Register: UM Field Codes



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description Field codes used in the UM
label UM Field Codes
member Present Weather codes (ww-code) | OCtr/ Anomalous sea-ice P-E flux kg, M2, S | OCE/ Total temperature diffusion, zonal. | Dynamic rainfall rate | Biomass burning contribution to PM10 concentration (microgrammes per cubic metre) | WIND-SEA ENERGY AT PEAK FREQ (m^2/Hz/rad) | Nominal 3D convective snowfall rate (kg/m2/s) | Rho * entrainment rate dsc | Total rainfall rate | 1805 | NO2 12/8/99 | Surface | OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, meridional: Vert Diffusion | 1783 | Clear-sky (type I) net shortwave flux | General Atmos Codes | 1838 | Cloud Top Height at Mean Icing Potential (m) | OA/ Zonal velocity increments after surface height analysis | Primary swell field wavelength | 1781 | Dilute convectively available potential energy. J/kg (or equiv. m2 | Short-wave radiative heating | Lowest convective cloud base (Kft) | OCuv/ Meridional component of ice-ocean stress/Pa | ISCCP C2 low thin cloud amount | Br MASS MIXING RATIO (kg/kg) | Maximum wind level | MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 15 (conventionally HF) | Surface dry deposition flux of SO2 kg/m2/s | Wave/ Water temperature | 867 | ISCCP C2 mid-level thin cloud amount | Cl2O2 MASS MIXING RATIO (kg/kg) | Layer cloud liquid re * layer cloud amount | OA/ Pressure increments after thermal analysis | Canopy evaporation on tiles (kg / m2 /sec) | LS rainout of biomass smoke | v-acceleration from trapped lee waves | HCOOH MASS MIXING RATIO (kg/kg) | OA/ Meridional velocity increments after surface height analysis | BL flux of atmospheric tracer 30 (conventionally OCFF) | d(sigma)/dt | Canopy water content | 'y' wind component (with respect to grid) | 1831 | Distance to the centre of the earth | CONDENSED WATER IN THE TKE SCHEMES, kg kg**-1 | ACETO2 | Snow temperature (K) | Eta dot | OCE/ TEMPERATURE LIMITATION | Net energy change this period J/m**2 | OCE/ Sound channel strength at 10kHz (1-3) | Molarity [mol per litre] | CH3OH | Accumulated wood respiration on PFTs (kg C/m2/sec) | Percent of time with Lee Waves | Layer frozen cloud amount in layers | MW surface emissivity (stdev) | Dust emission flux (kg m-2 s-1), divisions 1->6 | Molecular Density [molecules per cm^3] | COUNTER GRADIENT TERM OF FQW, W m**-2 | C2H4 | Leaf turnover rate of plant functional types (/360days) | Divergence | MA/ dq/dt advection term | Surface temperature on tiles (K) | OCE/ ocean extra tracer 15 | CH3COO2 | Thickness tendency (as above) | ...... Free for General use ...... | 1859 | Wave/ Principal direction of 1d spectrum | Molecular flux density [molecules per (^3)] | 0/372 Reserved for other aerosol clims | Soil carbon content | Surface dust concentration. | 1853 | ...... Free for General use ...... | 0/370 Reserved for other aerosol clims | Soil albedo | MA/ Log(Absolute ertel pot. vorticity) | Surface resistance to evaporation | General Atmos Codes | SO2 scavenged by large scale precipitation kg(S)/m2/tstep | OCE/ Sonic layer trap at 10Hz (0/1) | Reserved | Mass Mixing Ratio | ZHSC Top of decoupled layer | 0/374 Reserved for other aerosol clims | COARSE MODE (SOLUBLE) BC MMR (kg/kg) | 0/357 Clim Sea-salt (film mode) | 1808 | MAUA/ HO2 concentration | Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 | HONO MASS MIXING RATIO (kg/kg) | OCE/ NITRATE GAIN-ZOO MORT (MMOL-N/M2/D) | Brunt-Vaisala Frequency 'N' | HCHO MASS MIXING RATIO (kg/kg) | 0/365 Clim Dust size division 4 | ...
membership predicate member
modified 8 Nov 2016 10:27:14.765
note Field codes used in the UM
pref label UM Field Codes
type Container | Collection | Register
version info 6
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Name Notation Description Types Status
Unspecified 0 Unspecified Concept , FCode stable
Height 1 Height Concept , FCode stable
Depth 2 Depth Concept , FCode stable
Geopotential (= g*height) 3 Geopotential (= g*height) Concept , FCode stable
ICAO height 4 ICAO height Concept , FCode stable
Boundary layer height 5 Boundary layer height Concept , FCode stable
Non-dimensional soil model level 6 Non-dimensional soil model level Concept , FCode stable
Exner pressure 7 Exner pressure Concept , FCode stable
Pressure 8 Pressure Concept , FCode stable
Hybrid pressure 9 Hybrid pressure Concept , FCode stable
Sigma (= p/surface p) 10 Sigma (= p/surface p) Concept , FCode stable
T*u 11 T*u Concept , FCode stable
T*v 12 T*v Concept , FCode stable
T**2 13 T**2 Concept , FCode stable
T*omega 14 T*omega Concept , FCode stable
Height**2 15 Height**2 Concept , FCode stable
Temperature T 16 Temperature T Concept , FCode stable
Dew point temperature 17 Dew point temperature Concept , FCode stable
Dew point depression 18 Dew point depression Concept , FCode stable
Potential temperature 19 Potential temperature Concept , FCode stable
Maximum temperature 20 Maximum temperature Concept , FCode stable
Minimum temperature 21 Minimum temperature Concept , FCode stable
Wet bulb potential temperature 22 Wet bulb potential temperature Concept , FCode stable
Soil temperature (levels 2,3,4) 23 Soil temperature (levels 2,3,4) Concept , FCode stable
d theta/dt 24 d theta/dt Concept , FCode stable
Visibility 25 Visibility Concept , FCode stable
Brunt-Vaisala Frequency 'N' 26 Brunt-Vaisala Frequency 'N' Concept , FCode stable
(Atmospheric) density 27 (Atmospheric) density Concept , FCode stable
d(p*)/dt . p* = surface pressure 28 d(p*)/dt . p* = surface pressure Concept , FCode stable
Cloud fraction below a level in feet 29 Cloud fraction below a level in feet Concept , FCode stable
Total cloud See note (a) in @FCODES 30 Total cloud See note (a) in @FCODES Concept , FCode stable
High cloud See note (a) in @FCODES 31 High cloud See note (a) in @FCODES Concept , FCode stable
Medium cloud See note (a) in @FCODES 32 Medium cloud See note (a) in @FCODES Concept , FCode stable
Low cloud See note (a) in @FCODES 33 Low cloud See note (a) in @FCODES Concept , FCode stable
Convective cloud See note (a) in @FCODES 34 Convective cloud See note (a) in @FCODES Concept , FCode stable
Contrail 35 Contrail Concept , FCode stable
Fractional land amount 36 Fractional land amount Concept , FCode stable
Fractional sea-ice cover 37 Fractional sea-ice cover Concept , FCode stable
Atmospheric model land/sea mask Land=1, Sea=0 38 Atmospheric model land/sea mask Land=1, Sea=0 Concept , FCode stable
Coriolis parameter 39 Coriolis parameter Concept , FCode stable
Omega (= dp/dt) 40 Omega (= dp/dt) Concept , FCode stable
Wet bulb temperature 41 Wet bulb temperature Concept , FCode stable
Vertical velocity (= dz/dt) 42 Vertical velocity (= dz/dt) Concept , FCode stable
Eta dot 43 Eta dot Concept , FCode stable
Time in seconds 44 Time in seconds Concept , FCode stable
d(sigma)/dt 45 d(sigma)/dt Concept , FCode stable
u*q 46 u*q Concept , FCode stable
v*q 47 v*q Concept , FCode stable
'x' wind component (with respect to grid) 48 'x' wind component (with respect to grid) Concept , FCode stable
'y' wind component (with respect to grid) 49 'y' wind component (with respect to grid) Concept , FCode stable
Wind speed 50 Wind speed Concept , FCode stable
Thermal wind speed 51 Thermal wind speed Concept , FCode stable
Vertical speed shear 52 Vertical speed shear Concept , FCode stable
u*omega 53 u*omega Concept , FCode stable
v*omega 54 v*omega Concept , FCode stable
Wind direction 55 Wind direction Concept , FCode stable
Westerly component of wind u 56 Westerly component of wind u Concept , FCode stable
Southerly component of wind v 57 Southerly component of wind v Concept , FCode stable
u**2 58 u**2 Concept , FCode stable
v**2 59 v**2 Concept , FCode stable
Product of wind components u*v 60 Product of wind components u*v Concept , FCode stable
'x' component of wind stress 61 'x' component of wind stress Concept , FCode stable
'y' component of wind stress 62 'y' component of wind stress Concept , FCode stable
Kinetic energy 63 Kinetic energy Concept , FCode stable
Wind in 'DDDFFF' format 64 Wind in 'DDDFFF' format Concept , FCode stable
Hybrid height 65 Hybrid height Concept , FCode stable
Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 66 Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 Concept , FCode stable
Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 67 Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 Concept , FCode stable
u-acceleration from saturated stress 68 u-acceleration from saturated stress Concept , FCode stable
v-acceleration from saturated stress 69 v-acceleration from saturated stress Concept , FCode stable
u-acceleration from hydraulic jump 70 u-acceleration from hydraulic jump Concept , FCode stable
v-acceleration from hydraulic jump 71 v-acceleration from hydraulic jump Concept , FCode stable
Absolute vorticity 72 Absolute vorticity Concept , FCode stable
Relative vorticity 73 Relative vorticity Concept , FCode stable
Divergence 74 Divergence Concept , FCode stable
Height of base of lowest cloud in feet 75 Height of base of lowest cloud in feet Concept , FCode stable
Height of top of lowest cloud in feet 76 Height of top of lowest cloud in feet Concept , FCode stable
Total precipitation accumulation 77 Total precipitation accumulation Concept , FCode stable
QCF - Frozen cloud water 78 QCF - Frozen cloud water Concept , FCode stable
QCL - Liquid cloud water 79 QCL - Liquid cloud water Concept , FCode stable
Stream function 80 Stream function Concept , FCode stable
Velocity potential 81 Velocity potential Concept , FCode stable
Ertel potential vorticity (Q) 82 Ertel potential vorticity (Q) Concept , FCode stable
Thermal vorticity 83 Thermal vorticity Concept , FCode stable
Quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity 84 Quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity Concept , FCode stable
Montgomery stream function 85 Montgomery stream function Concept , FCode stable
Geostrophic absolute vorticity 86 Geostrophic absolute vorticity Concept , FCode stable
dq/dt 87 dq/dt Concept , FCode stable
Relative humidity 88 Relative humidity Concept , FCode stable
Precipitable water 89 Precipitable water Concept , FCode stable
Total precipitation (= 94 + 102 + 103) 90 Total precipitation (= 94 + 102 + 103) Concept , FCode stable
Equivalent ice depth 91 Equivalent ice depth Concept , FCode stable
Actual ice depth 92 Actual ice depth Concept , FCode stable
Snow depth (water equivalent) 93 Snow depth (water equivalent) Concept , FCode stable
Convective rain 94 Convective rain Concept , FCode stable
Specific humidity q 95 Specific humidity q Concept , FCode stable
Condensed water (per unit area) 96 Condensed water (per unit area) Concept , FCode stable
Total rainfall rate 97 Total rainfall rate Concept , FCode stable
Convective rainfall rate 98 Convective rainfall rate Concept , FCode stable
Dynamic rainfall rate 99 Dynamic rainfall rate Concept , FCode stable
Local convective rainfall 100 Local convective rainfall Concept , FCode stable
Mixing ratio 101 Mixing ratio Concept , FCode stable
Large scale rain 102 Large scale rain Concept , FCode stable
Snow 103 Snow Concept , FCode stable
Total rain (= 94 + 102) 104 Total rain (= 94 + 102) Concept , FCode stable
Evaporation 105 Evaporation Concept , FCode stable
Total soil moisture content (levels 1-4) 106 Total soil moisture content (levels 1-4) Concept , FCode stable
Sublimation 107 Sublimation Concept , FCode stable
Snowfall rate mm/s 108 Snowfall rate mm/s Concept , FCode stable
Total runoff 109 Total runoff Concept , FCode stable
Snowmelt 110 Snowmelt Concept , FCode stable
'Quick' runoff 111 'Quick' runoff Concept , FCode stable
'Slow' runoff 112 'Slow' runoff Concept , FCode stable
(Precipitation minus evaporation) rate (= 90 - 105) 113 (Precipitation minus evaporation) rate (= 90 - 105) Concept , FCode stable
Evaporation rate 114 Evaporation rate Concept , FCode stable
Evaporation from soil surface 115 Evaporation from soil surface Concept , FCode stable
Large scale snowfall 116 Large scale snowfall Concept , FCode stable
Convective snowfall 117 Convective snowfall Concept , FCode stable
Large scale snowfall rate mm/s 118 Large scale snowfall rate mm/s Concept , FCode stable
Convective snowfall rate mm/s 119 Convective snowfall rate mm/s Concept , FCode stable
Total large-scale precipitation (102+116) 120 Total large-scale precipitation (102+116) Concept , FCode stable
Total convective precipitation (94+117) 121 Total convective precipitation (94+117) Concept , FCode stable
Soil moisture in each (of 4) levels 122 Soil moisture in each (of 4) levels Concept , FCode stable
u-acceleration from trapped lee waves 123 u-acceleration from trapped lee waves Concept , FCode stable
v-acceleration from trapped lee waves 124 v-acceleration from trapped lee waves Concept , FCode stable
Vertical transmission coefficient 125 Vertical transmission coefficient Concept , FCode stable
Max C.A.T. level 126 Max C.A.T. level Concept , FCode stable
Sea bed level 127 Sea bed level Concept , FCode stable
Mean sea level 128 Mean sea level Concept , FCode stable
Surface 129 Surface Concept , FCode stable
Tropopause level 130 Tropopause level Concept , FCode stable
Maximum wind level 131 Maximum wind level Concept , FCode stable
Freezing level 132 Freezing level Concept , FCode stable
Top of atmosphere 133 Top of atmosphere Concept , FCode stable
-20 deg.C level 135 Upper level (height) 134 -20 deg.C level 135 Upper level (height) Concept , FCode stable
Lower level (height) 136 Lower level (height) Concept , FCode stable
Upper level (pressure) 137 Upper level (pressure) Concept , FCode stable
Lower level (pressure) 138 Lower level (pressure) Concept , FCode stable
Wet bulb freezing level height (asl) m 139 Wet bulb freezing level height (asl) m Concept , FCode stable
Salinity 140 Salinity Concept , FCode stable
Snowmelt heat flux 141 Snowmelt heat flux Concept , FCode stable
Upper level (hybrid) 142 Upper level (hybrid) Concept , FCode stable
Lower level (hybrid) 143 Lower level (hybrid) Concept , FCode stable
Unified model test diagnostic for output no. 1 144 Unified model test diagnostic for output no. 1 Concept , FCode stable
Unified model test diagnostic for output no. 2 145 Unified model test diagnostic for output no. 2 Concept , FCode stable
Unified model test diagnostic for output no. 3 146 Unified model test diagnostic for output no. 3 Concept , FCode stable
Unified model test diagnostic for output no. 4 147 Unified model test diagnostic for output no. 4 Concept , FCode stable
'X' component of geostrophic wind 148 'X' component of geostrophic wind Concept , FCode stable
'Y' component of geostrophic wind 149 'Y' component of geostrophic wind Concept , FCode stable
Standard deviation of orography 150 Standard deviation of orography Concept , FCode stable
Distance to the centre of the earth 151 Distance to the centre of the earth Concept , FCode stable
Orography XX gradient component 152 Orography XX gradient component Concept , FCode stable
Orography XY gradient component 153 Orography XY gradient component Concept , FCode stable
Orography YY gradient component 154 Orography YY gradient component Concept , FCode stable
Orographic roughness 155 Orographic roughness Concept , FCode stable
Total ozone climatology 156 Total ozone climatology Concept , FCode stable
Ultra violet index climatology 157 Ultra violet index climatology Concept , FCode stable
Total ozone field, Dobson units 158 Total ozone field, Dobson units Concept , FCode stable
UVB (Ultra violet index - dimensionless) 159 UVB (Ultra violet index - dimensionless) Concept , FCode stable
Drag coefficient CD 160 Drag coefficient CD Concept , FCode stable
Theta_e 161 Theta_e Concept , FCode stable
Sunshine hours 162 Sunshine hours Concept , FCode stable
Convective cloud liquid re * convective cloud amount 163 Convective cloud liquid re * convective cloud amount Concept , FCode stable
Layer cloud liquid re * layer cloud amount 164 Layer cloud liquid re * layer cloud amount Concept , FCode stable
Convective cloud amount in SWRAD (microphysics) 165 Convective cloud amount in SWRAD (microphysics) Concept , FCode stable
Layer cloud amount in SWRAD (microphysics) 166 Layer cloud amount in SWRAD (microphysics) Concept , FCode stable
Layer cloud condensed water path * amount 167 Layer cloud condensed water path * amount Concept , FCode stable
