO HEIGHT (retd) m01s20i067 Concept , Stash stable
THINNED LS RAINFALL RATE KG/M2/S m01s20i068 Concept , Stash stable
THINNED TOTAL PRECIP RATE KG/M2/S m01s20i069 Concept , Stash stable
VIS AT 1.5M (incl ppn and dust) M m01s20i070 Concept , Stash stable
VIS IN DUST ONLY AT 1.5M M m01s20i071 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: PSTAR AFTER TIMESTEP m01s21i001 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: U COMPNT OF WIND AFTER TIMESTEP m01s21i002 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: V COMPNT OF WIND AFTER TIMESTEP m01s21i003 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: THETA AFTER TIMESTEP m01s21i004 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AFTER TSTEP m01s21i010 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: CONV CLOUD AMOUNT AFTER TSTEP m01s21i013 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: CONV CLOUD BASE LEV NO AFTER TS m01s21i014 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: CONV CLOUD TOP LEV NO AFTER TS m01s21i015 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: CONV CLOUD LIQUID WATER PATH m01s21i016 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: SNOW AMOUNT AFTER TSTEP KG/M2 m01s21i023 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: SURFACE TEMPERATURE AFTER TS m01s21i024 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: BOUNDARY LAYER DEPTH AFTER TS m01s21i025 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ROUGHNESS LENGTH AFTER TIMESTEP m01s21i026 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: SURFACE ZONAL CURRENT AFTER TS m01s21i028 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: SURFACE MERID CURRENT AFTER TS m01s21i029 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: SEA ICE FRACTION AFTER TIMESTEP m01s21i031 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: SEA ICE DEPTH (MEAN OVER ICE) M m01s21i032 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 1 (CONVEN O3 ) m01s21i061 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 2 (CONVEN H2O ) m01s21i062 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 3 (CONVEN CO ) m01s21i063 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 4 (CONVEN CH4 ) m01s21i064 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 5 (CONVEN N2O ) m01s21i065 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 6 (CONVEN NO ) m01s21i066 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 7 (CONVEN NO2 ) m01s21i067 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 8 (CONVEN HNO3 ) m01s21i068 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 9 (CONVEN N2O5 ) m01s21i069 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 10 (CONVEN CLONO2) m01s21i070 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 11 (CONVEN CLO ) m01s21i071 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 12 (CONVEN HCL ) m01s21i072 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 13 (CONVEN CF2CL2) m01s21i073 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 14 (CONVEN CFCL3 ) m01s21i074 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 15 (CONVEN HF ) m01s21i075 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 16 (CONVEN ----- ) m01s21i076 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 17 (CONVEN ----- ) m01s21i077 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 18 (CONVEN ----- ) m01s21i078 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 19 (CONVEN S02 ) m01s21i079 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 20 (CONVEN DMS ) m01s21i080 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 21 (CONVEN H2S ) m01s21i081 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 22 (CONV WATER-SOL ) m01s21i082 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 23 (CONV DUST-LIKE ) m01s21i083 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 24 (CONV OCEANIC ) m01s21i084 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 25 (CONV SOOT ) m01s21i085 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 26 (CONV VOLC ASH ) m01s21i086 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 27 (CONV H2SO4 - ) m01s21i087 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 28 (CONV (NH4)2SO4 ) m01s21i088 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: ATM TRACER 29 (CONV MINERAL ) m01s21i089 Concept , Stash stable
FLASH RATE S-1 m01s21i100 Stash , Concept stable
STORM LOCATION FLAG m01s21i101 Stash , Concept stable
GRAUPEL WATER PATH IN ELEC KG M-2 m01s21i102 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL ICE WATER PATH IN ELEC KG M-2 m01s21i103 Concept , Stash stable
NUMBER OF LIGHTNING FLASHES m01s21i104 Concept , Stash stable
FLASH RATE: GRAUP. FLX (MCCAUL) S-1 m01s21i105 Concept , Stash stable
FLASH RATE: TOTAL ICE (MCCAUL) S-1 m01s21i106 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: U COMP OF WIND ON PRESSURE LEV. m01s21i201 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: V COMP OF WIND ON PRESSURE LEV. m01s21i202 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: VERT VEL.(OMEGA): PRESSURE LEV. m01s21i203 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: CAT PROBABILITY m01s21i205 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: HEIGHT OF THE MAX WIND LEVEL m01s21i206 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: PRESSURE OF THE MAX WIND LEVEL m01s21i207 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: U COMPONENT OF THE MAX WIND m01s21i208 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: V COMPONENT OF THE MAX WIND m01s21i209 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: GEOPOTENTIAL HT. MODEL HALF LEV m01s21i210 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: GEOPOTENTIAL HT. PRESSURE LEV. m01s21i211 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: TEMPERATURE ON PRESSURE LEVELS m01s21i212 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: RELATIVE HUMIDITY ON PRESS LEVS m01s21i213 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: WET BULB POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE m01s21i214 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: SURFACE SNOW PROBABILITY m01s21i215 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: HEIGHT OF THE FREEZING LEVEL m01s21i216 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: PRESSURE OF THE FREEZING LEVEL m01s21i217 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: PRESSURE AT THE TROPOPAUSE LEV. m01s21i218 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: TEMPERATURE AT THE TROP. LEVEL m01s21i219 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: HEIGHT OF THE TROPOPAUSE m01s21i220 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: HIGH CLOUD AMOUNT m01s21i221 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: MEDIUM CLOUD AMOUNT m01s21i222 Concept , Stash stable
CM1: LOW CLOUD AMOUNT m01s21i223 Stash , Concept stable
CM1: PRESSURE AT MEAN SEA LEVEL m01s21i224 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: PSTAR AFTER TIMESTEP m01s22i001 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: U COMPNT OF WIND AFTER TIMESTEP m01s22i002 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: V COMPNT OF WIND AFTER TIMESTEP m01s22i003 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: THETA AFTER TIMESTEP m01s22i004 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AFTER TSTEP m01s22i010 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: CONV CLOUD AMOUNT AFTER TSTEP m01s22i013 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: CONV CLOUD BASE LEV NO AFTER TS m01s22i014 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: CONV CLOUD TOP LEV NO AFTER TS m01s22i015 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: CONV CLOUD LIQUID WATER PATH m01s22i016 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: SNOW AMOUNT AFTER TSTEP KG/M2 m01s22i023 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: SURFACE TEMPERATURE AFTER TS m01s22i024 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: BOUNDARY LAYER DEPTH AFTER TS m01s22i025 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ROUGHNESS LENGTH AFTER TIMESTEP m01s22i026 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: SURFACE ZONAL CURRENT AFTER TS m01s22i028 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: SURFACE MERID CURRENT AFTER TS m01s22i029 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: SEA ICE FRACTION AFTER TIMESTEP m01s22i031 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: SEA ICE DEPTH (MEAN OVER ICE) M m01s22i032 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 1 (CONVEN O3 ) m01s22i061 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 2 (CONVEN H2O ) m01s22i062 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 3 (CONVEN CO ) m01s22i063 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 4 (CONVEN CH4 ) m01s22i064 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 5 (CONVEN N2O ) m01s22i065 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 6 (CONVEN NO ) m01s22i066 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 7 (CONVEN NO2 ) m01s22i067 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 8 (CONVEN HNO3 ) m01s22i068 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 9 (CONVEN N2O5 ) m01s22i069 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 10 (CONVEN CLONO2) m01s22i070 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 11 (CONVEN CLO ) m01s22i071 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 12 (CONVEN HCL ) m01s22i072 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 13 (CONVEN CF2CL2) m01s22i073 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 14 (CONVEN CFCL3 ) m01s22i074 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 15 (CONVEN HF ) m01s22i075 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 16 (CONVEN ----- ) m01s22i076 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 17 (CONVEN ----- ) m01s22i077 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 18 (CONVEN ----- ) m01s22i078 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 19 (CONVEN ---- ) m01s22i079 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 20 (CONVEN ----- ) m01s22i080 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 21 (CONVEN H2S ) m01s22i081 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 22 (CONV WATER-SOL ) m01s22i082 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 23 (CONV DUST-LIKE ) m01s22i083 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 24 (CONV OCEANIC ) m01s22i084 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 25 (CONV SOOT ) m01s22i085 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 26 (CONV VOLC ASH ) m01s22i086 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 27 (CONV H2SO4 ) m01s22i087 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 28 (CONV (NH4)2SO4 ) m01s22i088 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: ATM TRACER 29 (MINERAL ) m01s22i089 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: U COMP OF WIND ON PRESSURE LEV. m01s22i201 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: V COMP OF WIND ON PRESSURE LEV. m01s22i202 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: VERT VEL.(OMEGA): PRESSURE LEV. m01s22i203 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: CAT PROBABILITY m01s22i205 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: HEIGHT OF THE MAX WIND LEVEL m01s22i206 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: PRESSURE OF THE MAX WIND LEVEL m01s22i207 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: U COMPONENT OF THE MAX WIND m01s22i208 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: V COMPONENT OF THE MAX WIND m01s22i209 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: GEOPOTENTIAL HT. MODEL HALF LEV m01s22i210 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: GEOPOTENTIAL HT. PRESSURE LEV. m01s22i211 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: TEMPERATURE ON PRESSURE LEVELS m01s22i212 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: RELATIVE HUMIDITY ON PRESS LEVS m01s22i213 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: WET BULB POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE m01s22i214 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: SURFACE SNOW PROBABILITY m01s22i215 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: HEIGHT OF THE FREEZING LEVEL m01s22i216 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: PRESSURE OF THE FREEZING LEVEL m01s22i217 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: PRESSURE AT THE TROPOPAUSE LEV. m01s22i218 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: TEMPERATURE AT THE TROP. LEVEL m01s22i219 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: HEIGHT OF THE TROPOPAUSE m01s22i220 Stash , Concept stable
CM2: HIGH CLOUD AMOUNT m01s22i221 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: MEDIUM CLOUD AMOUNT m01s22i222 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: LOW CLOUD AMOUNT m01s22i223 Concept , Stash stable
CM2: PRESSURE AT MEAN SEA LEVEL m01s22i224 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: PSTAR AFTER TIMESTEP m01s23i001 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: U COMPNT OF WIND AFTER TIMESTEP m01s23i002 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: V COMPNT OF WIND AFTER TIMESTEP m01s23i003 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: THETA AFTER TIMESTEP m01s23i004 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AFTER TSTEP m01s23i010 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: CONV CLOUD AMOUNT AFTER TSTEP m01s23i013 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: CONV CLOUD BASE LEV NO AFTER TS m01s23i014 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: CONV CLOUD TOP LEV NO AFTER TS m01s23i015 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: CONV CLOUD LIQUID WATER PATH m01s23i016 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: SNOW AMOUNT AFTER TSTEP KG/M2 m01s23i023 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: SURFACE TEMPERATURE AFTER TS m01s23i024 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: BOUNDARY LAYER DEPTH AFTER TS m01s23i025 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ROUGHNESS LENGTH AFTER TIMESTEP m01s23i026 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: SURFACE ZONAL CURRENT AFTER TS m01s23i028 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: SURFACE MERID CURRENT AFTER TS m01s23i029 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: SEA ICE FRACTION AFTER TIMESTEP m01s23i031 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: SEA ICE DEPTH (MEAN OVER ICE) M m01s23i032 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 1 (CONVEN O3 ) m01s23i061 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 2 (CONVEN H2O ) m01s23i062 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 3 (CONVEN CO ) m01s23i063 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 4 (CONVEN CH4 ) m01s23i064 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 5 (CONVEN N2O ) m01s23i065 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 6 (CONVEN NO ) m01s23i066 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 7 (CONVEN NO2 ) m01s23i067 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 8 (CONVEN HNO3 ) m01s23i068 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 9 (CONVEN N2O5 ) m01s23i069 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 10 (CONVEN CLONO2) m01s23i070 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 11 (CONVEN CLO ) m01s23i071 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 12 (CONVEN HCL ) m01s23i072 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 13 (CONVEN CF2CL2) m01s23i073 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 14 (CONVEN CFCL3 ) m01s23i074 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 15 (CONVEN HF ) m01s23i075 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 16 (CONVEN ----- ) m01s23i076 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 17 (CONVEN ----- ) m01s23i077 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 18 (CONVEN ----- ) m01s23i078 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 19 (CONVEN ---- ) m01s23i079 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 20 (CONVEN ---- ) m01s23i080 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 21 (CONVEN H2S ) m01s23i081 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 22 (CONV WATER-SOL ) m01s23i082 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 23 (CONV DUST-LIKE ) m01s23i083 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 24 (CONV OCEANIC ) m01s23i084 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 25 (CONV SOOT ) m01s23i085 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 26 (CONV VOLC ASH ) m01s23i086 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 27 (CONV H2SO4 ) m01s23i087 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 28 (CONV (NH4)2SO4 ) m01s23i088 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: ATM TRACER 29 (CONV MINERAL ) m01s23i089 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: U COMP OF WIND ON PRESSURE LEV. m01s23i201 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: V COMP OF WIND ON PRESSURE LEV. m01s23i202 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: VERT VEL.(OMEGA): PRESSURE LEV. m01s23i203 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: CAT PROBABILITY m01s23i205 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: HEIGHT OF THE MAX WIND LEVEL m01s23i206 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: PRESSURE OF THE MAX WIND LEVEL m01s23i207 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: U COMPONENT OF THE MAX WIND m01s23i208 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: V COMPONENT OF THE MAX WIND m01s23i209 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: GEOPOTENTIAL HT. MODEL HALF LEV m01s23i210 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: GEOPOTENTIAL HT. PRESSURE LEV. m01s23i211 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: TEMPERATURE ON PRESSURE LEVELS m01s23i212 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: RELATIVE HUMIDITY ON PRESS LEVS m01s23i213 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: WET BULB POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE m01s23i214 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: SURFACE SNOW PROBABILITY m01s23i215 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: HEIGHT OF THE FREEZING LEVEL m01s23i216 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: PRESSURE OF THE FREEZING LEVEL m01s23i217 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: PRESSURE AT THE TROPOPAUSE LEV. m01s23i218 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: TEMPERATURE AT THE TROP. LEVEL m01s23i219 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: HEIGHT OF THE TROPOPAUSE m01s23i220 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: HIGH CLOUD AMOUNT m01s23i221 Concept , Stash stable
CM3: MEDIUM CLOUD AMOUNT m01s23i222 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: LOW CLOUD AMOUNT m01s23i223 Stash , Concept stable
CM3: PRESSURE AT MEAN SEA LEVEL m01s23i224 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: PSTAR AFTER TIMESTEP m01s24i001 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: U COMPNT OF WIND AFTER TIMESTEP m01s24i002 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: V COMPNT OF WIND AFTER TIMESTEP m01s24i003 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: THETA AFTER TIMESTEP m01s24i004 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AFTER TSTEP m01s24i010 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: CONV CLOUD AMOUNT AFTER TSTEP m01s24i013 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: CONV CLOUD BASE LEV NO AFTER TS m01s24i014 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: CONV CLOUD TOP LEV NO AFTER TS m01s24i015 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: CONV CLOUD LIQUID WATER PATH m01s24i016 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: SNOW AMOUNT AFTER TSTEP KG/M2 m01s24i023 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: SURFACE TEMPERATURE AFTER TS m01s24i024 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: BOUNDARY LAYER DEPTH AFTER TS m01s24i025 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: ROUGHNESS LENGTH AFTER TIMESTEP m01s24i026 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: SURFACE ZONAL CURRENT AFTER TS m01s24i028 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: SURFACE MERID CURRENT AFTER TS m01s24i029 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: SEA ICE FRACTION AFTER TIMESTEP m01s24i031 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: SEA ICE DEPTH (MEAN OVER ICE) M m01s24i032 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 1 (CONVEN O3 ) m01s24i061 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 2 (CONVEN H2O ) m01s24i062 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 3 (CONVEN CO ) m01s24i063 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 4 (CONVEN CH4 ) m01s24i064 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 5 (CONVEN N2O ) m01s24i065 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 6 (CONVEN NO ) m01s24i066 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 7 (CONVEN NO2 ) m01s24i067 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 8 (CONVEN HNO3 ) m01s24i068 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 9 (CONVEN N2O5 ) m01s24i069 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 10 (CONVEN CLONO2) m01s24i070 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 11 (CONVEN CLO ) m01s24i071 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 12 (CONVEN HCL ) m01s24i072 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 13 (CONVEN CF2CL2) m01s24i073 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 14 (CONVEN CFCL3 ) m01s24i074 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 15 (CONVEN HF ) m01s24i075 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 16 (CONVEN ----- ) m01s24i076 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 17 (CONVEN ----- ) m01s24i077 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 18 (CONVEN ----- ) m01s24i078 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 19 (CONVEN ---- ) m01s24i079 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 20 (CONVEN ---- ) m01s24i080 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 21 (CONVEN H2S ) m01s24i081 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 22 (CONV WATER-SOL ) m01s24i082 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 23 (CONV DUST-LIKE ) m01s24i083 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 24 (CONV OCEANIC ) m01s24i084 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 25 (CONV SOOT ) m01s24i085 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 26 (CONV VOLC ASH ) m01s24i086 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 27 (CONV H2SO4 ) m01s24i087 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 28 (CONV (NH4)2SO4 ) m01s24i088 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: ATM TRACER 29 (MINERAL ) m01s24i089 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: U COMP OF WIND ON PRESSURE LEV. m01s24i201 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: V COMP OF WIND ON PRESSURE LEV. m01s24i202 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: VERT VEL.(OMEGA): PRESSURE LEV. m01s24i203 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: CAT PROBABILITY m01s24i205 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: HEIGHT OF THE MAX WIND LEVEL m01s24i206 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: PRESSURE OF THE MAX WIND LEVEL m01s24i207 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: U COMPONENT OF THE MAX WIND m01s24i208 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: V COMPONENT OF THE MAX WIND m01s24i209 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: GEOPOTENTIAL HT. MODEL HALF LEV m01s24i210 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: GEOPOTENTIAL HT. PRESSURE LEV. m01s24i211 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: TEMPERATURE ON PRESSURE LEVELS m01s24i212 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: RELATIVE HUMIDITY ON PRESS LEVS m01s24i213 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: WET BULB POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE m01s24i214 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: SURFACE SNOW PROBABILITY m01s24i215 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: HEIGHT OF THE FREEZING LEVEL m01s24i216 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: PRESSURE OF THE FREEZING LEVEL m01s24i217 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: PRESSURE AT THE TROPOPAUSE LEV. m01s24i218 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: TEMPERATURE AT THE TROP. LEVEL m01s24i219 Stash , Concept stable
CM4: HEIGHT OF THE TROPOPAUSE m01s24i220 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: HIGH CLOUD AMOUNT m01s24i221 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: MEDIUM CLOUD AMOUNT m01s24i222 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: LOW CLOUD AMOUNT m01s24i223 Concept , Stash stable
CM4: PRESSURE AT MEAN SEA LEVEL m01s24i224 Stash , Concept stable
RIVER WATER STORAGE KG m01s26i001 Concept , Stash stable
GRIDBOX OUTFLOW KG/S m01s26i002 Stash , Concept stable
GRIDBOX INFLOW KG/S m01s26i003 Stash , Concept stable
RIVER OUTFLOW (ATMOS GRID) KG/M2/S m01s26i004 Stash , Concept stable
INLANDBASINFLOW TRIP GRID KG/S m01s26i006 Concept , Stash stable
U COMPNT OF WIND RHO GRID m01s30i001 Stash , Concept stable
V COMPNT OF WIND RHO GRID m01s30i002 Concept , Stash stable
W COMPNT OF WIND RHO GRID m01s30i003 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE RHO GRID m01s30i004 Concept , Stash stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY RHO GRID m01s30i005 Stash , Concept stable
height model levels RHO GRID M m01s30i006 Concept , Stash stable
KE model levels RHO GRID m2/s2 m01s30i007 Stash , Concept stable
OMEGA ON THETA LEVELS (C GRID) m01s30i008 Concept , Stash stable
U*U*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/s2 m01s30i011 Stash , Concept stable
U*V*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/s2 m01s30i012 Concept , Stash stable
U*W*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/s2 m01s30i013 Concept , Stash stable
U*T*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kgK/ms m01s30i014 Concept , Stash stable
U*Q*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/ms m01s30i015 Concept , Stash stable
U*Z*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/s m01s30i016 Concept , Stash stable
U*KE*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kgm/s3 m01s30i017 Concept , Stash stable
UOM RHO GRID X1.E-16 m01s30i018 Concept , Stash stable
V*V*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/s2 m01s30i022 Stash , Concept stable
V*W*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/s2 m01s30i023 Concept , Stash stable
V*T*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kgK/ms m01s30i024 Stash , Concept stable
V*Q *rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/ms m01s30i025 Stash , Concept stable
V*Z*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/s m01s30i026 Concept , Stash stable
V*KE*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kgm/s3 m01s30i027 Concept , Stash stable
VOM RHO GRID X1.E-16 m01s30i028 Stash , Concept stable
W*W*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/s2 m01s30i033 Concept , Stash stable
W*T*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kgK/ms m01s30i034 Concept , Stash stable
W*Q *rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/ms m01s30i035 Concept , Stash stable
W*Z*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/s m01s30i036 Concept , Stash stable
W*KE*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kgm/s3 m01s30i037 Stash , Concept stable
WOM RHO GRID X1.E-16 m01s30i038 Concept , Stash stable
T*T*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kgK2/m2 m01s30i044 Stash , Concept stable
T*Q*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kgK/m2 m01s30i045 Concept , Stash stable
TZ*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kgK/m m01s30i046 Concept , Stash stable
T*KE*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kgK/s2 m01s30i047 Stash , Concept stable
TOM RHO GRID X1.E-16 m01s30i048 Concept , Stash stable
QQ*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/m2 m01s30i055 Concept , Stash stable
Q*Z*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg m01s30i056 Concept , Stash stable
Q*KE*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/s2 m01s30i057 Concept , Stash stable
QOM RHO GRID X1.E-16 m01s30i058 Concept , Stash stable
Z*Z*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg m01s30i066 Stash , Concept stable
Z*KE*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/ms2 m01s30i067 Concept , Stash stable
KE*KE*rho_dry*dr X1.E-5 kg/m4s4 m01s30i077 Stash , Concept stable
ZOM RHO GRID X1.E-16 m01s30i078 Stash , Concept stable
OMOM RHO GRID X1.E-16 m01s30i088 Stash , Concept stable
U MASS WEIGHTED RHO GRID kgm/s m01s30i101 Concept , Stash stable
V MASS WEIGHTED RHO GRID kg/ms m01s30i102 Concept , Stash stable
W MASS WEIGHTED RHO GRID kg/ms m01s30i103 Concept , Stash stable
T MASS WEIGHTED RHO GRID kgK/m2 m01s30i104 Concept , Stash stable
Q MASS WEIGHTED RHO GRID kg/m2 m01s30i105 Concept , Stash stable
height mass weighted kg/m m01s30i106 Concept , Stash stable
KE mass weighted RHO GRID kg/s2 m01s30i107 Concept , Stash stable
T AT EOT ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i111 Concept , Stash stable
WBIG Set to 1 if w GT 1.0m/s m01s30i112 Concept , Stash stable
RH on model levels at end timestep m01s30i113 Concept , Stash stable
WBIG Set to 1 if w GT 0.1m/s m01s30i114 Concept , Stash stable
DRY MASS WEIGHTING MODEL LEV KG/M2 m01s30i115 Concept , Stash stable
dT**2 TOTAL INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i171 Concept , Stash stable
dQ**2 TOTAL INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i172 Concept , Stash stable
dQcl**2 TOTAL INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i173 Concept , Stash stable
dQcf**2 TOTAL INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i174 Concept , Stash stable
dU**2 TOTAL INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i175 Concept , Stash stable
dV**2 TOTAL INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i176 Concept , Stash stable
dW**2 TOTAL INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i177 Stash , Concept stable
dRHO**2 TOTAL INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i178 Concept , Stash stable
T TOTAL INCREMENT ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i181 Concept , Stash stable
Q TOTAL INCREMENT ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i182 Concept , Stash stable
QCL TOTAL INCREMENT ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i183 Concept , Stash stable
QCF TOTAL INCREMENT ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i184 Concept , Stash stable
U TOTAL INCREMENT ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i185 Concept , Stash stable
V TOTAL INCREMENT ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i186 Concept , Stash stable
W TOTAL INCREMENT ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i187 Concept , Stash stable
RHO TOTAL INCREMENT ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i188 Concept , Stash stable
RAIN TOTAL INCREMENT ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i189 Stash , Concept stable
GRAUPEL TOTAL INC ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i190 Stash , Concept stable
QCF2 TOTAL INCREMENT ON MODEL LEVELS m01s30i191 Concept , Stash stable
U COMPNT OF WIND ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i201 Stash , Concept stable
V COMPNT OF WIND ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i202 Concept , Stash stable
W COMPNT OF WIND ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i203 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i204 Concept , Stash stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDITY ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i205 Stash , Concept stable
RELATIVE HUMIDITY ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i206 Concept , Stash stable
GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i207 Concept , Stash stable
OMEGA ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i208 Stash , Concept stable
UU ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i211 Stash , Concept stable
UV ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i212 Stash , Concept stable
UW ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i213 Concept , Stash stable
