Entry: version mask code - showing version 1
URI: http://reference.metoffice.gov.uk/um/c4/stash/version_mask
A 20 digit binary code. Each STASH section can have up to 20 versions, and each version uses some subset of the item numbers in that section. Version 0 of a section is the null version, i.e. that section is not activated, so none of the STASH items in that section would be available to the run. The UM inputs define which versions of each section are available. Some sections use i_
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date submitted |
27 Aug 2014 14:35:03.557
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object property
| Property
label |
version mask code
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status stable
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register item
version info |
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A 20 digit binary code. Each STASH section can have up to 20 versions, and each version uses some subset of the item numbers in that section. Version 0 of a section is the null version, i.e. that section is not activated, so none of the STASH items in that section would be available to the run. The UM inputs define which versions of each section are available. Some sections use i_<section>_vn runtime variables to select the various versions, other only have a single version available. The version mask digits are numbered from right to left; a 1 in position N implies that this item is available to version N of that section. A 0 implies that it is not. E.g. a section version of 6A (or 6B or 6C, etc.) would have a version mask of 00000000000000100000
A single UM routine src/control/top_level/h_vers_mod.F90 maintains the links between the runtime code and the version mask in the STASHmaster, so to check whether a diagnostic is actually available to a certain code version.
domain |
STASH record
label |
version mask code
range |
type |
object property
| Property