Cloud emissivity * cloud fraction 168 Cloud emissivity * cloud fraction Concept , FCode stable
Cloud albedo * cloud fraction 169 Cloud albedo * cloud fraction Concept , FCode stable
Transmissivity 170 Transmissivity Concept , FCode stable
Probability of visibility less than 5 km 173 Probability of visibility less than 5 km Concept , FCode stable
Silhouette area of unresolved orography per unit horizontal area 174 Silhouette area of unresolved orography per unit horizontal a... Concept , FCode stable
Peak to trough height of unresolved orography divided by 2 (metres 175 Peak to trough height of unresolved orography divided by 2 (m... Concept , FCode stable
Latitude (north positive) 176 Latitude (north positive) Concept , FCode stable
Longitude (east positive) 177 Longitude (east positive) Concept , FCode stable
Sensible heat flux 178 Sensible heat flux Concept , FCode stable
Soil heat flux 179 Soil heat flux Concept , FCode stable
Latent heat flux 180 Latent heat flux Concept , FCode stable
Bulk Richardson number 181 Bulk Richardson number Concept , FCode stable
Wind mixing energy 182 Wind mixing energy Concept , FCode stable
CH - bulk transfer coefficient of heat 183 CH - bulk transfer coefficient of heat Concept , FCode stable
Moisture flux 184 Moisture flux Concept , FCode stable
Mass flux 185 Mass flux Concept , FCode stable
Net short wave radiation flux 186 Net short wave radiation flux Concept , FCode stable
Net long wave radiation flux 187 Net long wave radiation flux Concept , FCode stable
Total surface heat flux (inc. sensible+latent) 188 Total surface heat flux (inc. sensible+latent) Concept , FCode stable
Thermal advection 189 Thermal advection Concept , FCode stable
C.A.T. probability 190 C.A.T. probability Concept , FCode stable
Snow probability 191 Snow probability Concept , FCode stable
Boundary mixing coeffs. 192 Boundary mixing coeffs. Concept , FCode stable
Convective heating rate 193 Convective heating rate Concept , FCode stable
Convective moistening rate 194 Convective moistening rate Concept , FCode stable
Vertical momentum flux - U 195 Vertical momentum flux - U Concept , FCode stable
Vertical momentum flux - V 196 Vertical momentum flux - V Concept , FCode stable
Snow melt heating flux 197 Snow melt heating flux Concept , FCode stable
Evaporation duct height (previously called just 'Duct height') 198 Evaporation duct height (previously called just 'Duct height'... Concept , FCode stable
Evap. duct intensity (max wavelength trapped) (p.c.j. 'Duct intens 199 Evap. duct intensity (max wavelength trapped) (p.c.j. 'Duct i... Concept , FCode stable
Downward solar 200 Downward solar Concept , FCode stable
Upward solar 201 Upward solar Concept , FCode stable
Net surface radiation flux (No sensible or latent) 202 Net surface radiation flux (No sensible or latent) Concept , FCode stable
Total downward surface solar flux over sea-ice. 203 Total downward surface solar flux over sea-ice. Concept , FCode stable
Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 204 Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 Concept , FCode stable
IR down 205 IR down Concept , FCode stable
IR up 206 IR up Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky flux (type II) solar up 207 Clear-sky flux (type II) solar up Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky flux (type II) solar down 208 Clear-sky flux (type II) solar down Concept , FCode stable
Sea-ice temperature 209 Sea-ice temperature Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky (type II) IR up 210 Clear-sky (type II) IR up Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky (type II) IR down 211 Clear-sky (type II) IR down Concept , FCode stable
Convective cloud base times amount 212 Convective cloud base times amount Concept , FCode stable
Dilute convectively available potential energy. J/kg (or equiv. m2 213 Dilute convectively available potential energy. J/kg (or equi... Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky (type II) net shortwave flux 214 Clear-sky (type II) net shortwave flux Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky (type II) net longwave flux 215 Clear-sky (type II) net longwave flux Concept , FCode stable
Cloud top height (asl) kft 216 Cloud top height (asl) kft Concept , FCode stable
Convective cloud top times amount 217 Convective cloud top times amount Concept , FCode stable
Convective cloud water 218 Convective cloud water Concept , FCode stable
Convective cloud condensed water path kg/m**2 219 Convective cloud condensed water path kg/m**2 Concept , FCode stable
Cloud amount in a layer / at a level (reworded 4/3/93) 220 Cloud amount in a layer / at a level (reworded 4/3/93) Concept , FCode stable
Total water condensed by convection 221 Total water condensed by convection Concept , FCode stable
Convective cloud base level-number 222 Convective cloud base level-number Concept , FCode stable
Convective cloud top level-number 223 Convective cloud top level-number Concept , FCode stable
Advecting u * layer thickness (pascals) = zonal mass-flux 224 Advecting u * layer thickness (pascals) = zonal mass-flux Concept , FCode stable
Advecting v * layer thickness (pascals) = meridional mass-flux 225 Advecting v * layer thickness (pascals) = meridional mass-flu... Concept , FCode stable
Blocking index (Tibaldi & Molteni definition) 226 Blocking index (Tibaldi & Molteni definition) Concept , FCode stable
'EMAX' from convection scheme 227 'EMAX' from convection scheme Concept , FCode stable
Total net radiative heating 228 Total net radiative heating Concept , FCode stable
Zonal mass-flux * temperature 229 Zonal mass-flux * temperature Concept , FCode stable
Meridional mass-flux * temperature 230 Meridional mass-flux * temperature Concept , FCode stable
Zonal mass-flux * specific humidity q 231 Zonal mass-flux * specific humidity q Concept , FCode stable
Meridional mass-flux * specific humidity q 232 Meridional mass-flux * specific humidity q Concept , FCode stable
Zonal mass-flux * liquid water temperature 233 Zonal mass-flux * liquid water temperature Concept , FCode stable
Meridional mass-flux * liquid water temperature 234 Meridional mass-flux * liquid water temperature Concept , FCode stable
Zonal mass-flux * total water 235 Zonal mass-flux * total water Concept , FCode stable
Meridional mass-flux * total water 236 Meridional mass-flux * total water Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky (type I) solar up 237 Clear-sky (type I) solar up Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky (type I) solar down 238 Clear-sky (type I) solar down Concept , FCode stable
Vapour pressure 239 Vapour pressure Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky (type I) IR up 240 Clear-sky (type I) IR up Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky (type I) IR down 241 Clear-sky (type I) IR down Concept , FCode stable
Probability of precipitation 242 Probability of precipitation Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky (type I) net shortwave flux 243 Clear-sky (type I) net shortwave flux Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky (type I) net longwave flux 244 Clear-sky (type I) net longwave flux Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky(type I) radiative heating 245 Clear-sky(type I) radiative heating Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky(type I) short-wave radiative heating 246 Clear-sky(type I) short-wave radiative heating Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky(type I) long wave radiative heating 247 Clear-sky(type I) long wave radiative heating Concept , FCode stable
'X' component of ageostrophic wind 248 'X' component of ageostrophic wind Concept , FCode stable
'Y' component of ageostrophic wind 249 'Y' component of ageostrophic wind Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky(type II) radiative heating 250 Clear-sky(type II) radiative heating Concept , FCode stable
Short-wave radiative heating 251 Short-wave radiative heating Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky(type II) ditto 252 Clear-sky(type II) ditto Concept , FCode stable
Long-wave radiative heating 253 Long-wave radiative heating Concept , FCode stable
Clear-sky(type II) ditto 254 Clear-sky(type II) ditto Concept , FCode stable
Convective cloud liquid re * convective cloud weighting (full leve 255 Convective cloud liquid re * convective cloud weighting (full... Concept , FCode stable
Convective cloud weighting for microphysics (full levels) 256 Convective cloud weighting for microphysics (full levels) Concept , FCode stable
RHO_CD_MODV1 = rhostar*cD*modv1 257 RHO_CD_MODV1 = rhostar*cD*modv1 Concept , FCode stable
RHO_KM = rho*Km (Km = turbulent mixing coefficient for momentum) 258 RHO_KM = rho*Km (Km = turbulent mixing coefficient for moment... Concept , FCode stable
Atmospheric energy correction W/m**2 (from UM 3.3) 259 Atmospheric energy correction W/m**2 (from UM 3.3) Concept , FCode stable
Sea-ice topmelt w/m2 260 Sea-ice topmelt w/m2 Concept , FCode stable
Sea-ice botmelt w/m2 261 Sea-ice botmelt w/m2 Concept , FCode stable
Fractional time of change of ice cover. 262 Fractional time of change of ice cover. Concept , FCode stable
Zonal mass-flux * u 263 Zonal mass-flux * u Concept , FCode stable
Meridional mass-flux * u 264 Meridional mass-flux * u Concept , FCode stable
Zonal mass-flux * v 265 Zonal mass-flux * v Concept , FCode stable
Meridional mass-flux * v 266 Meridional mass-flux * v Concept , FCode stable
Zonal mass-flux * geopotential 267 Zonal mass-flux * geopotential Concept , FCode stable
Meridional mass-flux * geopotential 268 Meridional mass-flux * geopotential Concept , FCode stable
Zonal mass-flux * moist static energy 269 Zonal mass-flux * moist static energy Concept , FCode stable
Meridional mass-flux * moist static energy 270 Meridional mass-flux * moist static energy Concept , FCode stable
Canopy water content 271 Canopy water content Concept , FCode stable
Canopy condensation 272 Canopy condensation Concept , FCode stable
Canopy evaporation 273 Canopy evaporation Concept , FCode stable
Canopy water throughfall 274 Canopy water throughfall Concept , FCode stable
Canopy height (all vegetation) 275 Canopy height (all vegetation) Concept , FCode stable
Air concentration of radioactivity Becquerels(Bq) m**-3 276 Air concentration of radioactivity Becquerels(Bq) m**-3 Concept , FCode stable
Dosage of radioactivity Bq.seconds m**-3 277 Dosage of radioactivity Bq.seconds m**-3 Concept , FCode stable
Dry deposition of radioactivity Bq m**-2 278 Dry deposition of radioactivity Bq m**-2 Concept , FCode stable
Wet deposition of radioactivity Bq m**-2 279 Wet deposition of radioactivity Bq m**-2 Concept , FCode stable
Leads;net solar radiation wm-2 280 Leads;net solar radiation wm-2 Concept , FCode stable
Leads;net infra-red flux wm-2 281 Leads;net infra-red flux wm-2 Concept , FCode stable
Leads;sensible heat flux wm-2 282 Leads;sensible heat flux wm-2 Concept , FCode stable
Leads;latent heat flux wm-2 283 Leads;latent heat flux wm-2 Concept , FCode stable
Total deposition of radioactivity Bq m**-2 284 Total deposition of radioactivity Bq m**-2 Concept , FCode stable
Evap from sea * leads fraction. 285 Evap from sea * leads fraction. Concept , FCode stable
Total aerosol (micro g/kg) 286 Total aerosol (micro g/kg) Concept , FCode stable
Total aerosol emissions (micro g/sq m/s) 287 Total aerosol emissions (micro g/sq m/s) Concept , FCode stable
Visibility assimilation weights 288 Visibility assimilation weights Concept , FCode stable
Visibility assimilation increment 289 Visibility assimilation increment Concept , FCode stable
P* (surface pressure) weights 290 P* (surface pressure) weights Concept , FCode stable
Theta weights 291 Theta weights Concept , FCode stable
Wind weights 292 Wind weights Concept , FCode stable
Surface wind weights....... 293 Surface wind weights....... Concept , FCode stable
RH weights 294 RH weights Concept , FCode stable
Precipitation rate assimilation weights 295 Precipitation rate assimilation weights Concept , FCode stable
Spare for A/C 296 Spare for A/C Concept , FCode stable
Spare for A/C 297 Spare for A/C Concept , FCode stable
Spare for A/C 298 Spare for A/C Concept , FCode stable
Specific layer cloud water content 299 Specific layer cloud water content Concept , FCode stable
Spare for A/C 300 Spare for A/C Concept , FCode stable
Spare for A/C 301 Spare for A/C Concept , FCode stable
Spare for A/C 302 Spare for A/C Concept , FCode stable
P* (surface pressure) assimilation increments 303 P* (surface pressure) assimilation increments Concept , FCode stable
Theta assimilation increments 304 Theta assimilation increments Concept , FCode stable
u assimilation increments 305 u assimilation increments Concept , FCode stable
v assimilation increments 306 v assimilation increments Concept , FCode stable
Hydrostatic increments 307 Hydrostatic increments Concept , FCode stable
Probability of ground frost 308 Probability of ground frost Concept , FCode stable
RH assimilation increments 309 RH assimilation increments Concept , FCode stable
Precipitation rate assimilation increments 310 Precipitation rate assimilation increments Concept , FCode stable
Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 311 Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 Concept , FCode stable
Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 312 Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 Concept , FCode stable
Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 313 Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 Concept , FCode stable
Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 314 Reserved for M.Mawson, RR will advise, 2000 Concept , FCode stable
Increment in q from a routine 315 Increment in q from a routine Concept , FCode stable
Increment in T from a routine 316 Increment in T from a routine Concept , FCode stable
Increment in theta from a routine 317 Increment in theta from a routine Concept , FCode stable
Increment in u from a routine 318 Increment in u from a routine Concept , FCode stable
Increment in v from a routine 319 Increment in v from a routine Concept , FCode stable
Surface roughness (heat) 320 Surface roughness (heat) Concept , FCode stable
Root depth 321 Root depth Concept , FCode stable
Snow free albedo (all types of land) 322 Snow free albedo (all types of land) Concept , FCode stable
Surface resistance to evaporation 323 Surface resistance to evaporation Concept , FCode stable
Surface roughness (momentum) 324 Surface roughness (momentum) Concept , FCode stable
Surface capacity 325 Surface capacity Concept , FCode stable
Vegetation fraction 326 Vegetation fraction Concept , FCode stable
Veg. infilt. enhancement factor 327 Veg. infilt. enhancement factor Concept , FCode stable
Deep snow albedo 328 Deep snow albedo Concept , FCode stable
Wilting point 329 Wilting point Concept , FCode stable
Critical point 330 Critical point Concept , FCode stable
Field capacity 331 Field capacity Concept , FCode stable
Saturation 332 Saturation Concept , FCode stable
Saturated conductivity 333 Saturated conductivity Concept , FCode stable
Eagleson's exponent 334 Eagleson's exponent Concept , FCode stable
Heat capacity 335 Heat capacity Concept , FCode stable
Heat conductivity 336 Heat conductivity Concept , FCode stable
SOILB (Soil hydrology parameter 'BS') 337 SOILB (Soil hydrology parameter 'BS') Concept , FCode stable
Field capacity-root depth 338 Field capacity-root depth Concept , FCode stable
Surface infilt.-infilt. factor 339 Surface infilt.-infilt. factor Concept , FCode stable
Thermal inertia-(lambda C ** 1/2) 340 Thermal inertia-(lambda C ** 1/2) Concept , FCode stable
Veg. infilt. enhancement factor * Saturated conductivity (327*333) 341 Veg. infilt. enhancement factor * Saturated conductivity (327... Concept , FCode stable
Saturated soil water suction (m) 342 Saturated soil water suction (m) Concept , FCode stable
Lowest convective cloud amount 343 Lowest convective cloud amount Concept , FCode stable
Lowest convective cloud base (pa) 344 Lowest convective cloud base (pa) Concept , FCode stable
Lowest convective cloud top (pa) 345 Lowest convective cloud top (pa) Concept , FCode stable
Lowest convective cloud base (Kft) 346 Lowest convective cloud base (Kft) Concept , FCode stable