UT ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i214 Stash , Concept stable
UQ ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i215 Stash , Concept stable
UZ ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i217 Stash , Concept stable
UOM ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i218 Concept , Stash stable
VV ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i222 Stash , Concept stable
VW ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i223 Concept , Stash stable
VT ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i224 Stash , Concept stable
VQ ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i225 Stash , Concept stable
VZ ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i227 Concept , Stash stable
VOM ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i228 Stash , Concept stable
WW ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i233 Stash , Concept stable
WT ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i234 Stash , Concept stable
WQ ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i235 Stash , Concept stable
WZ ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i237 Stash , Concept stable
WOM ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i238 Stash , Concept stable
TT ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i244 Concept , Stash stable
TQ ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i245 Stash , Concept stable
TZ ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i247 Stash , Concept stable
TOM ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i248 Concept , Stash stable
QQ ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i255 Concept , Stash stable
QZ ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i257 Concept , Stash stable
QOM ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i258 Concept , Stash stable
ZZ ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i277 Concept , Stash stable
ZOM ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i278 Concept , Stash stable
OMOM ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i288 Stash , Concept stable
HEAVYSIDE FN ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i301 Concept , Stash stable
VIRTUAL TEMPERATURE ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i302 Concept , Stash stable
VIRTUAL TEMP*OMEGA ON P LEV/UV GRID m01s30i303 Concept , Stash stable
RESIDUAL MN MERID. CIRC. VSTARBAR m01s30i310 Stash , Concept stable
RESIDUAL MN MERID. CIRC. WSTARBAR m01s30i311 Stash , Concept stable
ELIASSEN-PALM FLUX (MERID. COMPNT) m01s30i312 Concept , Stash stable
ELIASSEN-PALM FLUX (VERT. COMPNT) m01s30i313 Concept , Stash stable
DIVERGENCE OF ELIASSEN-PALM FLUX m01s30i314 Concept , Stash stable
MERIDIONAL HEAT FLUX m01s30i315 Stash , Concept stable
MERIDIONAL MOMENTUM FLUX m01s30i316 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL KE PER UNIT AREA RHO GRID m01s30i401 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL KE PER UA WITH W RHO GRID m01s30i402 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL COLUMN DRY MASS RHO GRID m01s30i403 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL COLUMN WET MASS RHO GRID m01s30i404 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL COLUMN QCL RHO GRID m01s30i405 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL COLUMN QCF RHO GRID m01s30i406 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL WATER VAPOUR FLUX U RHO GRID m01s30i407 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL WATER VAPOUR FLUX V RHO GRID m01s30i408 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL WATER VAPOUR FLUX W RHO GRID m01s30i409 Stash , Concept stable
MOUNTAIN TORQUE PER UNIT AREA N/M m01s30i410 Stash , Concept stable
ANGULAR MOMENTUM M1 KG M2/S X10-24 m01s30i411 Concept , Stash stable
ANGULAR MOMENTUM M2 KG M2/S X10-24 m01s30i412 Stash , Concept stable
ANGULAR MOMENTUM M3 KG M2/S X10-24 m01s30i413 Stash , Concept stable
ANGULAR MOMENTUM W1 KG M2/S X10-24 m01s30i414 Stash , Concept stable
ANGULAR MOMENTUM W2 KG M2/S X10-24 m01s30i415 Concept , Stash stable
ANGULAR MOMENTUM W3 KG M2/S X10-24 m01s30i416 Concept , Stash stable
PSTAR P GRID m01s30i417 Concept , Stash stable
PSTAR UV GRID m01s30i418 Concept , Stash stable
ENERGY CORR P GRID IN COLUMN W/M2 m01s30i419 Stash , Concept stable
column integral cvT per unit area m01s30i420 Stash , Concept stable
column integral gr per unit area m01s30i421 Concept , Stash stable
dry mass col int u*gz per unit area m01s30i422 Stash , Concept stable
dry mass col int v*gz per unit area m01s30i423 Stash , Concept stable
dry mass col int w*gz per unit area m01s30i424 Stash , Concept stable
dry mass col int u*T per unit area m01s30i425 Concept , Stash stable
dry mass col int v*T per unit area m01s30i426 Stash , Concept stable
dry mass col int w*T per unit area m01s30i427 Concept , Stash stable
dry mass col int u*q per unit area m01s30i428 Concept , Stash stable
dry mass col int v*q per unit area m01s30i429 Stash , Concept stable
dry mass col int w*q per unit area m01s30i430 Concept , Stash stable
dry mass col int u*v per unit area m01s30i431 Concept , Stash stable
dry mass col int u*w per unit area m01s30i432 Concept , Stash stable
dry mass col int v*w per unit area m01s30i433 Stash , Concept stable
dry mass col int u*KE per unit area m01s30i434 Concept , Stash stable
dry mass col int v*KE per unit area m01s30i435 Concept , Stash stable
dry mass col int w*KE per unit area m01s30i436 Concept , Stash stable
dry mass col int u per unit area m01s30i437 Stash , Concept stable
dry mass col int v per unit area m01s30i438 Stash , Concept stable
dry mass col int w per unit area m01s30i439 Stash , Concept stable
mountain x-surf. pressure drag N/m-2 m01s30i440 Stash , Concept stable
mountain y-surf. pressure drag N/m-2 m01s30i441 Concept , Stash stable
COLUMN SATURATION FRACTION m01s30i442 Concept , Stash stable
Pressure at Tropopause Level m01s30i451 Stash , Concept stable
Temperature at Tropopause Level m01s30i452 Concept , Stash stable
Height at Tropopause Level m01s30i453 Concept , Stash stable
ICAO HT OF TROP- NEED HT,TEMP,PRESS m01s30i454 Concept , Stash stable
OROGRAPHY HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i001 Stash , Concept stable
U HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i002 Stash , Concept stable
V HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i003 Stash , Concept stable
W HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i004 Concept , Stash stable
DENSITY HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i005 Stash , Concept stable
POTENTIAL TEMP HORIZ BOUND VALUE m01s31i006 Stash , Concept stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDTY HORIZ BOUND VALUE m01s31i007 Stash , Concept stable
QCL HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i008 Stash , Concept stable
QCF HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i009 Concept , Stash stable
EXNER PRESSURE HORIZ BOUND VALUE m01s31i010 Stash , Concept stable
U_ADV HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i011 Stash , Concept stable
V_ADV HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i012 Stash , Concept stable
W_ADV HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i013 Stash , Concept stable
CLD ICE (CRY) HORIZ. BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i014 Stash , Concept stable
RAIN HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i015 Stash , Concept stable
GRAUPEL HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i016 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL CLOUD FRACTION BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i017 Stash , Concept stable
LIQUID CLOUD FRACTION BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i018 Stash , Concept stable
FROZEN CLOUD FRACTION BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i019 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL AEROSOL (MURK) BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i020 Stash , Concept stable
DUST DIV 1 BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i023 Concept , Stash stable
DUST DIV 2 BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i024 Stash , Concept stable
DUST DIV 3 BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i025 Stash , Concept stable
DUST DIV 4 BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i026 Stash , Concept stable
DUST DIV 5 BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i027 Concept , Stash stable
DUST DIV 6 BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i028 Stash , Concept stable
SO2 BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i029 Stash , Concept stable
DMS BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i030 Stash , Concept stable
SO4_AITKEN BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i031 Stash , Concept stable
SO4_ACCU BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i032 Concept , Stash stable
SO4_DISS BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i033 Concept , Stash stable
NH3 BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i035 Stash , Concept stable
SOOT_NEW BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i036 Stash , Concept stable
SOOT_AGD BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i037 Concept , Stash stable
SOOT_CLD BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i038 Stash , Concept stable
BMASS_NEW BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i039 Stash , Concept stable
BMASS_AGD BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i040 Stash , Concept stable
BMASS_CLD BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i041 Stash , Concept stable
OCFF_NEW BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i042 Stash , Concept stable
OCFF_AGD BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i043 Stash , Concept stable
OCFF_CLD BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i044 Stash , Concept stable
NITR_ACC BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i045 Stash , Concept stable
NITR_DISS BOUNDARY VALUE m01s31i046 Stash , Concept stable
U HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s31i257 Stash , Concept stable
V HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s31i258 Stash , Concept stable
W HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s31i259 Stash , Concept stable
DENSITY HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s31i260 Stash , Concept stable
POTENTIAL TEMP HORIZ BOUND TENDENCY m01s31i261 Stash , Concept stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDTY HORIZ BOUND TEND m01s31i262 Concept , Stash stable
QCL HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s31i263 Stash , Concept stable
QCF HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s31i264 Stash , Concept stable
EXNER PRESSURE HORIZ BOUND TENDENCY m01s31i265 Stash , Concept stable
U_ADV HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s31i266 Concept , Stash stable
V_ADV HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s31i267 Stash , Concept stable
W_ADV HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s31i268 Stash , Concept stable
CLD ICE (CRY) HORIZ. BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i269 Stash , Concept stable
RAIN HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s31i270 Stash , Concept stable
GRAUPEL HORIZONTAL BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i271 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL CLOUD FRACTN BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s31i272 Stash , Concept stable
LIQUID CLOUD FRACN BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s31i273 Stash , Concept stable
FROZEN CLOUD FRACN BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s31i274 Concept , Stash stable
TOTAL AEROSOL (MURK) BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i275 Concept , Stash stable
DUST DIV 1 BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i276 Concept , Stash stable
DUST DIV 2 BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i277 Stash , Concept stable
DUST DIV 3 BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i278 Stash , Concept stable
DUST DIV 4 BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i279 Concept , Stash stable
DUST DIV 5 BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i280 Concept , Stash stable
DUST DIV 6 BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i281 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i282 Stash , Concept stable
DMS BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i283 Stash , Concept stable
SO4_AITKEN BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i284 Stash , Concept stable
SO4_ACCU BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i285 Stash , Concept stable
SO4_DISS BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i286 Stash , Concept stable
NH3 BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i288 Stash , Concept stable
SOOT_NEW BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i289 Concept , Stash stable
SOOT_AGD BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i290 Concept , Stash stable
SOOT_CLD BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i291 Stash , Concept stable
BMASS_NEW BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i292 Stash , Concept stable
BMASS_AGD BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i293 Concept , Stash stable
BMASS_CLD BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i294 Stash , Concept stable
OCFF_NEW BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i295 Stash , Concept stable
OCFF_AGD BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i296 Stash , Concept stable
OCFF_CLD BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i297 Stash , Concept stable
NITR_ACC BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i298 Concept , Stash stable
NITR_DISS BOUNDARY TEND. m01s31i299 Concept , Stash stable
OROG HORIZONTAL BV OUT (retd) m01s32i001 Stash , Concept stable
U HORIZONTAL BV OUT (retd) m01s32i002 Stash , Concept stable
V HORIZONTAL BV OUT (retd) m01s32i003 Concept , Stash stable
W HORIZONTAL BV OUT (retd) m01s32i004 Stash , Concept stable
DENSITY HORIZONTAL BV OUT (retd) m01s32i005 Stash , Concept stable
POTENTIAL TEMP HORIZ BV OUT(retd) m01s32i006 Stash , Concept stable
SPECIFIC HUMIDTY HORIZ BV OUT (retd) m01s32i007 Stash , Concept stable
QCL HORIZONTAL BV OUT (retd) m01s32i008 Concept , Stash stable
QCF HORIZONTAL BV OUT (retd) m01s32i009 Stash , Concept stable
EXNER PRESSURE HORIZ BV OUT(retd) m01s32i010 Stash , Concept stable
U_ADV HORIZONTAL BV OUT (retd) m01s32i011 Stash , Concept stable
V_ADV HORIZONTAL BV OUT (retd) m01s32i012 Stash , Concept stable
W_ADV HORIZONTAL BV OUT (retd) m01s32i013 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD ICE HORIZONTAL BV OUT (retd) m01s32i014 Stash , Concept stable
RAIN HORIZONTAL BV OUT (retd) m01s32i015 Stash , Concept stable
GRAUPEL HORIZONTAL BV OUT (retd) m01s32i016 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL CLOUD FRACTION BV OUT(retd) m01s32i017 Concept , Stash stable
LIQUID CLOUD FRACTION BV OUT m01s32i018 Concept , Stash stable
FROZEN CLOUD FRACTION BV OUT (retd) m01s32i019 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL AEROSOL (MURK) BV OUT (retd) m01s32i020 Stash , Concept stable
ATM FREE TRACER BOUND VAL. OUT retd m01s32i021 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER BOUND VAL. OUT (retd) m01s32i022 Stash , Concept stable
DUST DIV 1 BV OUT (retd) m01s32i023 Concept , Stash stable
DUST DIV 2 BV OUT (retd) m01s32i024 Stash , Concept stable
DUST DIV 3 BV OUT (retd) m01s32i025 Concept , Stash stable
DUST DIV 4 BV OUT (retd) m01s32i026 Stash , Concept stable
DUST DIV 5 BV OUT (retd) m01s32i027 Concept , Stash stable
DUST DIV 6 BV OUT (retd) m01s32i028 Stash , Concept stable
SO2 BV OUT (retd) m01s32i029 Stash , Concept stable
DMS BV OUT (retd) m01s32i030 Stash , Concept stable
SO4_AITKEN BV OUT (retd) m01s32i031 Stash , Concept stable
SO4_ACCU BV OUT (retd) m01s32i032 Concept , Stash stable
SO4_DISS BV OUT (retd) m01s32i033 Stash , Concept stable
NH3 BV OUT (retd) m01s32i035 Stash , Concept stable
SOOT_NEW BV OUT (retd) m01s32i036 Concept , Stash stable
SOOT_AGD BV OUT (retd) m01s32i037 Stash , Concept stable
SOOT_CLD BV OUT (retd) m01s32i038 Stash , Concept stable
BMASS_NEW BV OUT (retd) m01s32i039 Stash , Concept stable
BMASS_AGD BV OUT (retd) m01s32i040 Stash , Concept stable
BMASS_CLD BV OUT (retd) m01s32i041 Stash , Concept stable
OCFF_NEW BV OUT (retd) m01s32i042 Stash , Concept stable
OCFF_AGD BV OUT (retd) m01s32i043 Stash , Concept stable
OCFF_CLD BV OUT (retd) m01s32i044 Concept , Stash stable
NITR_ACC BV OUT (retd) m01s32i045 Stash , Concept stable
NITR_DISS BV OUT (retd) m01s32i046 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 1 AFTER TS m01s33i001 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 2 AFTER TS m01s33i002 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 3 AFTER TS m01s33i003 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 4 AFTER TS m01s33i004 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 5 AFTER TS m01s33i005 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 6 AFTER TS m01s33i006 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 7 AFTER TS m01s33i007 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 8 AFTER TS m01s33i008 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 9 AFTER TS m01s33i009 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 10 AFTER TS m01s33i010 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 11 AFTER TS m01s33i011 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 12 AFTER TS m01s33i012 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 13 AFTER TS m01s33i013 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 14 AFTER TS m01s33i014 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 15 AFTER TS m01s33i015 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 16 AFTER TS m01s33i016 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 17 AFTER TS m01s33i017 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 18 AFTER TS m01s33i018 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 19 AFTER TS m01s33i019 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 20 AFTER TS m01s33i020 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 21 AFTER TS m01s33i021 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 22 AFTER TS m01s33i022 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 23 AFTER TS m01s33i023 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 24 AFTER TS m01s33i024 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 25 AFTER TS m01s33i025 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 26 AFTER TS m01s33i026 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 27 AFTER TS m01s33i027 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 28 AFTER TS m01s33i028 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 29 AFTER TS m01s33i029 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 30 AFTER TS m01s33i030 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 31 AFTER TS m01s33i031 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 32 AFTER TS m01s33i032 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 33 AFTER TS m01s33i033 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 34 AFTER TS m01s33i034 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 35 AFTER TS m01s33i035 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 36 AFTER TS m01s33i036 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 37 AFTER TS m01s33i037 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 38 AFTER TS m01s33i038 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 39 AFTER TS m01s33i039 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 40 AFTER TS m01s33i040 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 41 AFTER TS m01s33i041 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 42 AFTER TS m01s33i042 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 43 AFTER TS m01s33i043 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 44 AFTER TS m01s33i044 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 45 AFTER TS m01s33i045 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 46 AFTER TS m01s33i046 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 47 AFTER TS m01s33i047 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 48 AFTER TS m01s33i048 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 49 AFTER TS m01s33i049 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 50 AFTER TS m01s33i050 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 51 AFTER TS m01s33i051 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 52 AFTER TS m01s33i052 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 53 AFTER TS m01s33i053 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 54 AFTER TS m01s33i054 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 55 AFTER TS m01s33i055 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 56 AFTER TS m01s33i056 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 57 AFTER TS m01s33i057 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 58 AFTER TS m01s33i058 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 59 AFTER TS m01s33i059 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 60 AFTER TS m01s33i060 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 61 AFTER TS m01s33i061 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 62 AFTER TS m01s33i062 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 63 AFTER TS m01s33i063 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 64 AFTER TS m01s33i064 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 65 AFTER TS m01s33i065 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 66 AFTER TS m01s33i066 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 67 AFTER TS m01s33i067 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 68 AFTER TS m01s33i068 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 69 AFTER TS m01s33i069 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 70 AFTER TS m01s33i070 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 71 AFTER TS m01s33i071 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 72 AFTER TS m01s33i072 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 73 AFTER TS m01s33i073 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 74 AFTER TS m01s33i074 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 75 AFTER TS m01s33i075 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 76 AFTER TS m01s33i076 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 77 AFTER TS m01s33i077 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 78 AFTER TS m01s33i078 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 79 AFTER TS m01s33i079 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 80 AFTER TS m01s33i080 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 81 AFTER TS m01s33i081 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 82 AFTER TS m01s33i082 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 83 AFTER TS m01s33i083 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 84 AFTER TS m01s33i084 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 85 AFTER TS m01s33i085 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 86 AFTER TS m01s33i086 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 87 AFTER TS m01s33i087 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 88 AFTER TS m01s33i088 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 89 AFTER TS m01s33i089 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 90 AFTER TS m01s33i090 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 91 AFTER TS m01s33i091 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 92 AFTER TS m01s33i092 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 93 AFTER TS m01s33i093 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 94 AFTER TS m01s33i094 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 95 AFTER TS m01s33i095 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 96 AFTER TS m01s33i096 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 97 AFTER TS m01s33i097 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 98 AFTER TS m01s33i098 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 99 AFTER TS m01s33i099 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER100 AFTER TS m01s33i100 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER101 AFTER TS m01s33i101 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER102 AFTER TS m01s33i102 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER103 AFTER TS m01s33i103 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER104 AFTER TS m01s33i104 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER105 AFTER TS m01s33i105 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER106 AFTER TS m01s33i106 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER107 AFTER TS m01s33i107 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER108 AFTER TS m01s33i108 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER109 AFTER TS m01s33i109 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER110 AFTER TS m01s33i110 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER111 AFTER TS m01s33i111 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER112 AFTER TS m01s33i112 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER113 AFTER TS m01s33i113 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER114 AFTER TS m01s33i114 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER115 AFTER TS m01s33i115 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER116 AFTER TS m01s33i116 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER117 AFTER TS m01s33i117 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER118 AFTER TS m01s33i118 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER119 AFTER TS m01s33i119 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER120 AFTER TS m01s33i120 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER121 AFTER TS m01s33i121 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER122 AFTER TS m01s33i122 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER123 AFTER TS m01s33i123 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER124 AFTER TS m01s33i124 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER125 AFTER TS m01s33i125 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER126 AFTER TS m01s33i126 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER127 AFTER TS m01s33i127 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER128 AFTER TS m01s33i128 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER129 AFTER TS m01s33i129 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER130 AFTER TS m01s33i130 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER131 AFTER TS m01s33i131 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER132 AFTER TS m01s33i132 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER133 AFTER TS m01s33i133 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER134 AFTER TS m01s33i134 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER135 AFTER TS m01s33i135 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER136 AFTER TS m01s33i136 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER137 AFTER TS m01s33i137 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER138 AFTER TS m01s33i138 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER139 AFTER TS m01s33i139 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER140 AFTER TS m01s33i140 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER141 AFTER TS m01s33i141 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER142 AFTER TS m01s33i142 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER143 AFTER TS m01s33i143 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER144 AFTER TS m01s33i144 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER145 AFTER TS m01s33i145 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER146 AFTER TS m01s33i146 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER147 AFTER TS m01s33i147 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER148 AFTER TS m01s33i148 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER149 AFTER TS m01s33i149 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER150 AFTER TS m01s33i150 Concept , Stash stable
O3P MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s33i151 Concept , Stash stable
O1D MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s33i152 Concept , Stash stable
OH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s33i153 Concept , Stash stable
HO2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s33i154 Concept , Stash stable
MeOO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s33i155 Concept , Stash stable
EtOO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s33i156 Concept , Stash stable
MeCO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s33i157 Concept , Stash stable
n-PrOO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s33i158 Concept , Stash stable
i-PrOO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s33i159 Stash , Concept stable
EtCO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s33i160 Stash , Concept stable
MeCOCH2OO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s33i161 Concept , Stash stable
O3PS MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s33i162 Stash , Concept stable
O1DS MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s33i163 Concept , Stash stable
OHS MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s33i164 Concept , Stash stable
HO2S MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s33i165 Stash , Concept stable
TROPOSPHERIC CH4 BURDEN (moles) m01s33i166 Concept , Stash stable
TROPOSPHERIC O3 BURDEN (moles) m01s33i167 Concept , Stash stable
TROPOSPHERIC OH BURDEN (moles) m01s33i168 Concept , Stash stable
STRATOSPHERIC CH4 BURDEN (moles) m01s33i169 Stash , Concept stable
PRESSURE OF PV-THETA TROPOPAUSE (Pa) m01s33i170 Stash , Concept stable
Strat CH4-OH rxn flux (moles/s) m01s33i171 Stash , Concept stable
Added Strat CH4 loss (moles/s) m01s33i172 Stash , Concept stable
Multi-purpose Diagnostic 23 m01s33i173 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HO2 + NO Rxn m01s33i301 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HO2 + NO3 Rxn m01s33i302 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HO2 + O3 Rxn m01s33i303 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HO2 + HO2 Bimol Rxn m01s33i304 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HO2+MeOO->MeOOH Rxn m01s33i305 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HO2+MeOO=HCHO Rxn m01s33i306 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HO2 + EtOO Rxn m01s33i307 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HO2 + MeCO3 = NULL Rxn m01s33i308 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HO2 + MeCO3 = O3 Rxn m01s33i309 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HO2+MeCO3=OH+MeOO Rxn m01s33i310 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HO2 + n-PrOO Rxn m01s33i311 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HO2 + i-PrOO Rxn m01s33i312 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HO2 + EtCO3 = O2 Rxn m01s33i313 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HO2 + EtCO3 = O3 Rxn m01s33i314 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HO2 + MeCOCH2OO Rxn m01s33i315 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeOO+NO=HO2+HCHO+NO2 m01s33i316 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeOO + NO = MeONO2 Rxn m01s33i317 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeOO + NO3 Rxn m01s33i318 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeOO + MeOO = HCHO Rxn m01s33i319 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeOO+MeOO=HO2+HCHO Rxn m01s33i320 Stash , Concept stable
