Register: STASH



A Storage handling & diagnostic system (STASH) record, as used in STASHmaster

Contents Show as class diagram

Name Notation Description Types Status
STASH record Stash A Storage handling & diagnostic system (STASH) record, as use... Class , Class stable
not used - set to 0. blev not used - set to 0. object property , Property stable
Met08 field code cfff Met08 field code object property , Property stable
Met08 level code cfll Met08 level code object property , Property stable
Data type code dataT Data type code object property , Property stable
PP LBPACK code for data in the dump. dumpP PP LBPACK code for data in the dump. object property , Property stable
Grid type code grid Grid type code object property , Property stable
Halo code halo Halo code object property , Property stable
in release in_release in unified model release object property , Property stable
Item identifier item numbers are in the range 1-999 (1-512 pre-vn8.6). object property , Property stable
PP vertical coordinate type. lbvc PP vertical coordinate type. object property , Property stable
The level compression flag levCom The level compression flag object property , Property stable
The first level code levelF The first level code object property , Property stable
The last level code levelL The last level code object property , Property stable
The level type code levelT The level type code object property , Property stable
Model identifier model object property , Property stable
Name name is a 36-character description of the STASH item. SI units are... object property , Property stable
The sectional option code. option_code The sectional option code. object property , Property stable
Packing accuracy code pc1 Packing accuracy code object property , Property stable
Packing accuracy code pc2 Packing accuracy code object property , Property stable
Packing accuracy code pc3 Packing accuracy code object property , Property stable
Packing accuracy code pc4 Packing accuracy code object property , Property stable
Packing accuracy code pc5 Packing accuracy code object property , Property stable
Packing accuracy code pc6 Packing accuracy code object property , Property stable
Packing accuracy code pc7 Packing accuracy code object property , Property stable
Packing accuracy code pc8 Packing accuracy code object property , Property stable
Packing accuracy code pc9 Packing accuracy code object property , Property stable
Packing accuracy code pcA Packing accuracy code object property , Property stable
Section zero point-back point Section zero point-back. This is used for non-section 0 items... object property , Property stable
PP field code ppfc PP field code object property , Property stable
First pseudo level code pseduF First pseudo level code object property , Property stable
Last pseudo level code pseudL Last pseudo level code object property , Property stable
Pseudo level type pseudT Pseudo level type object property , Property stable
not used - set to 0. rblevv not used - set to 0. object property , Property stable
Rotation code rotate Rotation code object property , Property stable
Section identifier section numbers are in the range 0-50. Section 0 is for primary field... object property , Property stable
Space space The space code. Specifies the space requirements of a STASH i... object property , Property stable
Time availability code time Time Availability code object property , Property stable
not used - set to 0. tlev not used - set to 0. object property , Property stable
Not used. user Not used. object property , Property stable
version mask code version_mask A 20 digit binary code. Each STASH section can have up to 20 ... object property , Property stable