Entry: Archived


URI: http://reference.metoffice.gov.uk/DataCategories/data-status/Archived    

This data can still be used but may take longer to access as it is stored in a less frequently used storage medium.

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is a Concept | data status
submitted byfeggleton

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date submitted 17 Feb 2025 17:23:39.773
entity Archived
source graph graph

description This data can still be used but may take longer to access as it is stored in a less frequently used storage medium.
item class Concept | data status
label Archived
notation Archived
register data status
status status experimental
account name https://api.github.com/users/feggleton
name feggleton

type register item
version info 1
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description This data can still be used but may take longer to access as it is stored in a less frequently used storage medium.
label Archived
notation Archived
type Concept | Environmental Data Status