Flux thru MeOO+MeCO3=HO2+HCHO Rxn m01s33i321 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeOO+MeCO3 = HCHO Rxn m01s33i322 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through EtOO + NO Rxn m01s33i323 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through EtOO + NO3 Rxn m01s33i324 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through EtOO + MeCO3 Rxn m01s33i325 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeCO3 + NO Rxn m01s33i326 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeCO3 + NO3 Rxn m01s33i327 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through n-PrOO + NO Rxn m01s33i328 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through n-PrOO + NO3 Rxn m01s33i329 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through i-PrOO + NO Rxn m01s33i330 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through i-PrOO + NO3 Rxn m01s33i331 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through EtCO3 + NO Rxn m01s33i332 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through EtCO3 + NO3 Rxn m01s33i333 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeCOCH2OO + NO Rxn m01s33i334 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeCOCH2OO + NO3 Rxn m01s33i335 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through NO + NO3 Rxn m01s33i336 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through NO + O3 Rxn m01s33i337 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through NO2 + O3 Rxn m01s33i338 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through NO3 + HCHO Rxn m01s33i339 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through NO3 + MeCHO Rxn m01s33i340 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through NO3 + EtCHO Rxn m01s33i341 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through NO3 + Me2CO Rxn m01s33i342 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through N2O5 + H2O Rxn m01s33i343 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O(3P) + O3 Rxn m01s33i344 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O(1D)+CH4=OH+MeOO Rxn m01s33i345 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through O(1D)+CH4=HCHO+H2 Rxn m01s33i346 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O(1D)+CH4=HCHO+HO2 Rxn m01s33i347 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through O(1D) + H2O Rxn m01s33i348 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through O(1D) + N2 Rxn m01s33i349 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O(1D) + O2 Rxn m01s33i350 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + CH4 Rxn m01s33i351 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + C2H6 Rxn m01s33i352 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + C3H8 = n-PrOO Rxn m01s33i353 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + C3H8 = i-PrOO Rxn m01s33i354 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + CO Rxn m01s33i355 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + EtCHO Rxn m01s33i356 Stash , Concept stable
Flux thru OH+EtOOH=H2O+MeCHO+OH Rxn m01s33i357 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH+EtOOH=H2O+EtOO Rxn m01s33i358 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + H2 Rxn m01s33i359 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + H2O2 Rxn m01s33i360 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + HCHO Rxn m01s33i361 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + HO2 Rxn m01s33i362 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + HO2NO2 Rxn m01s33i363 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + HONO2 Rxn m01s33i364 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + HONO Rxn m01s33i365 Concept , Stash stable
Flux thru OH+MeOOH=H2O+HCHO+OH Rxn m01s33i366 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH+MeOOH=H2O+MeOO Rxn m01s33i367 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + MeONO2 Rxn m01s33i368 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + Me2CO (1) Rxn m01s33i369 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + Me2CO (2) Rxn m01s33i370 Stash , Concept stable
Flux for OH+MeCOCH2OOH=MeCOCH2OO Rn m01s33i371 Stash , Concept stable
Flux for OH + MeCOCH2OOH=MGLY Rxn m01s33i372 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + MeCHO Rxn m01s33i373 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + NO3 Rxn m01s33i374 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + O3 Rxn m01s33i375 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + OH Rxn m01s33i376 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + PAN Rxn m01s33i377 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + PPAN Rxn m01s33i378 Concept , Stash stable
Flux thru OH+n-PrOOH = n-PrOO Rxn m01s33i379 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH+n-PrOOH = EtCHO Rxn m01s33i380 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH+i-PrOOH= i-PrOO Rxn m01s33i381 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH+i-PrOOH = Me2CO Rxn m01s33i382 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O3P + NO2 Rxn m01s33i383 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HO2S + O3S Rxn m01s33i384 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OHS + O3S Rxn m01s33i385 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through O(1D)S + H2O Rxn m01s33i386 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O(1D)S + N2 Rxn m01s33i387 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through O(1D)S + O2 Rxn m01s33i388 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HO2 + HO2 + M Rxn m01s33i389 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HO2 + NO2 + M Rxn m01s33i390 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HO2NO2 + M Rxn m01s33i391 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeCO3 + NO2 + M Rxn m01s33i392 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through PAN + M Rxn m01s33i393 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through N2O5 + M Rxn m01s33i394 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through NO2 + NO3 + M Rxn m01s33i395 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O(3P) + O2 + M Rxn m01s33i396 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + NO + M Rxn m01s33i397 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + NO2 + M Rxn m01s33i398 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + OH + M Rxn m01s33i399 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through EtCO3 + NO2 + M Rxn m01s33i400 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through PPAN + M Rxn m01s33i401 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O(3P)S + O2 + M Rxn m01s33i402 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through EtOOH Photol Rxn m01s33i403 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through H2O2 Photol Rxn m01s33i404 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HCHO=HO2+CO Photol Rxn m01s33i405 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HCHO=H2+CO Photol Rxn m01s33i406 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HO2NO2 Photol Rxn m01s33i407 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HONO2 Photol Rxn m01s33i408 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeCHO=MeOO Photol Rxn m01s33i409 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeCHO=CH4 Photol Rxn m01s33i410 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeOOH Photol Rxn m01s33i411 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through N2O5 Photol Rxn m01s33i412 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through NO2 Photol Rxn m01s33i413 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through NO3=NO+O2 Photol Rxn m01s33i414 Concept , Stash stable
Flux thru NO3=NO2+O(3P) Photol Rxn m01s33i415 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O2 = O(3P) Photol Rxn m01s33i416 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O3 = O(1D) Photol Rxn m01s33i417 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through O3 = O(3P) Photol Rxn m01s33i418 Stash , Concept stable
Flux thru PAN=MeCO3+NO2 Photol Rxn m01s33i419 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HONO Photol Rxn m01s33i420 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through EtCHO Photol Rxn m01s33i421 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through Me2CO Photol Rxn m01s33i422 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through n-PrOOH Photol Rxn m01s33i423 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through i-PrOOH Photol Rxn m01s33i424 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeCOCH2OOH Photol Rxn m01s33i425 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through PPAN Photol Rxn m01s33i426 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeONO2 Photol Rxn m01s33i427 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through O3S=O(1D)S Photol Rxn m01s33i428 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O3S=O(3P)S Photol Rxn m01s33i429 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of O3 by Dry Deposition m01s33i430 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of NO by Dry Deposition m01s33i431 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of NO3 by Dry Deposition m01s33i432 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of NO2 by Dry Deposition m01s33i433 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of N2O5 by Dry Deposition m01s33i434 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of HO2NO2 by Dry Deposition m01s33i435 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of HONO2 by Dry Deposition m01s33i436 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of H2O2 by Dry Deposition m01s33i437 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of CH4 by Dry Deposition m01s33i438 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of CO by Dry Deposition m01s33i439 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of HCHO by Dry Deposition m01s33i440 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of MeOOH by Dry Deposition m01s33i441 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of HONO by Dry Deposition m01s33i442 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of EtOOH by Dry Deposition m01s33i443 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of MeCHO by Dry Deposition m01s33i444 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of PAN by Dry Deposition m01s33i445 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of n-PrOOH by Dry Deposition m01s33i446 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of i-PrOOH by Dry Deposition m01s33i447 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of EtCHO by Dry Deposition m01s33i448 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of MeCOCH2OOH by Dry Deposition m01s33i449 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of PPAN by Dry Deposition m01s33i450 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of O3S by Dry Deposition m01s33i451 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of NO3 by Wet Deposition m01s33i452 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of N2O5 by Wet Deposition m01s33i453 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of HO2NO2 by Wet Deposition m01s33i454 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of HONO2 by Wet Deposition m01s33i455 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of HO2 by Wet Deposition m01s33i456 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of H2O2 by Wet Deposition m01s33i457 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of HCHO by Wet Deposition m01s33i458 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of MeOO by Wet Deposition m01s33i459 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of MeOOH by Wet Deposition m01s33i460 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of HONO by Wet Deposition m01s33i461 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of EtOOH by Wet Deposition m01s33i462 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of n-PrOOH by Wet Deposition m01s33i463 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of i-PrOOH by Wet Deposition m01s33i464 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of MeCOCH2OOH by Wet Deposition m01s33i465 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of HO2S by Wet Deposition m01s33i466 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through Rxn 167 m01s33i467 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through Rxn 168 m01s33i468 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through Rxn 169 m01s33i469 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through Rxn 170 m01s33i470 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of O3 Tracer m01s33i481 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of NO Tracer m01s33i482 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of NO3 Tracer m01s33i483 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of NO2 Tracer m01s33i484 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of N2O5 Tracer m01s33i485 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of HO2NO2 Tracer m01s33i486 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of HONO2 Tracer m01s33i487 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of H2O2 Tracer m01s33i488 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of CH4 Tracer m01s33i489 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of CO Tracer m01s33i490 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of HCHO Tracer m01s33i491 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of MeOOH Tracer m01s33i492 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of HONO Tracer m01s33i493 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of C2H6 Tracer m01s33i494 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of EtOOH Tracer m01s33i495 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of MeCHO Tracer m01s33i496 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of PAN Tracer m01s33i497 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of C3H8 Tracer m01s33i498 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of n-PrOOH Tracer m01s33i499 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of i-PrOOH Tracer m01s33i500 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of EtCHO Tracer m01s33i501 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of Me2CO Tracer m01s33i502 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of MECOCH2OOH Tracer m01s33i503 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of PPAN Tracer m01s33i504 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of MeONO2 Tracer m01s33i505 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of O3S Tracer m01s33i506 Stash , Concept stable
O3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i001 Concept , Stash stable
NO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i002 Stash , Concept stable
NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i003 Stash , Concept stable
NO2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i004 Stash , Concept stable
N2O5 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i005 Concept , Stash stable
HO2NO2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i006 Concept , Stash stable
HONO2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i007 Stash , Concept stable
H2O2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i008 Concept , Stash stable
CH4 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i009 Concept , Stash stable
CO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i010 Stash , Concept stable
HCHO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i011 Concept , Stash stable
MeOOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i012 Stash , Concept stable
HONO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i013 Stash , Concept stable
C2H6 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i014 Concept , Stash stable
EtOOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i015 Concept , Stash stable
MeCHO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i016 Concept , Stash stable
PAN MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i017 Concept , Stash stable
C3H8 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i018 Concept , Stash stable
n-PrOOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i019 Concept , Stash stable
i-PrOOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i020 Stash , Concept stable
EtCHO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i021 Concept , Stash stable
Me2CO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i022 Stash , Concept stable
MeCOCH2OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFT TS m01s34i023 Concept , Stash stable
PPAN MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i024 Stash , Concept stable
MeONO2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i025 Concept , Stash stable
O3S MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i026 Stash , Concept stable
C5H8 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i027 Stash , Concept stable
ISOOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i028 Concept , Stash stable
ISON MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i029 Concept , Stash stable
MACR MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i030 Concept , Stash stable
MACROOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i031 Stash , Concept stable
MPAN MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i032 Stash , Concept stable
HACET MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i033 Stash , Concept stable
MGLY MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i034 Concept , Stash stable
NALD MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i035 Stash , Concept stable
HCOOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i036 Stash , Concept stable
MeCO3H MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i037 Stash , Concept stable
MeCO2H MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i038 Stash , Concept stable
MVK MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i039 Concept , Stash stable
MVKOOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER T m01s34i040 Stash , Concept stable
Cl MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i041 Stash , Concept stable
ClO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i042 Concept , Stash stable
Cl2O2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i043 Stash , Concept stable
OClO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i044 Concept , Stash stable
Br MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i045 Stash , Concept stable
BrO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i046 Concept , Stash stable
BrCl MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i047 Stash , Concept stable
BrONO2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i048 Concept , Stash stable
N2O MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i049 Concept , Stash stable
HCl MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i050 Stash , Concept stable
HOCl MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i051 Stash , Concept stable
HBr MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i052 Concept , Stash stable
HOBr MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i053 Concept , Stash stable
ClONO2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i054 Concept , Stash stable
CFCl3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i055 Stash , Concept stable
CF2Cl2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i056 Concept , Stash stable
MeBr MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i057 Concept , Stash stable
N MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i058 Concept , Stash stable
O3P MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i059 Stash , Concept stable
ORGNIT MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i060 Stash , Concept stable
C2H4 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i061 Stash , Concept stable
C4H10 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i062 Stash , Concept stable
oXYLENE MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i063 Concept , Stash stable
TBUT2ENE MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i064 Stash , Concept stable
APINENE MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i065 Stash , Concept stable
BPINENE MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i066 Concept , Stash stable
C2H2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i067 Concept , Stash stable
BENZENE MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i068 Stash , Concept stable
CH3OH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i069 Stash , Concept stable
H2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i070 Stash , Concept stable
DMS MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i071 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i072 Concept , Stash stable
H2SO4 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i073 Stash , Concept stable
MSA MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i074 Stash , Concept stable
DMSO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i075 Stash , Concept stable
NH3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i076 Stash , Concept stable
CS2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i077 Stash , Concept stable
COS MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i078 Stash , Concept stable
H2S MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i079 Stash , Concept stable
H MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i080 Stash , Concept stable
OH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i081 Concept , Stash stable
HO2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i082 Stash , Concept stable
MeOO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i083 Stash , Concept stable
EtOO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i084 Stash , Concept stable
MeCO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i085 Stash , Concept stable
n-PrOO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i086 Concept , Stash stable
i-PrOO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i087 Stash , Concept stable
EtCO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i088 Stash , Concept stable
MeCOCH2OO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i089 Stash , Concept stable
MeOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i090 Concept , Stash stable
MONOTERPENE MASS MIXING RATIO AFT TS m01s34i091 Concept , Stash stable
SEC_ORG MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i092 Stash , Concept stable
C3H6 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i093 Stash , Concept stable
SO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i094 Concept , Stash stable
C4H9OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFT TSTEP m01s34i095 Concept , Stash stable
MEK MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i096 Concept , Stash stable
TOLUENE MASS MIXING RATIO AFT TSTEP m01s34i097 Stash , Concept stable
LUMPED N (as NO2) MMR AFTER TIMESTEP m01s34i098 Stash , Concept stable
LUMPED Br (as BrO) MMR AFTER TSTEP m01s34i099 Stash , Concept stable
LUMPED Cl (as HCl) MMR AFTER TSTEP m01s34i100 Concept , Stash stable
NUCLEATION MODE (SOLUBLE) NUMBER m01s34i101 Concept , Stash stable
NUCLEATION MODE (SOLUBLE) H2SO4 MMR m01s34i102 Stash , Concept stable
AITKEN MODE (SOLUBLE) NUMBER m01s34i103 Stash , Concept stable
AITKEN MODE (SOLUBLE) H2SO4 MMR m01s34i104 Stash , Concept stable
AITKEN MODE (SOLUBLE) BC MMR m01s34i105 Stash , Concept stable
AITKEN MODE (SOLUBLE) OM MMR m01s34i106 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUMULATION MODE (SOLUBLE) NUMBER m01s34i107 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUMULATION MODE (SOL) H2SO4 MMR m01s34i108 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUMULATION MODE (SOL) BC MMR m01s34i109 Concept , Stash stable
ACCUMULATION MODE (SOL) OM MMR m01s34i110 Concept , Stash stable
ACCUMULATION MODE (SOL) SEA SALT MMR m01s34i111 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUMULATION MODE (SOL) DUST MMR m01s34i112 Stash , Concept stable
COARSE MODE (SOLUBLE) NUMBER m01s34i113 Concept , Stash stable
COARSE MODE (SOLUBLE) H2SO4 MMR m01s34i114 Stash , Concept stable
COARSE MODE (SOLUBLE) BC MMR m01s34i115 Concept , Stash stable
COARSE MODE (SOLUBLE) OM MMR m01s34i116 Concept , Stash stable
COARSE MODE (SOLUBLE) SEA SALT MMR m01s34i117 Concept , Stash stable
COARSE MODE (SOLUBLE) DUST MMR m01s34i118 Concept , Stash stable
AITKEN MODE (INSOLUBLE) NUMBER m01s34i119 Concept , Stash stable
AITKEN MODE (INSOLUBLE) BC MMR m01s34i120 Concept , Stash stable
AITKEN MODE (INSOLUBLE) OM MMR m01s34i121 Concept , Stash stable
ACCUMULATION MODE (INSOLUBLE) NUMBER m01s34i122 Concept , Stash stable
ACCUMULATION MODE (INSOLUBLE) DUST m01s34i123 Concept , Stash stable
COARSE MODE (INSOLUBLE) NUMBER m01s34i124 Concept , Stash stable
COARSE MODE (INSOLUBLE) DUST MMR m01s34i125 Concept , Stash stable
NUCLEATION MODE (SOLUBLE) OM MMR m01s34i126 Concept , Stash stable
AITKEN MODE (SOLUBLE) SEA SALT MMR m01s34i127 Stash , Concept stable
NUCLEATION MODE (SOLUBLE) OM2 MMR m01s34i128 Concept , Stash stable
AITKEN MODE (SOLUBLE) OM2 MMR m01s34i129 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUMULATION MODE (SOLUBLE) OM2 MMR m01s34i130 Concept , Stash stable
COARSE MODE (SOLUBLE) OM2 MMR m01s34i131 Concept , Stash stable
NUCLEATION MODE (SOLUBLE) NH4 MMR m01s34i132 Concept , Stash stable
AITKEN MODE (SOLUBLE) NH4 MMR m01s34i133 Concept , Stash stable
ACCUMULATION MODE (SOLUBLE) NH4 MMR m01s34i134 Concept , Stash stable
COARSE MODE (SOLUBLE) NH4 MMR m01s34i135 Concept , Stash stable
NUCLEATION MODE (SOLUBLE) NO3 MMR m01s34i136 Concept , Stash stable
AITKEN MODE (SOLUBLE) NO3 MMR m01s34i137 Stash , Concept stable
ACCUMULATION MODE (SOLUBLE) NO3 MMR m01s34i138 Concept , Stash stable
COARSE MODE (SOLUBLE) NO3 MMR m01s34i139 Concept , Stash stable
EtOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i140 Concept , Stash stable
i-PrOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i141 Concept , Stash stable
n-PrOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i142 Concept , Stash stable
HOCH2CHO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i143 Concept , Stash stable
HOC2H4OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i144 Concept , Stash stable
EtCO3H MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i145 Concept , Stash stable
HOCH2CO3H MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i146 Concept , Stash stable
NOA MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i147 Concept , Stash stable
EtONO2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i148 Concept , Stash stable
PASSIVE O3 MASS MIXING RATIO m01s34i149 Stash , Concept stable
AGE OF AIR IN SECONDS m01s34i150 Stash , Concept stable
i-PrONO2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i151 Concept , Stash stable
MeO2NO2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i152 Concept , Stash stable
HOC2H4NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i153 Concept , Stash stable
PHAN MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i154 Concept , Stash stable
MeSCH2OO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i155 Concept , Stash stable
MeS MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i156 Concept , Stash stable
MeSO MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i157 Concept , Stash stable
MeSO2 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i158 Concept , Stash stable
MeSO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i159 Stash , Concept stable
MSIA MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i160 Concept , Stash stable
CARB14 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i161 Concept , Stash stable
CARB17 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i162 Stash , Concept stable
CARB11A MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i163 Concept , Stash stable
CARB7 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i164 Concept , Stash stable
CARB10 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i165 Concept , Stash stable
CARB13 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i166 Stash , Concept stable
CARB16 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i167 Concept , Stash stable
UCARB10 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i168 Concept , Stash stable
CARB3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i169 Concept , Stash stable
CARB6 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i170 Concept , Stash stable
CARB9 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i171 Concept , Stash stable
CARB12 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i172 Concept , Stash stable
CARB15 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i173 Concept , Stash stable
UCARB12 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i174 Concept , Stash stable
NUCARB12 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i175 Concept , Stash stable
UDCARB8 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i176 Concept , Stash stable
UDCARB11 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i177 Concept , Stash stable
UDCARB14 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i178 Concept , Stash stable
TNCARB26 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i179 Concept , Stash stable
TNCARB10 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i180 Concept , Stash stable
RN10NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i181 Stash , Concept stable
RN13NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i182 Concept , Stash stable
RN16NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i183 Stash , Concept stable
RN19NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i184 Concept , Stash stable
RA13NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i185 Concept , Stash stable
RA16NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i186 Stash , Concept stable
RA19NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i187 Concept , Stash stable
RTX24NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i188 Concept , Stash stable
RN10OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i189 Concept , Stash stable
RN13OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i190 Concept , Stash stable
RN16OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i191 Stash , Concept stable
RN19OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i192 Concept , Stash stable
RN8OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i193 Concept , Stash stable
RN11OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i194 Concept , Stash stable
RN14OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i195 Concept , Stash stable
RN17OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i196 Concept , Stash stable
RU14OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i197 Concept , Stash stable
RU12OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i198 Concept , Stash stable
RU10OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i199 Concept , Stash stable
NRU14OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i200 Concept , Stash stable
NRU12OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i201 Stash , Concept stable
RN9OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i202 Concept , Stash stable
RN12OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i203 Concept , Stash stable
RN15OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i204 Concept , Stash stable
RN18OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i205 Concept , Stash stable
NRN6OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i206 Concept , Stash stable
NRN9OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i207 Concept , Stash stable
NRN12OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i208 Stash , Concept stable
RA13OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i209 Concept , Stash stable
RA16OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i210 Stash , Concept stable
RA19OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i211 Concept , Stash stable
RTN28OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i212 Concept , Stash stable
NRTN28OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i213 Stash , Concept stable
RTN26OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i214 Concept , Stash stable
RTN25OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i215 Concept , Stash stable
RTN24OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i216 Concept , Stash stable
RTN23OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i217 Concept , Stash stable
RTN14OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i218 Concept , Stash stable
RTN10OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i219 Concept , Stash stable
RTX28OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i220 Stash , Concept stable
RTX24OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i221 Stash , Concept stable
RTX22OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i222 Concept , Stash stable
NRTX28OOH MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i223 Stash , Concept stable
RAROH14 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i224 Concept , Stash stable
RAROH17 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i225 Concept , Stash stable
RU12PAN MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i226 Concept , Stash stable
RTN26PAN MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i227 Concept , Stash stable
TNCARB12 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i228 Concept , Stash stable
CCARB12 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i231 Stash , Concept stable
TNCARB15 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i232 Concept , Stash stable
RCOOH25 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i233 Stash , Concept stable
