Entry: 7. Red


URI: http://reference.metoffice.gov.uk/aviation/UKAerodromeColourStates/RED    

The height above ground level of the Base of the lowest Cloud Layer for 3/8 Cloud (or SCT) or more is below 200ft or the sky is obscured or the surface visibilty is less than 800m.

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is a Concept
submitted bymarqH
accepted on 9 Sep 2019 14:14:28.252

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date accepted 9 Sep 2019 14:14:28.252
date submitted 9 Sep 2019 12:57:42.598
entity 7. Red
source graph graph

en The surface visibilty is less than 800m or the height above ground level of the Base of the lowest Cloud Layer for 3/8 Cloud (or SCT) or more is below 200ft or the sky is obscured.
en The height above ground level of the Base of the lowest Cloud Layer for 3/8 Cloud (or SCT) or more is below 200ft or the sky is obscured or the surface visibilty is less than 800m.
item class Concept
label 7. Red
notation RED
register uKAerodrome colour states
status status experimental
account name https://api.github.com/users/marqh
name marqH

type register item
version info 2
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en The height above ground level of the Base of the lowest Cloud Layer for 3/8 Cloud (or SCT) or more is below 200ft or the sky is obscured or the surface visibilty is less than 800m.
en The surface visibilty is less than 800m or the height above ground level of the Base of the lowest Cloud Layer for 3/8 Cloud (or SCT) or more is below 200ft or the sky is obscured.
label 7. Red
notation RED
shapes graph visibility less than800m or cloud below200ft
type Concept