Lowest convective cloud top (Kft) 347 Lowest convective cloud top (Kft) Concept , FCode stable
'X' component of 'Q' 348 'X' component of 'Q' Concept , FCode stable
'Y' component of 'Q' 349 'Y' component of 'Q' Concept , FCode stable
DIV(Q) 350 DIV(Q) Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Spectral wave energy component 351 Wave/ Spectral wave energy component Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ 352 Wave/ Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Energy increments after propagation 353 Wave/ Energy increments after propagation Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Energy increments after input source term 354 Wave/ Energy increments after input source term Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Energy increments after nonlinear transfer 355 Wave/ Energy increments after nonlinear transfer Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Energy increments after dissipation 356 Wave/ Energy increments after dissipation Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Energy increments after bottom friction 357 Wave/ Energy increments after bottom friction Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Energy increments after assimilation 358 Wave/ Energy increments after assimilation Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Assimilation increments for wave height 359 Wave/ Assimilation increments for wave height Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Assimilation increments for windspeed 360 Wave/ Assimilation increments for windspeed Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Wave induced surface stress x component 364 Wave/ Wave induced surface stress x component Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Wave induced surface stress y component 365 Wave/ Wave induced surface stress y component Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Induced stress 366 Wave/ Induced stress Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Dependent roughness length 367 Wave/ Dependent roughness length Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Total induced current speed 368 Wave/ Total induced current speed Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Total induced current direction 369 Wave/ Total induced current direction Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Surge induced current speed 370 Wave/ Surge induced current speed Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Surge induced current direction 371 Wave/ Surge induced current direction Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Tide induced water level 372 Wave/ Tide induced water level Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Tide induced current speed 373 Wave/ Tide induced current speed Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Tide induced current direction 374 Wave/ Tide induced current direction Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Mean wave height error 375 Wave/ Mean wave height error Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Mean wave period error 376 Wave/ Mean wave period error Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Mean wave speed error 377 Wave/ Mean wave speed error Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ RMS wave height error 378 Wave/ RMS wave height error Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ RMS wave period error 379 Wave/ RMS wave period error Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ RMS wave speed error 380 Wave/ RMS wave speed error Concept , FCode stable
381 381 Concept , FCode stable
382 382 Concept , FCode stable
383 383 Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Water temperature 384 Wave/ Water temperature Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Height of wind-driven waves 385 Wave/ Height of wind-driven waves Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Swell height 386 Wave/ Swell height Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Combined wave and swell height 387 Wave/ Combined wave and swell height Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Windsea upcrossing period 388 Wave/ Windsea upcrossing period Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Windsea principal direction 389 Wave/ Windsea principal direction Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Swell upcrossing period 390 Wave/ Swell upcrossing period Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Swell principal direction 391 Wave/ Swell principal direction Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Total depth (wave+surge) 392 Wave/ Total depth (wave+surge) Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Total wave upcrossing period 393 Wave/ Total wave upcrossing period Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Total wave principal direction 394 Wave/ Total wave principal direction Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Grid point type (sea/land/coast) 395 Wave/ Grid point type (sea/land/coast) Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Surge induced water level 396 Wave/ Surge induced water level Concept , FCode stable
Wave/ Wave model land/sea indicator 397 Wave/ Wave model land/sea indicator Concept , FCode stable
398 398 Concept , FCode stable
399 399 Concept , FCode stable
400 400 Concept , FCode stable
MA/ d(ln p)/dt 401 MA/ d(ln p)/dt Concept , FCode stable
MA/ d(theta)/dp 402 MA/ d(theta)/dp Concept , FCode stable
MA/ Log(Absolute ertel pot. vorticity) 403 MA/ Log(Absolute ertel pot. vorticity) Concept , FCode stable
MA/ Sign of dq/dt 404 MA/ Sign of dq/dt Concept , FCode stable
MA/ d(theta)/dt 405 MA/ d(theta)/dt Concept , FCode stable
MA/ Shortwave heating rates 406 MA/ Shortwave heating rates Concept , FCode stable
MA/ Longwave cooling rates 407 MA/ Longwave cooling rates Concept , FCode stable
MA/ Total radiative heating 408 MA/ Total radiative heating Concept , FCode stable
MA/ Friction term in circulation budget 409 MA/ Friction term in circulation budget Concept , FCode stable
MA/ dp/d(theta) 410 MA/ dp/d(theta) Concept , FCode stable
MA/ Geostrophic Ertel potential vorticity 411 MA/ Geostrophic Ertel potential vorticity Concept , FCode stable
MA/ dq/dt advection term 412 MA/ dq/dt advection term Concept , FCode stable
MA/ dq/dt source term 413 MA/ dq/dt source term Concept , FCode stable
MA/ Total dq/dt ie source + advection 414 MA/ Total dq/dt ie source + advection Concept , FCode stable
MA/ d(theta)/dt 415 MA/ d(theta)/dt Concept , FCode stable
MA/ Absolute vorticity (interpolated) 416 MA/ Absolute vorticity (interpolated) Concept , FCode stable
MA/ Absolute vorticity*total dq/dt 417 MA/ Absolute vorticity*total dq/dt Concept , FCode stable
MA/ dq/dt from Raleigh friction 418 MA/ dq/dt from Raleigh friction Concept , FCode stable
419 419 Concept , FCode stable
449 449 Concept , FCode stable
450 450 Concept , FCode stable
MAtr/ Passive tracer 451 MAtr/ Passive tracer Concept , FCode stable
MAtr/ Nitrous oxide tracer 452 MAtr/ Nitrous oxide tracer Concept , FCode stable
MAtr/ Ozone tracer 453 MAtr/ Ozone tracer Concept , FCode stable
454 454 Concept , FCode stable
500 500 Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 1 (conventionally O3) 501 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 1 (conventionally O3) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 2 (conventionally H2O) 502 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 2 (conventionally H2O) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 3 (conventionally CO) 503 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 3 (conventionally CO) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 4 (conventionally CH4) 504 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 4 (conventionally CH4) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 5 (conventionally N2O) 505 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 5 (conventionally N2O) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 6 (conventionally NO) 506 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 6 (conventionally NO) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 7 (conventionally NO2) 507 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 7 (conventionally NO2) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 8 (conventionally HNO3) 508 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 8 (conventionally HNO3) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 9 (conventionally N2O5) 509 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 9 (conventionally N2O5) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 10 (conventionally ClONO2) 510 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 10 (conventionally ClONO2) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 11 (conventionally ClO) 511 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 11 (conventionally ClO) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 12 (conventionally HCl) 512 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 12 (conventionally HCl) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 13 (conventionally CF2Cl2) 513 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 13 (conventionally CF2Cl2) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 14 (conventionally CFCl3) 514 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 14 (conventionally CFCl3) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 15 (conventionally HF) 515 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 15 (conventionally HF) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 16 516 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 16 Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 17 517 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 17 Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 18 518 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 18 Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 19 (conventionally SO2) 519 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 19 (conventionally SO2) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 20 (conventionally DMS) 520 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 20 (conventionally DMS) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 21 (conventionally H2S) 521 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 21 (conventionally H2S) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 22 (conventionally WATER-SOLUBLE) 522 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 22 (conventionally WATER-SOLUBLE) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 23 (conventionally DUST-LIKE) 523 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 23 (conventionally DUST-LIKE) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 24 (conventionally OCEANIC) 524 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 24 (conventionally OCEANIC) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 25 (conventionally SOOT) 525 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 25 (conventionally SOOT) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 26 (conventionally VOLCANIC ASH) 526 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 26 (conventionally VOLCANIC ASH) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 27 (conventionally SULPHURIC ACID) 527 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 27 (conventionally SULPHURIC ACID) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 28 (conventionally AMMONIUM SULPHATE) 528 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 28 (conventionally AMMONIUM SULPHATE) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 29 (conventionally MINERAL) 529 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 29 (conventionally MINERAL) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 30 (conventionally OCFF) 530 MAUA/ Atmosphere tracer 30 (conventionally OCFF) Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ 568 MAUA/ Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Sulphur Dioxide emissions. 569 MAUA/ Sulphur Dioxide emissions. Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Dimethyl Sulphide emissions. 570 MAUA/ Dimethyl Sulphide emissions. Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Hydrogen Sulphide emissions. 571 MAUA/ Hydrogen Sulphide emissions. Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ NH3 gas emissions kg/m2/s 572 MAUA/ NH3 gas emissions kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Soot emissions kg/m2/s 573 MAUA/ Soot emissions kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Surface emissions of biomass smoke 574 MAUA/ Surface emissions of biomass smoke Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Oraganic carbon from fossil fuels (OCFF) 575 MAUA/ Oraganic carbon from fossil fuels (OCFF) Concept , FCode stable
DIMETHYL SULPHIDE EMISSIONS kg(S) m-2 s-1 576 DIMETHYL SULPHIDE EMISSIONS kg(S) m-2 s-1 Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Hydroxyl radical concentration molecules cm**-3 580 MAUA/ Hydroxyl radical concentration molecules cm**-3 Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ Hydrogen Peroxide concentration 581 MAUA/ Hydrogen Peroxide concentration Concept , FCode stable
MAUA/ HO2 concentration 600 MAUA/ HO2 concentration Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Temperature. 601 OCtr/ Temperature. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Salinity. 602 OCtr/ Salinity. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ T* 603 OCtr/ T* Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Temperature at t-1. 604 OCtr/ Temperature at t-1. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Salinity at t-1. 605 OCtr/ Salinity at t-1. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ No. deep convection points 606 OCtr/ No. deep convection points Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Fractional expansion of sea water (dimensionless) 607 OCtr/ Fractional expansion of sea water (dimensionless) Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Sea surface elevation 608 OCtr/ Sea surface elevation Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Density of sea water/kg m**-3 609 OCtr/ Density of sea water/kg m**-3 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Sea level rise/m 610 OCtr/ Sea level rise/m Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Stream function. 611 OCtr/ Stream function. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Stream function at t-1. 612 OCtr/ Stream function at t-1. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Change of stream function across a time step. 613 OCtr/ Change of stream function across a time step. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Change of stream function across previous timestep. 614 OCtr/ Change of stream function across previous timestep. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ (Formerly reciprocal of total depth at U/V points, use 715 1 615 OCtr/ (Formerly reciprocal of total depth at U/V points, use ... Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Number of vertical levels of ocean at T points. 616 OCtr/ Number of vertical levels of ocean at T points. Concept , FCode stable