TXCARB24 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i234 Stash , Concept stable
TXCARB22 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i235 Concept , Stash stable
RN9NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i236 Concept , Stash stable
RN12NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i237 Concept , Stash stable
RN15NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i238 Concept , Stash stable
RN18NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i239 Concept , Stash stable
RU14NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i240 Concept , Stash stable
RTN28NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i241 Stash , Concept stable
RTN25NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i242 Concept , Stash stable
RTX28NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i243 Stash , Concept stable
RTX22NO3 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i244 Concept , Stash stable
AROH14 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i245 Stash , Concept stable
ARNOH14 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i246 Concept , Stash stable
AROH17 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i247 Concept , Stash stable
ARNOH17 MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TS m01s34i248 Concept , Stash stable
ANHY MASS MIXING RATIO AFTER TSTEP m01s34i249 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HO2 + MeCOCH2OO Rxn m01s34i250 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeOO+NO=HO2+HCHO+NO2 m01s34i251 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeOO + NO = MeONO2 Rxn m01s34i252 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeOO + NO3 Rxn m01s34i253 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through MeOO + MeOO = HCHO Rxn m01s34i254 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeOO+MeOO=HO2+HCHO Rxn m01s34i255 Stash , Concept stable
Flux thru MeOO+MeCO3=HO2+HCHO Rxn m01s34i256 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeOO+MeCO3 = HCHO Rxn m01s34i257 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through EtOO + NO Rxn m01s34i258 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through EtOO + NO3 Rxn m01s34i259 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through EtOO + MeCO3 Rxn m01s34i260 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through MeCO3 + NO Rxn m01s34i261 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeCO3 + NO3 Rxn m01s34i262 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through n-PrOO + NO Rxn m01s34i263 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through n-PrOO + NO3 Rxn m01s34i264 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through i-PrOO + NO Rxn m01s34i265 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through i-PrOO + NO3 Rxn m01s34i266 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through EtCO3 + NO Rxn m01s34i267 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through EtCO3 + NO3 Rxn m01s34i268 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeCOCH2OO + NO Rxn m01s34i269 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through MeCOCH2OO + NO3 Rxn m01s34i270 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through NO + NO3 Rxn m01s34i271 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through NO + O3 Rxn m01s34i272 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through NO2 + O3 Rxn m01s34i273 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through NO3 + HCHO Rxn m01s34i274 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through NO3 + MeCHO Rxn m01s34i275 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through NO3 + EtCHO Rxn m01s34i276 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through NO3 + Me2CO Rxn m01s34i277 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through N2O5 + H2O Rxn m01s34i278 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O(3P) + O3 Rxn m01s34i279 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O(1D)+CH4=OH+MeOO Rxn m01s34i280 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O(1D)+CH4=HCHO+H2 Rxn m01s34i281 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O(1D)+CH4=HCHO+HO2 Rxn m01s34i282 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O(1D) + H2O Rxn m01s34i283 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O(1D) + N2 Rxn m01s34i284 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through O(1D) + O2 Rxn m01s34i285 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + CH4 Rxn m01s34i286 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + C2H6 Rxn m01s34i287 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + C3H8 = n-PrOO Rxn m01s34i288 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + C3H8 = i-PrOO Rxn m01s34i289 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + CO Rxn m01s34i290 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + EtCHO Rxn m01s34i291 Stash , Concept stable
Flux thru OH+EtOOH=H2O+MeCHO+OH Rxn m01s34i292 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH+EtOOH=H2O+EtOO Rxn m01s34i293 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + H2 Rxn m01s34i294 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + H2O2 Rxn m01s34i295 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + HCHO Rxn m01s34i296 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + HO2 Rxn m01s34i297 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + HO2NO2 Rxn m01s34i298 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + HONO2 Rxn m01s34i299 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + HONO Rxn m01s34i300 Stash , Concept stable
Ox PROD: HO2+NO m01s34i301 Concept , Stash stable
Ox PROD: MeOO+NO m01s34i302 Stash , Concept stable
Ox PROD: NO+RO2 m01s34i303 Concept , Stash stable
Ox PROD: OH+INORGANIC ACID m01s34i304 Stash , Concept stable
Ox PROD: OH+ORGANIC NITRATE m01s34i305 Stash , Concept stable
Ox PROD: ORGANIC NITRATE PHOTOLYSIS m01s34i306 Stash , Concept stable
Ox PROD: OH + PAN-TYPE REACTIONS m01s34i307 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + MeCHO Rxn m01s34i308 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + NO3 Rxn m01s34i309 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OH + O3 Rxn m01s34i310 Concept , Stash stable
Ox LOSS: O(1D)+H2O m01s34i311 Concept , Stash stable
Ox LOSS: MINOR LOSS REACTIONS m01s34i312 Concept , Stash stable
Ox LOSS: HO2+O3 m01s34i313 Concept , Stash stable
Ox LOSS: OH+O3 m01s34i314 Stash , Concept stable
Ox LOSS: O3+ALKENE m01s34i315 Stash , Concept stable
Ox LOSS: N2O5+H2O m01s34i316 Stash , Concept stable
Ox LOSS: NO3 CHEMICAL LOSS m01s34i317 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through O3P + NO2 Rxn m01s34i318 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HO2S + O3S Rxn m01s34i319 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through OHS + O3S Rxn m01s34i320 Concept , Stash stable
Ox BUDGET: O3 DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s34i321 Concept , Stash stable
Ox BUDGET: NOy DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s34i322 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through O(1D)S + O2 Rxn m01s34i323 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HO2 + HO2 + M Rxn m01s34i324 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HO2 + NO2 + M Rxn m01s34i325 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HO2NO2 + M Rxn m01s34i326 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeCO3 + NO2 + M Rxn m01s34i327 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through PAN + M Rxn m01s34i328 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through N2O5 + M Rxn m01s34i329 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through NO2 + NO3 + M Rxn m01s34i330 Stash , Concept stable
Ox BUDGET: NOy WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s34i331 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + NO + M Rxn m01s34i332 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + NO2 + M Rxn m01s34i333 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through OH + OH + M Rxn m01s34i334 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through EtCO3 + NO2 + M Rxn m01s34i335 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through PPAN + M Rxn m01s34i336 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through O(3P)S + O2 + M Rxn m01s34i337 Concept , Stash stable
C5H8 + OH Rxn Flux m01s34i338 Concept , Stash stable
RXN FLUX: OH+CH4 (CH4 LIFETIME) TROP m01s34i341 Concept , Stash stable
RXN FLUX: NO3+C5H8->ISON m01s34i342 Concept , Stash stable
RXN FLUX: NO+ISO2->ISON m01s34i343 Concept , Stash stable
RXN FLUX: H2O2 PRODUCTION m01s34i344 Concept , Stash stable
RXN FLUX: ROOH PRODUCTION m01s34i345 Concept , Stash stable
RXN FLUX: HONO2 PRODUCTION (HNO3) m01s34i346 Concept , Stash stable
STE: O3 m01s34i351 Concept , Stash stable
TENDENCY: O3 (TROP ONLY) m01s34i352 Concept , Stash stable
TROPOSPHERIC O3 m01s34i353 Concept , Stash stable
TENDENCY: O3 (WHOLE ATMOS) m01s34i354 Concept , Stash stable
AIR MASS DIAGNOSTIC (TROP ONLY) m01s34i361 Stash , Concept stable
TROPOSPHERIC MASK m01s34i362 Concept , Stash stable
AIR MASS DIAGNOSTIC (WHOLE ATMOS) m01s34i363 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO LOSS VIA OH+CO m01s34i371 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO PROD VIA HCHO+OH/NO3 m01s34i372 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO PROD VIA MGLY+OH/NO3 m01s34i373 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO MISC PROD&O3+MACR/ISOP m01s34i374 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO PROD VIA HCHO PHOT RAD m01s34i375 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO PROD VIA HCHO PHOT MOL m01s34i376 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO PROD VIA MGLY PHOTOL m01s34i377 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO PROD VIA MISC PHOTOL m01s34i378 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s34i379 Stash , Concept stable
SO3 + O3 => SO4 (Aq) Rxn Flux m01s34i380 Concept , Stash stable
LIGHTNING NOx EMISSIONS 3D m01s34i381 Stash , Concept stable
LIGHTNING DIAGNOSTIC: TOT FLASHES 2D m01s34i382 Stash , Concept stable
LIGHTNING DIAG: CLD TO GRND FLSH 2D m01s34i383 Concept , Stash stable
LIGHTNING DIAG: CLD TO CLD FLSH 2D m01s34i384 Stash , Concept stable
LIGHTNING DIAG: TOTAL N PRODUCED 2D m01s34i385 Concept , Stash stable
LIGHTNING N IN kg(N)/km^2/s m01s34i386 Stash , Concept stable
STRATOSPHERIC OH PRODUCTION m01s34i391 Concept , Stash stable
STRATOSPHERIC OH LOSS m01s34i392 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT O3 PROD: O2+PHOTON->O(3P)+O(3P m01s34i401 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 PROD: O2+PHOTON->O(3P)+O(1D m01s34i402 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT O3 PROD: HO2 + NO m01s34i403 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 PROD: MeOO + NO m01s34i404 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HCHO=HO2+CO Photol Rxn m01s34i405 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HCHO=H2+CO Photol Rxn m01s34i406 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through HO2NO2 Photol Rxn m01s34i407 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through HONO2 Photol Rxn m01s34i408 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through MeCHO=MeOO Photol Rxn m01s34i409 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through MeCHO=CH4 Photol Rxn m01s34i410 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: Cl2O2 + PHOTON m01s34i411 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: BrO + ClO m01s34i412 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: HO2 + O3 m01s34i413 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: ClO + HO2 m01s34i414 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: BrO + HO2 m01s34i415 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: O(3P) + ClO m01s34i416 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: O(3P) + NO2 m01s34i417 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: O(3P) + HO2 m01s34i418 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: O3 + H m01s34i419 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: O(3P) + O3 m01s34i420 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: NO3 + PHOTON m01s34i421 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: O(1D) + H2O m01s34i422 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: HO2 + NO3 m01s34i423 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: OH + NO3 m01s34i424 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: NO3 + HCHO m01s34i425 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through PPAN Photol Rxn m01s34i426 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through MeONO2 Photol Rxn m01s34i427 Concept , Stash stable
Flux through O3S=O(1D)S Photol Rxn m01s34i428 Stash , Concept stable
Flux through O3S=O(3P)S Photol Rxn m01s34i429 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT MISC: O3 DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s34i431 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT MISC: NOy DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s34i432 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT MISC: NOy WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s34i433 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of O3 by Dry Deposition m01s34i438 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of NO by Dry Deposition m01s34i439 Concept , Stash stable
DMS + OH => SO2 + MeOO + HCHO m01s34i440 Concept , Stash stable
DMS + OH => 0.6SO2 + 0.4DMSO + MeOO m01s34i441 Stash , Concept stable
DMS + NO3 => SO2 + HONO2 + MeOO m01s34i442 Concept , Stash stable
DMSO + OH => 0.6SO2 + 0.4MSA m01s34i443 Stash , Concept stable
CS2 + OH => SO2 + COS m01s34i444 Stash , Concept stable
H2S + OH => SO2 m01s34i445 Concept , Stash stable
COS + OH => SO2 m01s34i446 Stash , Concept stable
Monoterp + OH => Sec_org m01s34i447 Concept , Stash stable
Monoterp + O3 => Sec_org m01s34i448 Stash , Concept stable
Monoterp + NO3 => Sec_org m01s34i449 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 + OH => HO2 + H2SO4 m01s34i450 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 + H2O2 => NULL0 m01s34i451 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 + O3 => NULL1 m01s34i452 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 + O3 => NULL2 m01s34i453 Stash , Concept stable
SO2 DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s34i454 Stash , Concept stable
SO2 WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s34i455 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of EtCHO by Dry Deposition m01s34i456 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of MeCOCH2OOH by Dry Deposition m01s34i457 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of PPAN by Dry Deposition m01s34i458 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of O3S by Dry Deposition m01s34i459 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of SO2 by Dry Deposition m01s34i460 Concept , Stash stable
H2SO4 Dry Deposition Flux m01s34i461 Concept , Stash stable
NH3 Dry Deposition Flux m01s34i462 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of NO3 by Wet Deposition m01s34i483 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of N2O5 by Wet Deposition m01s34i484 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of HO2NO2 by Wet Deposition m01s34i485 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of HONO2 by Wet Deposition m01s34i486 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of HO2 by Wet Deposition m01s34i487 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of H2O2 by Wet Deposition m01s34i488 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of HCHO by Wet Deposition m01s34i489 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of MeOO by Wet Deposition m01s34i490 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of MeOOH by Wet Deposition m01s34i491 Concept , Stash stable
Flux of HONO by Wet Deposition m01s34i492 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of EtOOH by Wet Deposition m01s34i493 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of n-PrOOH by Wet Deposition m01s34i494 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of i-PrOOH by Wet Deposition m01s34i495 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of MeCOCH2OOH by Wet Deposition m01s34i496 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of HO2S by Wet Deposition m01s34i497 Stash , Concept stable
Flux of SO2 by Wet Deposition m01s34i498 Stash , Concept stable
H2SO4 Wet Deposition Flux m01s34i499 Stash , Concept stable
NH3 Wet Deposition Flux m01s34i500 Concept , Stash stable
U COMPNT OF WIND AFTER SKEB2 m01s35i001 Concept , Stash stable
V COMPNT OF WIND AFTER SKEB2 m01s35i002 Stash , Concept stable
U COMPNT OF WIND INCR SKEB2 m01s35i003 Concept , Stash stable
V COMPNT OF WIND INCR SKEB2 m01s35i004 Concept , Stash stable
ROT U COMPNT OF WIND INCR SKEB2 m01s35i005 Stash , Concept stable
ROT V COMPNT OF WIND INCR SKEB2 m01s35i006 Concept , Stash stable
DIV U COMPNT OF WIND INCR SKEB2 m01s35i007 Concept , Stash stable
DIV V COMPNT OF WIND INCR SKEB2 m01s35i008 Concept , Stash stable
SKEB2 DISSIPATION FROM SMAG m01s35i009 Stash , Concept stable
SKEB2 DISSIPATION FROM CONVECTION m01s35i010 Stash , Concept stable
SKEB2 DISS FROM SKEB1-TYPE PATTERN m01s35i011 Stash , Concept stable
SKEB2 SMOOTHED MODULATING FIELD m01s35i012 Concept , Stash stable
SKEB2 STREAMFUNCTION FORC FIELD m01s35i013 Concept , Stash stable
SKEB2 INITIAL RANDOM PATTERN m01s35i014 Stash , Concept stable
MASS VERT INT OF STRM FORC FIELD m01s35i015 Stash , Concept stable
VERT INTEG NUMERICAL DISSP (W/M^2) m01s35i016 Concept , Stash stable
VERT INTEG CONVECTVE DISSP (W/M^2) m01s35i017 Concept , Stash stable
VERT INTEG SKEB1-TYPE DISS (W/M^2) m01s35i018 Concept , Stash stable
MASS VERT INT OF MODULATED STRMFUNC m01s35i019 Stash , Concept stable
V INT KE WIND INCR PRE SKEB2 (J/M^2) m01s35i020 Stash , Concept stable
V INT KE WIND INCR SKEB2 (J/M^2) m01s35i021 Stash , Concept stable
V INT KE WIND INCR POST SKEB2(J/M^2) m01s35i022 Stash , Concept stable
SPT FORCING PATTERN m01s35i023 Concept , Stash stable
THETA TENDENCY SPT INCREMENT m01s35i024 Stash , Concept stable
Q TENDENCY SPT INCREMENT m01s35i025 Concept , Stash stable
U TENDENCY SPT INCREMENT m01s35i026 Concept , Stash stable
V TENDENCY SPT INCREMENT m01s35i027 Concept , Stash stable
CFL criteria breached m01s35i028 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 1 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i001 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 2 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i002 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 3 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i003 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 4 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i004 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 5 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i005 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 6 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i006 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 7 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i007 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 8 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i008 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 9 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i009 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 10 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i010 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 11 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i011 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 12 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i012 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 13 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i013 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 14 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i014 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 15 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i015 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 16 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i016 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 17 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i017 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 18 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i018 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 19 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i019 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 20 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i020 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 21 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i021 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 22 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i022 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 23 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i023 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 24 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i024 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 25 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i025 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 26 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i026 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 27 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i027 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 28 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i028 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 29 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i029 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 30 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i030 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 31 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i031 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 32 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i032 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 33 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i033 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 34 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i034 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 35 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i035 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 36 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i036 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 37 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i037 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 38 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i038 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 39 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i039 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 40 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i040 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 41 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i041 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 42 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i042 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 43 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i043 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 44 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i044 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 45 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i045 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 46 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i046 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 47 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i047 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 48 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i048 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 49 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i049 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 50 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i050 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 51 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i051 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 52 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i052 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 53 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i053 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 54 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i054 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 55 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i055 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 56 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i056 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 57 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i057 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 58 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i058 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 59 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i059 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 60 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i060 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 61 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i061 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 62 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i062 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 63 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i063 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 64 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i064 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 65 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i065 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 66 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i066 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 67 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i067 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 68 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i068 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 69 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i069 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 70 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i070 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 71 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i071 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 72 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i072 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 73 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i073 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 74 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i074 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 75 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i075 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 76 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i076 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 77 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i077 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 78 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i078 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 79 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i079 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 80 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i080 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 81 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i081 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 82 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i082 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 83 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i083 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 84 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i084 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 85 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i085 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 86 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i086 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 87 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i087 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 88 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i088 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 89 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i089 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 90 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i090 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 91 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i091 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 92 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i092 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 93 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i093 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 94 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i094 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 95 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i095 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 96 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i096 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 97 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i097 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 98 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i098 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 99 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i099 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 100 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i100 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 101 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i101 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 102 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i102 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 103 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i103 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 104 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i104 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 105 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i105 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 106 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i106 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 107 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i107 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 108 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i108 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 109 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i109 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 110 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i110 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 111 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i111 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 112 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i112 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 113 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i113 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 114 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i114 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 115 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i115 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 116 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i116 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 117 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i117 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 118 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i118 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 119 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i119 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 120 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i120 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 121 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i121 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 122 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i122 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 123 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i123 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 124 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i124 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 125 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i125 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 126 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i126 