Register: UK Colour States
UK Military Aerodrome Colour States for Observations and Measurements used for Met Office Aviation.
Core metadata
is a | Register | Container | concept scheme |
submitted by | marqH |
accepted on | 9 Sep 2019 14:13:11.901 |
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description |
UK Military Aerodrome Colour States for Observations and Measurements used for Met Office Aviation.
is member of relation |
in scheme
label |
UK Colour States
modified |
9 Sep 2019 12:57:42.587
type |
| Container
| concept scheme
version info |
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Name | Notation | Description | Types | Status |
6. Amber | AMB | The surface visibilty is at least 800m and the height above ... | Concept | experimental |
8. Black | BLACK | Airfield not usable for reasons other than cloud or visibilit... | Concept | experimental |
1. Blue | BLU | The surface visibilty is at least 8000m and the height above... | Concept | experimental |
3. Green | GRN | The surface visibilty is at least 3700m and the height above... | Concept | experimental |
9. Missing | Missing | The colour state information is missing. | Concept | experimental |
7. Red | RED | The height above ground level of the Base of the lowest Cloud... | Concept | experimental |
2. White | WHT | The surface visibilty is at least 5000m and the height above... | Concept | experimental |
4. Yellow 1 | YLO1 | The surface visibilty is at least 2500m and the height above... | Concept | experimental |
5. Yellow 2 | YLO2 | The surface visibilty is at least 1600m and the height above... | Concept | experimental |