Octr/ rigid-lid pressure/Pa 617 Octr/ rigid-lid pressure/Pa Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Change of vorticity across one timestep. Units s*-2 from Jun 618 OCtr/ Change of vorticity across one timestep. Units s*-2 fro... Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Vertical expansion/m of sea water. 619 OCtr/ Vertical expansion/m of sea water. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Convergence heat WM-2 620 OCtr/ Convergence heat WM-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Equivalent ice depth. 621 OCtr/ Equivalent ice depth. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Snow depth. 622 OCtr/ Snow depth. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Snowfall. 623 OCtr/ Snowfall. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Sublimation. 624 OCtr/ Sublimation. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Net solar heat flux. 625 OCtr/ Net solar heat flux. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Net surface heat flux ('HTN'). 626 OCtr/ Net surface heat flux ('HTN'). Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Wind mixing energy. 627 OCtr/ Wind mixing energy. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Diffusive heat flux. 628 OCtr/ Diffusive heat flux. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Precipitation minus evaporation ('PLE') 629 OCtr/ Precipitation minus evaporation ('PLE') Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Sum of net solar and net surface heating. 630 OCtr/ Sum of net solar and net surface heating. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ River outflow 631 OCtr/ River outflow Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Surface water flux * salinity / density m s**-1 632 OCtr/ Surface water flux * salinity / density m s**-1 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ 'x' component of sea-ice/ocean surface stress ('ISX') 633 OCtr/ 'x' component of sea-ice/ocean surface stress ('ISX') Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ 'y' component of sea-ice/ocean surface stress ('ISY') 634 OCtr/ 'y' component of sea-ice/ocean surface stress ('ISY') Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Buoyancy/kg m**-2 s**-2 635 OCtr/ Buoyancy/kg m**-2 s**-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Buoyancy flux/kg m**-1 s**-3 636 OCtr/ Buoyancy flux/kg m**-1 s**-3 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ In-situ temperature 637 OCtr/ In-situ temperature Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ sigma-T/kg m**-3 ( (rho(insitu_T,S,0)-1000 ) 638 OCtr/ sigma-T/kg m**-3 ( (rho(insitu_T,S,0)-1000 ) Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ sigma-theta/kg m**-3 ( rho(theta,S,0)-1000 ) 639 OCtr/ sigma-theta/kg m**-3 ( rho(theta,S,0)-1000 ) Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Zonal heat advection. 640 OCtr/ Zonal heat advection. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Meridional heat advection. 641 OCtr/ Meridional heat advection. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Heating rate due to advection K s**-1 642 OCtr/ Heating rate due to advection K s**-1 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Heating rate due to diffusion K s**-1 643 OCtr/ Heating rate due to diffusion K s**-1 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Heating rate due to surface fluxes K s**-1 644 OCtr/ Heating rate due to surface fluxes K s**-1 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Heating rate due to mixing K s**-1 645 OCtr/ Heating rate due to mixing K s**-1 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Heating rate due to filtering K s**-1 646 OCtr/ Heating rate due to filtering K s**-1 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Heating rate K s**-1 647 OCtr/ Heating rate K s**-1 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Rate of change of salinity/s**-1 (UM can't control LBPROC) 648 OCtr/ Rate of change of salinity/s**-1 (UM can't control LBPR... Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Climatological reference surface salinity 649 OCtr/ Climatological reference surface salinity Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Climatological reference SST (sea surface temperature). 650 OCtr/ Climatological reference SST (sea surface temperature). Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Anomalous heat flux from Haney term. 651 OCtr/ Anomalous heat flux from Haney term. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Anomalous latent heat flux from Haney term 652 OCtr/ Anomalous latent heat flux from Haney term Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Mixed layer depth,type 1. 653 OCtr/ Mixed layer depth,type 1. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Mixed layer depth,type 2. 654 OCtr/ Mixed layer depth,type 2. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Heat content /J 655 OCtr/ Heat content /J Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Latent heat content /J 656 OCtr/ Latent heat content /J Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Turbulent kinetic energy m**2 s**-2 657 OCtr/ Turbulent kinetic energy m**2 s**-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Thickness diff coeff (ocean) cm2/s 658 OCtr/ Thickness diff coeff (ocean) cm2/s Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ 659 OCtr/ Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Vertical mean vorticity forcing: advection s*-2 660 OCtr/ Vertical mean vorticity forcing: advection s*-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Vertical mean vorticity forcing: hor diffn s*-2 661 OCtr/ Vertical mean vorticity forcing: hor diffn s*-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Vertical mean vorticity forcing: vrt diffn s*-2 662 OCtr/ Vertical mean vorticity forcing: vrt diffn s*-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Vertical mean vorticity forcing: coriolis s*-2 663 OCtr/ Vertical mean vorticity forcing: coriolis s*-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Vertical mean vorticity forcing: pressure s*-2 664 OCtr/ Vertical mean vorticity forcing: pressure s*-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Vertical integral vorticity forcing: advection cm s*-2 665 OCtr/ Vertical integral vorticity forcing: advection cm s*-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Vertical integral vorticity forcing: hor diffn cm s*-2 666 OCtr/ Vertical integral vorticity forcing: hor diffn cm s*-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Vertical integral vorticity forcing: vrt diffn cm s*-2 667 OCtr/ Vertical integral vorticity forcing: vrt diffn cm s*-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Vertical integral vorticity forcing: coriolis cm s*-2 668 OCtr/ Vertical integral vorticity forcing: coriolis cm s*-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Vertical integral vorticity forcing: bottom p cm s*-2 669 OCtr/ Vertical integral vorticity forcing: bottom p cm s*-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Boundary profiles. 670 OCtr/ Boundary profiles. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Anomalous heat flux. 671 OCtr/ Anomalous heat flux. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Anomalous salt flux. 672 OCtr/ Anomalous salt flux. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Virtual air-sea flux of co2 673 OCtr/ Virtual air-sea flux of co2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Virtual air-sea flux of alkalinity 674 OCtr/ Virtual air-sea flux of alkalinity Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Climatological Ice depth 675 OCtr/ Climatological Ice depth Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Mass of ocean below rigid lid/kg m**-2 676 OCtr/ Mass of ocean below rigid lid/kg m**-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Ocean bottom pressure/Pa 677 OCtr/ Ocean bottom pressure/Pa Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Anomolous sea-ice heat flux W,M2 678 OCtr/ Anomolous sea-ice heat flux W,M2 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Anomalous sea-ice P-E flux kg, M2, S 679 OCtr/ Anomalous sea-ice P-E flux kg, M2, S Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ W (vertical velocity). 680 OCtr/ W (vertical velocity). Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Topmelt. 681 OCtr/ Topmelt. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Botmelt. 682 OCtr/ Botmelt. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Fractional ice cover. 683 OCtr/ Fractional ice cover. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Ocean-ice heat flux. 684 OCtr/ Ocean-ice heat flux. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Carry heat. 685 OCtr/ Carry heat. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Carry salt. 686 OCtr/ Carry salt. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Actual ice depth. 687 OCtr/ Actual ice depth. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Snow depth over ice (m). 688 OCtr/ Snow depth over ice (m). Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Sea-ice internal pressure (usually in N.m-2) 689 OCtr/ Sea-ice internal pressure (usually in N.m-2) Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Sea-ice strength (usually in N.m-2) 690 OCtr/ Sea-ice strength (usually in N.m-2) Concept , FCode stable
691 691 Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Average snow depth. 692 OCtr/ Average snow depth. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Average ice cover. 693 OCtr/ Average ice cover. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Average O/I heat flux. 694 OCtr/ Average O/I heat flux. Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ KT Vertical tracer diffusion coeff 695 OCtr/ KT Vertical tracer diffusion coeff Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ RiT Richardson no tracer 696 OCtr/ RiT Richardson no tracer Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ HT Max depth Large scheme tracer 697 OCtr/ HT Max depth Large scheme tracer Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Downwards solar radiation over ice 698 OCtr/ Downwards solar radiation over ice Concept , FCode stable
OCtr/ Depth/m of ocean at TS points 699 OCtr/ Depth/m of ocean at TS points Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ River run-off ocean entry point co-ordinates. 700 OCuv/ River run-off ocean entry point co-ordinates. Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Baroclinic component of zonal velocity 701 OCuv/ Baroclinic component of zonal velocity Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Baroclinic component of meridional velocity 702 OCuv/ Baroclinic component of meridional velocity Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Zonal velocity (total) 703 OCuv/ Zonal velocity (total) Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Meridional velocity (total) 704 OCuv/ Meridional velocity (total) Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Barotropic component of zonal velocity 711 OCuv/ Barotropic component of zonal velocity Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Barotropic component of meridional velocity 712 OCuv/ Barotropic component of meridional velocity Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Baroclinic x-acceleration cm s**-2 713 OCuv/ Baroclinic x-acceleration cm s**-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Baroclinic y-acceleration cm s**-2 714 OCuv/ Baroclinic y-acceleration cm s**-2 Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Reciprocal of total depth 715 OCuv/ Reciprocal of total depth Concept , FCode stable
716 716 Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Number of vertical levels of ocean at U/V points. 717 OCuv/ Number of vertical levels of ocean at U/V points. Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Vertical integral of zonal velocity/m2 s-1 718 OCuv/ Vertical integral of zonal velocity/m2 s-1 Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Vertical integral of meridional velocity/m2 s-1 719 OCuv/ Vertical integral of meridional velocity/m2 s-1 Concept , FCode stable
720 720 Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Zonal component of windstress ('TAUX') 721 OCuv/ Zonal component of windstress ('TAUX') Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Meridional component of windstress ('TAUY') 722 OCuv/ Meridional component of windstress ('TAUY') Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ 'x' component of sea-ice velocity 728 OCuv/ 'x' component of sea-ice velocity Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ 'y' component of sea-ice velocity 729 OCuv/ 'y' component of sea-ice velocity Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Magnitude of sea-ice velocity 730 OCuv/ Magnitude of sea-ice velocity Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Zonal component of sea-ice velocity 731 OCuv/ Zonal component of sea-ice velocity Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Meridional component of sea-ice velocity 732 OCuv/ Meridional component of sea-ice velocity Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Zonal component of ice-ocean stress/Pa 733 OCuv/ Zonal component of ice-ocean stress/Pa Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Meridional component of ice-ocean stress/Pa 734 OCuv/ Meridional component of ice-ocean stress/Pa Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Zonal component of Coriolis stress/Pa 735 OCuv/ Zonal component of Coriolis stress/Pa Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Meridional component of Coriolis stress/Pa 736 OCuv/ Meridional component of Coriolis stress/Pa Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Zonal component of internal ice stress /Pa 737 OCuv/ Zonal component of internal ice stress /Pa Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Meridional component of internal ice stress /Pa 738 OCuv/ Meridional component of internal ice stress /Pa Concept , FCode stable
739 739 Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Zonal mean tracer transport diagnostics 740 OCuv/ Zonal mean tracer transport diagnostics Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, meridional: Advection 741 OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, meridional: Advection Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, meridional: Hor Diffusion 742 OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, meridional: Hor Diffusion Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, meridional: Vert Diffusion 743 OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, meridional: Vert Diffusio... Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, meridional: Coriolis 744 OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, meridional: Coriolis Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, meridional: Pressure 745 OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, meridional: Pressure Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, zonal: Advection 746 OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, zonal: Advection Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, zonal: Hor Diffusion 747 OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, zonal: Hor Diffusion Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, zonal: Vert Diffusion 748 OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, zonal: Vert Diffusion Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, zonal: Coriolis 749 OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, zonal: Coriolis Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, zonal: Pressure 750 OCuv/ Baroclinic acceleration diag, zonal: Pressure Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Meridional net pressure gradient 751 OCuv/ Meridional net pressure gradient Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Zonal net pressure gradient 752 OCuv/ Zonal net pressure gradient Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Meridional acceleration 753 OCuv/ Meridional acceleration Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ Zonal acceleration 754 OCuv/ Zonal acceleration Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ KM Vertical momentum diffusion coeff 795 OCuv/ KM Vertical momentum diffusion coeff Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ RiM Richardson no momentum 796 OCuv/ RiM Richardson no momentum Concept , FCode stable
OCuv/ HM Max depth Large scheme momentum 797 OCuv/ HM Max depth Large scheme momentum Concept , FCode stable
799 799 Concept , FCode stable