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 127 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i127 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 128 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i128 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 129 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i129 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 130 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i130 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 131 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i131 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 132 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i132 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 133 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i133 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 134 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i134 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 135 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i135 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 136 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i136 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 137 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i137 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 138 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i138 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 139 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i139 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 140 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i140 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 141 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i141 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 142 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i142 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 143 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i143 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 144 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i144 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 145 LATERAL BOUNDARY m01s36i145 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 146 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i146 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 147 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i147 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 148 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i148 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 149 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i149 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 150 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s36i150 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 1 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i257 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 2 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i258 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 3 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i259 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 4 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i260 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 5 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i261 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 6 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i262 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 7 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i263 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 8 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i264 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 9 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i265 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 10 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i266 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 11 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i267 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 12 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i268 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 13 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i269 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 14 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i270 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 15 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i271 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 16 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i272 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 17 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i273 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 18 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i274 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 19 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i275 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 20 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i276 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 21 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i277 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 22 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i278 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 23 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i279 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 24 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i280 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 25 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i281 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 26 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i282 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 27 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i283 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 28 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i284 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 29 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i285 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 30 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i286 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 31 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i287 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 32 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i288 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 33 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i289 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 34 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i290 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 35 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i291 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 36 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i292 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 37 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i293 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 38 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i294 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 39 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i295 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 40 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i296 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 41 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i297 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 42 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i298 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 43 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i299 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 44 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i300 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 45 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i301 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 46 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i302 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 47 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i303 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 48 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i304 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 49 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i305 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 50 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i306 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 51 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i307 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 52 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i308 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 53 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i309 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 54 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i310 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 55 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i311 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 56 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i312 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 57 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i313 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 58 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i314 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 59 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i315 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 60 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i316 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 61 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i317 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 62 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i318 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 63 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i319 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 64 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i320 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 65 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i321 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 66 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i322 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 67 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i323 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 68 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i324 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 69 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i325 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 70 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i326 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 71 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i327 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 72 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i328 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 73 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i329 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 74 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i330 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 75 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i331 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 76 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i332 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 77 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i333 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 78 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i334 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 79 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i335 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 80 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i336 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 81 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i337 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 82 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i338 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 83 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i339 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 84 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i340 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 85 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i341 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 86 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i342 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 87 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i343 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 88 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i344 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 89 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i345 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 90 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i346 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 91 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i347 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 92 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i348 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 93 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i349 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 94 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i350 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 95 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i351 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 96 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i352 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 97 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i353 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 98 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i354 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 99 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i355 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 100 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i356 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 101 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i357 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 102 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i358 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 103 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i359 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 104 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i360 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 105 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i361 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 106 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i362 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 107 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i363 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 108 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i364 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 109 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i365 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 110 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i366 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 111 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i367 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 112 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i368 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 113 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i369 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 114 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i370 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 115 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i371 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 116 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i372 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 117 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i373 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 118 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i374 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 119 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i375 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 120 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i376 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 121 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i377 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 122 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i378 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 123 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i379 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 124 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i380 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 125 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i381 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 126 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i382 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 127 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i383 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 128 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i384 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 129 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i385 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 130 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i386 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 131 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i387 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 132 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i388 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 133 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i389 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 134 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i390 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 135 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i391 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 136 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i392 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 137 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i393 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 138 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i394 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 139 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i395 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 140 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i396 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 141 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i397 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 142 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i398 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 143 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i399 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 144 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i400 Stash , Concept stable
ATM TRACER 145 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i401 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 146 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i402 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 147 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i403 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 148 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i404 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 149 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i405 Concept , Stash stable
ATM TRACER 150 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s36i406 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 1 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i001 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 2 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i002 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 3 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i003 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 4 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i004 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 5 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i005 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 6 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i006 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 7 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i007 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 8 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i008 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 9 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i009 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 10 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i010 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 11 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i011 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 12 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i012 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 13 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i013 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 14 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i014 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 15 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i015 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 16 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i016 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 17 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i017 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 18 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i018 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 19 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i019 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 20 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i020 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 21 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i021 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 22 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i022 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 23 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i023 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 24 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i024 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 25 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i025 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 26 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i026 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 27 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i027 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 28 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i028 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 29 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i029 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 30 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i030 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 31 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i031 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 32 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i032 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 33 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i033 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 34 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i034 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 35 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i035 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 36 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i036 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 37 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i037 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 38 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i038 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 39 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i039 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 40 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i040 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 41 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i041 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 42 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i042 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 43 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i043 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 44 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i044 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 45 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i045 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 46 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i046 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 47 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i047 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 48 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i048 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 49 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i049 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 50 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i050 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 51 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i051 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 52 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i052 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 53 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i053 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 54 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i054 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 55 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i055 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 56 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i056 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 57 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i057 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 58 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i058 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 59 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i059 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 60 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i060 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 61 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i061 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 62 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i062 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 63 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i063 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 64 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i064 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 65 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i065 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 66 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i066 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 67 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i067 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 68 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i068 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 69 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i069 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 70 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i070 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 71 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i071 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 72 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i072 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 73 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i073 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 74 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i074 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 75 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i075 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 76 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i076 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 77 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i077 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 78 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i078 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 79 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i079 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 80 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i080 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 81 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i081 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 82 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i082 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 83 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i083 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 84 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i084 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 85 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i085 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 86 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i086 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 87 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i087 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 88 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i088 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 89 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i089 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 90 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i090 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 91 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i091 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 92 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i092 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 93 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i093 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 94 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i094 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 95 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i095 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 96 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i096 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 97 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i097 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 98 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i098 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 99 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL. m01s37i099 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 100 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i100 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 101 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i101 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 102 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i102 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 103 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i103 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 104 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i104 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 105 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i105 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 106 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i106 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 107 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i107 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 108 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i108 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 109 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i109 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 110 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i110 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 111 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i111 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 112 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i112 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 