Entry: Depth of maximum current in water column - showing version 1


URI: http://reference.metoffice.gov.uk/um/fieldcode/947    

Depth of maximum current in water column

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is a Concept | FCode
submitted bymarqh (admin)

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date submitted 27 Aug 2014 14:34:42.368
entity Depth of maximum current in water column
source graph graph

description Depth of maximum current in water column
item class Concept | FCode
label Depth of maximum current in water column
notation 947
register fieldcode
status status stable
name marqh (admin)
openid 100578379482821123729

type register item
version info 1
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definition Depth of maximum current in water column
description Depth of maximum current in water column
label Depth of maximum current in water column
notation 947
pref label Depth of maximum current in water column
type Concept | Unified Model Field Code