800 800 Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 1 (conventionally TCO2 ) 801 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 1 (conventionally TCO2 ) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 2 (conventionally alkalinity) 802 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 2 (conventionally alkalinity) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 3 (conventionally nutrient) 803 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 3 (conventionally nutrient) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 4 (conventionally phytoplankton conc.) 804 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 4 (conventionally phytoplankton conc.... Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 5 (conventionally zooplankton) 805 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 5 (conventionally zooplankton) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 6 (conventionally detritus) 806 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 6 (conventionally detritus) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 7 (conventionally tritium) 807 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 7 (conventionally tritium) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 8 (conventionally 3H+3He total mass) 808 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 8 (conventionally 3H+3He total mass) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 9 (conventionally CFC11) 809 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 9 (conventionally CFC11) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 10 (conventionally CFC12) 810 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 10 (conventionally CFC12) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 11 (conventionally CFC13) 811 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 11 (conventionally CFC13) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 12 (conventionally carbon 14) 812 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 12 (conventionally carbon 14) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 13 813 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 13 Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 14 814 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 14 Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 15 815 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 15 Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 16 816 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 16 Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 17 817 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 17 Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 18 818 OCE/ ocean extra tracer 18 Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ 819 OCE/ Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Sonic layer depth (m) 820 OCE/ Sonic layer depth (m) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Sonic layer trap at 10Hz (0/1) 821 OCE/ Sonic layer trap at 10Hz (0/1) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Sonic layer trap at 50Hz (0/1) 822 OCE/ Sonic layer trap at 50Hz (0/1) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Sonic layer trap at 1kHz (0/1) 823 OCE/ Sonic layer trap at 1kHz (0/1) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Sonic layer trap at 10kHz (0/1) 824 OCE/ Sonic layer trap at 10kHz (0/1) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Sound channel strength at 10Hz (1-3) 825 OCE/ Sound channel strength at 10Hz (1-3) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Sound channel strength at 50Hz (1-3) 826 OCE/ Sound channel strength at 50Hz (1-3) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Sound channel strength at 1kHz (1-3) 827 OCE/ Sound channel strength at 1kHz (1-3) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Sound channel strength at 10kHz (1-3) 828 OCE/ Sound channel strength at 10kHz (1-3) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Range to the 1st CZ (km) 829 OCE/ Range to the 1st CZ (km) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Strength of 1st CZ (0-100) 830 OCE/ Strength of 1st CZ (0-100) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Gent and McWilliams scheme eddy u velocity (ocean) 831 OCE/ Gent and McWilliams scheme eddy u velocity (ocean) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Gent and McWilliams scheme eddy v velocity (N face) (ocean) 832 OCE/ Gent and McWilliams scheme eddy v velocity (N face) (oce... Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Gent and McWilliams scheme eddy w velocity (top face) (ocean 833 OCE/ Gent and McWilliams scheme eddy w velocity (top face) (o... Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ d theta/dt from Gent and McWilliams scheme K/S 834 OCE/ d theta/dt from Gent and McWilliams scheme K/S Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Speed of sound in water m/s 835 OCE/ Speed of sound in water m/s Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Depth of sound speed minimum (sound channel) m 836 OCE/ Depth of sound speed minimum (sound channel) m Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Depth of max neg ssp grad (m) 837 OCE/ Depth of max neg ssp grad (m) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ CO2 atmosphere level 1 conc ppmv 838 OCE/ CO2 atmosphere level 1 conc ppmv Concept , FCode stable
839 839 Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Total temperature advection, zonal. 840 OCE/ Total temperature advection, zonal. Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Total temperature diffusion, zonal. 841 OCE/ Total temperature diffusion, zonal. Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Small sediment concentration (g m**-3) 842 OCE/ Small sediment concentration (g m**-3) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Large sediment concentration (g m**-3) 843 OCE/ Large sediment concentration (g m**-3) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Total sediment concentration (g m**-3) 844 OCE/ Total sediment concentration (g m**-3) Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Surface height analysis weights 850 OA/ Surface height analysis weights Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Mixed layer depth analysis weights 851 OA/ Mixed layer depth analysis weights Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Surface temperature analysis weights 852 OA/ Surface temperature analysis weights Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Potential temperature analysis weights 853 OA/ Potential temperature analysis weights Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Salinity analysis weights 854 OA/ Salinity analysis weights Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Velocity components analysis weights 855 OA/ Velocity components analysis weights Concept , FCode stable
856 856 Concept , FCode stable
857 857 Concept , FCode stable
858 858 Concept , FCode stable
859 859 Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Surface height analysis increments 860 OA/ Surface height analysis increments Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Mixed layer depth analysis increments 861 OA/ Mixed layer depth analysis increments Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Surface temperature analysis increments 862 OA/ Surface temperature analysis increments Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Potential temperature analysis increments 863 OA/ Potential temperature analysis increments Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Salinity analysis increments 864 OA/ Salinity analysis increments Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Zonal velocity analysis increments 865 OA/ Zonal velocity analysis increments Concept , FCode stable
866 866 Concept , FCode stable
867 867 Concept , FCode stable
868 868 Concept , FCode stable
869 869 Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Meridional velocity analysis increments 870 OA/ Meridional velocity analysis increments Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Meridional velocity increments after surface height analysis 871 OA/ Meridional velocity increments after surface height analy... Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Meridional velocity increments after thermal analysis 872 OA/ Meridional velocity increments after thermal analysis Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Meridional velocity increments after saline analysis 873 OA/ Meridional velocity increments after saline analysis Concept , FCode stable
874 874 Concept , FCode stable
875 875 Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Zonal velocity increments after surface height analysis 876 OA/ Zonal velocity increments after surface height analysis Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Zonal velocity increments after thermal analysis 877 OA/ Zonal velocity increments after thermal analysis Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Zonal velocity increments after saline analysis 878 OA/ Zonal velocity increments after saline analysis Concept , FCode stable
879 879 Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Pressure increments after surface height analysis 880 OA/ Pressure increments after surface height analysis Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Pressure increments after thermal analysis 881 OA/ Pressure increments after thermal analysis Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Pressure increments after saline analysis 882 OA/ Pressure increments after saline analysis Concept , FCode stable
883 883 Concept , FCode stable
884 884 Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Potential temperature increments after surface height analys 885 OA/ Potential temperature increments after surface height ana... Concept , FCode stable
886 886 Concept , FCode stable
887 887 Concept , FCode stable
OA/ Saline increments after surface height analysis 888 OA/ Saline increments after surface height analysis Concept , FCode stable
889 889 Concept , FCode stable
890 890 Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Rate of change of sea-ice concentration /s-1 918 OCE/ Rate of change of sea-ice concentration /s-1 Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Rate of change of sea-ice depth /m s-1 919 OCE/ Rate of change of sea-ice depth /m s-1 Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Rate of change of snowdepth on sea-ice /m s-1 920 OCE/ Rate of change of snowdepth on sea-ice /m s-1 Concept , FCode stable
OCE/Ocean Nr Surface Chlorophyll content (kg m-3) 921 OCE/Ocean Nr Surface Chlorophyll content (kg m-3) Concept , FCode stable
OCE/Freshwater flux from Iceberg Calving 922 OCE/Freshwater flux from Iceberg Calving Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Total temperature advection, meridional. 940 OCE/ Total temperature advection, meridional. Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Total temperature diffusion, meridional. 941 OCE/ Total temperature diffusion, meridional. Concept , FCode stable
OCE/ Mmeridional overturning streamfunction/Sv 942 OCE/ Mmeridional overturning streamfunction/Sv Concept , FCode stable
Total freshwater flux into ocean at t-1 (kg/m**3)(cm/s) 943 Total freshwater flux into ocean at t-1 (kg/m**3)(cm/s) Concept , FCode stable
Unsmoothed surface pressure tendency (g/cm/s**2) 944 Unsmoothed surface pressure tendency (g/cm/s**2) Concept , FCode stable
Maximum current in water column (zonal component) 945 Maximum current in water column (zonal component) Concept , FCode stable
Maximum current in water column (meridional component) 946 Maximum current in water column (meridional component) Concept , FCode stable
Depth of maximum current in water column 947 Depth of maximum current in water column Concept , FCode stable
1000 1000 Concept , FCode stable
wqt flux 1001 wqt flux Concept , FCode stable
wql flux 1002 wql flux Concept , FCode stable
wthetal flux 1003 wthetal flux Concept , FCode stable
wthetav flux 1004 wthetav flux Concept , FCode stable
sub cloud layer convective velocity scale 1005 sub cloud layer convective velocity scale Concept , FCode stable
cumulus layer convective velocity scale 1006 cumulus layer convective velocity scale Concept , FCode stable
cloud base mass flux 1007 cloud base mass flux Concept , FCode stable
congestus indicator 1 1008 congestus indicator 1 Concept , FCode stable
congestus indicator 2 1009 congestus indicator 2 Concept , FCode stable
termination model level for congestus 1010 termination model level for congestus Concept , FCode stable
height of top of shallow convection 1011 height of top of shallow convection Concept , FCode stable
height of base of shallow convection 1012 height of base of shallow convection Concept , FCode stable
height of top of congestus convection 1013 height of top of congestus convection Concept , FCode stable
height of base of congestus convection 1014 height of base of congestus convection Concept , FCode stable
Direct UV Flux (on 38 levels) 1027 Direct UV Flux (on 38 levels) Concept , FCode stable
Upward UV Flux (on 38 levels) 1028 Upward UV Flux (on 38 levels) Concept , FCode stable
Net Downward UV FLUX (on 38 levels) 1029 Net Downward UV FLUX (on 38 levels) Concept , FCode stable
SLOPE ASPECT 1031 SLOPE ASPECT Concept , FCode stable
SLOPE ANGLE 1032 SLOPE ANGLE Concept , FCode stable
Mass flux on half levels (i.e. rho levels). 1035 Mass flux on half levels (i.e. rho levels). Concept , FCode stable
nitrate (mmol m-3) 1037 nitrate (mmol m-3) Concept , FCode stable
phosphate (mmol m-3) 1038 phosphate (mmol m-3) Concept , FCode stable
diatom biomass (mg-C m-3) 1039 diatom biomass (mg-C m-3) Concept , FCode stable
flagellate biomass (mg-C m-3) 1040 flagellate biomass (mg-C m-3) Concept , FCode stable
picoplankton biomass (mg-C m-3) 1041 picoplankton biomass (mg-C m-3) Concept , FCode stable
dinoflagellate biomass (mg-C m-3) 1042 dinoflagellate biomass (mg-C m-3) Concept , FCode stable
dissolved oxygen concentration (mmol m-3) 1043 dissolved oxygen concentration (mmol m-3) Concept , FCode stable
zooplankton biomass (mg-C m-3) 1044 zooplankton biomass (mg-C m-3) Concept , FCode stable
underwater visibility (m) 1045 underwater visibility (m) Concept , FCode stable
daily averaged visibility (m) 1046 daily averaged visibility (m) Concept , FCode stable
0/351 Clim Biogenic Aerosol 1047 0/351 Clim Biogenic Aerosol Concept , FCode stable
0/352 Clim Biomass-burning (fresh) 1048 0/352 Clim Biomass-burning (fresh) Concept , FCode stable
0/353 Clim Biomass-burning (aged) 1049 0/353 Clim Biomass-burning (aged) Concept , FCode stable
0/354 Clim Biomass-burning (in-cloud) 1050 0/354 Clim Biomass-burning (in-cloud) Concept , FCode stable
0/355 Clim Black Carbon (fresh) 1051 0/355 Clim Black Carbon (fresh) Concept , FCode stable
0/356 Clim Black Carbon (aged) 1052 0/356 Clim Black Carbon (aged) Concept , FCode stable
0/357 Clim Sea-salt (film mode) 1053 0/357 Clim Sea-salt (film mode) Concept , FCode stable
0/358 Clim Sea-salt (jet mode) 1054 0/358 Clim Sea-salt (jet mode) Concept , FCode stable
0/359 Clim Sulphate (accumulation mode) 1055 0/359 Clim Sulphate (accumulation mode) Concept , FCode stable
0/360 Clim Sulphate (Aitken mode) 1056 0/360 Clim Sulphate (Aitken mode) Concept , FCode stable
0/361 Clim Sulphate (dissolved) 1057 0/361 Clim Sulphate (dissolved) Concept , FCode stable
0/362 Clim Dust size division 1 1058 0/362 Clim Dust size division 1 Concept , FCode stable
0/363 Clim Dust size division 2 1059 0/363 Clim Dust size division 2 Concept , FCode stable
0/364 Clim Dust size division 3 1060 0/364 Clim Dust size division 3 Concept , FCode stable
0/365 Clim Dust size division 4 1061 0/365 Clim Dust size division 4 Concept , FCode stable
0/366 Clim Dust size division 5 1062 0/366 Clim Dust size division 5 Concept , FCode stable
0/367 Clim Dust size division 6 1063 0/367 Clim Dust size division 6 Concept , FCode stable
0/368 Reserved for other aerosol clims 1064 0/368 Reserved for other aerosol clims Concept , FCode stable
0/369 Reserved for other aerosol clims 1065 0/369 Reserved for other aerosol clims Concept , FCode stable
0/370 Reserved for other aerosol clims 1066 0/370 Reserved for other aerosol clims Concept , FCode stable
0/371 Reserved for other aerosol clims 1067 0/371 Reserved for other aerosol clims Concept , FCode stable
0/372 Reserved for other aerosol clims 1068 0/372 Reserved for other aerosol clims Concept , FCode stable
0/373 Reserved for other aerosol clims 1069 0/373 Reserved for other aerosol clims Concept , FCode stable
0/374 Reserved for other aerosol clims 1070 0/374 Reserved for other aerosol clims Concept , FCode stable
2/289 Biogenic aerosol optical depth 1071 2/289 Biogenic aerosol optical depth Concept , FCode stable
Reserved just in case 1072 Reserved just in case Concept , FCode stable
Reserved just in case 1073 Reserved just in case Concept , FCode stable
Grid-box mean roughness length for momentum without orographic enhancement (m). 1074 Grid-box mean roughness length for momentum without orographi... Concept , FCode stable
Main ozone tracer: prognostic ozone tracer 1080 Main ozone tracer: prognostic ozone tracer Concept , FCode stable
Coeff 1: car o3 prod-loss (P-L) 1081 Coeff 1: car o3 prod-loss (P-L) Concept , FCode stable
Coeff 2: car o3 P-L wrt o3 mix ratio 1082 Coeff 2: car o3 P-L wrt o3 mix ratio Concept , FCode stable
Coeff 3: car o3 vol mixing ratio 1083 Coeff 3: car o3 vol mixing ratio Concept , FCode stable