113 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i113 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 114 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i114 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 115 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i115 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 116 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i116 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 117 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i117 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 118 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i118 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 119 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i119 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 120 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i120 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 121 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i121 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 122 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i122 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 123 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i123 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 124 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i124 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 125 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i125 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 126 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i126 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 127 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i127 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 128 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i128 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 129 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i129 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 130 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i130 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 131 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i131 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 132 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i132 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 133 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i133 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 134 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i134 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 135 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i135 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 136 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i136 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 137 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i137 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 138 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i138 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 139 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i139 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 140 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i140 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 141 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i141 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 142 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i142 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 143 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i143 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 144 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i144 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 145 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i145 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 146 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i146 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 147 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i147 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 148 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i148 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 149 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i149 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 150 LATERAL BOUNDARY VAL m01s37i150 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 1 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i257 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 2 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i258 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 3 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i259 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 4 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i260 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 5 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i261 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 6 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i262 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 7 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i263 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 8 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i264 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 9 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i265 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 10 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i266 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 11 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i267 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 12 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i268 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 13 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i269 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 14 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i270 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 15 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i271 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 16 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i272 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 17 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i273 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 18 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i274 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 19 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i275 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 20 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i276 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 21 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i277 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 22 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i278 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 23 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i279 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 24 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i280 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 25 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i281 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 26 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i282 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 27 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i283 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 28 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i284 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 29 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i285 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 30 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i286 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 31 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i287 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 32 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i288 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 33 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i289 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 34 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i290 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 35 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i291 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 36 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i292 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 37 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i293 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 38 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i294 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 39 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i295 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 40 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i296 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 41 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i297 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 42 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i298 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 43 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i299 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 44 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i300 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 45 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i301 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 46 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i302 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 47 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i303 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 48 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i304 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 49 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i305 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 50 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i306 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 51 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i307 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 52 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i308 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 53 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i309 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 54 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i310 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 55 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i311 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 56 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i312 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 57 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i313 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 58 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i314 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 59 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i315 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 60 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i316 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 61 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i317 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 62 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i318 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 63 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i319 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 64 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i320 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 65 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i321 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 66 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i322 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 67 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i323 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 68 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i324 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 69 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i325 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 70 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i326 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 71 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i327 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 72 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i328 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 73 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i329 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 74 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i330 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 75 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i331 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 76 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i332 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 77 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i333 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 78 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i334 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 79 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i335 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 80 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i336 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 81 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i337 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 82 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i338 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 83 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i339 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 84 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i340 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 85 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i341 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 86 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i342 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 87 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i343 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 88 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i344 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 89 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i345 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 90 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i346 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 91 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i347 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 92 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i348 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 93 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i349 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 94 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i350 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 95 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i351 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 96 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i352 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 97 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i353 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 98 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i354 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 99 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i355 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 100 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i356 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 101 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i357 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 102 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i358 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 103 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i359 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 104 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i360 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 105 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i361 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 106 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i362 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 107 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i363 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 108 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i364 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 109 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i365 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 110 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i366 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 111 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i367 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 112 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i368 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 113 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i369 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 114 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i370 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 115 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i371 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 116 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i372 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 117 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i373 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 118 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i374 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 119 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i375 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 120 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i376 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 121 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i377 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 122 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i378 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 123 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i379 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 124 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i380 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 125 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i381 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 126 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i382 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 127 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i383 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 128 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i384 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 129 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i385 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 130 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i386 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 131 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i387 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 132 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i388 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 133 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i389 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 134 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i390 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 135 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i391 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 136 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i392 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 137 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i393 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 138 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i394 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 139 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i395 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 140 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i396 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 141 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i397 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 142 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i398 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 143 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i399 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 144 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i400 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 145 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i401 Stash , Concept stable
UKCA TRACER 146 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i402 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 147 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i403 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 148 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i404 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 149 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i405 Concept , Stash stable
UKCA TRACER 150 BOUNDARY TENDENCY m01s37i406 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of O3 Tracer m01s38i001 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of NO Tracer m01s38i002 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of NO3 Tracer m01s38i003 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of NO2 Tracer m01s38i004 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of N2O5 Tracer m01s38i005 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of HO2NO2 Tracer m01s38i006 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of HONO2 Tracer m01s38i007 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of H2O2 Tracer m01s38i008 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of CH4 Tracer m01s38i009 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of CO Tracer m01s38i010 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of HCHO Tracer m01s38i011 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of MeOOH Tracer m01s38i012 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of HONO Tracer m01s38i013 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of C2H6 Tracer m01s38i014 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of EtOOH Tracer m01s38i015 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of MeCHO Tracer m01s38i016 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of PAN Tracer m01s38i017 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of C3H8 Tracer m01s38i018 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of n-PrOOH Tracer m01s38i019 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of i-PrOOH Tracer m01s38i020 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of EtCHO Tracer m01s38i021 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of Me2CO Tracer m01s38i022 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of MECOCH2OOH Tracer m01s38i023 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of PPAN Tracer m01s38i024 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of MeONO2 Tracer m01s38i025 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of O3S Tracer m01s38i026 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of C5H8 Tracer m01s38i027 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of ISOOH Tracer m01s38i028 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of ISON Tracer m01s38i029 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of MACR Tracer m01s38i030 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of MACROOH Tracer m01s38i031 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of MPAN Tracer m01s38i032 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of HACET Tracer m01s38i033 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of MGLY Tracer m01s38i034 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of NALD Tracer m01s38i035 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of HCOOH Tracer m01s38i036 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of MECO3H Tracer m01s38i037 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of MECO2H Tracer m01s38i038 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Total Cl Tracer m01s38i039 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of Total Br Tracer m01s38i040 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of Cl Tracer m01s38i041 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of ClO Tracer m01s38i042 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of Cl2O2 Tracer m01s38i043 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of OClO Tracer m01s38i044 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of Br Tracer m01s38i045 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of BrO Tracer m01s38i046 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of BrCl Tracer m01s38i047 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of BrONO2 Tracer m01s38i048 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of N2O Tracer m01s38i049 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of HCl Tracer m01s38i050 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of HOCl Tracer m01s38i051 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of HBr Tracer m01s38i052 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of HOBr Tracer m01s38i053 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of ClONO2 Tracer m01s38i054 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of CFCl3 Tracer m01s38i055 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of CF2Cl2 Tracer m01s38i056 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of MEBr Tracer m01s38i057 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of N Tracer m01s38i058 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of O3P Tracer m01s38i059 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of TOTAL H Tracer m01s38i060 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of MECl Tracer m01s38i061 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of CF2ClBr Tracer m01s38i062 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of CCl4 Tracer m01s38i063 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of CF2ClCFCl2 Tracer m01s38i064 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of CHF2Cl Tracer m01s38i065 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of MECCl3 Tracer m01s38i066 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of CF3Br Tracer m01s38i067 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of H2O (S) Tracer m01s38i068 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of O(3P) (S) Tracer m01s38i069 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of H2 Tracer m01s38i070 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of DMS Tracer m01s38i071 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of SO2 Tracer m01s38i072 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of H2SO4 Tracer m01s38i073 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of MSA Tracer m01s38i074 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of DMSO Tracer m01s38i075 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of NH3 Tracer m01s38i076 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of CS2 Tracer m01s38i077 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of COS Tracer m01s38i078 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of H2S Tracer m01s38i079 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of H Tracer m01s38i080 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of OH Tracer m01s38i081 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of HO2 Tracer m01s38i082 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of MeOO Tracer m01s38i083 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of EtOO Tracer m01s38i084 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of MeCO3 Tracer m01s38i085 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of n-PrOO Tracer m01s38i086 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of i-PrOO Tracer m01s38i087 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of EtCO3 Tracer m01s38i088 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of MeCOCH2OO Tracer m01s38i089 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of CH3Br Tracer m01s38i090 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of Monoterpene Tracer m01s38i091 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of Sec Organic Tracer m01s38i092 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of Sesquiterpene Tracer m01s38i093 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Tracer 94 m01s38i094 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Tracer 95 m01s38i095 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Tracer 96 m01s38i096 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Tracer 97 m01s38i097 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Tracer 98 m01s38i098 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Tracer 99 m01s38i099 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Tracer 100 m01s38i100 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of NUC-Sol Number Tracer m01s38i101 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of NUC-Sol H2SO4 Tracer m01s38i102 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of AIT-Sol Number Tracer m01s38i103 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of AIT-Sol H2SO4 Tracer m01s38i104 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of AIT-Sol BC Tracer m01s38i105 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of AIT-Sol OC Tracer m01s38i106 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of ACC-Sol Number Tracer m01s38i107 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of ACC-Sol H2SO4 Tracer m01s38i108 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of ACC-Sol BC Tracer m01s38i109 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of ACC-Sol OC Tracer m01s38i110 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of ACC-Sol NaCl Tracer m01s38i111 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of ACC-Sol Dust Tracer m01s38i112 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of COR-Sol Number Tracer m01s38i113 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of COR-Sol H2SO4 Tracer m01s38i114 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of COR-Sol BC Tracer m01s38i115 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of COR-Sol OC Tracer m01s38i116 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of COR-Sol NaCl Tracer m01s38i117 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of COR-Sol Dust Tracer m01s38i118 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of AIT-Insol Number Tracr m01s38i119 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of AIT-Insol BC Tracer m01s38i120 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of AIT-Insol OC Tracer m01s38i121 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of ACC-Insol Number Tracr m01s38i122 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of ACC-Insol Dust Tracer m01s38i123 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of COR-Insol Number Tracr m01s38i124 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of COR-Insol Dust Tracer m01s38i125 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of NUC-Sol OC Tracer m01s38i126 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of NUC-Sol OC2 Tracer m01s38i127 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of AIT-Sol OC2 Tracer m01s38i128 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of ACC-Sol OC2 Tracer m01s38i129 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of COR-Sol OC2 Tracer m01s38i130 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of AIT-Sol NaCl Tracer m01s38i131 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of NUC-Sol NH4 Tracer m01s38i132 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of AIT-Sol NH4 Tracer m01s38i133 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of ACC-Sol NH4 Tracer m01s38i134 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of COR-Sol NH4 Tracer m01s38i135 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of NUC-Sol NO3 Tracer m01s38i136 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of AIT-Sol NO3 Tracer m01s38i137 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of ACC-Sol NO3 Tracer m01s38i138 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of COR-Sol NO3 Tracer m01s38i139 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Tracer 140 m01s38i140 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Tracer 141 m01s38i141 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Tracer 142 m01s38i142 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Tracer 143 m01s38i143 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Tracer 144 m01s38i144 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Tracer 145 m01s38i145 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of UKCA Tracer 146 m01s38i146 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of Rn-222 Tracer m01s38i147 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of Pb-210 Tracer m01s38i148 Stash , Concept stable
