Entry: 5. surface visibility ≥ 3700m and base of cloud ≥ 700ft


URI: http://reference.metoffice.gov.uk/aviation/categorisedObservations/SurfaceVisibilityAndBaseOfCloudLayer/VisibilityAtLeast3700mAndCloudAtLeast700ft    

The surface visibilty is at least 3700m and the height above ground level of the Base of the lowest Cloud Layer for 3/8 Cloud (or SCT) or more is at least 700ft.

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is a Concept | node shape
submitted bymarqH
accepted on 9 Sep 2019 14:13:38.595

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date accepted 9 Sep 2019 14:13:38.595
date submitted 19 Jul 2019 10:08:31.838
entity 5. surface visibility ≥ 3700m and base of cloud ≥ 700ft
source graph graph

description The surface visibilty is at least 3700m and the height above ground level of the Base of the lowest Cloud Layer for 3/8 Cloud (or SCT) or more is at least 700ft.
item class node shape | Concept
label 5. surface visibility ≥ 3700m and base of cloud ≥ 700ft
notation VisibilityAtLeast3700mAndCloudAtLeast700ft
register surface visibility and base of cloud layer
status status experimental
account name https://api.github.com/users/marqh
name marqH

type register item
version info 2
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description The surface visibilty is at least 3700m and the height above ground level of the Base of the lowest Cloud Layer for 3/8 Cloud (or SCT) or more is at least 700ft.
label 5. surface visibility ≥ 3700m and base of cloud ≥ 700ft
not threshold Visibility 5000m Cloud 1500ft
property threshold Visibility 3700m Cloud 700ft
target class observation collection
type Concept | node shape