Register: space code



The space code. Specifies the space requirements of a STASH item. If a diagnostic is calculated only when required by STASH (i.e. under a STASH flag), or is only copied to STASHwork under a STASH flag, then the space code is 0.

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is a Collection | Register | Container
submitted bymarqh (admin)

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comment The space code. Specifies the space requirements of a STASH item. If a diagnostic is calculated only when required by STASH (i.e. under a STASH flag), or is only copied to STASHwork under a STASH flag, then the space code is 0.
label space code
member Extra items at the end of D1 for internal fields (i.e. fields required through the timestep, derived from dump fields), including LBC input fields. | Non-primary field which points back to a section 0 field. | Section 0, 33 or 34 items only: primary field available to STASH. | Field not held in D1 or the dump, including LBC output fields. | Diagnostic field for which space is required only when the diagnostic is requested. | Section 0, 33 or 34 items only: primary field unavailable to STASH which is addressed in the dump and D1. This is the case for fields which are not full horizontal fields, especially those compressed onto land points only.
membership predicate member
modified 27 Aug 2014 14:35:02.752
note The space code. Specifies the space requirements of a STASH item. If a diagnostic is calculated only when required by STASH (i.e. under a STASH flag), or is only copied to STASHwork under a STASH flag, then the space code is 0.
pref label space code
type Collection | Register | Container
version info 1
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Name Notation Description Types Status
Diagnostic field for which space is required only when the diagnostic is requested. 0 Diagnostic field for which space is required only when the di... Concept stable
Section 0, 33 or 34 items only: primary field available to STASH. 2 Section 0, 33 or 34 items only: primary field available to ST... Concept stable
Section 0, 33 or 34 items only: primary field unavailable to STASH which is addressed in the dump and D1. This is the case for fields which are not full horizontal fields, especially those compressed onto land points only. 3 Section 0, 33 or 34 items only: primary field unavailable to ... Concept stable
Non-primary field which points back to a section 0 field. 7 Non-primary field which points back to a section 0 field. Concept stable
Extra items at the end of D1 for internal fields (i.e. fields required through the timestep, derived from dump fields), including LBC input fields. 9 Extra items at the end of D1 for internal fields (i.e. fields... Concept stable
Field not held in D1 or the dump, including LBC output fields. 10 Field not held in D1 or the dump, including LBC output fields... Concept stable