Coeff 4: car o3 P-L wrt temp 1084 Coeff 4: car o3 P-L wrt temp Concept , FCode stable
Coeff 5: car o3 clim temp 1085 Coeff 5: car o3 clim temp Concept , FCode stable
Coeff 6: car o3 P-L wrt o3 above point 1086 Coeff 6: car o3 P-L wrt o3 above point Concept , FCode stable
Coeff 7: car o3 column above point 1087 Coeff 7: car o3 column above point Concept , FCode stable
reserved for C Mathison 1088 reserved for C Mathison Concept , FCode stable
reserved for C Mathison 1089 reserved for C Mathison Concept , FCode stable
Very Low Cloud amount 1090 Very Low Cloud amount Concept , FCode stable
Height of decoupled layer base (m) 1091 Height of decoupled layer base (m) Concept , FCode stable
Height of stratocumulus cloud base (m) 1092 Height of stratocumulus cloud base (m) Concept , FCode stable
Parametrized entrainment rate for surface-based mixed layer (m/s) 1093 Parametrized entrainment rate for surface-based mixed layer (... Concept , FCode stable
Parametrized entrainment rate at the boundary layer top (m/s) 1094 Parametrized entrainment rate at the boundary layer top (m/s) Concept , FCode stable
CCRad : Lowest conv. cloud base layer 1100 CCRad : Lowest conv. cloud base layer Concept , FCode stable
CCRad : CCW passed to radiation 1101 CCRad : CCW passed to radiation Concept , FCode stable
Surface emissivity at 23.8 GHz (F. Karbou) 1102 Surface emissivity at 23.8 GHz (F. Karbou) Concept , FCode stable
Standard deviation of surface emissivity at 23.8 GHz (F.Karbou) 1103 Standard deviation of surface emissivity at 23.8 GHz (F.Karbo... Concept , FCode stable
Surface emissivity at 31.4 GHz (F. Karbou) 1104 Surface emissivity at 31.4 GHz (F. Karbou) Concept , FCode stable
Standard deviation of surface emissivity at 31.4 GHz (F. Karbou) 1105 Standard deviation of surface emissivity at 31.4 GHz (F. Karb... Concept , FCode stable
Surface emissivity at 50.0 GHz (F. Karbou) 1106 Surface emissivity at 50.0 GHz (F. Karbou) Concept , FCode stable
Standard deviation of surface emissivity at 50.0 GHz (F. Karbou) 1107 Standard deviation of surface emissivity at 50.0 GHz (F. Karb... Concept , FCode stable
Surface emissivity at 89.0 GHz (F. Karbou) 1108 Surface emissivity at 89.0 GHz (F. Karbou) Concept , FCode stable
Standard deviation of surface emissivity at 89.0 GHz (F. Karbou) 1109 Standard deviation of surface emissivity at 89.0 GHz (F. Karb... Concept , FCode stable
Surface emissivity at 150.0 GHz (F. Karbou) 1110 Surface emissivity at 150.0 GHz (F. Karbou) Concept , FCode stable
Standard deviation of surface emissivity at 150.0 GHz (F. Karbou) 1111 Standard deviation of surface emissivity at 150.0 GHz (F. Kar... Concept , FCode stable
Shear vorticity 1112 Shear vorticity Concept , FCode stable
Curvature vorticity 1113 Curvature vorticity Concept , FCode stable
Zenith Total delay (ZTD) 1114 Zenith Total delay (ZTD) Concept , FCode stable
Total wave directional spread 1115 Total wave directional spread Concept , FCode stable
Secondary swell field sig. height 1116 Secondary swell field sig. height Concept , FCode stable
Tertiary swell field sig. height 1117 Tertiary swell field sig. height Concept , FCode stable
Secondary swell field period 1118 Secondary swell field period Concept , FCode stable
Tertiary swell field period 1119 Tertiary swell field period Concept , FCode stable
Wind sea wavelength 1120 Wind sea wavelength Concept , FCode stable
Primary swell field wavelength 1121 Primary swell field wavelength Concept , FCode stable
Secondary swell field wavelength 1122 Secondary swell field wavelength Concept , FCode stable
Tertiary swell field wavelength 1123 Tertiary swell field wavelength Concept , FCode stable
Secondary swell field principle dir 1124 Secondary swell field principle dir Concept , FCode stable
Tertiary swell field principle dir 1125 Tertiary swell field principle dir Concept , FCode stable
Wind sea directional spread 1126 Wind sea directional spread Concept , FCode stable
Primary swell field dir. spread 1127 Primary swell field dir. spread Concept , FCode stable
Secondary swell field dir. spread 1128 Secondary swell field dir. spread Concept , FCode stable
Tertiary swell field dir. spread 1129 Tertiary swell field dir. spread Concept , FCode stable
Primary swell wind sea fraction 1130 Primary swell wind sea fraction Concept , FCode stable
Secondary swell wind sea fraction 1131 Secondary swell wind sea fraction Concept , FCode stable
Teriary swell wind sea fraction 1132 Teriary swell wind sea fraction Concept , FCode stable
Total wind sea fraction 1133 Total wind sea fraction Concept , FCode stable
CAPE timescale,deep (secs). 1134 CAPE timescale,deep (secs). Concept , FCode stable
Indicator of reduced CAPE timescale. 1135 Indicator of reduced CAPE timescale. Concept , FCode stable
Distance from Coast (m) 1136 Distance from Coast (m) Concept , FCode stable
Radiative Screen Temp on Tiles (K) 1137 Radiative Screen Temp on Tiles (K) Concept , FCode stable
Radiative Screen Temp on Sea Ice (K) 1138 Radiative Screen Temp on Sea Ice (K) Concept , FCode stable
Time since Transition (s) 1139 Time since Transition (s) Concept , FCode stable
...... Free for General use ...... 1140 ...... Free for General use ...... Concept , FCode stable
...... Free for General use ...... 1141 ...... Free for General use ...... Concept , FCode stable
...... Free for General use ...... 1142 ...... Free for General use ...... Concept , FCode stable
...... Free for General use ...... 1143 ...... Free for General use ...... Concept , FCode stable
...... Free for General use ...... 1144 ...... Free for General use ...... Concept , FCode stable
...... Free for General use ...... 1145 ...... Free for General use ...... Concept , FCode stable
...... Free for General use ...... 1146 ...... Free for General use ...... Concept , FCode stable
...... Free for General use ...... 1147 ...... Free for General use ...... Concept , FCode stable
...... Free for General use ...... 1148 ...... Free for General use ...... Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 30 (conventionally OCFF) 1149 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 30 (conventionally OCFF) Concept , FCode stable
Mass mixing ratio fresh OCFF 1150 Mass mixing ratio fresh OCFF Concept , FCode stable
Mass mixing ratio aged OCFF 1151 Mass mixing ratio aged OCFF Concept , FCode stable
Mass mixing ratio cloud OCFF 1152 Mass mixing ratio cloud OCFF Concept , FCode stable
Fresh OCFF surface dry deposition flux kg/m2/s 1153 Fresh OCFF surface dry deposition flux kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Aged OCFF surface dry deposition flux kg/m2/s 1154 Aged OCFF surface dry deposition flux kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
OCFF in cloud occult deposition flux kg/m2/s 1155 OCFF in cloud occult deposition flux kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Large scale rainout of OCFF 1156 Large scale rainout of OCFF Concept , FCode stable
Large scale washout of OCFF 1157 Large scale washout of OCFF Concept , FCode stable
Convective scavenging of OCFF 1158 Convective scavenging of OCFF Concept , FCode stable
RHOKH_MIX 1160 RHOKH_MIX Concept , FCode stable
ARESIST [ 1/(CD_STD*VSHR) ] 1162 ARESIST [ 1/(CD_STD*VSHR) ] Concept , FCode stable
RESIST_B (1/CH-1/CD_STD)/VSHR 1163 RESIST_B (1/CH-1/CD_STD)/VSHR Concept , FCode stable
Rho * entrainment rate 1166 Rho * entrainment rate Concept , FCode stable
Fraction of the timestep 1167 Fraction of the timestep Concept , FCode stable
zrzi 1168 zrzi Concept , FCode stable
Rho * entrainment rate dsc 1170 Rho * entrainment rate dsc Concept , FCode stable
Fraction of the timestep dsc 1171 Fraction of the timestep dsc Concept , FCode stable
zrzi dsc 1172 zrzi dsc Concept , FCode stable
ZHSC Top of decoupled layer 1173 ZHSC Top of decoupled layer Concept , FCode stable
Surface layer resist for dust div1 1174 Surface layer resist for dust div1 Concept , FCode stable
Surface layer resist for dust div2 1175 Surface layer resist for dust div2 Concept , FCode stable
Surface layer resist for dust div3 1176 Surface layer resist for dust div3 Concept , FCode stable
Surface layer resist for dust div4 1177 Surface layer resist for dust div4 Concept , FCode stable
Surface layer resist for dust div5 1178 Surface layer resist for dust div5 Concept , FCode stable
Surface layer resist for dust div6 1179 Surface layer resist for dust div6 Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 1 (conventionally O3) 1301 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 1 (conventionally O3) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 2 (conventionally H2O) 1302 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 2 (conventionally H2O) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 3 (conventionally CO) 1303 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 3 (conventionally CO) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 4 (conventionally CH4) 1304 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 4 (conventionally CH4) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 5 (conventionally N2O) 1305 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 5 (conventionally N2O) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 6 (conventionally NO) 1306 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 6 (conventionally NO) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 7 (conventionally NO2) 1307 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 7 (conventionally NO2) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 8 (conventionally HNO3) 1308 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 8 (conventionally HNO3) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 9 (conventionally N2O5) 1309 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 9 (conventionally N2O5) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 10 (conventionally ClONO2) 1310 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 10 (conventionally ClONO2) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 11 (conventionally ClO) 1311 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 11 (conventionally ClO) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 12 (conventionally HCl) 1312 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 12 (conventionally HCl) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 13 (conventionally CF2Cl2) 1313 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 13 (conventionally CF2Cl2) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 14 (conventionally CFCl3) 1314 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 14 (conventionally CFCl3) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 15 (conventionally HF) 1315 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 15 (conventionally HF) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 16 1316 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 16 Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 17 1317 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 17 Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 18 1318 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 18 Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 19 (conventionally SO2) 1319 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 19 (conventionally SO2) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 20 (conventionally DMS) 1320 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 20 (conventionally DMS) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 20 (conventionally DMS) 1321 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 20 (conventionally DMS) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 21 (conventionally H2S) 1322 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 21 (conventionally H2S) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 22 (conventionally WATER-SOLUBLE) 1323 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 22 (conventionally WATER-SOLUBL... Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 23 (conventionally DUST-LIKE) 1324 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 23 (conventionally DUST-LIKE) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 24 (conventionally OCEANIC) 1325 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 24 (conventionally OCEANIC) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 25 (conventionally SOOT) 1326 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 25 (conventionally SOOT) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 26 (conventionally VOLCANIC ASH) 1327 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 26 (conventionally VOLCANIC ASH... Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 27 (conventionally SULPHURIC ACID) 1328 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 27 (conventionally SULPHURIC AC... Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 28 (conventionally AMMONIUM SULPHAT 1329 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 28 (conventionally AMMONIUM SUL... Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric tracer 29 (conventionally MINERAL) 1330 BL flux of atmospheric tracer 29 (conventionally MINERAL) Concept , FCode stable
BL flux of atmospheric total aerosol 1331 BL flux of atmospheric total aerosol Concept , FCode stable
Ice Possible (0- -20 Celcius, RH =>70%) 1.0=possible;0.0 not 1332 Ice Possible (0- -20 Celcius, RH =>70%) 1.0=possible;0.0 not Concept , FCode stable
Liquid water in any region averaged during all-sky conditions 1333 Liquid water in any region averaged during all-sky conditions Concept , FCode stable
q*w (specific humidity * vertical velocity) 1334 q*w (specific humidity * vertical velocity) Concept , FCode stable
Fraction of time pressure level is above model surface 1335 Fraction of time pressure level is above model surface Concept , FCode stable
U * geopotential height 1336 U * geopotential height Concept , FCode stable
V * geopotential height 1337 V * geopotential height Concept , FCode stable
Virtual temperature 1338 Virtual temperature Concept , FCode stable
Saturation mixing ratio 1339 Saturation mixing ratio Concept , FCode stable
Reserved for VAR project : B.Ingleby/M Wlasek 1340 Reserved for VAR project : B.Ingleby/M Wlasek Concept , FCode stable
Reserved for VAR project : B Ingleby/M Wlasek 1369 Reserved for VAR project : B Ingleby/M Wlasek Concept , FCode stable
SO4 aerosol: Aitken mode. Units: mass mixing ratio (kg/kg) 1370 SO4 aerosol: Aitken mode. Units: mass mixing ratio (kg/kg) Concept , FCode stable
SO4 aerosol: accumulation mode. Units: mass mixing ratio (kg/kg) 1371 SO4 aerosol: accumulation mode. Units: mass mixing ratio (kg/... Concept , FCode stable
SO4 aerosol: dissolved mode. Units: mass mixing ratio (kg/kg) 1372 SO4 aerosol: dissolved mode. Units: mass mixing ratio (kg/kg) Concept , FCode stable
SO4 aerosol: DMS mass mixing ratio 1373 SO4 aerosol: DMS mass mixing ratio Concept , FCode stable
SO4 aerosol: SO2 mass mixing ratio 1374 SO4 aerosol: SO2 mass mixing ratio Concept , FCode stable
SO4 Methyl Sulphonic Acid mass mixing ratio kg/kg 1375 SO4 Methyl Sulphonic Acid mass mixing ratio kg/kg Concept , FCode stable
SO4 aerosol: column mass loading (kg/m2) 1376 SO4 aerosol: column mass loading (kg/m2) Concept , FCode stable
SO4 aerosol: SW radiative forcing (W/m2) 1377 SO4 aerosol: SW radiative forcing (W/m2) Concept , FCode stable
NH3 gas mass mass mix ratio kg/kg 1379 NH3 gas mass mass mix ratio kg/kg Concept , FCode stable
Van-Genuchten 'B' parameter 1380 Van-Genuchten 'B' parameter Concept , FCode stable
Clapp-Hornberger 'B' exponent 1381 Clapp-Hornberger 'B' exponent Concept , FCode stable
Leaf area index of vegetated fraction 1382 Leaf area index of vegetated fraction Concept , FCode stable
Canopy height of vegetated fraction 1383 Canopy height of vegetated fraction Concept , FCode stable
Canopy conductance 1384 Canopy conductance Concept , FCode stable
Unfrozen soil moisture fraction 1385 Unfrozen soil moisture fraction Concept , FCode stable
Frozen soil moisture fraction 1386 Frozen soil moisture fraction Concept , FCode stable
Transpiration 1387 Transpiration Concept , FCode stable
Gross Primary Productivity 1388 Gross Primary Productivity Concept , FCode stable
Net Primary Productivity 1389 Net Primary Productivity Concept , FCode stable
Plant Respiration 1390 Plant Respiration Concept , FCode stable