Strat Flux of Tracer 149 m01s38i149 Concept , Stash stable
Strat Flux of Age of Air Tracer m01s38i150 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OC1 NUCLTN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i151 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OC1 NUCLTN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i152 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OC1 NUCLTN-SOL TO AITKEN-INS m01s38i153 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OC2 NUCLTN-SOL TO AITKEN-SOL m01s38i154 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OC2 NUCLTN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i155 Stash , Concept stable
COAG OC2 NUCLTN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i156 Stash , Concept stable
COAG OC2 NUCLTN-SOL TO AITKEN-INS m01s38i157 Stash , Concept stable
COAG SO4 AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i158 Stash , Concept stable
COAG BC AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i159 Stash , Concept stable
COAG OC1 AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i160 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OC2 AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i161 Stash , Concept stable
COAG SO4 AITKEN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i162 Concept , Stash stable
COAG BC AITKEN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i163 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OC1 AITKEN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i164 Stash , Concept stable
COAG OC2 AITKEN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i165 Concept , Stash stable
COAG SO4 ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i166 Stash , Concept stable
COAG BC ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i167 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OC1 ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i168 Stash , Concept stable
COAG SEA-SALT ACC-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i169 Stash , Concept stable
COAG OC2 ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i170 Stash , Concept stable
COAG BC AITKEN (INS) TO ACCUM.-SOL m01s38i171 Stash , Concept stable
COAG OC1 AITKEN (INS) TO ACCUM.-SOL m01s38i172 Stash , Concept stable
COAG BC AITKEN (INS) TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i173 Stash , Concept stable
COAG OC1 AITKEN (INS) TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i174 Concept , Stash stable
AGED SO4 AITKEN (INS) TO AITKEN-SOL m01s38i186 Concept , Stash stable
AGED BC AITKEN (INS) TO AITKEN-SOL m01s38i187 Concept , Stash stable
AGED OC1 AITKEN (INS) TO AITKEN-SOL m01s38i188 Stash , Concept stable
AGED OC2 AITKEN (INS) TO AITKEN-SOL m01s38i189 Stash , Concept stable
PRIMARY H2SO4 TO AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i201 Stash , Concept stable
PRIMARY H2SO4 TO ACCUMULATION (SOL) m01s38i202 Concept , Stash stable
PRIMARY H2SO4 TO COARSE (SOL) m01s38i203 Concept , Stash stable
PRIMARY SEA-SALT TO ACCUMULTN (SOL) m01s38i204 Stash , Concept stable
PRIMARY SEA-SALT TO COARSE (SOL) m01s38i205 Stash , Concept stable
PRIMARY BLACK CARBON TO AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i206 Stash , Concept stable
PRIMARY BLACK CARBON TO AITKEN (INS) m01s38i207 Stash , Concept stable
PRIMARY OM TO AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i208 Concept , Stash stable
PRIMARY OM TO AITKEN (INS) m01s38i209 Concept , Stash stable
PRIMARY DUST TO ACCUMULATION (SOL) m01s38i210 Stash , Concept stable
PRIMARY DUST TO ACCUMULATION (INS) m01s38i211 Concept , Stash stable
PRIMARY DUST TO COARSE (SOLUBLE) m01s38i212 Concept , Stash stable
PRIMARY DUST TO COARSE (INSOLUBLE) m01s38i213 Concept , Stash stable
DRY DEPOSITION H2SO4 NUCLN. (SOL) m01s38i214 Stash , Concept stable
DRY DEPOSITION H2SO4 AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i215 Concept , Stash stable
DRY DEPOSITION H2SO4 ACCUMULTN (SOL) m01s38i216 Concept , Stash stable
DRY DEPOSITION H2SO4 COARSE (SOL) m01s38i217 Concept , Stash stable
DRY DEPOSITION SEA-SALT ACC (SOL) m01s38i218 Concept , Stash stable
DRY DEPOSITION SEA-SALT COARSE (SOL) m01s38i219 Stash , Concept stable
DRY DEPOSITION BLK CARB AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i220 Stash , Concept stable
DRY DEPOSITION BLK CARB ACCUM. (SOL) m01s38i221 Concept , Stash stable
DRY DEPOSITION BLK CARB COARSE (SOL) m01s38i222 Stash , Concept stable
DRY DEPOSITION BLK CARB AITKEN (INS) m01s38i223 Concept , Stash stable
DRY DEPOSITION OM NUCLEATION (SOL) m01s38i224 Stash , Concept stable
DRY DEPOSITION OM AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i225 Concept , Stash stable
DRY DEPOSITION OM ACCUMULATION (SOL) m01s38i226 Stash , Concept stable
DRY DEPOSITION OM COARSE (SOL) m01s38i227 Stash , Concept stable
DRY DEPOSITION OM AITKEN (INS) m01s38i228 Stash , Concept stable
DRY DEPOSITION OM2 NUCLEATION (SOL) m01s38i229 Stash , Concept stable
DRY DEPOSITION OM2 AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i230 Stash , Concept stable
DRY DEPOSITION OM2 ACCUM. (SOL) m01s38i231 Stash , Concept stable
DRY DEPOSITION OM2 COARSE (SOL) m01s38i232 Stash , Concept stable
DRY DEPOSITION DUST ACCUMULATN (SOL) m01s38i233 Stash , Concept stable
DRY DEPOSITION DUST COARSE (SOL) m01s38i234 Stash , Concept stable
DRY DEPOSITION DUST ACCUMULATN (INS) m01s38i235 Concept , Stash stable
DRY DEPOSITION DUST COARSE (INS) m01s38i236 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING H2SO4 NUCLN. (SOL) m01s38i237 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING H2SO4 AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i238 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING H2SO4 ACCUMULTN (SOL) m01s38i239 Concept , Stash stable
NUC SCAVENGING H2SO4 COARSE (SOL) m01s38i240 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING SEA-SALT ACCUM. (SOL) m01s38i241 Concept , Stash stable
NUC SCAVENGING SEA-SALT COARSE (SOL) m01s38i242 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING BLK CARB AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i243 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING BLK CARB ACCUM. (SOL) m01s38i244 Concept , Stash stable
NUC SCAVENGING BLK CARB COARSE (SOL) m01s38i245 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING BLK CARB AITKEN (INS) m01s38i246 Concept , Stash stable
NUC SCAVENGING OM NUCLEATION (SOL) m01s38i247 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING OM AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i248 Concept , Stash stable
NUC SCAVENGING OM ACCUMULATION (SOL) m01s38i249 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING OM COARSE (SOL) m01s38i250 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING OM AITKEN (INS) m01s38i251 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING OM2 NUCLEATION (SOL) m01s38i252 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING OM2 AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i253 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING OM2 ACCUM. (SOL) m01s38i254 Concept , Stash stable
NUC SCAVENGING OM2 COARSE (SOL) m01s38i255 Concept , Stash stable
NUC SCAVENGING 2ND ORGC AITKEN (INS) m01s38i256 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING DUST ACCUMULTN. (SOL) m01s38i257 Stash , Concept stable
NUC SCAVENGING DUST COARSE (SOL) m01s38i258 Concept , Stash stable
NUC SCAVENGING DUST ACCUMULTN. (INS) m01s38i259 Concept , Stash stable
NUC SCAVENGING DUST COARSE (INS) m01s38i260 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING H2SO4 NUCLN. (SOL) m01s38i261 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING H2SO4 AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i262 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING H2SO4 ACCUMULTN (SOL) m01s38i263 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING H2SO4 COARSE (SOL) m01s38i264 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING SEA-SALT ACCUM. (SOL) m01s38i265 Concept , Stash stable
IMP SCAVENGING SEA-SALT COARSE (SOL) m01s38i266 Concept , Stash stable
IMP SCAVENGING BLK CARB AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i267 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING BLK CARB ACCUM. (SOL) m01s38i268 Concept , Stash stable
IMP SCAVENGING BLK CARB COARSE (SOL) m01s38i269 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING BLK CARB AITKEN (INS) m01s38i270 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING OM NUCLEATION (SOL) m01s38i271 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING OM AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i272 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING OM ACCUMULATION (SOL) m01s38i273 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING OM COARSE (SOL) m01s38i274 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING OM AITKEN (INS) m01s38i275 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING OM2 NUCLEATION (SOL) m01s38i276 Concept , Stash stable
IMP SCAVENGING OM2 AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i277 Concept , Stash stable
IMP SCAVENGING OM2 ACCUM. (SOL) m01s38i278 Concept , Stash stable
IMP SCAVENGING OM2 COARSE (SOL) m01s38i279 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING DUST ACCUMULTN. (SOL) m01s38i280 Stash , Concept stable
IMP SCAVENGING DUST COARSE (SOL) m01s38i281 Concept , Stash stable
IMP SCAVENGING DUST ACCUMULTN. (INS) m01s38i282 Concept , Stash stable
IMP SCAVENGING DUST COARSE (INS) m01s38i283 Concept , Stash stable
INCLOUD H2SO4 (H2O2) TO AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i284 Stash , Concept stable
INCLOUD H2SO4 (H2O2) TO ACCUM. (SOL) m01s38i285 Stash , Concept stable
INCLOUD H2SO4 (H2O2) TO COARSE (SOL) m01s38i286 Stash , Concept stable
INCLOUD H2SO4 (O3) TO AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i287 Stash , Concept stable
INCLOUD H2SO4 (O3) TO ACCUM. (SOL) m01s38i288 Concept , Stash stable
INCLOUD H2SO4 (O3) TO COARSE (SOL) m01s38i289 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUDPROC H2SO4 AITSOL --> ACCSOL m01s38i290 Stash , Concept stable
CLOUDPROC BC AITSOL --> ACCSOL m01s38i291 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUDPROC OM AITSOL --> ACCSOL m01s38i292 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUDPROC OM2 AITSOL --> ACCSOL m01s38i293 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSATION H2SO4 TO NUCLN. (SOL) m01s38i294 Stash , Concept stable
CONDENSATION H2SO4 TO AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i295 Stash , Concept stable
CONDENSATION H2SO4 TO ACCUM. (SOL) m01s38i296 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSATION H2SO4 TO COARSE (SOL) m01s38i297 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSATION H2SO4 TO AITKEN (INSOL) m01s38i298 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSATION H2SO4 TO ACCUM. (INSOL) m01s38i299 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSATION H2SO4 TO COARSE (INSOL) m01s38i300 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSATION OM1 TO NUCLEATION (SOL) m01s38i301 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSATION OM1 TO AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i302 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSATION OM1 TO ACCUMULTN (SOL) m01s38i303 Stash , Concept stable
CONDENSATION OM1 TO COARSE (SOL) m01s38i304 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSATION OM1 TO AITKEN (INSOL) m01s38i305 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSATION OM1 TO ACCUM. (INSOL) m01s38i306 Stash , Concept stable
CONDENSATION OM1 TO COARSE (INSOL) m01s38i307 Stash , Concept stable
CONDENSATION OM2 TO NUCLEATION (SOL) m01s38i308 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSATION OM2 TO AITKEN (SOL) m01s38i309 Stash , Concept stable
CONDENSATION OM2 TO ACCUMULTN (SOL) m01s38i310 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSATION OM2 TO COARSE (SOL) m01s38i311 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSATION OM2 TO AITKEN (INSOL) m01s38i312 Concept , Stash stable
CONDENSATION OM2 TO ACCUM. (INSOL) m01s38i313 Stash , Concept stable
CONDENSATION OM2 TO COARSE (INSOL) m01s38i314 Concept , Stash stable
HETOX ON DUST {SO2 -> SO4} (ACC-SOL) m01s38i315 Concept , Stash stable
HETOX ON DUST {SO2 -> SO4} (COR-SOL) m01s38i316 Concept , Stash stable
HETOX ON DUST {SO2 -> SO4} (ACC-INS) m01s38i317 Stash , Concept stable
HETOX ON DUST {SO2 -> SO4} (COR-INS) m01s38i318 Stash , Concept stable
NUCLEATION OF H2SO4 (TO NUC-SOL) m01s38i319 Stash , Concept stable
COAG H2SO4 NUCLTN-SOL TO AITKEN-SOL m01s38i320 Concept , Stash stable
COAG H2SO4 NUCLTN-SOL TO ACCUM.-SOL m01s38i321 Concept , Stash stable
COAG H2SO4 NUCLTN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i322 Concept , Stash stable
COAG H2SO4 NUCLTN-SOL TO AITKEN-INS m01s38i323 Stash , Concept stable
COAG H2SO4 NUCLTN-SOL TO ACCUM.-INS m01s38i324 Concept , Stash stable
COAG H2SO4 NUCLTN-SOL TO COARSE-INS m01s38i325 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM1 NUCLTN-SOL TO AITKEN-SOL m01s38i326 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM1 NUCLTN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i327 Stash , Concept stable
COAG OM1 NUCLTN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i328 Stash , Concept stable
COAG OM1 NUCLTN-SOL TO AITKEN-INSOL m01s38i329 Stash , Concept stable
COAG OM1 NUCLTN-SOL TO ACCUM.-INSOL m01s38i330 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM1 NUCLTN-SOL TO COARSE-INSOL m01s38i331 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM2 NUCLTN-SOL TO AITKEN-SOL m01s38i332 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM2 NUCLTN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i333 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM2 NUCLTN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i334 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM2 NUCLTN-SOL TO AITKEN-INSOL m01s38i335 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM2 NUCLTN-SOL TO ACCUM.-INSOL m01s38i336 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM2 NUCLTN-SOL TO COARSE-INSOL m01s38i337 Concept , Stash stable
COAG H2SO4 AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUM.-SOL m01s38i338 Concept , Stash stable
COAG H2SO4 AITKEN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i339 Stash , Concept stable
COAG SO4 AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-INS m01s38i340 Concept , Stash stable
COAG SO4 AITKEN-SOL TO COARSE-INS m01s38i341 Stash , Concept stable
COAG BC AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i342 Concept , Stash stable
COAG BC AITKEN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i343 Concept , Stash stable
COAG BC AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-INS m01s38i344 Concept , Stash stable
COAG BC AITKEN-SOL TO COARSE-INS m01s38i345 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM1 AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i346 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM1 AITKEN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i347 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OC1 AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-INS m01s38i348 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OC1 AITKEN-SOL TO COARSE-INS m01s38i349 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM2 AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i350 Stash , Concept stable
COAG OM2 AITKEN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i351 Stash , Concept stable
COAG OC2 AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-INS m01s38i352 Stash , Concept stable
COAG OC2 AITKEN-SOL TO COARSE-INS m01s38i353 Concept , Stash stable
COAG H2SO4 ACCUM.-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i354 Concept , Stash stable
COAG SO4 ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-INS m01s38i355 Concept , Stash stable
COAG BC ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i356 Concept , Stash stable
COAG BC ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-INS m01s38i357 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM1 ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i358 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OC1 ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-INS m01s38i359 Concept , Stash stable
COAG SEA-SALT ACC-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i360 Stash , Concept stable
COAG SEA-SALT ACC-SOL TO COARSE-INS m01s38i361 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM2 ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i362 Stash , Concept stable
COAG OC2 ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-INS m01s38i363 Concept , Stash stable
COAG DU ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i364 Concept , Stash stable
COAG DU ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-INS m01s38i365 Concept , Stash stable
COAG BC AITKEN-INS TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i366 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM1 AITKEN-INS TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i367 Concept , Stash stable
COAG BC AITKEN-INS TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i368 Concept , Stash stable
COAG OM1 AITKEN-INS TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i369 Concept , Stash stable
COAG DU ACCUM.-INS TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i370 Concept , Stash stable
AGEING H2SO4 AITKEN-INS TO AIT.-SOL m01s38i371 Concept , Stash stable
AGEING BC AITKEN-INS TO AITKEN-SOL m01s38i372 Concept , Stash stable
AGEING OM1 AITKEN-INS TO AITKEN-SOL m01s38i373 Concept , Stash stable
AGEING OM2 AITKEN-INS TO AITKEN-SOL m01s38i374 Concept , Stash stable
MERGE H2SO4 NUCLTN-SOL TO AITKEN-SOL m01s38i375 Concept , Stash stable
MERGE OM1 NUCLTN-SOL TO AITKEN-SOL m01s38i376 Concept , Stash stable
MERGE OM2 NUCLTN-SOL TO AITKEN-SOL m01s38i377 Concept , Stash stable
MERGE H2SO4 AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUM.-SOL m01s38i378 Stash , Concept stable
MERGE BC AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i379 Concept , Stash stable
MERGE OM1 AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i380 Concept , Stash stable
MERGE OM2 AITKEN-SOL TO ACCUMULN-SOL m01s38i381 Concept , Stash stable
MERGE H2SO4 ACCUM.-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i382 Concept , Stash stable
MERGE SEA_SALT ACC-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i383 Stash , Concept stable
MERGE BC ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i384 Concept , Stash stable
MERGE OM1 ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i385 Concept , Stash stable
MERGE DU ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i386 Concept , Stash stable
MERGE OM2 ACCUMULN-SOL TO COARSE-SOL m01s38i387 Concept , Stash stable
DRY PARTICLE DIAMETER NUCLEATION-SOL m01s38i401 Concept , Stash stable
DRY PARTICLE DIAMETER AITKEN-SOL m01s38i402 Stash , Concept stable
DRY PARTICLE DIAMETER ACCUMULATN-SOL m01s38i403 Stash , Concept stable
DRY PARTICLE DIAMETER COARSE-SOL m01s38i404 Concept , Stash stable
DRY PARTICLE DIAMETER AITKEN-INS m01s38i405 Stash , Concept stable
DRY PARTICLE DIAMETER ACCUMULATN-INS m01s38i406 Concept , Stash stable
DRY PARTICLE DIAMETER COARSE-INS m01s38i407 Concept , Stash stable
WET PARTICLE DIAMETER NUCLEATION-SOL m01s38i408 Concept , Stash stable
WET PARTICLE DIAMETER AITKEN-SOL m01s38i409 Concept , Stash stable
WET PARTICLE DIAMETER ACCUMULATN-SOL m01s38i410 Concept , Stash stable
WET PARTICLE DIAMETER COARSE-SOL m01s38i411 Concept , Stash stable
WATER CONTENT FOR NUCLEATION-SOLUBLE m01s38i412 Stash , Concept stable
WATER CONTENT FOR AITKEN -SOLUBLE m01s38i413 Concept , Stash stable
WATER CONTENT FOR ACCUMULTN.-SOLUBLE m01s38i414 Concept , Stash stable
WATER CONTENT FOR COARSE -SOLUBLE m01s38i415 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE AREA CONC NUCLN.-SOL (WET) m01s38i416 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE AREA CONC AITKEN-SOL (WET) m01s38i417 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE AREA CONC ACCUM.-SOL (WET) m01s38i418 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE AREA CONC COARSE-SOL (WET) m01s38i419 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE AREA CONC AITKEN-INS m01s38i420 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE AREA CONC ACCUM.-INS m01s38i421 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE AREA CONC COARSE-INS m01s38i422 Stash , Concept stable
VOLUME CONCENTRN. NUCLN.-SOL (WET) m01s38i423 Stash , Concept stable
VOLUME CONCENTRN. AITKEN-SOL (WET) m01s38i424 Stash , Concept stable
VOLUME CONCENTRN. ACCUM.-SOL (WET) m01s38i425 Stash , Concept stable
VOLUME CONCENTRN. COARSE-SOL (WET) m01s38i426 Stash , Concept stable
VOLUME CONCENTRN. AITKEN-INS m01s38i427 Concept , Stash stable
VOLUME CONCENTRN. ACCUM.-INS m01s38i428 Stash , Concept stable
VOLUME CONCENTRN. COARSE-INS m01s38i429 Concept , Stash stable
PTCL MASS DENSITY NUCLN.-SOL (WET) m01s38i430 Stash , Concept stable
PTCL MASS DENSITY AITKEN-SOL (WET) m01s38i431 Stash , Concept stable
PTCL MASS DENSITY ACCUM.-SOL (WET) m01s38i432 Stash , Concept stable
PTCL MASS DENSITY COARSE-SOL (WET) m01s38i433 Stash , Concept stable
PTCL MASS DENSITY AITKEN-INS m01s38i434 Stash , Concept stable
PTCL MASS DENSITY ACCUM.-INS m01s38i435 Stash , Concept stable
PTCL MASS DENSITY COARSE-INS m01s38i436 Stash , Concept stable
CN NUMBER CONCENTRATION m01s38i437 Stash , Concept stable
CCN NO. CONCENTRN. (ACC+COR) m01s38i438 Concept , Stash stable
CCN NO. CONCENTRN. (ACC+COR+AIT>25r) m01s38i439 Concept , Stash stable
CCN NO. CONCENTRN. (ACC+COR+AIT>35r) m01s38i440 Stash , Concept stable
CD NUMBER CONCENTRATION m01s38i441 Stash , Concept stable
H2SO4 PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (NUC-SOL) m01s38i442 Concept , Stash stable
OM1 PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (NUC-SOL) m01s38i443 Stash , Concept stable
OM2 PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (NUC-SOL) m01s38i444 Stash , Concept stable
H2O PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (NUC-SOL) m01s38i445 Stash , Concept stable
H2SO4 PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (AIT-SOL) m01s38i446 Concept , Stash stable
BC PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (AIT-SOL) m01s38i447 Stash , Concept stable
OM1 PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (AIT-SOL) m01s38i448 Stash , Concept stable
OM2 PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (AIT-SOL) m01s38i449 Concept , Stash stable
H2O PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (AIT-SOL) m01s38i450 Stash , Concept stable
H2SO4 PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (ACC-SOL) m01s38i451 Stash , Concept stable
BC PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (ACC-SOL) m01s38i452 Concept , Stash stable
OM1 PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (ACC-SOL) m01s38i453 Stash , Concept stable
SS PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (ACC-SOL) m01s38i454 Stash , Concept stable
DU PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (ACC-SOL) m01s38i455 Stash , Concept stable
OM2 PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (ACC-SOL) m01s38i456 Concept , Stash stable
H2O PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (ACC-SOL) m01s38i457 Stash , Concept stable
H2SO4 PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (COR-SOL) m01s38i458 Stash , Concept stable
BC PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (COR-SOL) m01s38i459 Stash , Concept stable
OM1 PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (COR-SOL) m01s38i460 Concept , Stash stable
SSALT PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (COR-SOL) m01s38i461 Stash , Concept stable
DU PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (COR-SOL) m01s38i462 Stash , Concept stable
OM2 PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (COR-SOL) m01s38i463 Concept , Stash stable
H2O PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (COR-SOL) m01s38i464 Stash , Concept stable
BC PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (AIT-INS) m01s38i465 Concept , Stash stable
OM1 PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (AIT-INS) m01s38i466 Stash , Concept stable
DU PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (ACC-INS) m01s38i467 Concept , Stash stable
DU PARTIAL VOLUME CONC (COR-INS) m01s38i468 Stash , Concept stable
ACTIVE CLOUD DROP NO CONC (NUC-SOL) m01s38i469 Concept , Stash stable
ACTIVE CLOUD DROP NO CONC (AIT-SOL) m01s38i470 Concept , Stash stable
ACTIVE CLOUD DROP NO CONC (ACC-SOL) m01s38i471 Stash , Concept stable
ACTIVE CLOUD DROP NO CONC (COR-SOL) m01s38i472 Stash , Concept stable
Maximum Supersaturation (percent) m01s38i473 Stash , Concept stable
Cloud base for aerosol activation m01s38i474 Stash , Concept stable
Sigmaw Updraught Velocity m01s38i475 Stash , Concept stable
CLOUD LIQUID FRACTION m01s38i476 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL CDNC * CLOUD LIQ FRACTION m01s38i477 Concept , Stash stable
CLOUD FLAG m01s38i478 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL CDNC * CLOUD FLAG (m^-3) m01s38i479 Stash , Concept stable
Max SuperSaturation*CLD FLAG (perc) m01s38i480 Concept , Stash stable
Charac updraft * CLD FLAG (m s^-1) m01s38i481 Stash , Concept stable
Sigmaw * CLOUD FLAG (m s^-1) m01s38i482 Stash , Concept stable
BL TKE * CLOUD FLAG (m^2 s^-2) m01s38i483 Stash , Concept stable
CCN at fixed Supersaturation (m^-3) m01s38i484 Concept , Stash stable
ANALYSIS TEMPERATURE ON MODEL LEVELS m01s39i001 Stash , Concept stable
MODEL TEMPERATURE AFTER NUDGING m01s39i002 Concept , Stash stable
TEMPERATURE INCREMENT DUE TO NUDG m01s39i003 Concept , Stash stable
TEMPERATURE INCREMENT DUE TO OTHER m01s39i004 Concept , Stash stable
TEMPERATURE RELAXATION PARAMETER m01s39i005 Stash , Concept stable
ANALYSIS U WIND ON MODEL LEVELS m01s39i006 Concept , Stash stable
U COMPNT OF WIND AFTER NUDGING m01s39i007 Concept , Stash stable
U WIND INCREMENT DUE TO NUDGING m01s39i008 Stash , Concept stable
U WIND INCREMENT DUE TO OTHER m01s39i009 Stash , Concept stable
U WIND RELAXATION PARAMETER m01s39i010 Stash , Concept stable
ANALYSIS V WIND ON MODEL LEVELS m01s39i011 Stash , Concept stable
V COMPNT OF WIND AFTER NUDGING m01s39i012 Concept , Stash stable
V WIND INCREMENT DUE TO NUDGING m01s39i013 Concept , Stash stable
V WIND INCREMENT DUE TO OTHER m01s39i014 Concept , Stash stable
V WIND RELAXATION PARAMETER m01s39i015 Stash , Concept stable
Karbou surface emissivity 23.8 GHz m01s44i001 Concept , Stash stable
Karbou surf emiss (stdev) 23.8 GHz m01s44i002 Concept , Stash stable
Karbou surface emissivity 31.4 GHz m01s44i003 Concept , Stash stable
Karbou surf emiss (stdev) 31.4 GHz m01s44i004 Concept , Stash stable
Karbou surface emissivity 50.0 GHz m01s44i005 Concept , Stash stable
Karbou surf emiss (stdev) 50.0 GHz m01s44i006 Concept , Stash stable
Karbou surface emissivity 89.0 GHz m01s44i007 Stash , Concept stable
Karbou surf emiss (stdev) 89.0 GHz m01s44i008 Stash , Concept stable
Karbou surface emissivity 150.0 GHz m01s44i009 Stash , Concept stable
Karbou surf emiss (stdev) 150.0 GHz m01s44i010 Stash , Concept stable
DISTANCE OFF-SHORE m01s44i011 Concept , Stash stable
MW Surface Emissivity m01s44i012 Stash , Concept stable
MW Surface Emissivity (stdev) m01s44i013 Concept , Stash stable
Ox PROD: HO2+NO m01s50i001 Stash , Concept stable
Ox PROD: MeOO+NO m01s50i002 Concept , Stash stable
Ox PROD: NO+RO2 m01s50i003 Concept , Stash stable
Ox PROD: OH+INORGANIC ACID m01s50i004 Stash , Concept stable
Ox PROD: OH+ORGANIC NITRATE m01s50i005 Stash , Concept stable
Ox PROD: ORGANIC NITRATE PHOTOLYSIS m01s50i006 Stash , Concept stable
Ox PROD: OH + PAN-TYPE REACTIONS m01s50i007 Stash , Concept stable
Ox LOSS: O(1D)+H2O m01s50i011 Concept , Stash stable
Ox LOSS: MINOR LOSS REACTIONS m01s50i012 Concept , Stash stable
Ox LOSS: HO2+O3 m01s50i013 Stash , Concept stable
Ox LOSS: OH+O3 m01s50i014 Stash , Concept stable
Ox LOSS: O3+ALKENE m01s50i015 Concept , Stash stable
Ox LOSS: N2O5+H2O m01s50i016 Concept , Stash stable
Ox LOSS: NO3 CHEMICAL LOSS m01s50i017 Stash , Concept stable
Ox BUDGET: O3 DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i021 Stash , Concept stable
Ox BUDGET: NOy DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i022 Stash , Concept stable
Ox BUDGET: NOy WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i031 Concept , Stash stable
RXN FLUX: OH+CH4 (CH4 LIFETIME) TROP m01s50i041 Concept , Stash stable
RXN FLUX: NO3+C5H8->ISON m01s50i042 Stash , Concept stable
RXN FLUX: NO+ISO2->ISON m01s50i043 Stash , Concept stable
RXN FLUX: H2O2 PRODUCTION m01s50i044 Concept , Stash stable
RXN FLUX: ROOH PRODUCTION m01s50i045 Concept , Stash stable
RXN FLUX: HONO2 PRODUCTION (HNO3) m01s50i046 Stash , Concept stable
STE: O3 m01s50i051 Stash , Concept stable
TENDENCY: O3 (TROP ONLY) m01s50i052 Stash , Concept stable
TROPOSPHERIC O3 m01s50i053 Stash , Concept stable
TENDENCY: O3 (WHOLE ATMOS) m01s50i054 Concept , Stash stable
AIR MASS DIAGNOSTIC (TROP ONLY) m01s50i061 Concept , Stash stable
TROPOSPHERIC MASK m01s50i062 Stash , Concept stable
AIR MASS DIAGNOSTIC (WHOLE ATMOS) m01s50i063 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO LOSS VIA OH+CO m01s50i071 Stash , Concept stable
CO BUDGET: CO PROD VIA HCHO+OH/NO3 m01s50i072 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO PROD VIA MGLY+OH/NO3 m01s50i073 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO MISC PROD&O3+MACR/ISOP m01s50i074 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO PROD VIA HCHO PHOT RAD m01s50i075 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO PROD VIA HCHO PHOT MOL m01s50i076 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO PROD VIA MGLY PHOTOL m01s50i077 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO PROD VIA MISC PHOTOL m01s50i078 Concept , Stash stable
CO BUDGET: CO DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i079 Concept , Stash stable
LIGHTNING NOx EMISSIONS 3D m01s50i081 Stash , Concept stable
LIGHTNING DIAGNOSTIC: TOT FLASHES 2D m01s50i082 Concept , Stash stable
LIGHTNING DIAG: CLD TO GRND FLSH 2D m01s50i083 Stash , Concept stable
LIGHTNING DIAG: CLD TO CLD FLSH 2D m01s50i084 Stash , Concept stable
LIGHTNING DIAG: TOTAL N PRODUCED 2D m01s50i085 Concept , Stash stable
LIGHTNING N IN kg(N)/km^2/s m01s50i086 Stash , Concept stable
STRATOSPHERIC OH PRODUCTION m01s50i091 Concept , Stash stable
STRATOSPHERIC OH LOSS m01s50i092 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT O3 PROD: O2+PHOTON->O(3P)+O(3P m01s50i101 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT O3 PROD: O2+PHOTON->O(3P)+O(1D m01s50i102 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 PROD: HO2 + NO m01s50i103 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT O3 PROD: MeOO + NO m01s50i104 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: Cl2O2 + PHOTON m01s50i111 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: BrO + ClO m01s50i112 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: HO2 + O3 m01s50i113 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: ClO + HO2 m01s50i114 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: BrO + HO2 m01s50i115 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: O(3P) + ClO m01s50i116 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: O(3P) + NO2 m01s50i117 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: O(3P) + HO2 m01s50i118 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: O3 + H m01s50i119 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: O(3P) + O3 m01s50i120 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: NO3 + PHOTON m01s50i121 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: O(1D) + H2O m01s50i122 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: HO2 + NO3 m01s50i123 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: OH + NO3 m01s50i124 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT O3 LOSS: NO3 + HCHO m01s50i125 Stash , Concept stable
STRAT MISC: O3 DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i131 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT MISC: NOy DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i132 Concept , Stash stable
