Entry: Data Distribution - showing version 4


URI: http://reference.metoffice.gov.uk/DataCategories/modcat/DataDistribution    

A realisation of a DataAsset, encoded in a payload such as a file or API response. A DataAsset might be available in multiple DataDistribution instances: serializations that may differ in various ways, including natural language, media-type or format, schematic organization, temporal and spatial resolution, level of detail or profiles (which might specify any or all of the above). DataDistributions of the same Dataset are about the same data, presented in different forms: no data value transformation shall exist between DataDistributions of the same DataSet. A DataDistribtion may be a defined subset of a DataAsset providing it is not transforming the data values.

Core metadata

is a Class
changed on 13 Jul 2023 10:53:03.313
submitted bymo-marqh
accepted on 14 Jun 2022 08:02:36.559

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#downloadFormat("RDF ttl", "ttl") #downloadFormat("RDF/XML", "rdf") #downloadFormat("JSON-LD", "jsonld") #downloadFormat("CSV", "csv")

All metadata properties

date accepted 14 Jun 2022 08:02:36.559
date submitted 1 Jun 2022 08:23:10.016
entity Data Distribution
source graph graph

description A realisation of a DataAsset, encoded in a payload such as a file or API response. A DataAsset might be available in multiple DataDistribution instances: serializations that may differ in various ways, including natural language, media-type or format, schematic organization, temporal and spatial resolution, level of detail or profiles (which might specify any or all of the above). DataDistributions of the same Dataset are about the same data, presented in different forms: no data value transformation shall exist between DataDistributions of the same DataSet. A DataDistribtion may be a defined subset of a DataAsset providing it is not transforming the data values.
item class Class
label Data Distribution
modified 13 Jul 2023 10:53:03.313
notation DataDistribution
register modcat
status status experimental
account name https://api.github.com/users/mo-marqh
name mo-marqh

type register item
version info 4
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description A realisation of a DataAsset, encoded in a payload such as a file or API response. A DataAsset might be available in multiple DataDistribution instances: serializations that may differ in various ways, including natural language, media-type or format, schematic organization, temporal and spatial resolution, level of detail or profiles (which might specify any or all of the above). DataDistributions of the same Dataset are about the same data, presented in different forms: no data value transformation shall exist between DataDistributions of the same DataSet. A DataDistribtion may be a defined subset of a DataAsset providing it is not transforming the data values.
label Data Distribution
sub class of Distribution | Data Asset
type Class