Fractional covering of functional types 1391 Fractional covering of functional types Concept , FCode stable
LAI of veg functional types 1392 LAI of veg functional types Concept , FCode stable
Canopy height of vegetation functional types 1393 Canopy height of vegetation functional types Concept , FCode stable
Disturbed fraction of vegetation 1394 Disturbed fraction of vegetation Concept , FCode stable
Soil albedo 1395 Soil albedo Concept , FCode stable
Snow soot 1396 Snow soot Concept , FCode stable
Soil carbon content 1397 Soil carbon content Concept , FCode stable
Accumulated net primary productivity on tiles (kg C/m2/sec) 1398 Accumulated net primary productivity on tiles (kg C/m2/sec) Concept , FCode stable
Mountain torque per unit area 1399 Mountain torque per unit area Concept , FCode stable
Surface dry deposition flux of SO2 kg/m2/s 1400 Surface dry deposition flux of SO2 kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Surface dry deposition flux of SO4 Aitken mode kg/m2/s 1401 Surface dry deposition flux of SO4 Aitken mode kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Surface dry deposition flux of SO4 ACCUMULATION mode kg/m2/s 1402 Surface dry deposition flux of SO4 ACCUMULATION mode kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Surface dry deposition flux of SO4 DISSOLVED mode kg/m2/s 1403 Surface dry deposition flux of SO4 DISSOLVED mode kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
RESIST_B for SO2 (Note: 1400-1416 are Sulphur Cycle BL diagnostic 1404 RESIST_B for SO2 (Note: 1400-1416 are Sulphur Cycle BL diagno... Concept , FCode stable
RESIST_B for SO2 Aitken mode 1405 RESIST_B for SO2 Aitken mode Concept , FCode stable
RESIST_B for SO2 ACCUMULATION mode 1406 RESIST_B for SO2 ACCUMULATION mode Concept , FCode stable
RESIST_B for SO2 DISSOLVED mode kg/m2/s 1407 RESIST_B for SO2 DISSOLVED mode kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
RESIST_S for SO2 1408 RESIST_S for SO2 Concept , FCode stable
RESIST_S for SO2 Aitken mode 1409 RESIST_S for SO2 Aitken mode Concept , FCode stable
RESIST_S for SO2 ACCUMULATION mode 1410 RESIST_S for SO2 ACCUMULATION mode Concept , FCode stable
RESIST_S for SO2 DISSOLVED mode 1411 RESIST_S for SO2 DISSOLVED mode Concept , FCode stable
Dry deposition velocity for SO2 1412 Dry deposition velocity for SO2 Concept , FCode stable
Dry deposition velocity for SO4 Aitken mode 1413 Dry deposition velocity for SO4 Aitken mode Concept , FCode stable
Dry deposition velocity for SO4 ACCUMULATION mode 1414 Dry deposition velocity for SO4 ACCUMULATION mode Concept , FCode stable
Dry deposition velocity for SO4 DISSOLVED mode 1415 Dry deposition velocity for SO4 DISSOLVED mode Concept , FCode stable
Aerodynamic resistance 1/CDSTD after TSTEP 1416 Aerodynamic resistance 1/CDSTD after TSTEP Concept , FCode stable
SO2 scavenged by convective precipitation kg(S)/m2/tstep 1417 SO2 scavenged by convective precipitation kg(S)/m2/tstep Concept , FCode stable
SO4 Aitken scavenged by convective precipitation kg(S)/m2/tstep 1418 SO4 Aitken scavenged by convective precipitation kg(S)/m2/tst... Concept , FCode stable
SO4 accumulation scavenged by convective precipitation kg(S)/m2/t 1419 SO4 accumulation scavenged by convective precipitation kg(S)/... Concept , FCode stable
SO4 dissolved scavenged by convective precipitation kg(S)/m2/tste 1420 SO4 dissolved scavenged by convective precipitation kg(S)/m2/... Concept , FCode stable
SO2 scavenged by large scale precipitation kg(S)/m2/tstep 1421 SO2 scavenged by large scale precipitation kg(S)/m2/tstep Concept , FCode stable
SO4 Aitken scavenged by large scale precipitation kg(S)/m2/tstep 1422 SO4 Aitken scavenged by large scale precipitation kg(S)/m2/ts... Concept , FCode stable
SO4 accumulation scavenged by large scale precipitation kg(S)/m2/ 1423 SO4 accumulation scavenged by large scale precipitation kg(S)... Concept , FCode stable
SO4 dissolved scavenged by large scale precipitation kg(S)/m2/tst 1424 SO4 dissolved scavenged by large scale precipitation kg(S)/m2... Concept , FCode stable
Layer liquid cloud amount in layers 1425 Layer liquid cloud amount in layers Concept , FCode stable
Layer frozen cloud amount in layers 1426 Layer frozen cloud amount in layers Concept , FCode stable
Layer cloud frequency in each layer 1427 Layer cloud frequency in each layer Concept , FCode stable
Net energy change this period J/m**2 1428 Net energy change this period J/m**2 Concept , FCode stable
Thickness (alternative code for other packages eg without BRLEV s 1429 Thickness (alternative code for other packages eg without BRL... Concept , FCode stable
Thickness tendency (as above) 1430 Thickness tendency (as above) Concept , FCode stable
du/dp 1431 du/dp Concept , FCode stable
dv/dp 1432 dv/dp Concept , FCode stable
dtheta/dp 1433 dtheta/dp Concept , FCode stable
dtheta_e/dp 1434 dtheta_e/dp Concept , FCode stable
Moist PV 1435 Moist PV Concept , FCode stable
Magnitude Geostrophic Deformation 1436 Magnitude Geostrophic Deformation Concept , FCode stable
EW cpt, Geostrophic deformation axis 1437 EW cpt, Geostrophic deformation axis Concept , FCode stable
NS cpt, Geostrophic deformation axis 1438 NS cpt, Geostrophic deformation axis Concept , FCode stable
Magnitude Grad(ThetaW) 1439 Magnitude Grad(ThetaW) Concept , FCode stable
EW cpt Grad(ThetaW) 1440 EW cpt Grad(ThetaW) Concept , FCode stable
NS cpt Grad(ThetaW) 1441 NS cpt Grad(ThetaW) Concept , FCode stable
Geostrophic Deformation wrt ThetaW 1442 Geostrophic Deformation wrt ThetaW Concept , FCode stable
Geostrophic Relative Vorticity 1443 Geostrophic Relative Vorticity Concept , FCode stable
Magnitude Grad(Theta) 1444 Magnitude Grad(Theta) Concept , FCode stable
EW cpt Grad(Theta) 1445 EW cpt Grad(Theta) Concept , FCode stable
NS cpt Grad(Theta) 1446 NS cpt Grad(Theta) Concept , FCode stable
Omega eqn. inversion with diabatic forcing 1447 Omega eqn. inversion with diabatic forcing Concept , FCode stable
Omega eqn. inversion with divQ & diabatic forcing 1448 Omega eqn. inversion with divQ & diabatic forcing Concept , FCode stable
Omega eqn. inversion with divQ only 1449 Omega eqn. inversion with divQ only Concept , FCode stable
Omega eqn. inversion with divQ 800-600mb 1450 Omega eqn. inversion with divQ 800-600mb Concept , FCode stable
Omega eqn. inversion with divQ 600-100mb 1451 Omega eqn. inversion with divQ 600-100mb Concept , FCode stable
Omega eqn. inversion with divQ 1000-800mb 1452 Omega eqn. inversion with divQ 1000-800mb Concept , FCode stable
DelSqd(ThetaW) 1453 DelSqd(ThetaW) Concept , FCode stable
Local value of magnitude of grad(ThetaW) 1454 Local value of magnitude of grad(ThetaW) Concept , FCode stable
Theta Frontal Speed - advection of magnitude (theta_w) 1455 Theta Frontal Speed - advection of magnitude (theta_w) Concept , FCode stable
Advection of theta_w 1456 Advection of theta_w Concept , FCode stable
Geostrophic advection of theta_w 1457 Geostrophic advection of theta_w Concept , FCode stable
DelSqd(Theta) 1458 DelSqd(Theta) Concept , FCode stable
Local value of magnitude of grad(Theta) 1459 Local value of magnitude of grad(Theta) Concept , FCode stable
Theta Frontal Speed - advection of magnitude (theta) 1460 Theta Frontal Speed - advection of magnitude (theta) Concept , FCode stable
Advection of theta 1461 Advection of theta Concept , FCode stable
Geostrophic advection of theta 1462 Geostrophic advection of theta Concept , FCode stable
Ambient noise 1463 Ambient noise Concept , FCode stable
Droplet number conc * cloud amount 1464 Droplet number conc * cloud amount Concept , FCode stable
Layer cloud lwc * cloud amount 1465 Layer cloud lwc * cloud amount Concept , FCode stable
SO4 ccn mass conc * cond samp weight 1466 SO4 ccn mass conc * cond samp weight Concept , FCode stable
Conditional sampling weight 1467 Conditional sampling weight Concept , FCode stable
2-D effective radius * 2-D re weight 1468 2-D effective radius * 2-D re weight Concept , FCode stable
Weight for 2-D effective radius 1469 Weight for 2-D effective radius Concept , FCode stable
Advection of mixing ratio 1470 Advection of mixing ratio Concept , FCode stable
Advection of dew point temperature 1471 Advection of dew point temperature Concept , FCode stable
Advection of relative humidity 1472 Advection of relative humidity Concept , FCode stable
Advection of relative vorticity 1473 Advection of relative vorticity Concept , FCode stable
Advection of absolute vorticity 1474 Advection of absolute vorticity Concept , FCode stable
'X' Component of Isallobaric Wind (corrected from u July 1998) 1475 'X' Component of Isallobaric Wind (corrected from u July 1998... Concept , FCode stable
'Y' Component of Isallobaric Wind (corrected from v July 1998) 1476 'Y' Component of Isallobaric Wind (corrected from v July 1998... Concept , FCode stable
Scalar Divergence 1477 Scalar Divergence Concept , FCode stable
Showalter index (an instability index) 1478 Showalter index (an instability index) Concept , FCode stable
Total total index (an instability index) 1479 Total total index (an instability index) Concept , FCode stable
Sweat index (an instability index) 1480 Sweat index (an instability index) Concept , FCode stable
Lifted index (an instability index) 1481 Lifted index (an instability index) Concept , FCode stable
Cape (convective available potential energy) 1482 Cape (convective available potential energy) Concept , FCode stable
k index (an instability index) 1483 k index (an instability index) Concept , FCode stable
Saturation vapour pressure 1484 Saturation vapour pressure Concept , FCode stable
Modified refractivity index, M (M units) 1485 Modified refractivity index, M (M units) Concept , FCode stable
Vertical gradient of modified refractivity, dM/dz (M/km) 1486 Vertical gradient of modified refractivity, dM/dz (M/km) Concept , FCode stable
Minimum of dM/dz with height (M/km) 1487 Minimum of dM/dz with height (M/km) Concept , FCode stable
Maximum of dM/dz with height (M/km) 1488 Maximum of dM/dz with height (M/km) Concept , FCode stable
Radar duct intensity (max wavelength trapped) (cm) 1489 Radar duct intensity (max wavelength trapped) (cm) Concept , FCode stable
Refractivity index, N (N units) 1490 Refractivity index, N (N units) Concept , FCode stable
Fresh soot mass mix ratio kg/kg 1491 Fresh soot mass mix ratio kg/kg Concept , FCode stable
Aged soot mass mix ratio kg/kg 1492 Aged soot mass mix ratio kg/kg Concept , FCode stable
Soot in cloud mix ratio kg/kg 1493 Soot in cloud mix ratio kg/kg Concept , FCode stable
SO4 Aitken surface settlement flux kg/m2/s 1494 SO4 Aitken surface settlement flux kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
SO4 Accumulation surface settlement flux kg/m2/s 1495 SO4 Accumulation surface settlement flux kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
MSA (methyl sulphonic acid) mass mixing ratio flux kg/kg/s 1496 MSA (methyl sulphonic acid) mass mixing ratio flux kg/kg/s Concept , FCode stable
NH3 (ammonia) depletion after tstep kg/kg 1497 NH3 (ammonia) depletion after tstep kg/kg Concept , FCode stable
Ship noise (from passing ships) 1498 Ship noise (from passing ships) Concept , FCode stable
Leaf turnover rate of plant functional types (/360days) 1499 Leaf turnover rate of plant functional types (/360days) Concept , FCode stable
Accumulated leaf turnover rate on PFTs (1/sec) 1500 Accumulated leaf turnover rate on PFTs (1/sec) Concept , FCode stable
Accumulated phenological leaf turnover rate on PFTs (sec-1) 1501 Accumulated phenological leaf turnover rate on PFTs (sec-1) Concept , FCode stable
Accumulated wood respiration on PFTs (kg C/m2/sec) 1502 Accumulated wood respiration on PFTs (kg C/m2/sec) Concept , FCode stable
Accumulated soil respiration (kg C/m2/sec) 1503 Accumulated soil respiration (kg C/m2/sec) Concept , FCode stable
Canopy & surface water content on tiles (kg/m2) 1504 Canopy & surface water content on tiles (kg/m2) Concept , FCode stable
Canopy & surface capacity on tiles (kg/m2) 1505 Canopy & surface capacity on tiles (kg/m2) Concept , FCode stable
Infiltration enhancement factor on tiles 1506 Infiltration enhancement factor on tiles Concept , FCode stable
Snow grain size (microns) 1507 Snow grain size (microns) Concept , FCode stable
Snow temperature (K) 1508 Snow temperature (K) Concept , FCode stable
Radiative surface temperature (K) 1509 Radiative surface temperature (K) Concept , FCode stable
Surface temperature on tiles (K) 1510 Surface temperature on tiles (K) Concept , FCode stable
Roughness length on tiles (m) 1511 Roughness length on tiles (m) Concept , FCode stable
Vegetation carbon on Plant Functional Types (PFTs) (kg C / m2) 1512 Vegetation carbon on Plant Functional Types (PFTs) (kg C / m2... Concept , FCode stable
Gridbox mean vegetation carbon (kg C / m2) 1513 Gridbox mean vegetation carbon (kg C / m2) Concept , FCode stable
Phenological leaf turnover rate on PFTs (1/sec) 1514 Phenological leaf turnover rate on PFTs (1/sec) Concept , FCode stable
Litter carbon on Plant Functional Types (PFTs) (kg C / m2 / year) 1515 Litter carbon on Plant Functional Types (PFTs) (kg C / m2 / y... Concept , FCode stable
Gridbox mean litter carbon (kg C / m2 / year) 1516 Gridbox mean litter carbon (kg C / m2 / year) Concept , FCode stable
Canopy evaporation on tiles (kg / m2 /sec) 1517 Canopy evaporation on tiles (kg / m2 /sec) Concept , FCode stable
Evapotranspiration from the soil (kg / m2 /sec) 1518 Evapotranspiration from the soil (kg / m2 /sec) Concept , FCode stable
Gross primary productivity on plant functional types (kg C/m2/sec 1519 Gross primary productivity on plant functional types (kg C/m2... Concept , FCode stable
Sensible heat flux on tiles (W/m2) 1520 Sensible heat flux on tiles (W/m2) Concept , FCode stable
Net primary productivity on plant functional types (kg C/m2/sec) 1521 Net primary productivity on plant functional types (kg C/m2/s... Concept , FCode stable
Plant respiration on plant functional types (kg C/m2/sec) 1522 Plant respiration on plant functional types (kg C/m2/sec) Concept , FCode stable
Soil respiration (kg C/m2/sec) 1523 Soil respiration (kg C/m2/sec) Concept , FCode stable
Bulk Richardson number on tiles 1524 Bulk Richardson number on tiles Concept , FCode stable
Fractional snow cover 1525 Fractional snow cover Concept , FCode stable
Rate of evaporation from soil surface kg/m2/s 1526 Rate of evaporation from soil surface kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Rate of evaporation from canopy kg/m2/s 1527 Rate of evaporation from canopy kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Rate of sublimation from surface (gridbox mean) kg/m2/s 1528 Rate of sublimation from surface (gridbox mean) kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Rate of transpiration kg/m2/s 1529 Rate of transpiration kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Rate of snow melt on land kg/m2/s 1530 Rate of snow melt on land kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Rate of canopy throughfall kg/m2/s 1531 Rate of canopy throughfall kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Rate of surface runoff kg/m2/s 1532 Rate of surface runoff kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Rate of sub-surface runoff kg/m2/s 1533 Rate of sub-surface runoff kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Turbulent mixing ht after Boundary Layer m 1534 Turbulent mixing ht after Boundary Layer m Concept , FCode stable
Stable BL indicator 1535 Stable BL indicator Concept , FCode stable
Stratocumulus over stable BL indicator 1536 Stratocumulus over stable BL indicator Concept , FCode stable
Well_mixed BL indicator 1537 Well_mixed BL indicator Concept , FCode stable
Decoupled SC not over CU indicator 1538 Decoupled SC not over CU indicator Concept , FCode stable
Decoupled SC over CU indicator 1539 Decoupled SC over CU indicator Concept , FCode stable
Cumulus-capped BL indicator 1540 Cumulus-capped BL indicator Concept , FCode stable
NH3 Surface dry deposition flux kg/m2/s 1541 NH3 Surface dry deposition flux kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Fresh soot surface dry deposition flux kg/m2/s 1542 Fresh soot surface dry deposition flux kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Aged soot surface dry deposition flux kg/m2/s 1543 Aged soot surface dry deposition flux kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Soot in cloud occult deposition flux kg/m2/s 1544 Soot in cloud occult deposition flux kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