STRAT MISC: NOy WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i133 Concept , Stash stable
DMS + OH => SO2 + MeOO + HCHO m01s50i140 Concept , Stash stable
DMS + OH => 0.6SO2 + 0.4DMSO + MeOO m01s50i141 Concept , Stash stable
DMS + NO3 => SO2 + HONO2 + MeOO m01s50i142 Concept , Stash stable
DMSO + OH => 0.6SO2 + 0.4MSA m01s50i143 Concept , Stash stable
CS2 + OH => SO2 + COS m01s50i144 Stash , Concept stable
H2S + OH => SO2 m01s50i145 Concept , Stash stable
COS + OH => SO2 m01s50i146 Stash , Concept stable
Monoterp + OH => Sec_org m01s50i147 Concept , Stash stable
Monoterp + O3 => Sec_org m01s50i148 Stash , Concept stable
Monoterp + NO3 => Sec_org m01s50i149 Stash , Concept stable
SO2 + OH => HO2 + H2SO4 m01s50i150 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 + H2O2 => NULL0 m01s50i151 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 + O3 => NULL1 m01s50i152 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 + O3 => NULL2 m01s50i153 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i154 Concept , Stash stable
SO2 WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i155 Concept , Stash stable
NO surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i156 Concept , Stash stable
CH4 surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i157 Stash , Concept stable
CO surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i158 Stash , Concept stable
HCHO surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i159 Stash , Concept stable
C2H6 surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i160 Concept , Stash stable
C3H8 surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i161 Concept , Stash stable
Me2CO surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i162 Concept , Stash stable
MeCHO surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i163 Concept , Stash stable
C5H8 surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i164 Concept , Stash stable
C4H10 surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i165 Concept , Stash stable
C2H4 surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i166 Concept , Stash stable
C3H6 surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i167 Concept , Stash stable
TOLUENE surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i168 Stash , Concept stable
oXYLENE surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i169 Stash , Concept stable
CH3OH surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i170 Concept , Stash stable
H2 surf emissions (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i171 Stash , Concept stable
NO emiss from aircraft (kg m-2 s-1) m01s50i172 Concept , Stash stable
NO2 DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i173 Concept , Stash stable
HNO3 DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i174 Concept , Stash stable
H2O2 DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i175 Stash , Concept stable
CH4 DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i176 Concept , Stash stable
MeOOH DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i177 Concept , Stash stable
EtOOH DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i178 Concept , Stash stable
PAN DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i179 Stash , Concept stable
i-PrOOH DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i180 Concept , Stash stable
O3S DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i181 Concept , Stash stable
ISOOH DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i182 Concept , Stash stable
MVKOOH DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i183 Concept , Stash stable
ORGNIT DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i184 Concept , Stash stable
H2 DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i185 Stash , Concept stable
s-BuOOH DRY DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i186 Concept , Stash stable
NO3 WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i187 Concept , Stash stable
N2O5 WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i188 Concept , Stash stable
HO2NO2 WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i189 Stash , Concept stable
HONO2 WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i190 Concept , Stash stable
H2O2 WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i191 Concept , Stash stable
HCHO WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i192 Concept , Stash stable
HO2 WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i193 Stash , Concept stable
MeOO WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i194 Stash , Concept stable
MeOOH WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i195 Stash , Concept stable
EtOOH WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i196 Stash , Concept stable
i-PrOOH WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i197 Stash , Concept stable
ISOOH WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i198 Stash , Concept stable
ISON WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i199 Stash , Concept stable
MGLY WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i200 Stash , Concept stable
MVKOOH WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i201 Concept , Stash stable
ORGNIT WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i202 Concept , Stash stable
CH3OH WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i203 Concept , Stash stable
s-BuOOH WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i204 Concept , Stash stable
GLY WET DEPOSITION (3D) m01s50i205 Concept , Stash stable
O3 as Offline oxidant (MMR) m01s50i206 Concept , Stash stable
OH as Offline oxidant (MMR) m01s50i207 Stash , Concept stable
NO3 as Offline oxidant (MMR) m01s50i208 Concept , Stash stable
HO2 as Offline oxidant (MMR) m01s50i209 Stash , Concept stable
H2O2 as Offline oxidant (MMR) m01s50i210 Stash , Concept stable
POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE (OCEAN) DEG.C m02s00i101 Concept , Stash stable
SALINITY (OCEAN) (PSU-35)/1000 m02s00i102 Concept , Stash stable
TCO2 m02s00i103 Concept , Stash stable
ALKALINITY m02s00i104 Stash , Concept stable
NUTRIENT m02s00i105 Concept , Stash stable
PHYTOPLANKTON m02s00i106 Concept , Stash stable
ZOOPLANKTON m02s00i107 Concept , Stash stable
DETRITAL NITROGEN m02s00i108 Concept , Stash stable
DETRITAL CARBON m02s00i109 Stash , Concept stable
DISSOLVED IRON m02s00i110 Concept , Stash stable
DIATOMS m02s00i111 Concept , Stash stable
DIATOM SILICATE m02s00i112 Concept , Stash stable
DETRITAL SILICATE m02s00i113 Concept , Stash stable
DISSOLVED SILICATE m02s00i114 Concept , Stash stable
OT13: OXYGEN; EXTRA-C m02s00i115 Concept , Stash stable
OT14: AMMONIUM; HE3; EXTRA-C m02s00i116 Concept , Stash stable
OT15: DON; BOMB-C14; HE4 m02s00i117 Concept , Stash stable
OT16: DOC; CARBON-14; AMMONIUM m02s00i118 Stash , Concept stable
OT17: PHYTO-CHLOROPHYLL; CFC11 m02s00i119 Stash , Concept stable
OT18: DIATOM-CHLORO; CFC12; EXTRA-C m02s00i120 Concept , Stash stable
BAROCLINIC U_VELOCITY (OCEAN) CM/S m02s00i121 Stash , Concept stable
BAROCLINIC V_VELOCITY (OCEAN) CM/S m02s00i122 Concept , Stash stable
TOT. FW FLUX TO OCN (T-1) KG/M3.CM/S m02s00i128 Stash , Concept stable
UNSMOOTHED SURF.PRESS.TEND. G/CM/S2 m02s00i129 Concept , Stash stable
STREAMFUNCTION (OCEAN) CM3/S m02s00i130 Concept , Stash stable
STREAMFUNCTION (T-1) (OCEAN) CM3/S m02s00i131 Concept , Stash stable
STREAMFN TENDENCY (OCEAN) CM3/S/TS m02s00i132 Stash , Concept stable
STREAMFN TENDENCY(T-1)(OCN) CM3/S/TS m02s00i133 Stash , Concept stable
SURFACE PRESSURE (CGS) G/CM/S2 m02s00i134 Stash , Concept stable
BAROTROPIC U_VELOCITY (OCEAN) CM/S m02s00i135 Stash , Concept stable
BAROTROPIC V_VELOCITY (OCEAN) CM/S m02s00i136 Stash , Concept stable
MIXED LAYER DEPTH (OCEAN) M m02s00i137 Stash , Concept stable
ISX X OCEAN/ICE STRESS (ICE) N/M2 m02s00i139 Concept , Stash stable
ISY Y OCEAN/ICE STRESS (ICE) N/M2 m02s00i140 Concept , Stash stable
HSNOW: AGGREGATE LOCAL SNOW DEPTH M m02s00i141 Stash , Concept stable
GBM CARYHEAT MISC HEAT FLX(ICE) W/M2 m02s00i142 Stash , Concept stable
GBM HEAT FLUX:OCEAN TO ICE(OCN) W/M2 m02s00i143 Concept , Stash stable
RATE OF SALINITY CHANGE (ICE) PSU/S m02s00i144 Stash , Concept stable
ICY : TRUE IF BOX CONTAINS ICE m02s00i145 Concept , Stash stable
AICE: AGGREGATE ICE CONCENTRATION m02s00i146 Stash , Concept stable
HICE: AGGREGATE GBM ICE DEPTH M m02s00i147 Concept , Stash stable
ICE U_VELOCITY M/S m02s00i148 Stash , Concept stable
ICE V_VELOCITY M/S m02s00i149 Concept , Stash stable
TAUX: X_WINDSTRESS N/M2 A m02s00i150 Stash , Concept stable
TAUY: Y_WINDSTRESS N/M2 A m02s00i151 Stash , Concept stable
WME: WIND MIXING ENERGY FLUX W/M2 A m02s00i152 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE PRESSURE N/M2 A m02s00i153 Concept , Stash stable
OCEAN NUDGING POT. TEMP.INCREMENTS m02s00i154 Concept , Stash stable
OCEAN NUDGING SALINE INCREMENTS m02s00i155 Concept , Stash stable
10M WINDSPEED (M/S) m02s00i160 Stash , Concept stable
SOL: PEN.SOLAR*LF INTO OCEAN W/M2 A m02s00i161 Stash , Concept stable
HTN:NONPEN.HT.FLX*LF INTO OCN W/M2 A m02s00i162 Concept , Stash stable
PLE:PRECIP-EVAP INTO OCEAN KG/M2/S A m02s00i165 Concept , Stash stable
RIVER OUTFLOW INTO OCEAN KG/M2/S A m02s00i166 Stash , Concept stable
WATER TYPE A m02s00i167 Concept , Stash stable
SOLAR RADIATION OVER ICE W/M2 A m02s00i170 Concept , Stash stable
SNOWFALL INTO OCN/ONTO ICE KG/M2/S A m02s00i171 Concept , Stash stable
SUBLIMATION FROM SEAICE KG/M2/S A m02s00i172 Concept , Stash stable
LAT BDARY CONDITIONS (BOUNDARY) m02s00i175 Concept , Stash stable
LAT BDARY TENDENCIES (BOUNDARY) m02s00i176 Stash , Concept stable
DUST DEPOSITION TO OCEAN: SIZE DIV 1 m02s00i177 Concept , Stash stable
DUST DEPOSITION TO OCEAN: SIZE DIV 2 m02s00i178 Concept , Stash stable
DUST DEPOSITION TO OCEAN: SIZE DIV 3 m02s00i179 Concept , Stash stable
REF. SEA SURF. TEMPERATURE DEG.C A m02s00i180 Concept , Stash stable
REF.SEA SURF.SALINITY(PSU-35)/1000 A m02s00i181 Concept , Stash stable
CLIM. AIR TEMPERATURE DEG.C A m02s00i182 Concept , Stash stable
CLIMATOLOGICAL ICE DEPTH M A m02s00i183 Concept , Stash stable
OCEAN HEAT FLUX CORRECTION W/M2 A m02s00i185 Concept , Stash stable
P-E FLUX CORRECTION KG/M2/S A m02s00i186 Concept , Stash stable
DUST DEPOSITION TO OCEAN: SIZE DIV 4 m02s00i187 Concept , Stash stable
DUST DEPOSITION TO OCEAN: SIZE DIV 5 m02s00i188 Concept , Stash stable
DUST DEPOSITION TO OCEAN: SIZE DIV 6 m02s00i189 Concept , Stash stable
TOPMELT: GBM SEAICE HEAT FLUX W/M2 A m02s00i190 Concept , Stash stable
BOTMELT: GBM SEAICE HEAT FLUX W/M2 A m02s00i191 Concept , Stash stable
I2O FRESHWATER FLUX KG/M3.M/S m02s00i192 Concept , Stash stable
I2O FRESHWATER FLUX (T-1) KG/M3.M/S m02s00i193 Concept , Stash stable
THICKNESS DIFF COEFF (OCEAN) CM2/S m02s00i194 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE PRESSURE(T-1)(CGS) G/CM/S2 m02s00i195 Concept , Stash stable
BTROPIC U_FLUX (DTBT-1)(OCEAN)CM2/S m02s00i196 Concept , Stash stable
BTROPIC V_FLUX (DTBT-1)(OCEAN)CM2/S m02s00i197 Concept , Stash stable
BTROPIC U_VEL (T-1)(OCEAN) CM/S m02s00i198 Concept , Stash stable
BTROPIC V_VEL (T-1)(OCEAN) CM/S m02s00i199 Concept , Stash stable
CO2 ATMOS LEVEL 1 CONC ppmv m02s00i200 Stash , Concept stable
LEVITUS NITRATE (mmol/m3) m02s00i201 Concept , Stash stable
CARBON:CHL RATIO (PHYTOPL) (gC/gChl) m02s00i202 Stash , Concept stable
CARBON:CHL RATIO (DIATOMS) (gC/gChl) m02s00i203 Concept , Stash stable
HELIUM SOURCE LAYER NUMBER m02s00i204 Concept , Stash stable
HE3 SOURCE FLUX (*1e12) Mol/m3/y m02s00i205 Concept , Stash stable
HE4 SOURCE FLUX (*1e6) Mol/m3/y m02s00i206 Stash , Concept stable
CO2 flux (air-to-sea) (mole-C/m2/yr) m02s00i207 Concept , Stash stable
DMS flux (sea-to-air) (Mol-DMS/m2/y) m02s00i208 Stash , Concept stable
SIG11NE ICE INTERNAL STRESS CPT M/S m02s00i210 Stash , Concept stable
SIG11SE ICE INTERNAL STRESS CPT M/S m02s00i211 Stash , Concept stable
SIG11SW ICE INTERNAL STRESS CPT M/S m02s00i212 Stash , Concept stable
SIG11NW ICE INTERNAL STRESS CPT M/S m02s00i213 Concept , Stash stable
SIG12NE ICE INTERNAL STRESS CPT M/S m02s00i214 Concept , Stash stable
SIG12SE ICE INTERNAL STRESS CPT M/S m02s00i215 Concept , Stash stable
SIG12SW ICE INTERNAL STRESS CPT M/S m02s00i216 Stash , Concept stable
SIG12NW ICE INTERNAL STRESS CPT M/S m02s00i217 Stash , Concept stable
SIG22NE ICE INTERNAL STRESS CPT M/S m02s00i218 Stash , Concept stable
SIG22SE ICE INTERNAL STRESS CPT M/S m02s00i219 Concept , Stash stable
SIG22SW ICE INTERNAL STRESS CPT M/S m02s00i220 Stash , Concept stable
SIG22NW ICE INTERNAL STRESS CPT M/S m02s00i221 Concept , Stash stable
HSNOWN: CATEGORY LOCAL SNOW DEPTHS M m02s00i222 Stash , Concept stable
AICEN: CATEGORY ICE CONCENTRATIONS m02s00i223 Stash , Concept stable
HICEN: CATEGORY GBM ICE DEPTHS M m02s00i224 Stash , Concept stable
TOPMELTN: CATEGORY GBM TOPMELT W/M2 m02s00i225 Stash , Concept stable
BOTMELTN: CATEGORY GBM BOTMELT W/M2 m02s00i226 Concept , Stash stable
DISSOLVED NITRATE mmol m-3 m02s00i231 Stash , Concept stable
DISSOLVED PHOSPHATE mmol m-3 m02s00i232 Stash , Concept stable
DIATOM BIOMASS mg-C m-3 m02s00i233 Stash , Concept stable
FLAGELLATE BIOMASS mg-C m-3 m02s00i234 Stash , Concept stable
PICOPLANKTON BIOMASS mg-C m-3 m02s00i235 Stash , Concept stable
DINOFLAGELLATE BIOMASS mg-C m-3 m02s00i236 Stash , Concept stable
DISSOLVED OXYGEN mmol m-3 m02s00i237 Concept , Stash stable
ZOOPLANKTON BIOMASS mg-C m-3 m02s00i238 Concept , Stash stable
UNDERWATER VISIBILITY m m02s00i239 Stash , Concept stable
DAILY AVERAGED VISIBILITY m m02s00i240 Stash , Concept stable
RIGID-LID PRESSURE/PA m02s00i285 Concept , Stash stable
THERMAL BIAS / DEG C m02s00i291 Concept , Stash stable
SALINITY BIAS /(psu-35)/1000 m02s00i292 Concept , Stash stable
LCL SOL: PEN.SOLAR TO OCEAN W/M2 m02s00i293 Concept , Stash stable
LCL HTN: NONPEN.HEAT INTO OCEAN W/M2 m02s00i294 Concept , Stash stable
LCL SUBLIM. FROM SEAICE KG/M2/S m02s00i295 Concept , Stash stable
LCL TOPMELT: SEAICE HEAT FLUX W/M2 m02s00i296 Stash , Concept stable
LCL BOTMELT: SEAICE HEAT FLUX W/M2 m02s00i297 Stash , Concept stable
LCL PLE:PREC-EVAP INTO OCN KG/M2/S m02s00i298 Stash , Concept stable
LCL WME: WINDMIXING ENERGY FLUX W/M2 m02s00i299 Concept , Stash stable
WINDSPEED FROM ANCILLARY FILE m02s00i331 Stash , Concept stable
ICE CONCENTRATION FOR MASKING C FLUX m02s00i332 Stash , Concept stable
DUST FIELD m02s00i333 Stash , Concept stable
VERT.VEL. ON OCEAN HALF LEVELS CM/S m02s30i201 Stash , Concept stable
MIXED LAYER DEPTH M m02s30i202 Concept , Stash stable
ANOMALOUS HEAT FLUX W/M2 m02s30i203 Concept , Stash stable
ANOMALOUS SALINITY FLUX KG/M2/S m02s30i204 Stash , Concept stable
ANOMALOUS SEA ICE HEAT FLUX W/M2 m02s30i205 Stash , Concept stable
GBM HTN INTO OCEAN BUDGET W/M**2 m02s30i206 Stash , Concept stable
SNOWRATE WHERE NO ICE KG M**-2 S**-1 m02s30i207 Concept , Stash stable
CARYHEAT AFTER ROW CALCULATION W/M2 m02s30i208 Concept , Stash stable
DTHETA/DT IN TOTAL K/Gs m02s30i210 Stash , Concept stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: TEMPERATURE W m02s30i211 Stash , Concept stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: SALINITY KG/S m02s30i212 Concept , Stash stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 1 m02s30i213 Stash , Concept stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 2 m02s30i214 Concept , Stash stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 3 m02s30i215 Stash , Concept stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 4 m02s30i216 Concept , Stash stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 5 m02s30i217 Stash , Concept stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 6 m02s30i218 Stash , Concept stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 7 m02s30i219 Concept , Stash stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 8 m02s30i220 Stash , Concept stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 9 m02s30i221 Stash , Concept stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 10 m02s30i222 Concept , Stash stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 11 m02s30i223 Concept , Stash stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 12 m02s30i224 Concept , Stash stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 13 m02s30i225 Stash , Concept stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 14 m02s30i226 Concept , Stash stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 15 m02s30i227 Stash , Concept stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 16 m02s30i228 Stash , Concept stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 17 m02s30i229 Stash , Concept stable
MEAD DIAGNOSTICS: EXTRA TRACER 18 m02s30i230 Concept , Stash stable
DTHETA/DT FROM X-ADVECTION K/Gs m02s30i231 Stash , Concept stable
DTHETA/DT FROM Y-ADVECTION K/Gs m02s30i232 Stash , Concept stable
DTHETA/DT FROM Z-ADVECTION K/Gs m02s30i233 Stash , Concept stable
DTHETA/DT FROM X-DIFFUSION K/Gs m02s30i234 Concept , Stash stable
DTHETA/DT FROM Y-DIFFUSION K/Gs m02s30i235 Stash , Concept stable
DTHETA/DT FROM Z-DIFFUSION K/Gs m02s30i236 Concept , Stash stable
DTHETA/DT FROM SFC. FLUXES K/Gs m02s30i237 Stash , Concept stable
DTHETA/DT FROM PEN. SOLAR K/Gs m02s30i238 Concept , Stash stable
DTHETA/DT FROM ICE PHYSICS K/Gs m02s30i239 Stash , Concept stable
DTHETA/DT FROM ML PHYSICS K/Gs m02s30i240 Concept , Stash stable
DTHETA/DT FROM CONVECTION K/Gs m02s30i241 Concept , Stash stable
DTHETA/DT FROM ADVECTION K/Gs m02s30i242 Concept , Stash stable
DTHETA/DT FROM FOURIER FILT K/Gs m02s30i243 Stash , Concept stable
DTHETA/DT FROM ROBERT FILT K/Gs m02s30i244 Concept , Stash stable
DTHETA/DT FROM MED. OUTFLOW K/Gs m02s30i245 Concept , Stash stable
BAROCLINIC X-ACCN (ZUN) CM/S**2 m02s30i246 Concept , Stash stable
BAROCLINIC Y-ACCN (ZVN) CM/S**2 m02s30i247 Concept , Stash stable
PCO2 (OCEAN) m02s30i248 Concept , Stash stable
CO2 FLUX (AIR-TO-SEA) (MOLE-C/M2/YR) m02s30i249 Concept , Stash stable
CO2 INVASION ; CO2 FLUX FOR 2ND C m02s30i250 Concept , Stash stable
CO2 EVASION ; PCO2 FOR 2ND CARBON m02s30i251 Concept , Stash stable
VIRTUAL FLUX: CO2 m02s30i252 Concept , Stash stable
OCEAN SURFACE PH m02s30i253 Stash , Concept stable
OCEAN SURFACE PCO2 (2ND CO2) m02s30i254 Concept , Stash stable
AIR-SEA FLUX: 2ND CO2 m02s30i255 Stash , Concept stable
VIRTUAL FLUX: 2ND CO2 m02s30i256 Stash , Concept stable
OCEAN SURFACE PH (2ND CO2) m02s30i257 Concept , Stash stable
VIRTUAL FLUX: ALKALINITY m02s30i258 Stash , Concept stable
AIR-SEA FLUX: CARBON-14 m02s30i259 Stash , Concept stable
VIRTUAL FLUX: CARBON-14 m02s30i260 Concept , Stash stable
AIR-SEA FLUX: BOMB C-14 m02s30i261 Concept , Stash stable
VIRTUAL FLUX: BOMB C-14 m02s30i262 Stash , Concept stable
AIR-SEA FLUX: CFC-11 m02s30i263 Concept , Stash stable
VIRTUAL FLUX: CFC-11 m02s30i264 Concept , Stash stable
AIR-SEA FLUX: CFC-12 m02s30i265 Concept , Stash stable
VIRTUAL FLUX: CFC-12 m02s30i266 Stash , Concept stable
AIR-SEA FLUX: HELIUM-3 m02s30i267 Stash , Concept stable
VIRTUAL FLUX: HELIUM-3 m02s30i268 Stash , Concept stable
AIR-SEA FLUX: HELIUM-4 m02s30i269 Stash , Concept stable
VIRTUAL FLUX: HELIUM-4 m02s30i270 Concept , Stash stable
AIR-SEA FLUX: OXYGEN m02s30i271 Concept , Stash stable
VIRTUAL FLUX: OXYGEN m02s30i272 Stash , Concept stable
AIR-SEA FLUX: DMS m02s30i273 Concept , Stash stable
NITRATE CHANGE - BIOLOGY (MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i274 Concept , Stash stable
NITRATE CHANGE-RESETTING (MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i275 Concept , Stash stable
HORIZ PHYTO ADVECT RATE(MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i276 Stash , Concept stable
HORIZ ZOO ADVECT RATE(MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i277 Stash , Concept stable
HORIZ DETRI ADVECT RATE(MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i278 Stash , Concept stable
ANOM. HEAT "SINK" AT OCN FLOOR W/M2 m02s30i279 Stash , Concept stable
WATER_FLUX*SALINITY/DENSITY m Gs**-1 m02s30i280 Concept , Stash stable
GM EDDY U VELOCITY (OCEAN) m02s30i281 Concept , Stash stable
GM EDDY V VELOCITY (N FACE) (OCEAN) m02s30i282 Concept , Stash stable
GM EDDY W VEL (TOP FACE) (OCEAN) m02s30i283 Concept , Stash stable
DTHETA/DT FROM G&MCW SCHEME K/Gs m02s30i284 Stash , Concept stable
RIGID-LID PRESSURE/PA m02s30i285 Stash , Concept stable
OLD- DO NOT USE: KM m02s30i286 Stash , Concept stable
OLD- DO NOT USE: KT m02s30i287 Concept , Stash stable
OLD- DO NOT USE: RIM m02s30i288 Stash , Concept stable
OLD- DO NOT USE: RIT m02s30i289 Stash , Concept stable
HM MAX DEPTH LARGE SCHEME MOMENTUM m02s30i290 Concept , Stash stable
HT MAX DEPTH LARGE SCHEME TRACER m02s30i291 Concept , Stash stable
VIRTUAL AIR-SEA FLUX OF CO2 m02s30i292 Concept , Stash stable
VIRTUAL AIR-SEA FLUX OF ALKALINITY m02s30i293 Concept , Stash stable
RICHARDSON NO CALC FROM MLD ROUTINE m02s30i294 Concept , Stash stable
KM VERT MOM DIFF COEFF m02s30i296 Concept , Stash stable
KT VERT TRACER DIFF COEFF m02s30i297 Concept , Stash stable
RIM RICHARDSON NUMBER MOMENTUM m02s30i298 Concept , Stash stable
RIT RICHARDSON NUMBER TRACER m02s30i299 Stash , Concept stable
TEMPERATURE (OCEAN) DEG.C m02s30i301 Concept , Stash stable
LM MONIN OBUKHOV LENGTH MOMENTUM m02s30i302 Concept , Stash stable
LT MONIN OBUKHOV LENGTH TRACER m02s30i303 Concept , Stash stable
DS/DT FROM X-ADVECTION (OCN) Gs**-1 m02s30i306 Concept , Stash stable
DS/DT FROM Y-ADVECTION (OCN) Gs**-1 m02s30i307 Concept , Stash stable
DS/DT FROM Z-ADVECTION (OCN) Gs**-1 m02s30i308 Stash , Concept stable
DS/DT FROM X-DIFFUSION (OCN) Gs**-1 m02s30i309 Stash , Concept stable
DS/DT FROM Y-DIFFUSION (OCN) Gs**-1 m02s30i310 Concept , Stash stable
DS/DT FROM Z-DIFFUSION (OCN) Gs**-1 m02s30i311 Concept , Stash stable
DS/DT FROM SFC. FLUXES (OCN) Gs**-1 m02s30i312 Concept , Stash stable
DS/DT FROM ICE PHYSICS (OCN) Gs**-1 m02s30i313 Concept , Stash stable
DS/DT FROM ML PHYSICS (OCN) Gs**-1 m02s30i314 Concept , Stash stable
DS/DT FROM CONVECTION (OCN) Gs**-1 m02s30i315 Concept , Stash stable
DS/DT FROM ADVECTION Gs**-1 m02s30i316 Concept , Stash stable
DS/DT FROM FOURIER FILT (OCN) Gs**-1 m02s30i317 Concept , Stash stable
DS/DT FROM ROBERT FILT (OCN) Gs**-1 m02s30i318 Stash , Concept stable
DS/DT FROM MED. OUTFLOW (OCN) Gs**-1 m02s30i319 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL OCEAN U-VELOCITY CM S**-1 m02s30i320 Stash , Concept stable
TOTAL OCEAN V-VELOCITY CM S**-1 m02s30i321 Concept , Stash stable
DS/DT FROM G&MCW SCHEME Gs**-1 m02s30i322 Concept , Stash stable
Turbulent Kinetic Energy M2/S2 m02s30i323 Concept , Stash stable
MIXED LAYER DEPTH M m02s30i324 Concept , Stash stable
ISOTHERMAL LAYER DEPTH M m02s30i325 Concept , Stash stable
D(SURF PRESSURE)/DT/GRAVITY CM/S m02s30i330 Stash , Concept stable
SURF SAL*D(SURF PRES)/DT/G PSU*CM/S m02s30i331 Stash , Concept stable
PRIMARY PRODUCTION (GC/M2/DAY) m02s30i400 Stash , Concept stable
CARBON EXPORT BY CARBONATE PUMP m02s30i401 Stash , Concept stable
REGENERATED PRODUCTION (GC/M2/DAY) m02s30i402 Stash , Concept stable
D: PHYTO PRIMARY PRODUCTN (GC/M2/D) m02s30i403 Stash , Concept stable
D: DIATOM PRIMARY PRODCTN (GC/M2/D) m02s30i404 Stash , Concept stable
D: IRON DEPOSITION (U-MOL-FE/M2/S) m02s30i405 Concept , Stash stable
SURFACE DMS CONCENTRATION (MOL/M3) m02s30i406 Stash , Concept stable
S,O: 1ST N-LIM; D: DTM CHL, C:CHL m02s30i410 Stash , Concept stable
S,O: 2ND N_LIM; D: DTM SPCFC GROWTH m02s30i411 Stash , Concept stable
S,O: T-LIM, MX GRW RT; D: DTM GROWTH m02s30i412 Stash , Concept stable
PHYT CHL CONC, C:CHL RATIO m02s30i413 Stash , Concept stable
PHYT SPECFC GROWTH RATE(MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i414 Stash , Concept stable
PHYT GROWTH RATE (MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i415 Stash , Concept stable
PHYTOPLANKTON RESP. (MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i416 Stash , Concept stable
PHYTOPLANKTON MORTALITY(MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i417 Concept , Stash stable
ZOOPLANKTON MORTALITY (MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i418 Stash , Concept stable
GRAZING ON DETRITUS-N (MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i419 Stash , Concept stable
GRAZING ON DETRITUS-C (MMOL-C/M3/D) m02s30i420 Stash , Concept stable
GRAZING FLOW TO DSLVD N(MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i421 Stash , Concept stable
GRAZING ON PHYTOPL (MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i422 Stash , Concept stable
GRAZING FLOW TO ZOOPL (MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i423 Stash , Concept stable
GRAZING FLOW TO DETR-N (MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i424 Stash , Concept stable
S:BKP 2 C; O,D:GRAZING FLW TO DETR-C m02s30i425 Stash , Concept stable
S:BKP 2 N; O:GRZ 2 DON; D:GRZ ON DTM m02s30i426 Stash , Concept stable
S:BKP 2 DN; O:GRZ 2 DOC; D:GRZ DTMSI m02s30i427 Stash , Concept stable
GRAZING FLOW TO TCO2 (MMOL-C/M3/D) m02s30i428 Stash , Concept stable
BREAKDOWN OF DETRITAL N(MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i429 Stash , Concept stable
BREAKDOWN OF DETRITAL C(MMOL-C/M3/D) m02s30i430 Stash , Concept stable
O:BRKDWN OF DON; D:BRKDWN OF DETR-SI m02s30i431 Concept , Stash stable
O:BRKDWN OF DOC; D:BIOGNC SILICA PRD m02s30i432 Stash , Concept stable
CARBONATE FRMTN+DISSLTN(MMOL-C/M3/D) m02s30i433 Concept , Stash stable
S,O:REFLUX DETR-N; D:ORG ST CHG TCO2 m02s30i434 Stash , Concept stable
S,O:REFLUX DETR-C; D:RT CHG SILICATE m02s30i435 Stash , Concept stable
RATE CHNG DISSOLVED-N (MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i436 Stash , Concept stable
S,O:RT CHG PHYTO; D:DIATOM RESPIRTN m02s30i437 Concept , Stash stable
S,O:RT CHG DETR-N; D:DIATOM MORTALTY m02s30i438 Stash , Concept stable
S,O:RT CHG DETR-C; D:DIATM-SI MORTLY m02s30i439 Stash , Concept stable
ZOOPLANKTON EXCRETION (MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i440 Stash , Concept stable
SINKING FLUX OF DETR-N (MMOL-N/M2/D) m02s30i441 Stash , Concept stable
SINKING FLUX OF DETR-C (MMOL-C/M2/D) m02s30i442 Stash , Concept stable
S,O:ORG RT CHG TCO2; D:SNKFLX DET-SI m02s30i443 Stash , Concept stable
S:ORG RC ALK; O:RC DON; D:SNKFLX DTM m02s30i444 Stash , Concept stable
O:RT CHG DOC; D:SNK FLX DTM_SI m02s30i445 Stash , Concept stable
S,O:TTL N INPUT; D:UNBOUND IRON CONC m02s30i446 Stash , Concept stable
AMMONIUM UPTAK BY P,DTM(MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i447 Stash , Concept stable
DECAY OF AMMONIUM TO N (MMOL-N/M3/D) m02s30i448 Stash , Concept stable
F-RATIO (NEW:TOTAL PRIMARY PRODN) m02s30i449 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHANGE BY CONVECT (MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i450 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHANGE BY MIXED LYR (MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i451 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHANGE BY BIOLOGY (MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i452 Concept , Stash stable
TRC. CHANGE BY FILTERING (MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i453 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHANGE BY MED. OUT. (MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i454 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHANGE BY RELAXATION(MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i455 Concept , Stash stable
TRC. CHANGE BY TIME FILT.(MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i456 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHANGE BY ADVECTION (MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i457 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHG. BY X ADV THOUGH W FACE m02s30i458 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHG. BY Y ADV THOUGH S FACE m02s30i459 Concept , Stash stable
TRC. CHG. BY Z ADV THOU BOTTOM FACE m02s30i460 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHANGE BY HORIZ DIFF(MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i461 Concept , Stash stable
TRC. CHANGE BY VERT DIFF(MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i462 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHANGE BY VERT ISO DIFFUSION m02s30i463 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHG. BY X ISO THROUGH W FACE m02s30i464 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHG. BY Y ISO THROUGH S FACE m02s30i465 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHANGE BY GM ADV. (MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i466 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHG. BY X GM THOUGH W FACE m02s30i467 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHG. BY Y GM THOUGH S FACE m02s30i468 Stash , Concept stable
TRC. CHG. BY Z GM THOU BOTTOM FACE m02s30i469 Stash , Concept stable
TRACER CHANGE BY BIOMIX (MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i470 Stash , Concept stable
TRACER CHANGE IN TRACER (MMOL/M3/D) m02s30i471 Concept , Stash stable
HR: RECIP.OF DEPTH AT UV POINTS 1/CM m02s31i201 Stash , Concept stable
CHANGE IN VORTICITY ACROSS TSTEP:ZTD m02s31i202 Concept , Stash stable
ZMN VORTY FORCING: ADVECTION S*-2 m02s31i211 Stash , Concept stable
ZMN VORTY FORCING: HOR DIFFN S*-2 m02s31i212 Concept , Stash stable
ZMN VORTY FORCING: VRT DIFFN S*-2 m02s31i213 Stash , Concept stable
ZMN VORTY FORCING: CORIOLIS S*-2 m02s31i214 Stash , Concept stable
ZMN VORTY FORCING: PRESSURE S*-2 m02s31i215 Stash , Concept stable
INT VORTY FORCING: ADVECTION CM S*-2 m02s31i216 Concept , Stash stable
INT VORTY FORCING: HOR DIFFN CM S*-2 m02s31i217 Stash , Concept stable
INT VORTY FORCING: VRT DIFFN CM S*-2 m02s31i218 Stash , Concept stable
INT VORTY FORCING: CORIOLIS CM S*-2 m02s31i219 Concept , Stash stable
INT VORTY FORCING: BOTTOM P CM S*-2 m02s31i220 Concept , Stash stable
RIGID-LID PRESSURE/PA m02s31i285 Concept , Stash stable
INT VORTY FORCING: BOTTOM P CM S*-2 m02s31i290 Concept , Stash stable
AICE INC. DUE TO ADVECTION FRACT/TS m02s32i201 Concept , Stash stable
HICE INC. DUE TO ADV (& DIFF) M/TS m02s32i202 Concept , Stash stable
GBM SNOWDEPTH INC ADVECTION M/TS m02s32i203 Stash , Concept stable
HICE INC. DUE TO DIFFUSION M/TS m02s32i204 Stash , Concept stable
INTERNAL ICE PRESSURE (N.M-2) m02s32i205 Concept , Stash stable
ICE STRENGTH (N.M-2) m02s32i206 Stash , Concept stable
UICE INC. DUE TO CAV FLUID (M.S-1) m02s32i207 Stash , Concept stable
VICE INC. DUE TO CAV FLUID (M.S-1) m02s32i208 Stash , Concept stable
U COMPONENT OF ICE VELOCITY (M.S-1) m02s32i209 Stash , Concept stable
V COMPONENT OF ICE VELOCITY (M.S-1) m02s32i210 Concept , Stash stable
AICE INC. (THERMODYNAMIC) FRACT/TS m02s32i211 Stash , Concept stable
HICE INC. (THERMODYNAMIC) M/TS m02s32i212 Stash , Concept stable
GBM SNOWDEPTH THERMODYNAMIC INC M/TS m02s32i213 Stash , Concept stable
GBM HTN INTO ICE BUDGET W/M**2 m02s32i214 Stash , Concept stable
SNOWRATE WHERE ICY KG M**-2 S**-1 m02s32i215 Stash , Concept stable
OCN TOP-LEVEL TEMPERATURE K m02s32i216 Stash , Concept stable
GBM HTN INTO OCN WHERE ICY W/M**2 m02s32i217 Concept , Stash stable
GBM SNOWDEPTH ON SEA-ICE M m02s32i218 Stash , Concept stable
U CPT OF OCEAN STRESS ON ICE Pa m02s32i219 Concept , Stash stable
V CPT OF OCEAN STRESS ON ICE Pa m02s32i220 Stash , Concept stable
U CPT OF CORIOLIS STRESS ON ICE Pa m02s32i221 Stash , Concept stable
V CPT OF CORIOLIS STRESS ON ICE Pa m02s32i222 Stash , Concept stable
d/dt AICE ADVECTION s-1 m02s32i223 Stash , Concept stable
d/dt HICE ADVECTION(&DIFFUSION) ms-1 m02s32i224 Stash , Concept stable
d/dt GBM SNOWDEPTH ADVECTION m s-1 m02s32i225 Stash , Concept stable
d/dt HICE DIFFUSION m s-1 m02s32i226 Stash , Concept stable
d/dt AICE THERMODYN s-1 m02s32i227 Stash , Concept stable
d/dt HICE THERMODYN m s-1 m02s32i228 Stash , Concept stable
d/dt GBM SNOWDEPTH THERMODYN m s-1 m02s32i229 Concept , Stash stable
U CPT OF INTERNAL ICE STRESS Pa m02s32i230 Concept , Stash stable
V CPT OF INTERNAL ICE STRESS Pa m02s32i231 Stash , Concept stable
d/dt AICE RIDGING s-1 m02s32i232 Concept , Stash stable
d/dt HICE RIDGING m s-1 m02s32i233 Stash , Concept stable
d/dt GBM SNOWDEPTH RIDGING m s-1 m02s32i234 Concept , Stash stable
GBM CATEGORY SNOWDEPTHS ON SEA-ICE m m02s32i235 Stash , Concept stable
d/dt CATEGORY AICEN ADVECTION s-1 m02s32i236 Concept , Stash stable
d/dt CATEGORY HICEN ADVECTION m s-1 m02s32i237 Stash , Concept stable
d/dt GBM CAT SNOWDEPTH ADVECT ms-1 m02s32i238 Stash , Concept stable
d/dt CATEGORY AICEN RIDGING s-1 m02s32i239 Concept , Stash stable
d/dt CATEGORY HICEN RIDGING m s-1 m02s32i240 Stash , Concept stable
d/dt GBM CAT SNOWDEPTH RIDGING m s-1 m02s32i241 Concept , Stash stable
d/dt CATEGORY AICEN THERMODYN s-1 m02s32i242 Concept , Stash stable
d/dt CATEGORY HICEN THERMODYN m s-1 m02s32i243 Stash , Concept stable
d/dt GBM CAT SNOWDEPTH THERMDYN ms-1 m02s32i244 Stash , Concept stable
DIVU (FROM EVP,USED IN RIDGING) s-1 m02s32i245 Stash , Concept stable
DELTA (FROM EVP,USED IN RIDGING)s-1 m02s32i246 Concept , Stash stable