Entry: CM4: ATM TRACER 16 (CONVEN ----- )


URI: http://reference.metoffice.gov.uk/um/stash/m01s24i076    

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submitted bymarqh (admin)

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date submitted 27 Aug 2014 14:39:30.066
entity CM4: ATM TRACER 16 (CONVEN ----- )
source graph graph

item class Stash | Concept
label CM4: ATM TRACER 16 (CONVEN ----- )
notation m01s24i076
register stash
status status stable
name marqh (admin)
openid 100578379482821123729

type register item
version info 1
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not used - set to 0. 0
Met08 field code 0
Met08 level code 0
Data type code Real
PP LBPACK code for data in the dump. 0
Grid type code Data on atmospheric theta points.
Item identifier 76
label CM4: ATM TRACER 16 (CONVEN ----- )
PP vertical coordinate type. Hybrid pressure
The level compression flag 0
The first level code First tracer level (allowed to be $>$ 1).
The last level code Last tracer level (= Top atmospheric level).
The level type code Data on atmosphere rho levels.
Model identifier atmosphere
Name CM4: ATM TRACER 16 (CONVEN ----- )
notation m01s24i076
The sectional option code. 00000000000000000016
Packing accuracy code -99
Packing accuracy code -99
Packing accuracy code -99
Packing accuracy code -99
Packing accuracy code -99
Packing accuracy code -99
Packing accuracy code -99
Packing accuracy code -99
Packing accuracy code -99
Packing accuracy code -99
Section zero point-back 76
PP field code MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 16
pseud f 0
Last pseudo level code 0
Pseudo level type None
not used - set to 0. 0
Rotation code Data are either non-vectorial or is relative to the model's grid.
Section identifier 24
Space Non-primary field which points back to a section 0 field.
Time availability code Every call of atmospheric climate meaning period 4.
not used - set to 0. 0
type Concept | STASH record
Not used. 16
version mask code 00000000000000000001