NH3 scavenged by large scale precipitation kg/m2/s 1545 NH3 scavenged by large scale precipitation kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Soot scavenged by large scale precipitation kg/m2/s 1546 Soot scavenged by large scale precipitation kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
SO2 scavenged by large scale precipitation kg/m2/s 1547 SO2 scavenged by large scale precipitation kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
SO4 Aitken scavenged by large scale precipitation kg/m2/s 1548 SO4 Aitken scavenged by large scale precipitation kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
SO4 accumulation scavenged by large scale precipitation kg/m2/s 1549 SO4 accumulation scavenged by large scale precipitation kg/m2... Concept , FCode stable
SO4 dissolved scavenged by large scale precipitation kg/m2/s 1550 SO4 dissolved scavenged by large scale precipitation kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
NH3 scavenged by convective precipitation kg/m2/s 1551 NH3 scavenged by convective precipitation kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Soot scavenged by convective precipitation kg/m2/s 1552 Soot scavenged by convective precipitation kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
SO2 scavenged by convective precipitation kg/m2/s 1553 SO2 scavenged by convective precipitation kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
SO4 Aitken scavenged by convective precipitation kg/m2/s 1554 SO4 Aitken scavenged by convective precipitation kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
SO4 accumulation scavenged by convective precipitation kg/m2/s 1555 SO4 accumulation scavenged by convective precipitation kg/m2/... Concept , FCode stable
SO4 dissolved scavenged by convective precipitation kg/m2/s 1556 SO4 dissolved scavenged by convective precipitation kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Potential evaporation amount kg/m2/tstep 1557 Potential evaporation amount kg/m2/tstep Concept , FCode stable
Potential evaporation rate kg/m2/s 1558 Potential evaporation rate kg/m2/s Concept , FCode stable
Soil moisture availability factor 1559 Soil moisture availability factor Concept , FCode stable
CO2 ocean flux kg/m**2/s 1560 CO2 ocean flux kg/m**2/s Concept , FCode stable
CO2 surface emissions kg/m**2/s 1561 CO2 surface emissions kg/m**2/s Concept , FCode stable
CO2 land surface flux kg/m**2/s 1562 CO2 land surface flux kg/m**2/s Concept , FCode stable
CO2 total flux to atmosphere kg/m**2/s 1563 CO2 total flux to atmosphere kg/m**2/s Concept , FCode stable
Precipitation rate codes for symbol plotting 1564 Precipitation rate codes for symbol plotting Concept , FCode stable
Present Weather codes (ww-code) 1565 Present Weather codes (ww-code) Concept , FCode stable
T before dynamics 1566 T before dynamics Concept , FCode stable
T after dynamics 1567 T after dynamics Concept , FCode stable
q before dynamics 1568 q before dynamics Concept , FCode stable
q after dynamics 1569 q after dynamics Concept , FCode stable
x component of E vector = (v'**2 - u'**2) 1570 x component of E vector = (v'**2 - u'**2) Concept , FCode stable
y component of E vector = -u'v' 1571 y component of E vector = -u'v' Concept , FCode stable
z component of E vector - proportional to v'T' 1572 z component of E vector - proportional to v'T' Concept , FCode stable
Supercooled liquid water content 1573 Supercooled liquid water content Concept , FCode stable
Supercooled rain 1574 Supercooled rain Concept , FCode stable
Rain fraction 1575 Rain fraction Concept , FCode stable
Cloud composite 1576 Cloud composite Concept , FCode stable
Accumulated precipitation for 6 hours (for fieldsfiles, 1998) 1577 Accumulated precipitation for 6 hours (for fieldsfiles, 1998) Concept , FCode stable
Modified maximum gravity wave stress magnitude. Units N/m**2 1578 Modified maximum gravity wave stress magnitude. Units N/m**2 Concept , FCode stable
U in the GWD surface layer 1579 U in the GWD surface layer Concept , FCode stable
V in the GWD surface layer 1580 V in the GWD surface layer Concept , FCode stable
N in the GWD surface layer 1581 N in the GWD surface layer Concept , FCode stable
GWD surface Froude number 1582 GWD surface Froude number Concept , FCode stable
GWD Blocked Layer Depth 1583 GWD Blocked Layer Depth Concept , FCode stable
Percent of hydro GWD that is linear 1584 Percent of hydro GWD that is linear Concept , FCode stable
Percent of time with Hydr. Jumps 1585 Percent of time with Hydr. Jumps Concept , FCode stable
Percent of time with Lee Waves 1586 Percent of time with Lee Waves Concept , FCode stable
Percent of time with blocked flow 1587 Percent of time with blocked flow Concept , FCode stable
x component of GW saturation stress 1588 x component of GW saturation stress Concept , FCode stable
y component of GW saturation stress 1589 y component of GW saturation stress Concept , FCode stable
x component of GW jump stress 1590 x component of GW jump stress Concept , FCode stable
y component of GW jump stress 1591 y component of GW jump stress Concept , FCode stable
x component of GW wake stress 1592 x component of GW wake stress Concept , FCode stable
y component of GW wake stress 1593 y component of GW wake stress Concept , FCode stable
x component of GW lee stress 1594 x component of GW lee stress Concept , FCode stable
y component of GW lee stress 1595 y component of GW lee stress Concept , FCode stable
u-accel from GWD blocked flow 1596 u-accel from GWD blocked flow Concept , FCode stable
v-accel from GWD blocked flow 1597 v-accel from GWD blocked flow Concept , FCode stable
Shallow convection indicator 1598 Shallow convection indicator Concept , FCode stable
Cumulus over orography indicator 1599 Cumulus over orography indicator Concept , FCode stable
Net surface water flux/kg m**-2 s**-1 1600 Net surface water flux/kg m**-2 s**-1 Concept , FCode stable
Pressure tendency (for Thailand, 1997, system has no LBPROC) 1601 Pressure tendency (for Thailand, 1997, system has no LBPROC) Concept , FCode stable
'X' Component of Thermal Wind (corrected from u July 1998) 1602 'X' Component of Thermal Wind (corrected from u July 1998) Concept , FCode stable
'Y' Component of Thermal Wind (corrected from v July 1998) 1603 'Y' Component of Thermal Wind (corrected from v July 1998) Concept , FCode stable
Saturated specific humidity 1604 Saturated specific humidity Concept , FCode stable
Isallobaric direction ( true ) 1605 Isallobaric direction ( true ) Concept , FCode stable
Isallobaric wind speed 1606 Isallobaric wind speed Concept , FCode stable
Geostrophic wind direction ( true ) 1607 Geostrophic wind direction ( true ) Concept , FCode stable
Geostrophic wind speed 1608 Geostrophic wind speed Concept , FCode stable
Thermal wind direction ( true ) 1609 Thermal wind direction ( true ) Concept , FCode stable
ISCCP C2 high thin cloud amount 1610 ISCCP C2 high thin cloud amount Concept , FCode stable
ISCCP C2 high medium cloud amount 1611 ISCCP C2 high medium cloud amount Concept , FCode stable
ISCCP C2 high thick cloud amount 1612 ISCCP C2 high thick cloud amount Concept , FCode stable
ISCCP C2 mid-level thin cloud amount 1613 ISCCP C2 mid-level thin cloud amount Concept , FCode stable
ISCCP C2 mid-level thick cloud amount 1614 ISCCP C2 mid-level thick cloud amount Concept , FCode stable
ISCCP C2 low thin cloud amount 1615 ISCCP C2 low thin cloud amount Concept , FCode stable
ISCCP C2 low thick cloud amount 1616 ISCCP C2 low thick cloud amount Concept , FCode stable
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) minus Dew point (for forecasting se 1617 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) minus Dew point (for forecastin... Concept , FCode stable
500-850 Potential Instability Index (measure of thunder risk) 1618 500-850 Potential Instability Index (measure of thunder risk) Concept , FCode stable
Boyden Index 1619 Boyden Index Concept , FCode stable
Height of 2 deg C isotherm in feet (Navy requirement) 1620 Height of 2 deg C isotherm in feet (Navy requirement) Concept , FCode stable
Casswell maximum vertical velocity (for NMC) 1621 Casswell maximum vertical velocity (for NMC) Concept , FCode stable
Casswell height of maximum vertical velocity (for NMC) 1622 Casswell height of maximum vertical velocity (for NMC) Concept , FCode stable
Pseudo WV image from Horace - estimated radiance received 1623 Pseudo WV image from Horace - estimated radiance received Concept , FCode stable
Pseudo IR image from Horace - estimated radiance received 1624 Pseudo IR image from Horace - estimated radiance received Concept , FCode stable
Frequency unit type: 1=Hz (eg for noise fields) 1625 Frequency unit type: 1=Hz (eg for noise fields) Concept , FCode stable
Areal fraction of intensive grassland 1626 Areal fraction of intensive grassland Concept , FCode stable
Areal fraction of extensive grassland 1627 Areal fraction of extensive grassland Concept , FCode stable
CIN Convective INhibition (units J/kg) 1629 CIN Convective INhibition (units J/kg) Concept , FCode stable
Soil clay fraction (ancil) 1630 Soil clay fraction (ancil) Concept , FCode stable
Soil silt fraction (ancil) 1631 Soil silt fraction (ancil) Concept , FCode stable
Soil sand fraction (ancil) 1632 Soil sand fraction (ancil) Concept , FCode stable
Soil mass fraction, dust divisions 1->6 1633 Soil mass fraction, dust divisions 1->6 Concept , FCode stable
Mineral dust mixing ratio divisions 1->6 1634 Mineral dust mixing ratio divisions 1->6 Concept , FCode stable
Dust emission flux (kg m-2 s-1), divisions 1->6 1635 Dust emission flux (kg m-2 s-1), divisions 1->6 Concept , FCode stable
Threshold friction vel. dust divisions 1->6 1636 Threshold friction vel. dust divisions 1->6 Concept , FCode stable
Dry threshold friction vel. dust divisions 1->6 1637 Dry threshold friction vel. dust divisions 1->6 Concept , FCode stable
Friction velocity for dust 1638 Friction velocity for dust Concept , FCode stable
Dust dry dep flux from 1st lev, divisions 1->6 1639 Dust dry dep flux from 1st lev, divisions 1->6 Concept , FCode stable
Dust dry dep flux from 2nd lev, divisions 1->6 1640 Dust dry dep flux from 2nd lev, divisions 1->6 Concept , FCode stable
Dust wet dep flux from LSP, divisions 1->6 1641 Dust wet dep flux from LSP, divisions 1->6 Concept , FCode stable
Dust wet dep flux from CONV, divisions 1->6 1642 Dust wet dep flux from CONV, divisions 1->6 Concept , FCode stable
Surface dust concentration. 1643 Surface dust concentration. Concept , FCode stable
Dust concentration between 2000-5000ft. 1644 Dust concentration between 2000-5000ft. Concept , FCode stable
TOTAL DUST CONC (microg/m3) 1645 TOTAL DUST CONC (microg/m3) Concept , FCode stable
Dust emission fraction 1646 Dust emission fraction Concept , FCode stable
Mineral Dust Optical Code. 1647 Mineral Dust Optical Code. Concept , FCode stable
VIS AT 1.5M (incl ppn and dust) 1649 VIS AT 1.5M (incl ppn and dust) Concept , FCode stable
VIS IN DUST ONLY AT 1.5M 1650 VIS IN DUST ONLY AT 1.5M Concept , FCode stable
MW surface emissivity 1651 MW surface emissivity Concept , FCode stable
MW surface emissivity (stdev) 1652 MW surface emissivity (stdev) Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1653 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1654 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1655 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1656 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1657 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1658 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1659 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1660 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1661 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1662 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1663 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1664 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1665 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1666 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1667 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1668 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1669 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1670 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1671 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1672 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1673 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1674 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1675 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1676 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1677 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1678 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1679 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward 1680 Reserved Mineral Dust numbers for S Woodward Concept , FCode stable
Rain water [kg/kg] 1681 Rain water [kg/kg] Concept , FCode stable
Cape inhibition 1682 Cape inhibition Concept , FCode stable
Mass mixing ratio fresh smoke 1683 Mass mixing ratio fresh smoke Concept , FCode stable
Mass mixing ratio aged smoke 1684 Mass mixing ratio aged smoke Concept , FCode stable
Mass mixing ratio cloud smoke 1685 Mass mixing ratio cloud smoke Concept , FCode stable
Dry deposition fresh smoke 1686 Dry deposition fresh smoke Concept , FCode stable
Dry deposition aged smoke 1687 Dry deposition aged smoke Concept , FCode stable
Occult deposition cloud smoke 1688 Occult deposition cloud smoke Concept , FCode stable
Frozen cloud water (pristine crystals) [kg/kg] 1689 Frozen cloud water (pristine crystals) [kg/kg] Concept , FCode stable
C.A.T. probability derived from fieldsfiles, not model 1690 C.A.T. probability derived from fieldsfiles, not model Concept , FCode stable
LS rainout of biomass smoke 1691 LS rainout of biomass smoke Concept , FCode stable
LS washout of biomass smoke 1692 LS washout of biomass smoke Concept , FCode stable
Convective scavenging of smoke 1693 Convective scavenging of smoke Concept , FCode stable
Maximum wind gust at 10m 1694 Maximum wind gust at 10m Concept , FCode stable
Obukhov length 1695 Obukhov length Concept , FCode stable
Frictional velocity 1696 Frictional velocity Concept , FCode stable
Nominal 3D convective rainfall rate (kg/m2/s) 1697 Nominal 3D convective rainfall rate (kg/m2/s) Concept , FCode stable
Nominal 3D convective snowfall rate (kg/m2/s) 1698 Nominal 3D convective snowfall rate (kg/m2/s) Concept , FCode stable
Boundary Layer Thermal Strength (m/s) 1699 Boundary Layer Thermal Strength (m/s) Concept , FCode stable
1700 1700 Concept , FCode stable
OD 1701 OD Concept , FCode stable
OH A fuller list of descriptions is expected from 1703 OH A fuller list of descriptions is expected from Concept , FCode stable
NO 1704 NO Concept , FCode stable
NO2 12/8/99 1705 NO2 12/8/99 Concept , FCode stable
NO3 1706 NO3 Concept , FCode stable
N2O5 1707 N2O5 Concept , FCode stable
CO 1708 CO Concept , FCode stable
CH4 1709 CH4 Concept , FCode stable
HCHO 1710 HCHO Concept , FCode stable
O3 1711 O3 Concept , FCode stable
H2 1712 H2 Concept , FCode stable
HNO3 1713 HNO3 Concept , FCode stable
H2O2 1714 H2O2 Concept , FCode stable
CH3O2 1715 CH3O2 Concept , FCode stable
HO2 1716 HO2 Concept , FCode stable
C2H6 1717 C2H6 Concept , FCode stable
C2H5O2 1718 C2H5O2 Concept , FCode stable
CH3CHO 1719 CH3CHO Concept , FCode stable
CH3COO2 1720 CH3COO2 Concept , FCode stable
PAN 1721 PAN Concept , FCode stable
CH3OOH 1722 CH3OOH Concept , FCode stable
NC4H10 1723 NC4H10 Concept , FCode stable
SC4H9O2 1724 SC4H9O2 Concept , FCode stable
CH3COE 1725 CH3COE Concept , FCode stable
C2H4 1726 C2H4 Concept , FCode stable
C3H6 1727 C3H6 Concept , FCode stable
C3H8 1728 C3H8 Concept , FCode stable
C3H7O2 1729 C3H7O2 Concept , FCode stable
C3H7OOH 1730 C3H7OOH Concept , FCode stable
C2H5OOH 1731 C2H5OOH Concept , FCode stable
C4H9OOH 1732 C4H9OOH Concept , FCode stable
CH3OH 1733 CH3OH Concept , FCode stable
ACETONE 1734 ACETONE Concept , FCode stable
ACETO2 1735 ACETO2 Concept , FCode stable
CH3COX 1736 CH3COX Concept , FCode stable
CH2O2C 1737 CH2O2C Concept , FCode stable
MGLYOX 1738 MGLYOX Concept , FCode stable
CH3CHX 1739 CH3CHX Concept , FCode stable
C5H8 1740 C5H8 Concept , FCode