Register: UK Colour States



UK Military Aerodrome Colour States for Observations and Measurements used for Met Office Aviation.

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is a Register | Container | concept scheme
submitted bymarqH
accepted on 9 Sep 2019 14:13:11.901

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description UK Military Aerodrome Colour States for Observations and Measurements used for Met Office Aviation.
is member of relation in scheme
label UK Colour States
modified 9 Sep 2019 12:57:42.587
type Register | Container | concept scheme
version info 1
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Name Notation Description Types Status
6. Amber AMB The surface visibilty is at least 800m and the height above ... Concept experimental
8. Black BLACK Airfield not usable for reasons other than cloud or visibilit... Concept experimental
1. Blue BLU The surface visibilty is at least 8000m and the height above... Concept experimental
3. Green GRN The surface visibilty is at least 3700m and the height above... Concept experimental
9. Missing Missing The colour state information is missing. Concept experimental
7. Red RED The height above ground level of the Base of the lowest Cloud... Concept experimental
2. White WHT The surface visibilty is at least 5000m and the height above... Concept experimental
4. Yellow 1 YLO1 The surface visibilty is at least 2500m and the height above... Concept experimental
5. Yellow 2 YLO2 The surface visibilty is at least 1600m and the height above... Concept experimental