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- _modcat
Register: Environmental Data Classification
URI: http://reference.metoffice.gov.uk/DataCategories/modcat
The Met Office Environmental Data Classification model. This model is an targeted extension of the W3 DCAT information model. All of the W3 DCAT relations may be applied to this model: https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-3/.
Core metadata
is a | Ontology | Register | Container |
submitted by | mo-marqh |
accepted on | 14 Jun 2022 08:02:29.755 |
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RDF ttl | plain | with metadata |
RDF/XML | plain | with metadata |
JSON-LD | plain | with metadata |
CSV | plain | with metadata |
ROR | plain | |
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All properties of the register
description |
The Met Office Environmental Data Classification model. This model is an targeted extension of the W3 DCAT information model. All of the W3 DCAT relations may be applied to this model: https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-3/.
label |
Environmental Data Classification
member |
Data Distribution
| has part
| Data Readiness
| Data Type
| Data Asset Series
| In Series
| Data Product
| derived from
| Data Asset
| distribution
| has data type
modified |
27 Jun 2023 16:14:55.525
relation |
type |
| Register
| Container
version info |
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Contents Show as class diagram
Name | Notation | Description | Types | Status |
Data Asset | DataAsset | A constrained, tangible environmental data entity, a data pay... | Class | experimental |
Data Asset Series | DataAssetSeries | A grouping of Environmental Data that share common characteri... | Class | experimental |
Data Distribution | DataDistribution | A realisation of a DataAsset, encoded in a payload such as a ... | Class | experimental |
Data Product | DataProduct | A Product comprised of Environmental Data. The specification... | Class | experimental |
Data Readiness | DataReadiness | A defined data readiness category. | Class | experimental |
Data Type | DataType | A categorisation of environmental data based on inherent qual... | Class | experimental |
derived from | derivedFrom | A Data Asset that this Data Asset is derived from. | object property | experimental |
distribution | distribution | An available concrete distribution of the dataset. | object property | experimental |
has data type | hasDataType | The data-type of the entity. | object property | experimental |
has part | hasPart | A Data Asset that forms a part or portion of this Data Asset. | object property | experimental |
In Series | inSeries | A Dataset Series that the dataset is part of. A specificatio... | object property | experimental |